An Extra’s POV
Chapter 708 Table of contents

"Rey… it's been a while."

The deep, terrifying voice of the enemy echoed out into the dark world that surrounded them.

Feralia was there to witness it all—how the dark-haired, blue eyed enemy spoke so familiarly with Rey as they both brandished their blades.

She watched in the distance, her eyes wide open as she stood still.

"Yeah." Rey responded very sharply, clearly uninterested in further conversation.

Still, the malefactor grinned widely, walking around very playfully as if this was all a game to him. He had a confident aura about him—almost as if his victory was already certain.

"Just give up already. Join our side… the winning side."

"No. Never."

"Think about it, Rey. The Dragons are superior to the Elves in every way. Resistance is futile…" As he raised his two hands, the thousands of Dragons that floated high in the sky began to draw close.

The heat in their mouths rose to a higher degree, and as the flames formed, it was clear that they were going to unleash hell upon the camp.

"Last chance, Rey!"

His amused voice echoed in the air, accompanied by the rising heat.

Feralia watched all of this with trepidation. She trembled at the sight of the armada, and she found herself violently perspiring as a result of the growing furnace—anxious about what would come next.

But, even amidst all of this… Rey simply smiled.

He raised his blade up with confident precision and muttered some unintelligible words.



A Sharp beam of light radiated from his sword, shooting high into the sky in order to meet the Dragons where they were. It was an instant shot of pure energy, and the result was a powerful burst of light that brightened up the night.

Like a reverse meteor, it rose with sheer beauty and power, until it finally achieved contact.

Once it did… the brilliant burst of light eviscerated the Dragons.

It didn't matter if they launched their fiery attacks or powerful breaths. All of those things were consumed by the powerful energy that sprouted from his blade.

In their hundreds, they vanished from sight, drowned entirely in the radiant display of power.

Just a few seconds later… none of those thousands of Dragons could be seen.

Rey had eviscerated them all… just like that.

"T-that was… I didn't know you had gotten so strong." The enemy said, beads of sweat falling from his face as he quickly took a fighting position.

"It's not too late to change your ways, Adrien. Join our side… and you might be forgiven." Rey let out his hand as he uttered those words.

Feralia knew this had to be a trick.

There was no way their savior would ever offer redemption to someone who had taken the lives of so many of her sisters. The man before them was pure evil, and he was deserving of nothing short of blood-curdling death.

Even as an Elf, Feralia thought that with all her heart.

Since she, as an Elf, could not kill the enemy—Adrien—because he was not a Dragon, she hoped from the depths of her heart that Rey would do the honors.

She prayed deep within her heart that her sisters would be avenged.

"You don't mean that." Adrien responded with a light chuckle, his eyes now glowing violently. "Besides… there's no longer a place for me among you."

Just as Feralia had hoped for—a confrontation was at hand.

"My place is with the Dragons, and yours isn't. That makes us enemies…"


Rey took his own battle stance, both of them firing up their respective weapons with energy that sparked with myriads of colors.



In very swift blurs, they charged towards each other. A clash of darkness, with their blades reflecting powerful light… the resulting clash caused a deafening echo.


The instant their swords met, the surrounding area was levele

—turning into a land of devastation.

Feralia watched all of this from a safe distance, and even had a barrier around her to defend against the might of the resulting shockwave. Still, she felt the hair on her skin stand as she witnessed the destruction their clash resulted into.

The ground shook. The air trembled. The skies parted. Everything darkened, turning into a land of ash and smoke.

"... Rey…" She whispered, watching as her savior sent his blade flying towards the enemy, who readily blocked it with his own.




Their dance was far too fast for her to possibly keep up with, so she maintained her distance and watched in sheer wonder.

'They appear evenly matched. Is the enemy really that strong… or is Rey holding back?'

She didn't know for sure.

All she knew was that for every clash they had, it felt like the very lands were being torn to shreds. She could only wonder how long it would take before the Camp—and even the lands surrounding it—was reduced to nothing.

"O' Nature… please watch over us."



The Elven Community was relatively peaceful, far separated from the rigors of the battlefield.

They did not hear any of the resounding echoes of destruction that plagued the camp, and they were blind to the catastrophes being wreaked upon both parties in the intense clash that lasted on and on through the late evening.

The Elves were in sanctuary here.

The Youngs went about their carefree activities, oblivious of the sacrifices of the Elders. And as for the Elders… they were either performing chores or looking after their Youngs.

Either way… all of them were engaged in mundane activities.

The Esteemed Elders were in their hall, having their usual meeting—the norm of the evening.

None of them were aware of the enemies that floated above their haven.

"So this is the Community…"

"We should have just come here from the start."


The three Dragon Generals were suspended in the air as they watched the peaceful, mundane lives of the Elves. Their simplistic setting and completely unbothered demeanors seemed ironic, given the current circumstances.

It made the Generals frown, but also smile.

"They have no idea…" R'azak commented as he glided forward.

The other two followed suit.

".... What's about to begin."




Thanks for reading!

I really wanted to release more chapters, but there is no electricity over here… and it's so frustrating. Either way, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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