MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist
Chapter 83 Table of contents

BONOUS Chapter for reaching 100GT

Thank you all!


After less than five minutes, Ren singlehandedly defeated the four Lava Hounds.

He then approached Pamela, who had her eyes opened wide like a dear caught in the headlight while her mouth was gaping.

"Cast Cure on me. I'm suffering from burn."

Pamela's gaze went over to Ren's face, straining her neck in the process as she looked over him though she couldn't see his appearance. For some reason, she felt like it was the only time she saw a man in her life. And the alluring line of his muscles from his hands and legs were all she could see.

She only made gurgling noises before she got over her shock and stuttered.

"R-right away!" with shaking limbs and a heated face, Pamela cast [Cure], and the [Burn] status was gone over Ren's head.

The others also regained their bearing, and Rosie was the first one to hop onto Ren.

"I'm totally smitten! You're so strong and mysterious. A capable man is truly the best!" Rosie hugged Ren's arms, her enormous breasts pressing against his hand as she stared over at him with a pair of seductive red eyes. "How about it? I don't mind you having a Girlfriend. It would be our own naughty little secret. What do you say?"

"Rosie! That's inappropriate!" Rafaela reprimanded. Rosie was always easy to fall for a guy. Especially tall, lean and talented men.

"What? I'm single." Rosie stuck out her tongue at Rafaela.

"What do you mean single? You have so many boyfriends!" Alecia retorted.

"That's in the real world, honey. It doesn't count here. In this virtual world, I'm single." Rosie giggled before she looked over at Ren once more.

Licking her lips, she purred while rapidly blinking her eyelids, "So what say you, Ren?"

Ugh . . . Ren took his arm and put distance between them. "I'm not interested," he said in a blank tone.

Rosie was a mature beauty and definitely knew her way around men. Ren would bet that she was popular among the boys, especially her figure coupled with her seductive charms.

But Ren preferred an honest and real relationship. Not just someone for good times.

He was sick of all the fake relationships he had in the past.

Rosie wasn't the least bit offended that Ren brushed her off. Men sometimes like playing hard to get. Especially the younger ones. She even giggled and teased, "I see . . . you have a girlfriend?"

". . ." Silvia and Pamela's ears turned big.

Ruru looked over at Ren with expectant eyes.

Rafaela clenched her hands tight without knowing it.

Alecia just frowned.

Nikolai was lost in the conversation.

Evie didn't know what was happening.

When Ren didn't say anything, Rosie sent Ren a [Friend Request] and licked her lips. "Call me if you're done playing in the Kidde pool. You can definitely join me in the deep, deep, DEEP sea," she slurred and winked.

Ren was left speechless. Good thing that his gear hid his appearance. He didn't want others to see his expression right now.

"Hey, no fair! I want to add him too!" Alecia immediately sent a friend request to Ren while the other girls followed suit.

Even Pamela couldn't resist sending one.

Knowing Ren's high ATP, he'd be just one call away if they need him in the future.

Seeing that the women were all fawning over her hired man, Silvia didn't know how or what to feel. She was smug about it since she was the one who contacted Ren in the first place. But now that the others were considering employing him too, Silvia released a low grumble.

Nikolai snickered at the side, looking at Ren with his bright eyes. "Wow, mister. You suddenly became popular.

He then looked at his hands and clenched them into fists. "As I thought! Becoming stronger is every man's priority."

Please don't only increase your STR. Ren prayed silently.

"Alright. Enough of this. Don't tease the poor guy." Silvia broke the women from torturing Ren. Especially Rosie, who kept rubbing her assets at the man, 'accidentally' of course.

"I'm sorry, she's old and retarded," Silvia said, rolling her eyes.

"I'm not old," Rosie protested with a pout. "Twenty-four is still young!"

"She constantly had to repeat years in college because she always forgot her name on her test papers."

"That's just one time!" Rosie shouted before she pressed a finger over her lips and looked over at the ceiling with an innocent face. ". . . Or two . . . or three . . . ?

