Light Barrier
Chapter 67 Table of contents

Jiang Wan opened her eyes.

She felt that she had lost all consciousness for a while. After waking up, an unprecedented sense of relaxation enveloped her. As her blood flowed throughout her body, she seemed to have been reborn.

She remained dazed for several minutes before her memories slowly flooded back, seeming to come from a lifetime ago.

After suffering from insomnia for too long and clinging to her last glimmer of hope, she had come here.

And then… she fell asleep as she had wished.

She instinctively rubbed her temples and sat up, but she didn’t feel the expected soreness. Her whole body felt warm, and all her fatigue and weariness had been swept away.

Jiang Wan murmured in disbelief, “How long did I… sleep?”

“An hour,” a gentle and young voice said. “Here, water.”

Gu Shen smiled. “Your insomnia has been cured. I wish you pleasant dreams every night from now on.”

Jiang Wan took the water gratefully. The past few days of sleepless torture had left her utterly exhausted. Although her spirits had improved, her physical condition was still a little poor. Her lips were dry, and her complexion was pale.

But these were minor issues. She would be fine after recuperating for a few days.

“Dr. Gu, you’re really… amazing.”

At first, seeing that this assistant doctor was so young had made her feel a bit uneasy. After all, she had gone all over Dadu and consulted several experts, but they had all been unable to help her.

Now, the way she looked at Gu Shen was entirely different. She was grateful and full of admiration!

He was so young yet so skilled.

“Right, I haven’t paid yet.” Jiang Wan rummaged through her handbag and took out her business card and a small wad of cash. She was a little embarrassed. “Dr. Gu, I’m not sure what the fees are here. Because I haven’t rested for too long, I’m not well-prepared. I only have about three to four thousand in cash on me. If it’s not enough, can I transfer the rest to you online?”

As expected of a wealthy woman, she’s really generous. Gu Shen sighed inwardly. The economic strength of the people of the Dadu District is really impressive.

As far as he knew, Sister Xin’s rate at the clinic was about eight hundred yuan an hour. In his opinion, this was already very expensive. In Azure River, it would be difficult to get such good business.

“There’s no need for so much. This is more than enough.” Gu Shen smiled and only took half of the stack of cash.

He was now a true transcendent. Not only did he complete the hypnosis, but he even eliminated the lingering mental poison of a sealed object… He would just accept a token fee.

In fact, after Gu Shen became a transcendent, his desire for money had significantly diminished.

The people he cared about the most, the matron and the children of the orphanage, were now under the protection of Cui Zhongcheng and the Zhao family’s company.

What Gu Shen valued more now was… undercovering the truth behind this insomnia incident.

He looked at the business card.

Jiang Wan.

Gu Shen remembered this name and suddenly asked, “Miss Jiang, may I ask where you live?”

“I live in the south, around South Bay,” Jiang Wan replied, slightly taken aback. “Is there a problem?”

South Bay was a well-known affluent area in Dadu, and it was also a villa area. However, it was remote and sparsely populated, offering relative tranquility.

Lipu Street was located in the heart of Dadu, close to the bustling areas.

“I was just wondering.” Gu Shen smiled. Asking this question… was actually to determine the source of this transcendental incident.

He kept in mind what Cui Zhongcheng had said on the plane.

If nothing unexpected happened, his every move in the Dream Whisperer was under Mr. Cui’s watchful eye.

If the source of this transcendental incident were near Lipu Street, he would need to be fully focused and take it very seriously.

Gu Shen asked again, “Do you remember where you went on the first day of your insomnia?”

“I’m… not sure. There’s no pattern in my usual life, and it’s not the first time I’ve suffered from insomnia, but it’s never been this severe before.”

Jiang Wan held her forehead and thought for a long time before suddenly saying in surprise, “But three days ago, I went to a friend’s party…”

Her cheeks flushed slightly. “It was quite a coincidence. Later, we went to the Pure Peach Bar in River Shoal, not far from Lipu Street. I drank a lot, wanting to use my drunkenness to get a good night’s sleep… But after the party ended… I couldn’t sleep…”

Pure Peach Bar. Gu Shen silently noted it down.

“Maybe you’ve just been under a lot of stress lately.” He smiled lightheartedly. “It’s not good for your health to stay up late often. It’s getting late. Miss Jiang, you should go home and rest well.”

“I’ve been… under too much pressure lately?” Jiang Wan’s face turned red as she quickly stood up with her bag. “I won’t disturb you anymore. Thank you, Dr. Gu!”

After he returned home and fed the cat, it was almost midnight.

After briefly sorting out his thoughts, Gu Shen decided to go to the Pure Peach Bar.

Most of Dadu was vastly different from Azure River. It was the most prosperous city in the south in the East Continent.

Every inch of land in Dadu was valuable. Even the suburbs were more prosperous than downtown Azure River. At night, countless bars along the riverbank opened their doors to welcome guests, with neon lights flashing and a dazzling nightlife. The tide rose and fell in River Shoal, reflecting the two sides of this enchanting, sleepless city.

“Hey, handsome, let’s have some fun~”

“Do you wanna get to know each other?”

Gu Shen had clear facial features. Although he had a hint of youthfulness, he wasn’t weak-looking. Such an appearance was very likable. Coupled with his clean and youthful temperament, it was very difficult to find fault with him no matter how he dressed.

Adhering to his principle of keeping a low profile, he was wearing a cap and black casual clothes. He kept his head down while walking, but he still encountered several girls hitting on him along the way.

He politely and cleanly declined each one.

Putting aside Chu Ling, Gu Shen’s mind was focused solely on investigating the case now.

The only clue was in the Pure Peach Bar. It had been three days since the incident, so finding the source wouldn’t be easy…

I’m here. Gu Shen looked up at the neon sign of the Pure Peach Bar.

He had chosen to go out at this time because he had been worried he would stand out if he came too early and there were not many people in the bar… Gu Shen lowered his hat silently and looked at the crowded dance floor in front of him, thinking that he was indeed still inexperienced.

With so many people, finding a clue would be challenging.

There might be a usable method, but his current mental power might not be enough.

He could only… give it a try.

Taking a long breath, Gu Shen closed his eyes, and the slender Blazing Fire appeared between his eyebrows.

In a crowded corner, amidst the hustle and bustle, a very soft whisper blossomed. “… Profile!”

With this quiet command, the Blazing Fire suddenly drilled toward his forehead as though it wanted to fuse into his skin and turn into a vertical eye.

All the noise in Gu Shen’s ears disappeared, and the entire bar fell silent. His mental power began to deplete rapidly, probably dozens of times faster than when he hypnotized Jiang Wan.

He raised his head and saw the swaying figures of men and women entangling with each other on the dance floor, like a group of demons dancing wildly. The flashing lights turned everything around into a hellish scene. Yet strangely, there was not a single sound at all. After he activated the Profile ability, the entire world became like a no-man’s-land ten thousand kilometers below the ocean.

Gu Shen forcibly traced back to a faint mental imprint from three days ago.

In the vision of the Blazing Fire, he saw a faint shadow, like a wild beast smelling blood… The faintly discernible shadow was pointing at the bar.

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