Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 35 Table of contents

White Paper (2)


That afternoon·

Looking at Sason, who had finished his day's work at the Monk Hall, Hye Girl let out another deep sigh.



I couldn't spit on a smiling face, so it was hard to say anything to a sunny face like that.

Holding back the bubbling inside her with extreme patience, Hye-gal forced herself to speak softly.


"Yes· Sir!"

"How did you learn martial arts when you were a freshman?"

"When you were a freshman? Mujin helped me!"


"Yes! And I helped him a little bit with the death penalty and the death penalty without a crime!"

Mu Yul added, but it wasn't because of Hye Girl that she asked Mu Jin's name back.

"If it's Mujin, it's definitely ... It was the name of the child that the Hundred of the Prefecture had given as his great-grandson, probably.

He was a child who stood out from the entrance examination. It's just that it seems to have a different direction from the Shaolin Five Realms, and it just gave up because Zhenguang wanted it.

But that wasn't the point now.

This stupid· No, what is the secret to bringing the pure Sason to the level it is now? That was the most important thing.


"Yes· Sir!"

"I'm going to see Mujin for a while, would you like to join me?"

"Great! Heh

After listening to the answer of the sunny Mu Yul... Hye-gal headed to the hall where Hyun-kwang resides with Mu-yul.

Since he is his great-grandson, Mujin will also be there.

* * *

Even today, when Mujin was treating Hyunguang's body and practicing martial arts in the yard.

"I'm looking forward to seeing you!"

With a booming voice, a middle-aged monk with a fierce impression appeared in the hall.

"Hehehe... Hyegal Sand Quality· Welcome..."

"I'm sorry that I can't visit him often because he's insensitive."

Saying that, Hye-gal entered the hall and was accompanied by Mu-yul by her side.

"Seeing you! Mujin-ah, Annyeoung~!!"

Mujin laughed at Muyul's greeting. Everywhere he went, he was a sunny guy.

While Moo Yul and Mu Jin exchanged light greetings, Hyun Kwang asked Hye Girl.

"Hehehe... You are always welcome to have guests, but there must be a reason why you are so busy that you have come here..."

"Ahem· I'm sorry· Four Hundred and Twenty Today, I'm here to see Mujin because I have some business to attend to."

When Hye-gal said this, with a face that was incongruous with her fierce impression, Hyun-kwang asked back with a curious expression.

"Mu Jinyi?"

"Yes· Four hundreds..."

She carefully explained what she had been through.

The fact that he tried to tell Mu Yul about the most basic of the Shaolin Five Books, the sentence and the essence of the martial arts school. And as the fifth day has passed, Mu Yul has hardly been able to keep up with the contents.

Lastly, Mu Yul learned martial arts thanks to Mujin when he was a freshman.

After hearing Hye-gal's explanation, Hyun-kwang looked at Mu-yul.


Mu Yul responded to the Taisa swan looking at him with a sunny smile.

"Hmmm· First of all, I think you should see for yourself why you took that child as a priest. Mujin-ah·"

"Yes· Grandpa·"


When Mujin replied that he was her grandfather, Hye-gal flinched involuntarily. But whether it was or not, neither Mujin nor Hyunkwang seemed to care at all.

"Can you try to spar with that boy named Mu Yul?"

"Yes· I've done it often when I was a freshman. Grandpa·"

Mujin replied confidently and spoke to Mu Yul.

"You know, Muyul? We just have to have fun."


When Mu Yul replied cheerfully, Mu Jin slid back and took a flag bearer.

In response, Mu Yul also took a cardinal formula, and as he looked at Mu Yul's cardinal formula, Hyun Kwang lit up in his eyes.

"I see... Let's have fun."

It was certainly the most typical Shaolin flag ceremony, but there was a sense of freedom in it.

"My body is not rigid at all."

While Hyunguang was making such a judgment in his heart, the sparring between Mu Yul and Mu Jin began.

Mujin went to Dalian with the intention of introducing his nephew Mu Yul, whom he had raised, to Hyunguang. In other words, he tried to make Muyul's talent stand out the most.

