Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 300 Table of contents

"Let's enter."


The door creaked open.

We walked into the room.

It was the Academy's Vice Principal's office.

Inside, Professor Cromwell was organizing some documents.

Professor Cromwell was in good health, despite being bandaged in a few places. He moved around comfortably.

"Rie? ...Rudy?"

"Ha ha... Hello..."

Cromwell looked at us, puzzled.

There was a good reason for that.

It was because I was being carried by Rie.

To me, the sight of being carried by Rie, who was much smaller, was ridiculous.

But there was no other way to get here.

My legs were injured, and I couldn't use mana.

"What a sight... No, more importantly, what brings you here?"

Rie answered.

"Could we meet Daemon for a moment?"


Cromwell furrowed his brow.

Seeing that, I spoke up.

"It'll only be for a short while. We're not up to anything strange."

"It's not hard to meet him, but I wonder if there's really a need."

"We just want to clear up some lingering issues."

I wanted to put an end to all this.

"Well, I won't stop you then."

Cromwell walked to the back of the Vice Principal's office.

There was a small room there.

When he opened the door to the room, there were bars.

It was a space normally used by the Vice Principal as a private room, but now it was being used as a temporary prison.

Looking inside, Daemon, blindfolded and gagged, with his body restrained, was visible.

He was covered in numerous wounds and was breathing heavily in pain.

"Rie, could you put me down?"

When I tapped Rie's arm, she looked at me with a pout.

"I wanted to stay like this."



Cromwell coughed and turned his head.

"Just for a moment."

"Hmm... Fine, I'll make an exception."

Rie, delighted about something, smiled brightly and put me down.

I sat on the floor and looked at Professor Cromwell.

He used magic, and Daemon's blindfold and gag were removed.

"Is this our first real conversation?"

I looked at Daemon and said.

Daemon frowned and quietly opened his mouth.

"Did you come to mock me?"

"Well, there's that. But I came for my own satisfaction."

"Satisfaction, huh. Fine, talk all you want. A stupid loser doesn't have a choice."

Daemon laughed bitterly.

I looked at him and said.

"I'm going to make the Empire the best country in history."


"Better than any other time before, the most comfortable and best place to live."

I thought the rebels' process was wrong, not the outcome they wanted.

"I will provide food and welfare to the neglected people on the outskirts of the Empire and give proper punishment to the corrupt nobles, creating the most ideal Empire."

I continued.

"Even those without money will have access to education, talented individuals will be given high positions, and there will be no discrimination or oppression."

Daemon narrowed his brows.

"Are you trying to comfort me?"

"Comfort? Like I said, I came to mock."

I laughed.

"I'm going to prove it. That all of you, who sacrificed countless people and tried to turn the world upside down, were wrong. That the world can be changed without such actions."

I didn't like their process or their beliefs.

The sacrifice of countless people.

I despised those who killed innocent people to change the world.

"These words are my last gift to you. A final gift for the pitiful you. Just watch how the world changes. Watch how I succeed in changing the world."

He's going to die soon.

He'll probably be executed in the capital of the Empire.

What happens after death, who knows?

Maybe there's an afterlife.

Of course, I said this, but honestly, it wasn't for him.

It was my vow.

My vow to change the world.

Daemon smirked.

"Go ahead, try. Prove it. Whether we were right or you were. I'll be waiting on the other side."


I laughed.


"Rudy! Hurry up and come out!"

"We should have left earlier."

Two people rushed out of the carriage.

"Aren't we late?"

"It probably hasn't started yet."

As soon as the two came out of the carriage, they ran at full speed.

It was their first time back at the Academy in a while, but there was no time to enjoy the scenery.

"I'm going to get an earful from Rie and Yuni..."

"That's why I said we should go with Rie..."

"How can we? The research wasn't finished. But we're not completely late."

While running, the two saw a banner hanging far away on the Auditorium.

The 103rd Liberion Academy Graduation Ceremony.

Loud noises were coming from the Auditorium where the banner was hanging.

"Ah, ah. We will now commence the Graduation Ceremony. Will the Valedictorian of the Graduates please come forward?"

Yuni, who was backstage, looked around after hearing the announcer.

"When is senior coming?"

"I don't know. Sigh... I came here early because he insisted on leaving late. Luna said she would bring him on time."

Rie sighed at Yuni's words.

The announcer's voice was heard again.


"...Shouldn't you go up?"


Rie sighed and walked up towards the stage.

-The 103rd Liberion Academy Graduation Ceremony.

Far in the distance, someone running towards the back of the stage was spotted.

"Uh... Astina."

"What's going on? Why is Rie going up?"

"Senior was late."


Then, a person walked towards Yuni and Astina.

"What are you talking about?"



Yuni and Astina broke out in cold sweat upon seeing the person's face.

It was Cromwell, the current Principal of Liberion Academy.

Cromwell, who was originally the Vice Principal, had become the Principal after the war ended.

