My Wife Is A Sword God
Chapter 794 Table of contents

The taste of that soup was really indescribable, and Qin Feng felt like he had walked through a ghost gate.

When he opened his eyes again, two incense sticks had already passed.

“Why am I unconscious again?” Qin Feng asked as he rubbed his forehead.

Tu Bo sniffed and immediately replied, “Young Lord finished drinking Lord Meng’s soup and ended up like this.”

At these words, Qin Feng glanced at the remnants on the ground and looked at Meng Frost suspiciously.

The latter was adjusting the injuries within her body and sensing the sight, she calmly replied, “This is medicinal wine of mine, it can help you repair your injuries as you fall into a coma once again.

Mostly, it’s the result of the injuries being too heavy and erupting again.”

Qin Feng sensed his body, but it was indeed a lot easier than before, but he was still curious and asked, “In the Underworld Ghost Realm, there is also medicinal wine that exists?”

Meng Frost shook his head, “Naturally, there isn’t, but I made it based on the fine wine you gave me before, through the materials available in the Underworld Ghost Realm, to ensure the flavor and taste while also giving it the ability to recover from injuries.”

Qin Feng’s face stiffened, “Taste and flavor aside, this medicinal effect is indeed good.

I’ve recovered a lot from my injuries, it’s just that this head is still a bit dizzy, hiss~ What exactly are the ingredients you used?”

Is this the legendary Meng Po Soup, why is it so powerful Qin Feng pinched his brow and spat in his heart.

Meng Frost’s eyes are a bit evasive: “Don’t dwell on these irrelevant things, you came to this realm alone at this time, it should be for the Qin Ghost Emperor, right?”

At the mention of this matter, Qin Feng’s brows furrowed and his spirit perked up quite a bit.

He flowed the Hongmeng Immortal Qi in his body, instantly clearing his head, and then he said with quite a bit of resentment, “I’ve been quite good to Lord Ghost Lord, and have offered tributes at regular intervals, but why did He make that kind of decision to imprison my father in the Infernal Prison, and even inflict the Hades Shakra’s Penalty on him?
You should understand my father’s character, and these words of disturbing the balance of life and death with the intention of subverting the Ghost Realm are simply nonsense.”

Outside the Ghost Gate Pass, when those ghost generals had insulted Old Father Qin, Qin Feng had also heard much of the content and understood a bit more about the causes and consequences of the matter.

This was clearly a frame-up.

Meng Frost sighed, “I know that you have a grudge against Lord Ghost Master, but this was not Lord Ghost Master’s intention”

She then briefly explained the current situation of the Ghost Realm with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng’s expression was incomparably grave after hearing this, he didn’t expect that the Ghost Realm was already in such a precarious state –

The disturbance in the balance of life and death had severely affected the existence of the Ghost Realm.

And the monsters outside the Naihe Bridge Disconnected Boundary had suddenly come on a rampage, and even those monsters in the Golden Mantle Seal had begun to riot.

If problems arose within the Ghost Realm at such a critical moment, then the Ghost Realm would inevitably fall into a place of no return.

“Lord Ghost Master also had no choice but to do so, Shentian had gotten evidence that was quite unfavorable to the Qin Ghost Emperor, and in order to appease the people of the Ghost Realm, Lord Ghost Master could only give these orders.

When He should not really want to put the Qin Ghost Emperor to death, otherwise it would not be possible to arrange for the Underworld Shakra’s punishment to take place two days later.

Moreover, you were able to come to the Underworld Ghost Realm in a body of flesh and blood, it should be that Lord Ghost Lord gifted you with something, right?”

Qin Feng nodded, then took out the white bone token in his bosom.

Meng Frost was shocked upon seeing this object, “Lord Ghost Master actually handed this object over to you?”

The Tu Bo on the side was so scared that he prostrated himself on the ground, shouting, “See Lord Ghost Lord!”

Qin Feng was puzzled by the scene in front of him and couldn’t help but ask: “What the hell is this?”

Meng Frost lightly exhales a breath and slowly opens his mouth to explain: “This is the Ghost Lord’s token, the person who sees this token is like the Ghost Lord himself, with this White Bone Token, he can rule the ghost world, and the ghost soldiers and ghost generals can be deployed at will.