". . ." Ren shook his head and got back to the topic. "Let's open the chest and get back on track. We still have a boss to defeat and a firstblood to claim."

The women looked amongst themselves, and their happy faces turned awkward and hesitant.

Silvia broke the short silence. "Are you sure that we can defeat the boss?"

". . ." Ren stared at Silvia's pretty face. Unlike her usual haughty expression, she was sporting a vulnerable one right now, which didn't sit well with him.

Silvia should remain proud. How else would he extort her in the future if she suddenly went all weak and submissive now?


Nikolai stood straight at Ren's call.


"Sorry. But can you share your Mana Potion with everyone?"

Nikola happily answered, "Not a problem!"

"Wait. Wait. Wait." Alicia put her hands up. "Mana Potions?"

"Where did you get such a thing?" Rafaela asked.

"In town," answered Nikolai since Ren had already given the signal about the [Mana Potion], then Nikolai got the picture that it was no longer a secret.

Getting the overall picture, Silvia stared at Ren, couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You . . . you could already enter towns?"

Ren stifled a laugh. "Honestly, you should have thought of that earlier with my damage and all. And Nikolai's STR is also +30."

Silvia and the others looked at each other before they face palmed themselves.

That was right!

With Ren's serious magical damage, there was no way that his INT didn't already reach +30.

Why hadn't they thought of that before?

"But why keep it a secret?" Silvia looked at Ren before staring down at Nikolai, gaze reprimanding the little kid.

"I-it was Ren's idea," the kid readily pointed at Ren in an attempt to rescue himself from everyone's scrutinizing gazes.

"I have my reasons. And it's my trump card. Everyone should have at least one. And besides, it's a good thing that I did."

". . ."

Everyone realized what Ren was trying to imply, and they couldn't help but take a deep breath. Their mood worsened at just the thought of Robert and his cahoots.

Yes. It was a good thing that Ren hid it. Or else, Robert might have formulated some sort of nonsense to get his hands on it.

"But still . . . you could have just told only me," Silvia said, garnering glares at her from her friends.

What did she mean just her? The others pouted.

Silvia ignored them and continued, "And about the Tank. You could have just Tank for us since your ATP is so high, so I didn't have to hire that bastard."

Silvia didn't want to sound accusing, but it just came out like it did.

"The tank wasn't for me," explained Ren, "It was for you. To keep you all alive. Though I said I could Tank, I didn't have the necessary skill a Tank has to draw all the aggro on me. All the monsters will still go after you girls first until I attack it and shift its aggro towards me. If we encounter multiple enemies, I can only manage to draw four while the rest would come after you."

Silvia shifted her gaze. "I-is . . . Is that so?"

Ren didn't want to waste time explaining since everything had already happened. "What happened, happened already. Let's go. There's no point in staying here."

The group opened the chest and was surprised that it contained only one piece of equipment. A [Healing Staff] that provided additional INT and reduced spells cooldown. Much better equipment than a [White Staff].

However, it could only be equipped by a White Mage.

Pamela, Rafaela, and Rosie all toss a dice for it, and the Goddess bestows her luck on Pamela.

After which, the group pressed forward.

Thanks to Nikolai's [Mana Potion], they regained their MP. And with Ren's high ATP, the women felt like they could take on anything.

"Ha! I can't wait to see Robert's face when he sees our full HP and MP!" Alecia laughed.

"Never mind that. I would pay a blank check just to be on the front row seat when his expression turned ugly when we get firstblood." Silvia smirked.

As the girls were enjoying their time talking, Ren slowed his steps and went beside Evie, who was contemplating something on the far back.

Thanks to Ren's display of prowess, all the attention was shifted to him, and Evie was utterly forgotten. The downside was that the girls no longer talked to her.

That was fine with Evie. She preferred it that way to lessen her guilt.

Right now, she was so focused on what she found about Ren that she didn't notice the man was already beside her. His deep but low and soothing voice startled her when he asked.

"Got everything you needed?"

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