Light Barrier
Chapter 63 Table of contents


Cui Zhongcheng tapped the table lightly.

Gu Shen’s expression was solemn and highly focused.

It was his first mission. Due to the A-009 incident, Gu Shen attached great importance to his upcoming mission. In his imagination, executing a mission was a high-risk operation where one wrong move could cost him his life.

We’re leaving Azure River. Are we going somewhere dangerous?

The grand magistrate and Teacher are both here, so it shouldn’t be as simple as accompanying me. He held his breath, waiting for the mission briefing.

“There’s something I need to tell you. Your files have been classified, and the assessment team is only accountable to one person, Parliament Member Zhao Xilai,” Cui Zhongcheng said. “You can understand it this way. Other than a very small number of high-level members of the Adjudication Bureau and the East Continent MPs involved in the pardon order, no one else knows the name Gu Shen. Due to the considerations of this mission, I’ve only informed… very few people about your schedule.”

Gu Shen’s expression became even more solemn. Is this mission that important? Even my files have been hidden.

“The mission location is 18 Lipu Street.”

Cui Zhongcheng carried a palm-sized paper notebook with him. In this era of advanced information technology, where everyone was using electronics, using a notebook was quite unconventional.

18 Lipu Street sounds like a residential address. Could there be a sealed object hidden there? Or an out-of-control individual? Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

He noticed that Mr. Cui’s notebook was both new and old. What was new was that it was relatively untouched, with only a third used. What was old was the yellowed paper and the well-worn look of the used pages. It was evident that it had been flipped through many times…

Given Cui Zhongcheng’s habit of using paper pages to record and recall information and the massive amount of work he had to handle every day as the assistant to an MP, he probably needed a new notebook every week.

To avoid trouble, he might have bought a box or more. He likely carried one or two notebooks with him every time he went out.

There were photos and some documents in the notebook. Cui Zhongcheng’s handwriting was very regular and neat. He turned to the first page, where there was a photo.

“This is…?” Gu Shen was dumbfounded the moment he saw the photo.

In the photo, 18 Lipu Street was wedged between bustling shops in the Dadu District. It was daytime when the photo was taken, and there was a lot of traffic and pedestrians. The entrance was very narrow, looking like an internet cafe passage that had been out of use for a long time, and there was only a plaque hanging above it.

There were two words written on it: Dream Whisperer.

“A psychiatric clinic, psychiatric counseling center, call it whatever you want.” Cui Zhongcheng turned the notebook to face Gu Shen and explained in detail, “The Dream Whisperer Counseling Center at 18 Lipu Street was registered half a year ago. The name sounds a little strange, but don’t worry. It has already obtained a certificate issued by the Hypnotist Association and is fully licensed. It will be your workplace. The mission will last about three to six months.”

“My mission is… psychological counseling, hypnosis…” Gu Shen’s head was buzzing. He didn’t know what to say for a moment. “Is this… a temp job?”

His mind was in a mess.

Everyone was different from what he had imagined, even totally opposite… After obtaining an S-grade in the assessment team’s nightmare test, he had expected the Adjudication Bureau to assign him a very challenging mission.

Looking at the menacing stance of this heavy-duty helicopter, it was easy to get a sense of bleakness and desolateness, as if he were on a journey to a frozen wilderness where giant transcendental beasts were guarding the high-risk sealed objects of a towering snowy mountain.

One misstep could result in dying without an intact corpse.

The scenes he had envisioned were the god-like scenes of Nan Jin cutting the train carriage with her saber and Senior Sister Luo shattering the mirror of the training ground with a flick of her finger.

In short, he had envisioned flying through the sky, traversing the earth, and saving the world in all kinds of ways.

But in the end…

His mission was actually to be a temp worker.

“You should know that our evaluation of your ability isn’t complete,” Grand Magistrate Tang said calmly. “Your ability has not fully manifested, and you have only explored a portion of your characteristics. Although you’re an S-grade, your practical combat skills are not strong, so you are currently not up to the task of handling demanding missions.”

“Yes… I agree.” Gu Shen regained his senses and lowered his head with a bitter smile. The grand magistrate really doesn’t hold back.

Actually… this mission suits me just fine.

He said softly, “This mission doesn’t sound too complicated… Is there a need for all of you to be here?”

A grand magistrate, an MP’s assistant, the grand adjudicator of the Adjudication Bureau… Each title was intimidating…

“The reason we’re taking the same flight is simple. It’s on the way.” Zhou Jiren patted Gu Shen’s back comfortingly. It was clear that the little guy was feeling uncomfortable.

“Actually, this mission isn’t as simple as you think,” Cui Zhongcheng said calmly. “Although the assessment team has a high evaluation of you, these two believe you still need some time to digest and explore your ability. This is what they strove for you. It looks simple, right? Psychological counseling, hypnosis, a job… You can interpret it any way you want, but you’d better understand… this is an inspection by the Adjudication Bureau on you.”

Since it was an inspection, the nature of the mission was different.

Gu Shen’s expression became solemn again. He readjusted his mindset and then caught a glimpse of the hidden smile in his teacher’s eyes.

He is a true old fox. He must have made arrangements before arriving in Oto… Did he arrange this mission for me because he was afraid I would encounter danger?

After seeing his teacher’s expression, Gu Shen felt that this matter was not that simple.

However, this mission came at the perfect time.

During this period of time, Chu Ling wouldn’t connect with him, so his only reliance would be the Ruler of Truth. It wasn’t a sealed object he could use at will. The clerical work at the Dream Whisperer Counseling Center suited him very well.

From the introduction, this should be a psychological counseling clinic for the public. He could put to use the mental power he had been honing with Jingzhi.

If nothing unexpected happened… he would have a lot of time to connect to the Deep Waters and explore the Blazing Fire transcendental power alone.

Cui Zhongcheng suddenly said, “In addition, you need to thank Tang Qingquan. Without him, there wouldn’t be this mission.”

Gu Shen was startled.

“It’s because I’m sponsoring this clinic.” The grand magistrate took a sip of his coffee and enjoyed the view of the clouds outside the window. “Don’t misunderstand. It has nothing to do with you. I have a student who has been studying the connection between dreams and the material world. She came to Dadu half a year ago. I happen to have some properties on Lipu Street, so I lent this place to her for her research.”

Happened to have… some properties? He could guess that the grand magistrate was wealthy, but he didn’t expect him to be so wealthy!

Gu Shen scratched his head. “So, on the surface, this counseling center provides psychiatric counseling, but it’s actually researching the dreams of the clients?”

“That’s right.” Cui Zhongcheng adjusted his glasses. “The assessment team believes you have extremely strong talent in the mental field. This should be beneficial to you as well. For the specifics, you can ask the person in charge once you arrive. By the way, the identity we’ve arranged for you is a young intern newly arrived in Dadu. No one knows your files, so make sure not to expose yourself.”

“…” Gu Shen nodded silently, indicating that he understood the mission content.

He didn’t say anything else, but the doubts in his heart slowly took root.

Hiding an S-grade file just to make him an intern?

Whether it was his teacher’s eyes or Cui Zhongcheng’s demeanor, they both made Gu Shen vaguely feel that… the matter couldn’t be so simple. This seemingly easy mission definitely had deeper intentions behind it.

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