Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 302 Table of contents

A few days later, I went to the Persia mansion in the capital to meet Astina.

We had originally made a promise around this time.

The appointment was set for business reasons.

I had consulted Astina on the commercial aspects of a project I was working on, so it was related to that.

However, the real reason for making this appointment was different.

I made the appointment at this time to tell Astina about my intentions.

To be with everyone.

To put it bluntly, I aim to spread my affections widely.

I have confirmed their feelings.

Yuni, Rie, Luna, Astina - I already know how they feel.

But that doesn't mean they would allow me to be with everyone.

Everyone has a desire to monopolize the person they love.

"Has Rudy arrived?"

When I arrived at the Persia mansion, Astina came forward with a smile in her eyes.

She was wearing casual leather clothes.

Nobles usually don't wear such leather clothes, but it was comfortable for everyday wear, so it wasn't an inappropriate outfit for the mansion.

Of course, that didn't detract from Astina's charm.

The clothes clung tightly, highlighting her figure, and the casual atmosphere somehow stirred my heart.


Whether it was because I came to confess to her, or because of her figure-highlighting outfit, there was an awkward feeling.

"Don't just stand there, come inside."

Astina gestured for me to follow her inside. I nodded in response.

"What would you like to drink? Just coffee?"

"No, could I have something cold, please?"

"Because of the hot weather?"

"Ah… yes."

It wasn't because of the weather.

I just wanted something cold because my throat was parched.

What should I say?

I had prepared what to say, but I didn't know how to bring up the topic.

Astina moved to get it herself.

I was puzzled.

Why was she going herself?

Usually, she would have asked a maid to do it.

It was natural for the Persia family, which was almost a ducal family, to have maids for such chores.

But her going by herself just left me confused.

Astina brought back some hot tea for herself and water with ice for me.

"There are no maids in the house right now, so all I can offer is water."

"No maids?"

"Yeah, I gave them a little break."

"Even the maids for chores like this?"

"Yeah, everyone needs to rest. It was a bit much to give them time off during the coronation, so I sent them now."

"I see…"

After the coronation, Astina would also take a break, so she would need people to attend to her.

Astina, who always gives her best in everything she does, was taking her rest seriously as well.

"Anyway, this isn't what I came here to talk about, right?"

"Ah, yes. Shall we talk about work then?"

Astina and I started a serious conversation with documents laid out in front of us.

Talking about work made me feel a bit more at ease, but there was a hint of tension thinking about the hidden story I needed to bring up.

"Then, it's best to do it this way. Should the Persia territory support the food supply?"

"Right? We've always done it that way."

As time went by, we gradually wrapped up the work discussion.

"Thank you. This was very helpful."


The problem was that I couldn't find the right timing to bring up my topic.

Wouldn't it be too strange to mention love or marriage in the middle of a work conversation?

"Ha. Ha. Ha."

I laughed awkwardly and looked for Astina's reaction. Then, Astina looked at me with a pleased smile.

"Why do you look like that?"

Astina leaned her elbows on the desk and rested her chin on her hands.

She looked at me with warm eyes.

It was as if she found my hesitant demeanor amusing.

I carefully asked Astina.

"... do you know?"

"Ho-ho, know what?"


The one who taught me about jewel crafting was none other than Astina.

And if Astina, who runs a commercial territory, knew... she might have found out that I made a ring.

I looked at Astina with suspicion. Even as I stared, Astina just smiled broadly.

"So, don't you have something to say?"

"...Yes, I do."

"Then say it... no, wait. Just wait a moment."

Saying that, Astina started rummaging through her drawer. The item that came out of Astina's drawer was...

"...A recording stone?"

"Alright. Now you can say it. Ho-ho..."

Astina said with a big smile.

"Ah, no. Senior. Why the recording stone...?"

"If not this, then what should I use? It's a once-in-a-lifetime event."

"You knew, then..."

Astina shrugged her shoulders.

"How could I not know when you were asking so much about jewel crafting? In that regard, it was your mistake for not being more cautious."

Astina was unabashed.

Not that Astina did anything wrong.

It's not like her saying that would stop me from speaking my mind.

I swallowed hard and looked at Astina.

As I silently stared at Astina, she was somewhat awkward, her laughter subsided, and her face turned red.

