MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist
Chapter 85 Table of contents

Robert went to his group fuming with anger before he slammed his feet against the rock. He yelped when a tingle vibrated from the tip of his toes and traveled to the end of his bones.

"F*ck! Mother F*ck! As*hole! Sh*t!"

Trixie covered her face and shook her head in embarrassment at how her boyfriend was acting, while the other members cringed at the sight of their leader.

Where was the composure that he always spoke about?

While the players who saw all snickered and pointed their fingers at him.


Every player's attention went to Scar when he spoke. His voice was enigmatic, while his face was charismatic. What more could you ask for a leader?

"Is it alright if my group and I will enter first?" Scar said straight to the point. Now that their main attacking unit had full HP and MP, there was no need to wait anymore.

It was time to get that firstblood.

However, as Scar expected, the two groups that were ahead of them protested. And Scar couldn't just brush them off and force their way towards the Boss's Room. Bad press wasn't what they needed right now.

"What do you mean enter first?!" Group 1 shouted.

"Mother-Father! We have been here for hours. We have traversed this cave for an entire day!" Group 2 stated.

"I know. I know. However, I propose a proposition to the two groups that came ahead of us," Scar started and continued when the two groups only looked at each other in confusion.

"I know how hard it is for everyone to come this far, and I understand your frustration. However, I promised to share the Boss's information with your group if we get firstblood."

Group 1 sneered while group 2 scoffed.

"And we will offer money," Scar added. "Real money."

The two groups' faces lightened.

Now we're talking!

Group 1 and 2 weren't after the fame anyway. Firstblood was good and all, but if they could get actual money from just playing a game, then it was so much better.

When Group 1 and 2 took the bait, Scar pressed on, "I think this is a good compensation for you guys. Not that I don't believe in your skills, but as you know, more than half of your group have no more MP left."

Groups 1 and 2 looked at each of their members and compared it to Scar's well-equipped party. It was like comparing peasants to nobles. Scar was right. Their chance of getting firstblood was lesser than fifty percent.

Maybe even less than ten percent since other groups before them who have better gears and more MP ended up at the cave entrance as wisps.

However, their chance of getting real money was a hundred percent. This was an offer that they couldn't pass by.

Who cares about firstblood anyway? It was not like they could eat it. They were just playing for fun and didn't even know the importance of getting firstblood for a guild.

"Sure. How much are you willing to pay?" Group 1 asked, and Group 2 seconded.

"As long as we received real money. No problem if you go ahead of us."

"Hold it!" Robert immediately interfered and came forward between Scar and the two groups. "If he's offering money, then so am I. I'm buying our spot to go first."

"Hold it!" Group 3 interfered and came into the picture. They glared at Robert's group and growled, "You came after us, so you have to pay us as well."

Robert gritted his teeth, and he looked over at Trixie. Trixie merely waved her fingers and nodded without care.

Robert regained his bearing and grinned. "Sure. No problem. How much do you want?"

Group 3's leader crossed his arms. "How much can you offer?"

Robert grumbled under his breath. He knew that the first one to give a number lost. In negotiation, he had to hear the other's offer first before he would work around it.

"How much do you want?" Robert persisted. He could not lose to a bunch of noobs in terms of compromise.

Group 3 looked over at the ceiling before a crooked grin made its way to his lips. "How about one thousand each of us. There are fifteen of us, so fifteen thousand real money."

Robert's mouth dropped. "That's only for a spot!"

"Take it or leave it." Group three said stubbornly.

Seeing that they could receive one thousand real money, the other group's eyes shone, and they requested the same amount.

All in all, the total amount that Robert had to pay to take the first spot was a total of forty thousand.

Robert looked over at Trixie, and his smile was a little bit awkward. Trixie sighed and nodded before checking her nails. Robert was ecstatic, and he sent a flying kiss her way.

"Fine then." Robert grinned.

However, at this point in time, Scar stepped forward and proclaimed, "It's not only them that you have to pay Robert. Have you forgotten? Our group came here ahead of you."