Well, to be exact, he was forced into the position.

The previous Principal, McDowell, had dumped the position on him.

"I told you to drag them here on time if you had to..."



Yuni laughed awkwardly, and Astina turned her head away as if she didn't know anything, sweating profusely on her back.

Cromwell was usually a kind and good person, but when he got angry like that, he became very troublesome.

Yuni and Astina looked at each other.

'We need to get past this situation.'

Following Yuni's cue, Astina nodded.

'Yeah, I'll get us through this.'

They communicated with their eyes, smiled, and Astina began to speak.

"Professor, being late doesn't mean what you think."


Yuni continued.

"They arrived earlier but met someone they know..."

"They run into someone and that's why they're late for the Graduation Ceremony?"

"This is about the business Rudy is working on! It's related to that person. Of course, the Graduation Ceremony is important, but work is more important, right?"

As Yuni was explaining, Rie began her speech on stage.

"It's already been three years since we enrolled. We entered during the cherry blossom season..."

Rie started her speech.

Cromwell sighed as the Graduation Ceremony had already started.

"Are you sure they're coming soon?"

"Yes~ Of course~."


Cromwell responded and walked back to his seat.

He couldn't leave his place since the Graduation Ceremony was underway.


"It looks like we've passed the crisis."

Yuni and Astina said, giving each other a small high-five.

"But will they make it before the ceremony ends?"

"I don't know about that."

"If they don't come..."

Astina looked at Cromwell with trembling teeth.

It was clear that dealing with Cromwell's nagging would be a headache.

"Ah, but. It doesn't seem like it."


Two people burst into the Auditorium.

It was Luna and Rudy.

"Pant... Pant..."

"Are we, are we late?"

The eyes of everyone in the Auditorium turned towards them.

Yuni laughed awkwardly.

"Ahaha... That's quite the entrance, senior."

"Could've at least tried to come in quietly."

Astina grabbed her head as if it was a headache, and Rie, who was stalling for time on stage, paused for a moment at Rudy's entrance.

"Ah... Um..."

Then, after mumbling for a bit, she smiled brightly and said,

"Let me introduce him. The Valedictorian, Rudy Astria."

The Auditorium buzzed at Rie's words.

"Ah, that person is..."


Rudy, noticing the reaction of the crowd, adjusted his attire and walked slowly.

Cutting through the crowd, he made his way up to the stage.

Reaching Rie, Rudy got poked in the ribs by her, and she quietly said,

"I need to talk to you later."

"…Thank you."

Rudy quietly thanked Rie and then grabbed the voice-amplifying magical device.

"Good day. I am Rudy Astria."

Rudy said, smiling brightly.

But sweat was running down his back.

He hadn't prepared.

He had completely forgotten.

That as the Valedictorian, he had to say something.

It was something that shouldn't have been forgotten, yet he had.

What to do.

He had blanked.


That's when Rudy remembered.

The speech he gave when he first enrolled...

After a brief moment of contemplation, he made his decision.

And then he spoke.

"My time at the Academy was really fun!"

What's the use of a long speech?

It's only boring.

Rudy thought so and smiled broadly.

"Thank you. This has been Valedictorian, Rudy Astria! That's all."


[raei: Heya, the next chap is just an author note, so I've posted it at the bottom instead. The next five chaps after this are side stories that I will be doing as well.]


This is Yoon Maemi (윤매미), the author who became the Academy's second seat.

I was supposed to post a review yesterday, but it was delayed by a day, haha...

Finally, as of yesterday, I became the Academy's second seat.

The series is now complete.

Yesterday marked exactly one year since the start of last year's contest.

To think it's been a year since I started posting and reached the 300th episode... It wasn't planned, but it turned out that way.

Regardless of the numbers, I'm just happy to have finished it!

Writing this work for a year has been truly wonderful.

It received a lot of attention and even won awards in competitions...

Though it was tough, I can confidently say these were some of the happiest days of my life.

To share a bit more about the story, it's about Rudy's growth.

Rudy, who initially cared only about his own survival, gradually grew to care for his friends, then the people of the Academy, and eventually everyone in the Empire.

He worked hard and ultimately achieved his goals.

There was a lot of growth besides that.

He helped someone, and in turn, received help.

He received one-sided help from his mentor.

And he gave one-sided help to others.

This story is about others becoming more than just 'others.'

It's about choosing the 1% chance to save someone else, even if you can survive 100% on your own.

That's the conclusion of this story.

There were some hiccups along the way, but I'm glad I didn't lose sight of the path to completion...haha


About the side stories, I might post it irregularly.

After posting for a year, my body's a bit worn out, and I'd like to take a few days off to relax...

The side stories, coming after a few days off, will be so sweet it'll rot your teeth...!

That's the format all the side stories will take.

So, that's it!

Until now!

This has been Yoon Maemi (윤매미), the author who became the Academy's second seat!

Thank you!

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