Paladin of the Dead God
Chapter 200 Table of contents

The Sword of May responded to Isaac’s words with disbelief.

[Shameless. Is it not enough that I don’t expose your secret to the church?]

Frankly, it was true.

Isaac wasn’t in a position to negotiate with the Sword of May on this matter. If the Order of the Codex of Light were to decree his excommunication and execution, Isaac would be hunted by the White Empire forever.

However, since they had come this far, the Sword of May didn’t have many alternatives either. For some reason, she claimed that her angelic powers alone wouldn’t suffice against Calurien. Isaac’s remark about reconsidering was a bluff, but it put the Sword of May in a difficult position.

Isaac wanted to use this opportunity to get a definitive answer.

“So, in return for this task, you’ll keep your mouth shut forever? I can continue to exist within the Codex of Light without issue?”

[You already follow the Codex’s order and serve it. The Lighthouse Keeper deemed you useful. We might even gain another ally through you.]

This meant it wasn’t just the Sword of May’s judgment but also that of Luadin the Lighthouse Keeper. Isaac felt a glimmer of hope, suggesting that even if his allegiance to the Nameless Chaos was revealed, he might still be accepted within the White Empire.

“Doesn’t the Codex of Light reject Chaos?”

Even Al Durad, the Liberation Bishop Isaac had met, had cooperated with the Codex to prevent the return of the Nameless Chaos, aiming to replace that position with Kalsen. The Codex’s principle was to kill and burn any minions of the Nameless Chaos on sight.

The Sword of May’s answer was simple.

[I have faced and slaughtered countless minions of Chaos.]

She blinked her eyes made of flames and continued.

[If it seems like you’re receiving special treatment, it’s because you’re special.]

Her answer was straightforward and understandable. Isaac being special among the Nameless Chaos’s minions was evident.

Isaac neither sought the world’s destruction nor cried out to offer sacrifices to writhing tentacles. Compared to such monsters, Isaac might indeed be someone the Sword of May could accept.

‘But that also means only as long as I’m useful. Essentially, they intend to use me as a meat shield.’

He didn’t mind using and discarding others, but he detested being used and discarded. Angels and gods were entities that would deceive even their own followers for the greater good. Doing so to followers of other faiths was even more given.

‘Don’t trust the Sword of May too much.’

Isaac recalled Kalsen’s words.

The humble and somewhat naive persona Yulihida displayed in the Elil Kingdom had lowered Isaac’s guard, but she was still an angel. For reasons beyond human understanding, she could abandon him at any time.

Ultimately, Isaac decided to follow her for now but to remain cautious. Such a level of detachment seemed appropriate for any faith.

[However, you are a calculating person, so without a reward, you wouldn’t be motivated. Since we must fight a formidable enemy, I will grant you a reward in advance.]

A bright light enveloped Isaac, and he felt a surge of energy. The Sword of May’s voice resonated with authority and promise.

[May the power of the Codex strengthen your resolve and sharpen your blade. Use this gift wisely in the battles to come.]

Isaac felt the weight of responsibility but also the power coursing through him, enhancing his abilities. He nodded, accepting the terms.

“Thank you. I’ll make sure to live up to this.”

With renewed vigor, Isaac prepared for the challenges ahead, determined to see this mission through while staying vigilant of his allies and enemies alike.

The Sword of May’s eyes flashed as it plucked a feather-like flame from itself and dropped it. The flame floated down, gently merging with the Luadin Key. Isaac took out the key and ignited the flame.

The previously red-burning Luadin Key now blazed with a brighter white flame.

[Enhanced Luadin Key (S+)]

[A sword that has shed its former shell and regained its original form. It is a key that reveals and unlocks hidden and confined things with light and heat. Enhanced with heavenly heat and an angel’s feather, it grants permanent warmth and vitality to its bearer. Superior unsealing, cold resistance.]

[This should be a satisfactory reward. Now stop complaining and get to work.]

Isaac accepted it with a delighted expression. Maybe the Sword of May was a good person after all?