". . ." Robert's face went white. That was right. How could he forget about Black Lion?

Robert chuckled and cleared his throat. "Scar, you're already rich. What do you need money for?"

"True. However, I can't just allow you to go ahead before us."

"What is it that you want then?" Robert snapped.

"How about a hundred thousand to each one of us, and you can go first? Ey?"

Robert and his teammates almost went out of their skin, and even Trixie shouted, unmindful of her image.

"That's crazy!"

"Yeah. And only for a spot?!"

"That's very unreasonable!"

"You're just taking advantage of us!"

Scar merely laughed. "If you don't want to pay, then don't. Simple as that. However . . . WE will get firstblood."

Robert gritted his teeth. Why did they have to enter after them? He should have picked up the pace if he knew this would happen.

Scar getting his hands on mana potions was out of his calculations.

However, Robert still had something up his sleeve. He leaned closer to Scar and said, "How about I give you the complete map of Vulcan's cave?"

Scar raised a brow. "Complete? Are you sure it's complete?"

"It's ninety-eight percent complete! The last two percent is the Boss's room," Jack said with certainty.

Scar was silent for a moment before he leaned a little closer to Robert and whispered, "You see . . . I don't need the map anymore, Robert. Thank you for bragging about your map to us. I have someone go and take care of it."

The evil grin behind Scar's amiable face put Robert at an edge.

"You mean that girl. Evie?"

Scar shrugged, not affirming or denying Robert's claims.

Robert was fuming with anger when he remembered that pretty girl with white hair. Because of her, his plans were ruined! There might be a chance of negotiation if only she didn't infiltrate the group and get their map!

And DAMN Silvia and the others for being too trusting!

No. DAMN him for mentioning about their map to Scar in the first place!

Robert's head was pounding hard. He wanted to hit himself. He couldn't give up now! Not now when he was so close to getting firstblood!

Robert went to Trixie, grabbed her hand, and talked to her at the side.

"Bo,' Robert pleaded, but he hadn't even finished his sentence when Trixie slapped his hands aside.

"No! Robert, my monthly allowance is only five hundred thousand. I will not be spending all of my money at the beginning of the month. What would happen to me the rest of the week? I'll starve. I can't go shopping. I can't go to the spa. What about my weekly appointment with my skin dermatologist and orthodontist? Not to mention that the latest Luis Vuitton bag is just around the corner. I can't let Silvia have one while I don't! What will people say? That I'm starting to get Poor?! That I can no longer compete with Silvia? Forget it, Robert."

Robert didn't get the chance to open his mouth fully, and Trixie already barraged him with words that left him wagging a white flag in defeat.

The woman's voice was high pitch, and it hurt his ears. Her mouth was like a nonstop drumming gong that pierced his eardrums.

He would have broken up with her if she wasn't rich and hot.

Robert gritted his teeth. He couldn't lose Trixie now. He needed her in his guild as a financer and backer, even if all she cared about was getting ahead of Silvia.

"If you're done talking, then I guess we're going ahead," said Scar when the door opened for the next challenger.

Just us everyone expected, the firstblood still wasn't claimed!

"Guro, get all their names and message Invayne to transfer the money to their accounts as soon as possible," said Scar.

"Yes, Boss."

Group 1 and 2 both rubbed their hands together with eyes shining like sparkly gil.

The only one who wasn't happy about the turn of events was Robert and his group.

"Bye . . ." Sevi smirked. "Losers," she whispered in the end.

Robert let out another series of curses as the door closed behind Black Lion.

The leaders of Group 3 crossed his hands and looked at Robert under his enlarged nostrils. "So, are you going to pay us or what?"

"FUCK OFF!!" Robert screamed at the top of his lugs.

Scar's group already went ahead. What's the use of paying the others now?

The greatest threat had just entered the Boss's room, and there was a hundred percent chance that Black Lion would get first blood!

This was Scar they were talking about!

Damn it!

Robert kicked a hard rock and yelped when that famillar tingle traveled from his toes and rippled in all parts of his body.

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