Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 19 Table of contents

Group Training Supervision (2)


"Hmmm· Isn't that too small a number to make a comparison with only three?"

"Everyone's still hard to believe in our family's training methods, right? If we took too many children and it didn't work, we thought it would be a waste of time for the other students, so we decided to do it with just three of us first."

Hyunsung's eyes lit up at Mujin's explanation.

"I didn't think this little girl would have thought that much..."

Doesn't that mean that it was a choice made in consideration of the Master of the Temple, as well as Hye-jeong and the disciples who were in charge of the training of the students who entered the university?

Hyunsung shook his head, satisfied with his thoughtful choice.

"First, as you say, let's train with the three of them. I'll wait and see at the end of the three months and then make a decision."

"I'm just grateful for your consideration."

Mujin, who had received Hyunsung's permission, offered a dharma salute and thanked him.

"It was good..."

Of course, he didn't really choose Hyunsung or others out of consideration.

'What's so pretty?'

He was still busy raising his frail body, and he had no intention of taking care of dozens of children for free.

* * *

The next morning·

Mu Gong woke up as usual and headed to the theater at the same time.

Mu Gong, a hard-working person who didn't want to show weakness in front of others, grabbed a sa bag and tried to take Ma Bo as soon as he arrived at the banquet hall.

"Hey... What are you doing there?"

If it hadn't been for the Mujin guy who came out of the theater after that, he didn't talk to me.

"What are you doing? Don't you see what you're trying to train?"

"You don't have to do that today. Inma·"


"You're going to have to work out with me today. You, Muyul, and Mu Kyung..."


Mu Jin, who couldn't understand Mujin's words, looked around with a puzzled face.

Before I knew it, the Dharma River came out of the theater and backed up Mu Jin's words.

"Mu Jin is right... The three of you have to train with Mu Jin for three months from today."

It was like a blue sky power for Mu Gung.

Mu Gong used to hang out with Mu Jin to warm up his body with muscle lengthening techniques and practice the Yan Ring Circle, but he never trained his body.

This was because both the Great Disciples and Hye Zheng knew that they were denying Mu Jin's training method.

As a martial artist who dreams of becoming a Shaolin disciple, would he dare to do something that will be stamped by his masters?

In that sense...

'You've already been photographed just for hanging out with him!'

The only voice he heard to train with Mujin was that he was going to throw him out of Shaolin.

However, whether Mu Gung was frustrated or not, Mu Yul and Mu Kyung who came to be with him were faces that didn't think much of it.

"Heheh... So, from today on, are we going to do what Mujin is doing?"

"Mu Mu Priest · I'm going to ask you to kill me..."

The thoughtless appearance of the two priests once again frustrated Mu Gung.

'You see me on the same level as those two . . . .'

When Mu Gong was beating the drums and drums alone, a majestic lion hu burst out of Hye Jung's mouth, who had arrived at the theater before she knew it.

"Let the dawn training begin!"

At the same time, all the inmates began to take their own sacs and take mabo.


"Wake up... Inma·"

Mu Jin coolly slapped the back of Mu Gong's head and awakened his spirit.

"You've all been tormenting your lower body and knees every day so far, so let's start with the arms that have been lacking the most exercise today."

Mu Jin first held two sacs in each hand to demonstrate, and then folded his arms alternately to show the biceps exercise.

"Come on... Mu Qing and Mu Yul are both the first, so let's start with two because we only have one sand and Mu Mu is strong."

Immediately after the demonstration, Mujin, who made the children hold the sacs in their hands, led the training.

"Heheh... It's really comfortable..."

"I think I can do this..."

Thinking that it was much more comfortable than the Shaolin-style training they had been subjected to before, Mu Yul and Mu Qing looked happy.

'Damn it! If you only do this kind of exercise, you won't be able to become a true disciple!"

Mu Gung, on the other hand, only yelled inwardly at the training that was too easy. If you say it, you'll get slapped in the back of the head by Mujin again.

But it was a little early for the three of them to think that training would be easy.

"Okay, if you've done it all fifteen times, you'll have a little bit of heat in your muscles, so let's add one more sac, shall we?"

The intensity of training was going to increase little by little.

Each of them has one more sac in their hands, and Mu Yul and Mu Kyung have two each. In the hands of Mu Jin and Mu Gong, there were three sacs.

Instead of increasing the number of cysts, the number of times was reduced, and immediately after completing twelve, the number of cysts increased by one again.

After lifting ten times for the third time, the children's reactions were reversed.

"Mujin Priest· I don't think I'll be able to..."

