Paladin of the Dead God
Chapter 32 Table of contents

Chapter 32. Holy Grail Knight (1)


Just as a miracle residing in a person’s body is called a holy body, an object imbued with a miracle is called a relic. However, there are grades among relics.

The radiance stone necklace that Isaac once had could be considered a low-grade relic. But the sword before him now was of a different class.

It was an item that should be preserved like a cultural heritage or national treasure.

[The Rite of Division (EX)]

[The dagger used by Muhui when she decided to part ways with the emperor, extracting his heart. Through this brutal ritual, one being split into two gods, hence named the Rite of Division. Usable in high-grade rituals of both the Red Chalice Club and the Elil Sect.]

This was the dagger that birthed the Nine Faiths’ Red Chalice and Elil. Even objects blessed by angels are hard to appraise, but relics directly related to gods are treasures managed by the sect itself.

‘There’s even a class like Holy Grail Knights who wander searching for such relics…’

If a Grail Knight found this sword, they’d go mad with excitement.

Of course, as a weapon, this dagger had no value. It was merely a ritual tool. But its true worth came to light in those very rituals. To perform a powerful miracle, many conditions are needed.

Sacrifices, long prayers, potions, timing, circumstances, and more.

But with this dagger, many of those conditions could be disregarded.

‘Why is this even here?’

Isaac felt incredulous.

Perhaps Heinkel did more than just escort the Immortal Order; he might have assisted in performing rituals.

Almost reflexively, Isaac hastily concealed the dagger.

If it became known that he possessed it, people would come after him. Especially the Wallachia hunters would relentlessly pursue him.

It was an item fraught with potential trouble.

But Isaac wasn’t foolish enough to pass up such an opportunity because of fear. A sly smile formed on his lips.

‘Heinkel, you truly gave without reservation.’

Isaac hoped Heinkel was enjoying his afterlife in the Red Chalice’s heaven, though he wasn’t sure if someone drained of blood could reach heaven.

Suddenly, the rising sun appeared over the valley. The morning sunlight touched his hand, feeling more pleasant than ever.


“Lord Gebel, we’re almost there. Just a bit further…”

Gebel groaned, moving forward. Heinkel’s attack must have been deeply cursed, as his bleeding wouldn’t stop. Pale and slowing down, Gebel didn’t stop Isolde from dragging him along.

Gebel didn’t argue with Isolde, who initially suggested leaving him behind and seeking help from the Knight Order. She had been dragged along after knocking him on the back of his head at dawn.

Then, Isolde suddenly stopped. Her expression brightened as the rhythmic sound of galloping hooves grew louder.


Around the valley corner, knights in white armor on horses galloped towards them, crushing gravel underfoot.

Leading them was a familiar knight, Rotenhammer, wielding a hammer as big as his head.

“Captain Rotenhammer!”


Gebel muttered in surprise and quickly bowed his head. It was an awkward moment to meet him.

Rotenhammer halted the Knight Order upon spotting Isolde and Gebel. Only five knights had arrived, all heavily armed and imbued with various miracles and blessings. Rotenhammer took off his helmet, revealing a middle-aged face with grey hair.

“I rushed upon receiving your call. Inquisitor, lieutenant! Attend to the injured.”

Understanding the urgency, Rotenhammer skipped formalities and got straight to the point.

“Where are the heretics? Send the crows, and we’ll track them immediately.”

“There were Wallachia hunters in ambush. Duke Gulmar was among them.”

The mention of Wallachia hunters caused a ripple of concern among the knights. Rotenhammer’s reaction was no different. He frowned for a moment before speaking.

“We were informed it was the Immortal Order and prepared for that. Seems a lot happened in the meantime.”

Fighting skeletal undead and endlessly regenerating vampires required different strategies. Isolde admitted her recklessness but had she not urgently summoned the Knight Order, help might have been too late.

“Will this be an issue?”

“Not at all.”

Rotenhammer lowered his helmet again, saying,

“The sun is rising; they won’t be able to flee quickly. We’ll cleanse the area and return. Are there any missing members? Any stragglers?”

Isolde looked pained at Rotenhammer’s question.

“One colleague stayed behind to buy time.”

Rotenhammer fell silent.

Just as the dawn breaks, it’s clear that if the night had bought any time, the fate of the comrade was inevitable. Either turned into a mummy, devoid of a single drop of blood, or addicted to the blood of the Red Grail, becoming a ghoul.

In the latter case, it would be Rotenhammer’s duty to bring an end.

Rotenhammer spoke calmly, “He was a heroic young man.”

“A youth even younger than me… I couldn’t stop him. Despite his young age, his remarkable skills and miracles surely would have made him an excellent Holy Knight…”

To be precise, Isaac never performed a miracle, especially those of the Codex of Light, in front of Isolde. But in her memory, Isaac was glorified as an angelic figure with extraordinary swordsmanship.

“His swordsmanship, unexpected in such a remote area, his wisdom in curing the plague… His spirit of willing sacrifice, above all, he had a face as if crafted by the Codex of Light, like a creation of an angel…”

Rotenhammer coughed briefly. Isolde, realizing she was holding the knights with her ramblings, gestured them to leave.

