My Wife Is A Sword God
Chapter 821 Table of contents

The moment the Broken World Origin was destroyed, all three realms trembled!

Everyone looked up at the dome of the sky at the same time, like a curtain covering the sky had been slashed open, and a scarlet luster loomed in the pitch-black abyss, accompanied by uninterrupted flashes of white light.

A sound like thunder came out of that crack, like drumsticks beating on the hearts of the watchers one by one.

That opening was not large, yet it was clearly visible to the three realms, to everyone in every corner.

It was as if it was the prelude to the opening of the end, a warning before annihilation.

“Lord Ghost Lord, this is,” Within the Underworld Ghost Realm, Zhao Wenhe looked towards that crack with an incomparably grave expression, He knew that the other side of the crack was the world of those bizarre existences.

There, it was an endless abyss of terror.

Yet that world had always been split up outside of the Three Realms, so why had it appeared now?

A strong uneasiness arose in his heart.

The Ghost Lord raised his eyes, and a trace of gravity crossed his dark and deep eyes.

In the Hongmeng Immortal Realm, ever since Senior Xuan Yi left the Broken Realm and returned to this realm, he had resumed his identity as a Heavenly Emperor, leading his once old ministry to clear out those gods and demons that had defected and exterminate those undead monsters.

Since the Heavenly Pupil and other existences laid out the Ghost Realm, wanting to rescue the sealed Heavenly Souls, the high-end terrifying battle forces left the Immortal Realm, which also allowed the Heavenly Emperor and others to clear up the obstacles which could be described as a force to be reckoned with.

Nowadays, the Hongmeng Immortal Realm and the Underworld Ghost Realm generally expelled all the undead monsters.

They had just gained a respite to revitalize and rebuild the Heavenly Court, only to have such a turn of events occur once again!

The immortal body of the City God looked at the crack and frowned, “Lord Celestial Emperor, could the sub-crack be”

Xuan Yi looked towards the other end of the crack and after a long time, closed his eyes and sighed, “My good friend, travel well, your sacrifice will not be in vain.”

Fengtian City’s Imperial Study Room, within the scroll, Xuan Yuan’s Divine Beheading Sword was constantly emitting sword sounds, seemingly wanting to swipe out and chop at the broken heaven and earth.

At the same time, in the Touring Dragon Hall, the eight golden dragons on the Coiling Dragon Pillar seemed to have sensed something, and actually broke through the zenith in unison, hovering over Fengtian City.

They did not open their teeth and claws and let out a hideous roar, but only a low and shallow dragon roar, like crying and weeping.

When Emperor Ming saw this scene, his mood was unreasonably heavy.

Just then, Eunuch Li hurriedly ran in, looking anxious: “Your Majesty.”

“Why are you so panicked?” Emperor Ming’s tone was a bit harsh, as he was not in a good mood at the moment.

“Your Majesty, the tablets of the successive generations of ancestors within the Ancestral Ancestral Shrine have, for some reason, fallen down in unison.

The tablet of the founding ancestor even . It even cracked open a mouth.”


The people in Fengtian City, the Demon Slayers within the Demon Slaying Division, and the generals guarding the four domains.

The moment the sky fission appeared, for some reason, it was as if a piece of their heart was missing.

A general who had guarded the border for more than ten years and returned in triumph, suddenly burst into tears, and a small daughter beside him asked curiously, “Father, father, why are you crying.”

The old general covered his chest and tried to wipe away his tears, but couldn’t.

“Father also do not know why, just feel hard in the heart.”

And such a scene was playing out all over the entire Da Qian.

The four domains of the Diviners, not caring about the fissured sky, looked in the direction of Fengtian City.

The Zhen Shen Siwu beside the Nine Curves River couldn’t stop drinking, and the wine jug beside him emptied one bottle after another.


Dark clouds rolled across the sky, and the sky rained down a mighty downpour, as if even the heavens were crying.

Qin Feng pushed open the window of the Taiping Academy and looked at the shattered heaven and earth behind the crack, his entire body froze in place.

His body trembled, his heart felt like it was missing a piece, he felt like he had lost something very important.

A scholar suddenly asked, “Master Qin, you . Why are you crying?”

“Me, crying?” Qin Feng raised his hand and crossed his cheeks, tears wetting his palm.

