MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist
Chapter 90 Table of contents

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Having to imagine Vulcan's Lair was different than the actual image, and the women looked all uneasy again when they saw the sea of lava.

"Don't be afraid. Vulcan is an easy Boss if you stick to the plan." Ren reassured.

Evie's hand was sweating. She was the first to initiate an attack to draw Vulcan's little minions to her.

"Don't be nervous. You can do it."

Evie's nerves calm down a little at hearing Ren's low but deep voice. There was something in his tone that radiated confidence. Looking over at the towering man, Evie felt that everything was going to be okay.


Dried magma rocks came together to form a ball of glowing searing lava with red eyes and a wide mouth that spouted hot liquid fire.

. . .

. . .

Pft. Ruru smacked her mouth with her hand in an attempt to stop her giggles. "It looked like packman."

Everyone weirdly looked at Ruru, and their nerves loosened a bit at her funny remark.

Ruru always had a weird sense of humor.

"Alright, get into position." Ren leaped into an island near Vulcan together with Nikolai and Silvia.

At the same time, Evie and Pamela took the other side and engaged the little Vulcans. Evie casted [Water] Spell drawing the aggro on her while Pamela jumped on an island not far from her.

And as they expected, Evie was swarmed with dribbles of fires, but she didn't do anything to shift the aggro from her. She took it all in with a blank face. Good thing that the little Vulcans' fires didn't do serious damage.

A total of –20 was reduced from Evie's HP from all the attacks, and she didn't suffer [Burn] status at the first wave. Ren specifically told her not to kill the Little Vulcans no matter how annoying they were because their real damage was when they exploded.

Her life would last longer if she left them alone. All she need to focus on was attacking Vulcan with her [Water] spell since her INT was the highest after Lucia left the group.

Seeing all enemies from all sides surrounded Evie, the girls all took pity and actually felt guilty that they had suspected her.

Meanwhile, Ren was thinking about a different matter.

Good. Ren thought. Evie might not die even after they killed the Boss if everything went well.

"Stop worrying about her. She'll be fine," said Ren. "Throw those duds at Vulcan now!"

At Ren's signal, numerous potions containing clear aqua flew in the air and hit their levitating target.

–250 Critical Hit!

–270 Critical Hit!

–230 Critical Hit!

–220 Critical Hit!

–250 Critical Hit!

–280 Critical Hit!

[ Vulcan suffered from SLOW ]

Ren cast a multi-attack and dealt a massive blow at Vulcan in a single attack.

–1570 Critical Hit!

[ Vulcan suffered from SLOW ]

Nikolai jumped in front of Vulcan and struck a pose before his palms hit the levitating giant magma.

"Soul Attack! YaArgGh!"

– 220

"Ha!" Nikolai was ecstatic at the number. He didn't think his particular skill could do that amount of damage.

"Mister, did you see the damage?! I'm freaking strong!" Nikolai happily pointed at Vulcan.

"Get away from it! Quick!" Ren shouted.

Nikolai was surprised before he stepped away from Vulcan when the latter opened its mouth wide, and multiple balls of lava shot into the sky, blocking the horizon in a perpetual fire before it rained down below.

"Kyaagh!" the girls screamed before they realized that it wasn't that hot.

Rafaela laughed while sighing. "I can never get used to this," she said while welcoming a ball of fire in her open palms.

"Me too." Rosie checked her curls and breathed a sigh of relief when they weren't burned. Though her HP was losing a minuscule sum.

"Everyone who didn't receive much damage, continue to attack Vulcan while Healers heal and cure those whose HP greatly decreased and suffering from Burn."

"Got it!"

Unlike when they first entered in the cave, and everything was a mess, Golden Phoenix was performing a lot better now – way better.

After venturing for more than a day in Vulcan's Cave, they have gotten to each other's attacks and feel of the battle.

And thanks to Ren's instructions and simple enough strategy, everyone was performing their best. They were no longer wasting MP on wasted heal and cure. They felt like they could really do it!

They could really claim firstblood!

. . . If only their aim could improve in a day as well.

"S-sorry!" Ruru apologized profusely when the dud she threw was wasted when she didn't hit Vulcan.

Ren lamented. That was a thousand gil lost. He even chose the Aqua Dud that dealt AoE damage since he took everyone's aim into consideration. But some still miss their target.

Ren didn't know how that happened when Vulcan wasn't even moving.

"Agh . . ." Rafaela groaned. "Sorry. I have weak arms. The dud fell short."

Ren released a breath. "Those who have missed take a breather and heal the others."

Ren was focused on Vulcan while still minding his surroundings and the others' health.

So far, they have managed to reduce Vulcan's HP to less than half in two minutes, and everyone was near full HP and in good health.

He was even surprised that Evie was doing well at ignoring the little minions while Pamela was making sure to keep her alive.

Pamela unblinkingly stared at Evie, red veins crawling on her pupils when she didn't blink, afraid that Evie might die.

Ren chuckled. She should relax a bit.

"Embrace for another wave! Stand your ground!" Ren shouted at the others when Vulcan opened its mouth again, and fireballs rained down on them.

It was actually more dangerous to evade it and trip into the Lava Pool while doing so. At least the rain of fire only dealt minuscule damage while the Lava Pool dealt continuous damage.

After the wave, everyone made sure that their HP was still near full.

Ren had a [Burn] status flashing on his screen but it quickly disappeared, and he gave his thanks to Rosie while the latter just sent a flying kiss his way.

Augh . . .

Ren quickly did an MP check, and the White Mages still have half their MP left.

In contrast, Evie and Alecia already had zero MP and was now using the [Aqua Dud] he gave them.

The others have near zero [Aqua Dud] too, but Ren wasn't worried. Another round of his multi-attack and Vulcan would enter [Berserk] mode. And what awaited them after that was victory.

"Ren, something is wrong with the Boss!" Silvia said, drawing everyone's eyes at Vulcan.

Compared to before, Vulcan's mouth was opened much wider, and inside its throat was a concentrated ball of fire.

Ren's eyes rounded. Not good! His attention immediately flicked at Evie and Pamela. "Evie, Pamela, get into the Lava Pool!"

Pamela and Evie both looked at Ren in bewilderment. "What?"

At that exact moment, Evie saw a large burst of glowing lava at the corner of her eyes, heading straight in her direction.

Evie didn't have time to think and she dived into the Lava Pool, missing the Lava Beam by a hair.

However, Pamela's reaction was a second late, and she was hit by the [Lava Beam's] edge causing her HP to rapidly drain before stopping at +4.

She was about to drink [Health Potions] when Vulcan suddenly appeared right in front of her and gave her a loud chomp, munching her in one bite.

Pamela burst into white particles with hallowed eyes. She seemed to have passed out from shock.

"P-Pamela!" Silvia didn't know what had happened.

"How the hell did Vulcan move?"

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