However, great rewards often come with tough conditions.

Despite their initial momentum, breaking through Elil’s heaven became increasingly difficult as time passed.

“Why the hell are there so many trolls in Elil’s heaven?!”

Hesabel shouted in frustration.

Savage, massive trolls swung or threw logs at Isaac’s group. Trolls, considered favored beasts of the Red Chalice, didn’t fit in Elil’s heaven.

But Edelred had a different view. With a swoosh and a crash, he shattered a flying log with a single strike of Kaldbruch and explained.

“Trolls are the preferred prey of knights! Sturdy, strong, and above all, minions of the Red Chalice. Hunting trolls is considered proof of becoming a true knight in Elil’s kingdom!”

In other words, they were released as trophies or level-up monsters.

Elil’s playground… or rather, battlefield, was designed for fulfilling combat.

The problem was that the level of the monsters released there was set for people who would revive the next day. Naturally, Isaac’s group, who would face a permanent end if they died, had no choice but to fight fiercely.

Even Isaac, who had mastered the sword aura, found it challenging. There were monsters prepared for the Swordmasters of Elil, who had a guaranteed ticket to heaven.


Isaac was confronting a massive troll wearing a crown made of intertwined skulls and finger bones. The ‘massive’ part was beyond ordinary, being thrice the size of other trolls, wielding a huge club embedded with troll teeth and jawbones.

Isaac temporarily dubbed him ‘Troll Dental Hygienist.’ Every swing of the club shattered large trees like toothpicks and left craters in the ground.

Edelred had initially engaged the troll with Kaldbruch, but surprisingly, the troll knew how to wield a weapon. When Kaldbruch damaged its club, the troll managed to make Edelred stumble.

“What kind of monster is this?”

[That’s Troll King Debeburged. He’s one of the ancient gods Elil killed. A hybrid of giant and troll, blessed by nature worship. Elil liked him so much that he even bestowed knighthood on his corpse.]

The Sword of May took on the role of an informative companion rather than intervening. The troll king’s club emanated a deadly aura, almost comparable to Isaac’s sword aura.

Hesabel tried to control the troll king’s mind and shot several blood-stained arrows into it, but the troll’s monstrous regeneration rendered her efforts futile. During the fight with Edelred, even after losing its wrist, it had already regenerated by the time he blinked.

At one point, Isaac quickly maneuvered under the troll king. It seemed like the perfect angle for the troll king to crush Isaac into pulp. But the troll king, wisely, did not fall for Isaac’s bait and tried to retreat to reassess the situation. Exactly as Isaac had anticipated.

Isaac’s sword moved in a peculiar manner.

The troll king hesitated for a split second, unsure of Isaac’s next move. Seizing the opportunity, Isaac executed a swift and powerful strike aimed at the troll king’s exposed side. The movement was fluid and unexpected, catching the troll off guard.

With a precise slash, Isaac’s sword cut deep into the troll king’s side. The troll roared in pain and fury, but Isaac didn’t relent. He followed up with a series of rapid strikes, each one finding its mark and further weakening the colossal creature.

Despite its regeneration abilities, the troll king couldn’t keep up with Isaac’s relentless assault. Isaac’s movements were a blur, his sword dancing through the air with deadly precision. Finally, with one last, powerful strike, he severed the troll king’s head from its body.

The massive body of the troll king collapsed to the ground with a thunderous crash. Isaac stood over it, breathing heavily but victorious.

[Well done, Isaac. That was impressive.]

The Sword of May’s voice resonated with approval. Isaac nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He knew the battle was far from over, but for now, they had earned a hard-fought victory.

The Troll King felt a strange force pulling at his retreating steps, causing him to lose his balance. Taking advantage of the opening, Isaac slashed upward at the Troll King’s groin. It was the unfortunate position he had to target due to the creature’s immense size, where an ordinary human’s neck would be.

The Troll King let out a horrific scream, thrashing wildly. However, the struggle ceased as the Luadin Key pierced his throat. The white flames from the key nullified the creature’s monstrous regeneration abilities.