Thanks to this, Mu Yul, who was able to dodge Mu Jin's attack and counterattack during the sparring, was able to move with extraordinary moves.

"Hehehe... That's enough..."

After watching the exchange between the two for a while, Xuanguang stopped the sparring with a satisfied smile.

"You're a talent you can covet."

Mu Yul's free-spiritedness was indeed a talent suitable for the Shaolin Five Realms.

In fact, even though Shaolin Five Circles is one of the representative masters of Shaolin, it did not belong to the Seventy Sect of Discipline.

To be precise, it was a kind of heresy. If it hadn't been for the martial arts created by the Dharma Ambassador, it would have been expunged from the Pavilion.

This is why while all other Shaolin martial arts have a heaviness associated with endurance and penance, Shaolin Wu Realm has a free-spiritedness that unleashes its energy.

It was more like that of the Taoist than the Buddha. However, even in Buddhism, it was said that once you complete the Buddhist way, you will be free from all defilements and attachments, so it was not completely out of line.

Perhaps that is why the Dharma Master also reached the Buddhist way and completed the Shaolin Five Books in his later years, and the later generations of Shaolin did not abandon the Shaolin Five Books.

However, it was true that he was far from the other Shaolin martial artists, so the life of the Shaolin Five Realm was really close to continuing.

Unless he had perfected the Buddhist Way like the eponymous Dharma Master, it was because it would be poisonous to master the Shaolin Five Books while mastering the heavy martial arts of other Shaolin.

If the Demon Warriors were treated as an affair in Shaolin because of their duties, then the Shaolin Five Realm was close to an affair in the martial arts itself.

Therefore, the priests who had mastered the Shaolin Five Books had a stronger bond than the other Shaolin priests.

This was partly because they were free-spirited compared to other martial artists, and partly because there were so few people who learned them, that they came together together.

'Hehehe· It looks like she was in a hurry."

That's why Hyunkwang thought.

She was anxious that she had chosen the wrong son and that the Shaolin Five Realm would be cut off.

That's because if you're as early as Hyegal, it's a solution that you can find even if it takes a while.

Hyunguang, who had thought so much, looked at Hye-gal with a strange smile.

"Solving the problems of Shaolin disciples is a matter of course for the people. Take Mu Jin with you."

"Thank you· Four hundred·"

"There is only one condition."

"Conditions . . . Do you mean?"

Hyegal asked in a puzzled tone. It was because it was not like an empty sparkle to put forward a condition.

Turning to Hye-gal, who had a puzzled face, Hyun-kwang said with a blank face.

"Instead of Mujin helping Mu Yul cultivate, you should take care of Mu Jin's cultivation for a while. It's the same thing that Muyul is learning..."

"Me? However, the Shaolin Five Spheres are different from other Shaolin martial arts."

"Hehehe... Don't worry· It will be of great help to Mujin..."

Hyunkwang looked away from Hye-girl, who was still puzzled, and looked at Mujin.


"Yes· Grandpa·"

"Follow Hye-gal here to cultivate and help Mu Yul. It will be of great help to you in cultivating the martial arts you are mastering."

"I see..."

First of all, I said yes, but Mujin was also very puzzled.

But again, instead of giving a direct answer, Hyunkwang only added a question-and-answer message.

"Just remember this. Mujina · The fact that intentions are more important than outward appearances."

"Soseung· I'll listen to it."

That's how Mujin's foster education began. Or maybe it's the role of an unruly nanny.

* * *


Returning to her hall, she folded her arms and looked at the two statues in front of her.

Trying to solve the problem of nothingness, I felt like I had one more lump.

'It is His decision. There must be a reason for this."

Shaking her head from side to side, she simply brushed off her anguish and said in a thick voice.

"Well, first of all, today I'm going to tell you about the type of school that can be said to be the foundation of the Shaolin Five Circles."