Unholy eyes that began to pop out


Holding a blood rod on his forehead, he began to lift the four sacs again.

"Mmmm... Mujin-ah? My arm won't go up, what do I do?"

And for some reason, it was still a sunny expression on her face.

"Hey... Don't give up if you say no. I'll help you, so give it to me as long as you can."

Of course, it wasn't enough to lower the intensity of the workout just because it was hard.

He happily lifted the arms of Mu Yul and Mu Qing, who were floundering underneath.

It was only so minimal that it would take a very minimal amount of strength and even the strength of the martial arts to be able to lift it.

"Three is the maximum... Is there about four palaces? From now on, you can reduce them one by one. Let's do two of them."

What Mujin is doing is one of the most famous exercise methods, the pyramid set·

It started with a light weight, worked its way up to the maximum weight it could carry, and then gradually reduced it again.

It had the advantage of being able to warm up while lifting light weights, and to be able to continue exercising even with tired muscles after hitting the maximum weight.

In other words, it was one of those exercises that could squeeze your muscles to the limit.

And the muscles that Mu Jin could squeeze were infinite, not including his biceps.

"Okay· The biceps rested for a while, and now it's the triceps turn..."

Biceps, triceps, deltoid, forearm, back·

Squeeze every muscle from your arms to your shoulders one by one.

The trio's arms were trembling with tremendous vibrations.

'Was this such a hard workout?'

In particular, Mu Gong's face, which had been secretly undermining Mujin's training, was full of bewilderment.

Shaolin training usually used the whole body. So, after training, my whole body would ache and I would feel like I was going to collapse on the floor.

However, Mujin's exercise method had a completely different direction.

I didn't use my lower body or abs much, so I didn't have any trouble standing.

"I don't have any strength in my arms..."

In the case of an arm that was intensively exercised, it did not even take the strength to lift a single chopstick.

"Mujin-ah· It's all over now~?"

Even Mu Yul, who had been in the sun, asked Mu Jin with a slightly watery expression. With every muscle in his arm squeezed, he expected to have nowhere else to go.

"Now that we've made one lap, we've got one last lap to do... I've rested for half an hour, so I'll start with my biceps again..."

Mujin couldn't get over it so easily.

Mu Qing, who was timid at Mu Jin's horrible story, shouted with an unusually surprised face.

"Shhhh What are you talking about, Priest!?"

Naturally, the initiates and the disciples who were training separately next to him stared at Mu Qing, but Mu Qing didn't have time to pay attention to their gaze.

I feel like I'm going to have my arm cut off right now, so what does it matter if I look at you?

However, Mu Jin only responded to Mu Kyung's defiance with a bright smile.

"At first, you did biceps exercises and then only did other parts for half a time. My biceps are resting for half a time. Isn't it?"

With a sunny smile as if it were Mu Yul's, the trio thought the same thing.

'Ma Magunida...'

'Maguni was here!'

"Mama... Mujin has become strange again. Hmm·'

* * *

In the afternoon, after a set routine,

Without fail, the inductees gathered in the training hall and conducted their own autonomous training.

And today, Mujin was doing something strange by himself again.

"What are you doing~?"

So harassed at dawn (?) It was a shame that he was asked as if he had been asked.

Mujin confidently explained his masterpiece to Mu Yul.

"This? Punching Ball· No, it's a batting ball..."

A tree located on the side of the theater· It was a punching ball made by attaching a rope to a thick branch of the tree and tying it to a sac.

"Blow ball? What's that?"

"Hmm· I'll give you a demonstration first. Take a good look at Kyung and Gongyi..."

Mu Jin said this to Mu Qing and Mu Gong, who were wearing a face that had been forcibly dragged in, and demonstrated it.

First, curl your fists lightly and clench them. Knock it out like a boxing jab for a moment.

Mujin took advantage of the streak he had been training for months now and slammed the ball with ease.

"Come on... That's how I write it... You can't just practice the annuity ticket in the air, can you? That's why I'm going to practice a quick series of attacks with this for the time being. Or you can do shadow boxing like this."

Mujin once again used a series of herbivores of the Ring Fist, occasionally flying his body to dodge the striking ball as if it were an imaginary enemy.

"Wow! I'll try it!"

Hearing Mujin's explanation, Mu Yul was as happy as a child who got a new toy, and Mu Qing didn't say anything, but he seemed quite curious.

Mu Gong, who had been watching from behind, pointed to something next to him and asked.

There, a number of sacs were tied tightly to the wooden poles of the theater.

"So what's that?"

