MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist
Chapter 79 Table of contents

Ren looked over at Evie, who was fighting the monsters solo. He didn't know what had happened and why she was alone, but she was going to die if someone wouldn't do something.

A Blue Mage didn't have anything in her list of spells to fight and defend except if she bought the water spell.

However, her mana was almost half, and she kept avoiding the Lava Ant and Lava Hound with not much success. The only thing that kept her alive was her consumption of [Health Potions].

Ren was torn between helping her and not. He had a nagging feeling that all of this was just a plot since it was so common in his previous life.

It was a popular strategy to kick a member out and have it picked up by the succeeding party, unknowing that she was a spy sent to infiltrate their Group and acquire mostly their data and map.

However, at this point in time, no one of the members of Silvia's Group suspected a thing, and they went to help Evie at the first notice of her life flashing red in danger.

Who wouldn't? Not when Black Lion was strong and portrayed themselves as honorable. No one would think that one of their previous members was a spy. Why would they even spy on a weak and newbie guild like Golden Phoenix in the first place?

Ren knew better, though. And at this moment, he was paralyzed in place, thinking of his past debt or his present predicament.

Why was it her of all people? Ren thought, shaking his head in frustration.

If it were any other member in Black Lion, he wouldn't give a damn. He would even help the monsters kill her by accident, of course, to eliminate any potential threat.

Ren forcefully scratched his head before he said, "Nikolai cast Taunt." He'd think about what to do later after saving her.

Nikolai used [Taunt] and drew the monsters attention to him while Ren casted the Water spell on the Lava Ant first, killing it with one shot.

At the side, Rafaela threw a [Health Potion] at Evie and the red alarm flashing on the latter's screen disappeared.

"Are you okay?" Alecia asked after she ran next to Evie and helped her to her feet.

"Y-yes." Evie still hadn't recovered from her shock when Scar kicked her out. And now, she became speechless at how Silvia's Group actually helped her without a second thought.

Maybe she could really infiltrate their Group if she asked? Evie bit her lips. Guilt was making her have second thoughts.

Finishing the Lava Hounds and its minions after it burst, the ladies all took a short breath before circling Evie for the expected rounds of questioning.

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Why are you alone in this part of the map?"

"Did you get separated from Black Lion?"

Evie wanted to abort her mission at the sight of the women's concerned faces and worried tones.

However, the following words that came out of her mouth made her look away in shame. "I . . . I was kicked out from the Group. . . because I . . . couldn't fight."

Upon hearing her reasoning, Ren closed his eyes briefly and released a deep breath. He was hoping that Evie would tell the truth. There was no way that Black Lion would kick one of their members in a dungeon raid and risk tarnishing their reputation this early in the game.

They couldn't afford even a single newbie this early on to go to the forums and spread how she was kicked out from Black Lion and left alone in a dungeon because she was a Blue Mage who couldn't fight.

Black Lion was just starting their foothold and a negative press wasn't one they could afford right now.

What made her so desperate? Ren couldn't help but think. Did she waned to enter Black Lion that much?

But in the past, Ren didn't remember she did. She didn't belong in any guild. However, she never did once associate herself with Black Lion.

Could this be what happened in the early game that he wasn't aware of?

Maybe Evie changed her mind at the end and decided to leave Black Lion instead?

Who knows?

Ren had pressing matters when things escalated so quickly, and the girls decided to recruit Evie temporarily to the Group.

The women were all so trusting!

"Not a chance." Robert stepped forward.

Alecia put a hand to her tilted hips. "Why not?"

". . ." Robert was silent for a moment, face tight like he was having a hard time formulating his words. He didn't know how to explain without putting them in the spotlight of suspicion.

Ren smirked at the side. That was right. If Robert said that Evie might be a spy from Black Lion, the others might become wary and also suspect them since they weren't originally members of Golden Phoenix.

Robert would not thread on any single word that pertained to 'spying' and give away their identity.

"Why can't she just log out?" Vida suggested, and Robert sighed in relief.

"Yeah, that's right," seconded Jack, "the amount of EXP and gil we got is already minuscule enough. Another additional person would further lessen that number."

Though Evie was another feast for the eyes, Jack and Robert's priority was entirely different. Beauties were good and all, but their goal was more important.

The women all looked at Evie.

"What do you say, dear?" Rosie asked with a doting voice, acting like the big sister in the Group. "Do you want to log out, or do you want to come with us?"

Evie shifted her eyes left and right and muttered in a low voice, "I want to . . . continue grinding. Thank you all for your help. But I can manage now."

Evie was about to turn her heels and go away while secretly hoping for the best outcome with her move.

"Wait. Don't go." Rafaela went to Evie and grabbed her by the elbow before she faced the others. "She's only one person. Why don't we just let her join? She has half of her MP while most of us are almost gone. She's a good addition to our unit at this point in time."

Silvia nodded. Rafaela did have a point. Evie still has more than half of her MP. "Do you have heal and water spell?"

Evie nodded.

And with her nod, the ladies seemed to have made a decision, while Robert's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe that he was singled out again.

"What say you, Ren?" Pamela asked, eyes imploring.

"A girl like her wandering around in this part doesn't sit well with me," seconded Rosie.

Lucia just shrugged. "Whatever. I'll go with what the majority decides."

Pressed with doe-like eyes in different colors, shapes, and sizes, Ren couldn't help but release a big breath.

At this moment, he held Evie's fate in the palm of his hands as he did so in the past.

One word from him that she was a spy sent by Black Lion, and Silvia's Group would no longer let her in. They already trusted him after a whole day of exploring. They would even become wary of Robert and his friends.

However, more than anything, Ren wanted to know why Evie was doing this. She wasn't like this in the past. She had her pride and image to uphold. She didn't bow down to anyone. She was the Illusion Queen who dominated the battled field with her deceptive spells. Whoever employed her would surely get a win.

He wanted to know the reason behind her desperation to get into Scar's guild, which was the only reason he said 'yes' to her joining their Group.

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