I gathered my courage to speak, but the recording stone in front of me caught my eye.

"Could you please put away that recording stone?"

"No! Why are you hesitating so much! Just spit it out! This is frustrating...!"

"Ahem... Okay."

With that, I steadied myself again and began to speak.



"...Would you marry me?"

As I said this, Astina's face turned as red as her hair.

The usually cool and composed Astina was nowhere to be found.

Instead, there was only a girl who had never been in love before.

"Ah, um, ahem, uh..."

Astina hesitated and lowered her head.

Then, she briefly looked up, our eyes met, and she quickly lowered her head again, only making a sighing noise.

"...You knew I was going to say this, didn't you?"

"I did know... but it's different when it actually happens...!"

"What's different...?"

"It's the mix of joy and embarrassment when imagination becomes reality..."

Astina spoke faster and more chatteringly than usual.

Of course, she still couldn't look me in the eyes. She just kept her head down and mumbled.

I watched Astina like this and quietly opened my mouth.


"Uh... Yes..."

Astina responded, and I spoke again.

"I love you."


Astina shrank more and more. Seeing Astina turn into a little girl made me chuckle.

"Why do you keep reacting like that?"


Astina didn't say anything and covered her flushed face with her hands. She couldn't cover her beet-red ears and neck, though.

I teased Astina playfully.

"Senior, you have to answer."

"...Okay, I like it."

Astina replied in a voice that seemed to retreat into itself.

I teased her further.

"When you talk, you should look into the other person's eyes, Senior."

Astina quietly peered through her fingers. Her eyes were shaking, and it seemed like tears were about to form.

"Okay, I like it...!"

I smiled at Astina's reaction.

"Why are you so cute today when you're always so dignified?"


"Yes, you're very cute. So cute, I want to bite you."


Astina's reaction to every word was cuter than ever before.

Of course, I might be biased, but what does it matter? Actually, I might even prefer it if she only looked beautiful in my eyes.

I wanted to enjoy this sight all to myself. Despite my wishes, Astina looked objectively beautiful at this moment.

Even in her plain leather clothes, even without any fancy decorations on her, she was more beautiful than ever before.

"What are you staring at like that!"

"What's wrong with it? I should etch this beautiful sight into my eyes. Oh, I don't even need just my eyes for that."

I looked at the recording stone laid out in front of me. I turned the recording stone, which was facing me, towards Astina.

"Look here."

"What, what... Put, put it away. Pu..."

"Come on, Astina wanted to capture my appearance too, right? I feel the same way."

Astina had dug her own grave.

"Smile now."

"Put it, put it away...!"

Astina flailed her arms, yelling at me. I just dodged her arms with a grin.

After teasing Astina for a bit...

"...Did you enjoy teasing me like that?"

"It's not about enjoying the teasing, but because you looked so pretty that I felt good."

"What... How can you say such things so easily...!"

"Right? It was a bit hard before, but once you do it, it becomes easy."

I had never expressed affection like this to anyone else.

Of course, being busy with other things played a part, but it also happened because I didn't keep at it.

But once I started, expressions of affection flowed. Or, maybe I had been holding back all along.

I had worried a lot and wondered if it was right for me to be with everyone.

Expressing affection to someone and then rejecting them would cause a lot of hurt. I was afraid of this.

"But it's nice. Saying it out loud feels somewhat refreshing."

"...But you."

Astina narrowed her eyes and looked at me. I tilted my head in response.


"You didn't come here just to say that, did you?"


I stared blankly at Astina and then widened my eyes.

I had been focused on confessing and had completely forgotten something important.

"A war hero like you shouldn't be so careless..."

"Ahem... That's something my wives can take care of."


Yes. What I hadn't mentioned was whether it was okay to marry everyone together.

I originally planned to explain this while confessing, but I forgot because I was flustered.

I straightened myself up and looked at Astina again. Astina sighed and looked into my eyes. I asked with a smile removed from my face.

"So... can I be with everyone?"

Astina glared at me.

But it wasn't the look of someone who sees a person they dislike.

Though she was glaring, her eyes were filled with affection.



"How would you feel if I dated another man?"

"...It would tear my heart apart. I would do whatever it takes to stop it."

I had already made up my mind about everything. I liked everyone. I had accepted that.

"So, how do you think I would feel?"

"...Probably similar."