I had thought that the ghost master adults committed to the broken world to repair the barrier, will be handed over to the white bone order to Zhou Bei adults in command of the whole situation, but I did not expect that the white bone order is in your hands.

Could there be some deep meaning in this?” Qin Feng didn’t bother to think about the deep meaning, but excitedly asked, “Then, with this order, can I release my old dad in the Infernal Prison directly?”

Meng Frost said bluntly, “No.”

“Why?” Qin Feng was puzzled, according to his understanding, with the White Bone Order, he should be able to save his old dad at will.

“In the Underworld Ghost Realm, there are only two people who can open the Infernal Prison, one of them is Lord Ghost Master and the other is Elder Zhou Beg, with the White Bone Order alone, it is simply impossible to open the Infernal Prison.”

“Then you take me to that Zhou Beg, won’t it be fine if I use this order to make him open the Infernal Prison?” Qin Feng opened his mouth and said.

Meng Frost shook his head, “Even if you have the White Bone Order, not everyone is going to follow your orders, and the ones who are representative of this are the Five Square Ghost Emperors.

Moreover, with the old man’s character, even if he sees the White Bone Order in your hand, he will not release the Qin Ghost Emperor in the Infernal Prison.

Wanting to directly rescue someone from the Infernal Prison, I advise you to die of this heart.”

“Then what should I do?”

Meng Frost pondered for a moment, then replied, “Since Lord Ghost Lord has given you the White Bone Order, he wants you to rescue the Qin Ghost Emperor, and I will help you with that.

The path of the Infernal Prison doesn’t work, so we can only make our move on the day of the execution of the Underworld Shakra’s Sentence.

Now that I think about it, Lord Ghost Lord may have anticipated this situation when he asked Li Yang to guard the Underworld Pillar.”

“So we’re going to find Li Yang first and discuss countermeasures?”

“Logically speaking, it’s most prudent to go and find him immediately now, but the situation in the Ghost World nowadays
Shentian has clearly turned against Lord Ghost Lord, and the injuries on my body are from his hands.

Moreover, he has already issued an order in the Ghost Realm for a group of ghost generals to hunt you down, and most of them are His close friends, so even if you have the White Bone Token, it will still be difficult for it to work.

Once your whereabouts are exposed, God Tantra will definitely come in person and take your life.”

Qin Feng had never seen God Tantra or fought against Him, but as a fellow Ghost Emperor, Zhang Heng’s strength was already enough to tell a lot.

This guy not only framed Pops, but also wants to put me to death Qin Feng clenched his fists and frowned.

Meng Frost said again, ”At this moment in the Ghost Lord’s absence, many people have developed dissenting thoughts, and I don’t know how many other Ghost Emperors are still in the Ghost Lord’s side of the camp.

If I want to successfully rescue Ghost Emperor Qin, it’s not enough to rely on just a few of us, I’ll have to seek out the rest of the Ghost Emperors as a helping hand.”

“Then do you have someone in mind? If I find the wrong person, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

Meng Frost had originally wanted to go to Elder Zhou Beg, after all, the latter was renowned in the Ghost World, and if he obtained the Elder’s help, all problems would be solved.

But the fact that Lord Ghost Master had bestowed the White Bone Order on Qin Feng caused hesitation in her heart.

Only after a moment did she exhale a breath and say, “No matter what, we have to give it a try, I’ve already thought of one person, we’ll set off when our injuries have recovered a bit.”

“Can do.” Qin Feng nodded, then looked at Tu Bo who was on the side.

The latter was startled and hurriedly said, “My strength is low, so I won’t follow the two of you and drag you behind.”

Qin Feng sighed, “But you’ve heard too many things that you shouldn’t have heard, so in order to prevent you from leaking secrets, I can only kill you to silence you.”

Tu Bo’s body trembled, then his words changed, “Although my strength is low, but Ghost Emperor Qin has shown me a great deal of kindness, even if it’s a mountain of daggers and a sea of fire, I’m going to go with Young Lord!”

“Not reluctantly?”

“Never reluctantly! It’s all from the bottom of my heart!”

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