Isaac wiped the sweat from his brow as the Troll King finally turned into fallen leaves. He felt a sense of self-reproach for having to use both his sword aura and techniques just to defeat a mere troll.

‘If a troll, even an ancient one, is this tough, what about the angels…’

What troubled Isaac more was the increasing difficulty of the monsters they were encountering. The ultimate destination of their journey promised even greater challenges, including dragons.

“Sword of May, can’t you just, I don’t know… teleport us or something?”

He almost mentioned how Amandalas in Miarma used to effortlessly manipulate space and time. Of course, Isaac knew that if such a thing were possible, the Sword of May would have done it already. His complaint was more of a grumble.

[This is Elil’s Urbansus. I cannot interfere. Each domain has its boundaries.]

“Then at least lend a hand?”

[Shall I handle the trolls while you deal with the angels later?]

“…I’ll try harder!”

Isaac thought it might be easier if Calurien attacked directly.

‘Why isn’t Calurien attacking us first?’

In the real world, delays were inevitable due to limited power. But since entering Urbansus, the Sword of May seemed less anxious, and Calurien, who seemed ready to appear at any moment, was holding back.

‘Are Elil’s angels so lenient that they tolerate an invasion?’

Absolutely not. Elil was notoriously aggressive towards invaders. The only reason for this hesitation could be that Calurien was dealing with a greater threat than Isaac’s group.

Isaac turned his head with a distant gaze, unable to fathom what they might face. Amidst the forest devastated by the Troll King, the lake shimmered beautifully in the distance, and by the lake…

Isaac froze.

[Isaac, there’s no time to admire the scenery. Hurry up.]

The Sword of May urged as he stood still.

“Ah, yes, right…”

Isaac replied stiffly and resumed moving. Despite turning away, he felt the piercing gaze of the woman standing on the lake, still fixed on him.


Even in heaven, night falls.

It was a time to reset and reorganize everything. The burnt remains became trees again, scattered fragrances returned to their original forms, and the dead were revived. It was a time to become prosperous again, to achieve victories anew, and to take their places for new defeats.

The Sword of May declared a halt and recommended rest. Not for humanitarian reasons like ensuring rest time, though.

[The time when everything is restored to its original state means that anything that shouldn’t exist will be erased. If you don’t want to become a nonexistent entity, don’t stray from this bonfire.]

She lit a sizeable bonfire in the middle of the orchard they chose as their resting place. The white flames burned an entire tree as fuel. Isaac could sense that the flames had an effect similar to the beacon of the Watcher.

Having fought all day with Kaldbruch, Edelred quickly fell asleep.

Hesabel, despite her wide-awake eyes at night, wasn’t foolish enough to wander during the reorganization period. The Sword of May closed her large eyes, but it didn’t seem like she was sleeping.

With some rare free time, Isaac examined the Sword of May.

Initially, he felt both awe and fear at her ridiculous appearance, but remembering that she was actually the short Yulihida Arte created a strange sense of intimacy. Summoning his courage, Isaac decided to ask something he had always been curious about.

“By the way, why are you afraid of cats, Sword of May?”

The swords orbiting the Sword of May halted. From Isaac’s experience, this indicated either surprise or concentration.

She blinked her eyes and stared at Isaac. He thought she might remain silent, but surprisingly, she spoke candidly.

[Yes, it’s good for you to know. You must have started to realize how soft the world can be.]

“Soft, you say…?”

Isaac was puzzled by the unexpected word.

Soft? To him, the world was harsh, violent, and sharp.

Isaac had been wounded many times by the world’s rough edges, nearly dying on several occasions.

But the Sword of May began an entirely different tale.

[There was a small, soft cat I raised since childhood. Her name was Settra. At that time, I didn’t know how frightening cats could be. I thought they were just lovely creatures.]

She continued, revealing her affection for cats without hesitation.

[I always loved cats. In fact, the only beings I truly gave my affection to were cats. But my enemies also realized this. They learned that I cherished my cat.]

–TL Notes–

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