MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist
Chapter 92 Table of contents

All eyes went to the caster who had cast the [Water] spell, and everyone's mouth dropped when the attack came from Evie, who now had half of her MP.

How did her MP suddenly went from zero to half?

"Nikolai gave me one," she told everyone while her focus never strayed from Vulcan. Evie was reserving the [Mana Potion] until the end, and good thing that she did.

Ren was speechless for a moment before he released a relaxed smile. Thank goodness, Nikolai!

"That Kid saves the day, huh?" Rafaela stifled a laugh.

"Honestly . . ." Silvia released a mouthful of breath.

However, their respite was short live when Vulcan released a resounding RoOaArR! The hard layers of dried magma pulsated against its body like it was going to burst. Lava spurted in all its orifices while it rapidly dried into hard layers of rocks, transforming its image into a hard metal ball with only a menacing pair of red eyes.

[Vulcan entered BERSERK MODE!]

[Vulcan gained a NEW Skill!

Vulcan's Rage

–– Vulcan rapidly attacks in all manners of direction nonstop, dealing massive physical damage!

–– Cost –100 MP ]

"Everyone into the Lava Pool now!" Ren instructed.

Everyone was confused at first, but upon seeing Ren jump into the blazing liquid of fire, they followed suit just in time that Vulcan shot in all directions like a pinball.

It rapidly zoomed everywhere, leaving only after image of itself that it was impossible to follow it with their eyes, much less predict its movement.

The only consolation the group had was Vulcan was aiming at islands. It was the reason why Ren instructed them to get into the Lava Pool so the ravaging metal ball of fire wouldn't hit them. One hit from it, and it would surely be the end of them.

Though they weren't out of the rock since the Lava Pool dealt continuous damage on their HP plus the annoying [Burn] status.

"T-this . . . how do we even attack it if we can't predict its movement?" Alecia lamented after taking a [Health Potion] to recover.

"I can't even see it clearly with it sprinting all over the place," complained Rafaela, rubbing her strained eyes that attempted to follow Vulcan's movement.

"H-how long would it stop moving?" Ruru was worried since she had already consumed her last [Health Potion]. They must defeat Vulcan as soon as possible, or the Lava Pool will kill them.

". . ." Silvia was silent, eyes on Ren, who was also quiet. What's going on with him? She thought.

Silvia squinted her eyes, but it was useless since she couldn't see Ren's face.

Is he . . . casting?

Silvia shifted her gaze at Vulcan, who was impossible to aim. With that thing running all over the place like a ravaging bull, it would take tremendous luck to hit it with a spell.

Their best course of action was to send someone on a suicide mission. Vulcan was only +50 HP away from dying, and Silvia might be able to finish it using her skill. She would hop onto the island and kill it with one strike.

If only she could get her timing right, everything would be easy.

Silvia unblinkingly stared at Vulcan, trying to know some kind of a pattern she could exploit. But it was like an impossible feat considering she was floating in the Lava Pool while Vulcan was levitating above. She couldn't get a good perspective to acquire a pattern of its attacks.

Damn it.

If she didn't do something, then all of them would die from continuous damage and the [Burn] status. At least if she got out there and faced Vulcan, they may still have a chance.

It was now or never.

Silvia made up her mind, and she jumped onto the island and faced Vulcan head-on.

However, she hadn't even taken action and performed any skill when Vulcan rammed itself against her. And it went without saying that Silvia was flung into the air while she burst into particles.

"I'm SoOoOrRy!"

Ren just shook his head and restrained a laugh. Leave it to Silvia for being impatience and not be able to stand at the side for even just fifteen seconds.

Ren wasn't worried at this point. Everything was easy as long as Vulcan had entered [Berserk] mode.

Vulcan was indeed hard to catch when it entered rage, but there was a pattern to its movement as long as you know how to count. He didn't tell Silvia and the others about it, for he avoided questions about how he knew that stuff. Telling them too much information might backfire against him.

Vulcan might be running all over the place, but he was just targeting the islands. At exactly fifteen seconds after it charge, it would stop for a moment at the farthest north of the Map for a second before he resumed rampaging again.

That was what Ren had been aiming for. That sliver of a window of attack. And if Silvia could have just waited for fifteen seconds, she might have lived.


Ignoring Vulcan and the others, Ren cast [Multiattack] and aimed four [Water] spells at exactly north of the room just in time that Vulcan took a second break on that exact same spot.


[ Vulcan suffered from SLOW ]

Vulcan let out a reverberating RoOAaR as it trembled while the layers of dried magma forming its frame burst and Lava shot in multiple directions before it exploded.

"Dive into the Pool!"

At Ren's voice, everyone dived into the Lava Pool before the loud explosion raked the cave. If the group didn't seek refuge under the sea of Lava, then they might have been shredded into pieces and died from the massive explosion.

It was a last attempt of Vulcan at wiping everyone out, and it worked a hundred percent in the past when the players grew complacent after defeating it, all forgetting that it exploded when killed, dealing massive AoE damage enough to wipe them out in a single blow.

Silence descended after the explosion, and everyone's head popped from the Lava Pool, making sure that the coast was clear.

Ren was the first to get out from the blazing inferno and consumed [Health Potion], ignoring his [Burn] Status, while Pii flew over to him and curled around his neck.

"Don't worry. Everything is over. You can come out now." Ren went to Evie and helped her up while the others scurried over to the nearest island.

Rafaela sighed and cast [Cure] on Ren and herself. "I'm glad that was over."

"Why did you cast Cure on you and not on your teammates? What kind of a healer are you?" Alecia complained as she drank multiple [Health Potions] to combat the [Burn] status on her head.

Rafaela flipped her hair. "The selfish one. Of course, I'm going to save myself and the main attacker. You're good as dead anyway without mana.

"By the way, where's Ruru?" asked Rafaela, shifting her head left and right to find their little companion.

Alecia shook her head and snickered. "She died in the Lava pool. Too bad that she didn't live to see this glorious moment."

". . ."

". . ."

Rafaela and Alecia were stunned when they suddenly realized something.

Vulcan was dead!

Firstblood was theirs!

At their realization, the girls screamed and hugged each other in joy while tears coated their thick lashes.

"We got firstblood!"

"We really got firstblood!"

Ren let out a sigh, and a small smile tickled his lips at watching the two girls. While Evie just stood to the side, clutching her hand with a blank face.

And at this exact moment, the [World Announcement] boomed over the ceiling.

<CONGRATULATIONS to Golden Phoenix for getting first blood in clearing VULCAN's CAVE, NORMAL Difficulty!


¶ 1,000 EXP (each)

· 10,000 Gil (each)

¸ Platinum Chest x1

‹ Gold Chest x2 >

<Do you want to announce your achievement to the world?>



Rafaela and Alecia looked at each other before they gaze at Ren and Evie.

"The decision is yours," Ren simply said.

Rafaela and Alecia grinned before they pressed <YES>, causing an uproar in the world of COVENANT.


So the 4 became 6 overnight from 300 GT and 1000 PS.


Thank you everyone!

Its time for grinding madness 🤣😭

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