"Similar, yes. But not to that extent."

At that, I widened my eyes.

"I knew to some extent. I was actually afraid of not being chosen. You could have chosen just one."

I looked at Astina with a bit of anxiety. Astina saw this and gave me a small smile.

"You don't need to make that face. My answer is simple."


"Do as you wish. I won't actively stop you."


"Yes. It doesn't seem like stopping you would work anyway. After giving it some thought, such a life might not be so bad."

Hearing that made me feel completely at ease. A warm feeling spread throughout my body.



Feeling this, I rushed towards Astina.

"What is this...!"

Astina was tightly hugged in my arms, her eyes wide open.

Her face, which had just returned to its original color, reddened again.

I wanted to see Astina's expression, but I also didn't want to let go of the warmth of her body.

I quietly said, feeling Astina's warmth.

"Thank you."

My body was trembling slightly.

All the tension had been released, leaving me feeling a bit dazed.

Feeling this, Astina, who was surprised, raised her hand to my back.

"You must have been very anxious."

"How could I not be? I'm undertaking such a reckless challenge."

"Haven't you faced even more reckless challenges before?"

"This challenge was more nerve-wracking for me than those."

I said, laughing softly while still holding Astina. Astina gently patted my back.

"Give it your best shot. You still have 3 more to go, right?"

"Yes, I will try."

I stayed quietly in Astina's embrace for a while.

It was truly a comforting time while we were hugging. After a moment, I gently pushed Astina away from the hug. Then, holding Astina's hand, I spoke.

"I'll be going now."

"Are you busy?"

"Yes, there's a lot to prepare."

Astina gave a toothy smile. I brought my face close to Astina's. With a soft touch,


It was a gentle bump.

Astina's eyes widened as she clutched her lips.

I smiled at her reaction and reached into my pocket.

"I have something for you."

Out of the pocket came a small ring.

A ring with a ruby, crafted by a jeweler, made especially for Astina.

I took Astina's hand and lifted it. Then, I carefully slid the ring onto her ring finger.

"Please, don't ever take off this ring."

I said and stepped back.

"I'll be going then."

I waved at a dazed Astina and headed out.


After Rudy left, Astina, lying on the bed, fiddled with her lips and looked at the ring on her hand.

She wore an uncharacteristically silly smile, continuously playing with the ring.

How many hours had passed? Astina, smiling contentedly, spoke up.

"Come in!"

She yelled out loud, but no sound came in response. Feeling something was off, Astina was about to yell again.

"Come in..."

That's when Astina realized.

There were no servants in the mansion. That's right.

Astina had forgotten one thing. The reason she had given all the servants a holiday.

Despite the empty house, Astina had just let Rudy go.

"This can't be..."

Astina rushed to the bathroom.

The bathtub was filled with water, warmed by a heat preservation spell. Everything was prepared for their first night together.

She had sent all the servants on holiday, despite the inconvenience.

The bathtub was ready with warm water.

And the master bedroom, unused by Astina, was beautifully decorated. Yet, Astina had just let Rudy go.

"This, this can't be...!"

Astina was caught off guard by Rudy's many advances and forgot her own plans.

Astina sighed deeply.

"...Is there no other way?"

The opportunity wasn't just for today.

Now that she was destined to be his wife, there would be almost endless time to be together with Rudy.

Astina soon looked at the bathtub with a small smile.

"The husband will take care of it."

The thought of taking the lead herself was fun, but imagining Rudy leading was equally entertaining.

"Since the bathwater is already made... I might as well use it."

With that, Astina undressed and stepped into the warm bathwater, and after the bath, she was able to sleep very comfortably.

However, there was a problem. The next day when Astina went to work.

"Ah, Lady Persia, welcome..."

Astina's female secretary was about to bow and greet her when her eyes saw something that should not have been seen.

The ruby ring on her ring finger.

It was on her ring finger. The meaning was…

The female secretary carefully lifted her head.

"Yes, good morning."


The scent of roses wafting from her body and her face, more radiant than usual.

"Lady Persia...!!!"


"Could it be... No, no, it's nothing."

Astina's secretary swallowed the words she wanted to say.

And thought to herself, 'Rudy and she have finally crossed the line! This is big news!'

Astina's secretary decided she needed to share this exciting news with everyone.

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