When Hye-gal said that, Hye-gal's disciple and Mu-yul's teacher, who was standing next to her like a trainer, The Dharma Hyun took the flag bearer of the school ticket.

'Hmmm· It's definitely different from other Shaolin martial arts."

The behavior of the school was certainly unusual. Like a technique modeled after a crane's movements, the crane walks smoothly as if flapping its wings, then stops and suddenly pumps its fist as if it were pecking its beak.

It was a strange mixture of softness and moderation.

One thing is certain, it is often referred to as "kwon", but hakkwon was a martial art that was a mixture of walking and physical methods.

"Now you should try it..."

Shortly after Dharma Hyun had finished her two demonstrations, Hye-gal said.

After all, he was just learning his brother, so Mujin began to mimic the movements that Dharmhyun had performed as he recalled.

And Mu Yul, who was sitting next to him, tried to imitate the move as well.


Even though he was just imitating his brother, Mu Yul couldn't even perform the three-second ceremony and lost his balance.

Seeing this, Hye-geol and Dharm-hyun sighed involuntarily. He'd been watching the same scene for five days already.

And in the case of Mujin, who was training with him, he tilted his head with a puzzled face.

'What's wrong with him?'

Mu Yul has a bad head · It's also bad.

But on the other hand, his ability to manipulate his body was quite good. In particular, its flexibility and elasticity are closer to those of animals than humans.

When Mu Yul learns the Kwon method· Even if I was confused about the order, I was able to follow each movement very well.

But why is he like that now?

"What's wrong with you?"

"Heheh... It's kind of awkward..."

Mu Jin asked, and Mu Yul smiled as usual and scratched his scalp with a tight head.

Hye-gal, who was just as staring at Mu-yul as Mu-jin, sighed again at the sunny smile and said to Mu-jin:

"That's why I came to see you... I heard that I learned martial arts from you when I was a freshman. So tell me, how did you tell Mu Yul about martial arts?"

How to teach nothingness? There was no big deal·

He didn't care about the names of the muscles, joints, or blood canals, he just pointed out the movements with his fingers and mastered them over and over again.

Mu Jin gave her a brief explanation of how she had done it, and her thousand characters were drawn on her forehead.

"Hmmm· It's definitely a method that will be of great help to beginners and basic martial arts. But..."

She didn't say it openly, but she felt pretty caught off guard. In that sense, it wasn't much different from what they were doing.

Aside from the internal attack requirement, you've only been learning the sentence of the school for five days. At this point, it was time for the monkeys, not the humans, to memorize all the sentences.

So what's the problem?

Mu Jin and Hye Geul Dharma Hyun looked anguished around Mu Yul.


Mu Yul tilted his head with a monkey-like face.

Let's wait a moment to see the sun. Mujin decided to check Muyul's condition first.



"Didn't you say earlier that the school was awkward?"


"How is it awkward? Is it awkward to link the moves?"

"Hmm? By not knowing· Should I say it's awkward to move? Should I say it's awkward to stop?"

In response, Mu Yul tried to unleash the Academy's herbivore again, but this time he couldn't get out of the way and lost his balance.

'Hmm? I don't think it's a head problem, right? You remember him."

However, when he saw his move this time, he could tell that he remembered his brother even without Dharmahyun's demonstration.

That's why Mujin asked Hye-geol and Dharm-hyun a question this time.

"Isn't the martial arts of the school realm originally an awkward connection between herbivores?"

"That's ridiculous. The Shaolin Five Books were created by the Dharma Master to imitate the movements of animals. It is the most natural of all Shaolin martial artists."

In response to Mujin's question, Hyegal replied with a face full of pride.

"It's not because of the herbivorous connection..."

Mujin fell silent in agony, and there was silence in the hall again.

In a stuffy atmosphere, Mujin thought back to what he had heard before coming here.

I'm sure my grandfather told me.

Intentions are more important than outward appearances.

Then, what is the true meaning of the school right?

Today, Mujin, who has just started to learn the school ticket for the first time, has no clue about the true intentions of the school ticket.


A thought struck Mujin's mind.

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