The figure of the Heavenly Supervisor State Master crossed his mind, and he seemed to have guessed something, ignoring the howling wind and rain outside, he leapt and swept in the direction of the Hao Wen Academy. No matter how much the scholars behind him shouted, they were oblivious.

Below the Ascension Building, the disciples of the Heavenly Supervisor State Master gathered, and even Ya An had come here.

Jail Luo Si A Face was ordered by Emperor Ming to come here to meet the Heavenly Supervisor State Master.

But all of them, they were stopped at the first attic level by an invisible barrier.

One must know that during this period of time, other than Qin Feng who had gone up to meet the Heavenly Supervisor State Master once, the rest of them hadn’t been up there for a long time.

Sharp footsteps sounded, and as the crowd looked for the sound, they saw Qin Feng, who was already thoroughly drenched, falling from the sky.

Just how anxious was he that he even forgot to take shelter from the rain . Ya An opened his mouth, but in the end, he didn’t open his mouth and turned it into a sigh.

“Teacher, teacher he .” Qin Feng looked at the people around him, wanting an answer.

Shen Li, who was the eldest senior brother, shook his head, “We were stopped by the barrier, we haven’t been able to go up yet.”

As soon as the words fell, the barrier that had stopped the crowd for a long time was slowly opened.

A familiar voice came from the attic, “All come up.”

The crowd looked at each other in disbelief, then ascended to the top of the Heaven Ascending Tower in unison.

It was still the same figure with white clothes and white hair, standing beside the parapet, stretching out his palms and looking at the city full of rain.

As it had been for thousands of years, it seemed to have never changed.

“What is it?” The Heavenly Supervisor slowly turned sideways, his familiar face imprinted into everyone’s eyes.

When Shen Li and the others saw this, they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, but they felt that something was wrong.

It was clearly a familiar voice, clearly a familiar face, but at this moment, why did it seem a little strange?
“Disciple and others . It’s just that I haven’t seen my teacher for many days, and I miss him somewhat.”

“Since you have already met, you may retreat.” The Heavenly Supervisor State Master spoke indifferently.

Prison Luoji A-face fixed his eyes for a moment, bowed and retreated.

Shen Li and the others also looked at each other before leaving the top floor.

Qin Feng was the only one who remained standing there motionless.

It wasn’t until after only Qin Feng and the white dress were left that he clenched his fists and asked with difficulty, “Where is Teacher Teacher?”

These words caused the “Heavenly Supervisor” to be a bit surprised, he turned around, walked to the center of the hall, slowly sat down, and softly replied, “He’s right, you are indeed different.

This last year that he traded his body for death might really bring a hint of a last chance.”

Raising his eyes to see Qin Feng’s shocked and bewildered expression, the “Heavenly Supervisor” speaks again, “He destroyed his Fatal Star and shattered the world origin of that heaven and earth.

The immortal monster can no longer exert his divine abilities as he pleases, and naturally, he doesn’t have the energy to make a final assault on this world.

And during this one year period, you have to…”

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Qin Feng, who lifted Bai Yi’s collar and said angrily, “What makes you able to take his place? You deserve it too?!”

Having dealt with the Burial Heaven many times, he naturally understood that this impostor in front of him was the last incarnation of Teacher Yiqi Transforming the Three Purities, and also the leader of that Burial Heaven, the culprit who had brought about several calamities to this heaven and earth.

The “Heavenly Supervisor” was indifferent to this, and said lightly: “You can make a move, with my current strength, I am not your enemy in one move.

You can even reveal the truth that he is dead, and make it known to the world, so that his name will be immortalized in history and celebrated by thousands of people.

Even if this move will shake the heart of the army and make people panic .”

Stealing the beam, letting the world think that the Heavenly Supervisor of the State is still there, so that the hearts of the people will not be scattered, this is the purpose of the teacher, even if it is a person who goes to his death alone, even if there is no one to carve an epitaph for him, but also do not want to be afraid of it Qin Feng loosened his hand, and the tears could not be stopped flowing downwards.

“So, what am I going to do?”

He must not let his teacher’s death be in vain.

Let him help realize the peaceful and prosperous world that the Heavenly Supervisor wanted to see.

That would be the best epitaph for his teacher.

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