"Oh, that's it. Punching Bag (打擊包袋 punching bag) · This is also for practicing the Fist technique, but you can do things that you can't do with a batting ball..."

Mujin posed in front of the striking battery to demonstrate this time as well.

But the atmosphere was different from when I was batting the ball. He remained in a stationary position from the start, clearing his breath and squeezing his breath.

And the moment when the internal power that began with the battle of the war stretched to the four hundred seas.


Mujin's fist sliced through the wind, slamming into the striking battery, creating a heavy sound.

"Come on... I'm using this to practice using my inner attack. If you write it in the air, you won't be able to tell what it feels like to hit your opponent, right? But if we hit each other with the ball, we'll go to the goal."

After a brief explanation of the striking ball and the striking battery, Mu Jin turned to the trio and said:

"Come on... So from now on, in the afternoon, I'm going to practice the application of the annuity right while warming up with the striking ball like this, and I'm going to practice the annuity fist with the batting battery. Okay?"

"Mmmm! Can I try that ball first?"

Before Mu Jin could finish his explanation, Mu Yul ran towards the strike ball as if he were leaping out and began to swing his fists.

Mu Jin muttered, staring blankly at the striking ball with a blank look on his face, as if he was possessed by something, and looking at Mu Yul as he swung his fists.

“··· It's not some kind of cat..."

It looked just like a cat that had found cat grass.

"Is it really uplifting? It's my first time, so why are you so good..."

It often feels like a joke to see boxers and martial artists hitting punching balls, but it's not that easy to actually do.

However, Mu Yul was shadow boxing with a very rhythmic theme of hitting a punching ball for the first time in his life.

Definitely· His physical dexterity seemed to be the most superior of the admittents.

"It's the head... My head is ...

Mu Jin shook his head and looked at Mu Gong, who was approaching the striking battery this time.

Mu Gong, who had already been training to the point of exhaustion, was actually itching to use the inner attack.

That's why Mugung chose a strike battery instead of a strike ball. And in front of the striking battery, Mu Gong concentrated his mind on creating a blow sound that was even louder than Mu Jin.


Mu Gong threw down a punch with all his might, and a cool blow burst out.

"Uh-huh! My handiwork..."

"That's right. It's cool..."

Mu Jin, who was digging into his ears with his little finger, waved his hand like a fly and pushed Mu Gong away.

"Come on... I've done it once, so I'm out of the way, and this time it's my turn!"

"I'm not going to do that (batting ball) ... Will it be?"

Mu Qing asked in a slightly tense tone, but Mu Jin just stared at him without saying a word, and then he took a seat in front of the striking battery with a crying expression.

"Be confident! You can do it! Now· Stay focused! Think of that batting battery as that innocent bastard and smash it! You did a good job last time!"

Mujin shouted words of encouragement from the side to cheer him up, but it was a burden on him, and Mukyung's face turned red.

* * *

After that, Mujin still wanted to be recognized by Hyunsung. And above all, he worked tirelessly to raise the physical level of the trio.

In order for him to survive and see the ending of the novel, the three of them were indispensable.

They were the ones who were going to become the blood monks in the future, and they were confident that if they could take care of the shortcomings of Mu Yul and Mu Gong, they could grow big enough.

You might think you'd rather have more time to train yourself in the time you have to take care of those three.

"I'm going to have insurance. Cancer·'

I couldn't know what was going on in people's lives. In particular, he is now possessed by the protagonist of a novel called "Mujin".

I don't know if he's as talented as the protagonist's body, but if there's a problem, it's that it's Choi Kang-hyuk himself who has entered the protagonist's body right now.

Now that the training is focused on the outside air, his knowledge as a fitness trainer has been very helpful.

"Will I be able to attain the enlightenment of Taeguk, the Five Deeds, the Eightfold Path, the Eight Paths, the Eternal Evil, and the Eternity?"

To be honest, Mujin was worried about this part.

If it was the protagonist of the novel, it would have been an epiphany on a fictional day, but for Choi Kang-hyuk, who possessed Mujin, it was a lot of.

That's why Mujin wanted to raise the trio.

In the worst case, So, if you haven't grown up like the protagonist of the novel, Mujin... To work with them to overcome the obstacles.

So the trio were not only PT members but also cute nieces and nephews for Mujin.

It was his future companions and insurance.

Therefore, it was necessary to nurture them as much as possible, at least in terms of external aspects, and in that sense, it was very important for them to be accepted by Hyunsung.

That way, I'll still be teaching them in three months.

However, contrary to Mujin's thoughts, when the time of the pact with Hyunsung is approaching. Things started to take a strange turn.

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