There would be plenty of time to mourn Isaac later.

But Rotenhammer didn’t move, his gaze fixed deeper in the valley.



“Are you referring to the bloodied young man walking towards us as the angelic hero?”


Thanks to dealing with the Wallachia hunters and Heinkel all night, Isaac should have been exhausted, but surprisingly, he was fine. Vampire traits seemed to have enhanced his recovery. He could now head out of the valley.

As Isaac walked out of the valley, he was met by Holy Knights rushing towards him, their white armor sparkling in the morning sun, worthy guardians of the Codex of Light… Isaac’s admiration changed when they surrounded him.

So much for the hard-fought night.

But Isaac didn’t draw his sword or attack. He knew why they were doing this.


In the middle of the knights, an elder knight spoke, “I am Rotenhammer Luman of the Briant Knight Order. Are you hurt? Let’s talk while we treat any wounds.”

“It’s not my blood.”

Isaac raised his arms to show he was unharmed, but Rotenhammer’s expression hardened.

“Sorry, but I need to confirm something. I heard you lured the Wallachia hunters all night to save the inquisitor. Straight to the point – did you drink blood?”

Being chased by Wallachia hunters in the valley, even for an active Holy Knight, seemed impossible. Even Rotenhammer doubted its feasibility without a miracle.

The only logical way for Isaac to survive was to join the hunters.

‘It would be a lie to deny…’


Isaac had been brazen enough to separate himself from his actions, even when eating a rat. Drinking blood was true, but it was the tentacles, not him.

“If I were a vampire, would I dare walk so boldly in the sunlight?”

The valley had many shaded areas, but also plenty of sunlight. Of course, if not a vampire, then a slave addicted to the blood, a ghoul, could walk in the sun. The knights seemed reluctant to believe Isaac.

But Rotenhammer gazed intensely at Isaac, who hoped to appear as innocent as possible with bright, clear eyes.

Soon, Rotenhammer burst into laughter that echoed through the valley.

“A ghoul wouldn’t have such a righteous gaze!”

Isaac wondered if he overdid it, but Rotenhammer approached with a laughing face.

“Surviving an overnight chase by Wallachia hunters without a scratch, impressive! Just as Miss Isolde said, a young hero is born.”

‘Miss Isolde?’

Did Isaac have a personal connection with the Brant family? While Isaac pondered, Rotenhammer gave orders to the other knights.

“You two, escort this young hero back. He must be tired after wandering the valley all night.”


“I will now track down the Wallachia hunters and obliterate them. They troubled us all night; now it’s our turn in daylight!”

Isaac didn’t mention that the hunters were already dead. Just surviving and luring them was an achievement enough. Adding that he also killed Heinkel Gulmar would make it unbelievably bizarre.

“We’ll discuss our young hero’s night achievements later. The Inquisitor is waiting, let’s go meet her.”


“I knew you’d be safe, Isaac.”

The first person Isaac met was Gebel.

Gebel was resting at the Briant Knight Order’s main camp. They seemed to have brought around 10 knights, 50 trainees, and support troops. Most would likely engage in search and surrounding operations, not direct combat.

“Are you alright?”

“A skilled priest was here.”

After removing the curse, Gebel’s complexion improved, though the injury site was severe. He’d need to rest for a while. Isaac examined Gebel’s bandaged wound.

‘Damn tentacles.’

Efficient in killing and tearing apart, but not in healing. Isaac’s healing ability came from his special skill, ‘The Dead God’s Innards.’

“Where did the Inquisitor girl go? She should be nursing or something.”

Isaac muttered, a bit annoyed that Isolde had left without a word of thanks. He didn’t do it for gratitude, but it still felt irksome.

“She got basic healing and joined the search party to provide descriptions of the Wallachia hunters. The more combatants, the better. It’s impressive considering she walked all night like me.”

It wasn’t disdain, but prioritizing correctly. In retrospect, it would be a waste of talent for an Inquisitor to be nursing.

After summoning the fire beast and walking non-stop since yesterday morning, she should be tired, but she’s ready for combat again.

“The Wallachia hunters are all already eaten by tentacles, so it’s wasted effort.”

“I’m glad Gebel didn’t die.”

“That seems like something I should say to the person who survived being chased by Wallachia hunters all night… Hmm.”

Gebel coughed and regulated his breath.

He looked at the tent’s ceiling and spoke.

“It may sound sudden, but let me ask, Isaac. Just to confirm.”

Gebel stared directly at Isaac.

“Did you kill all the Wallachia hunters?”

Isaac tried to deny it.

But Gebel’s tone suggested he already knew and was just probing. So, as Isaac hesitated to respond, Gebel continued.

“Even Duke Gulmar?”


“Amazing. How did you… No, never mind. I won’t ask.”

Gebel clenched his mouth, staring at the ceiling with strained eyes.

“Don’t ask how I know. When I heard you returned alive, I didn’t think the Wallachia hunters would still be alive. Rotenhammer and the Inquisitor must be searching an empty valley now.”

“Why do you think so?”

“It may sound silly, but I’ve thought you could do it since the day you were brought to the monastery. Since you survived the attack by Kalsen.”

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