Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 41 Table of contents

Succession (3)


Mu Jin, who didn't care about the influence of his head among the three Shaolin disciples, was going about his day as usual.

At dawn, he went to the Luhan Hall to train his body with the newly introduced exercise equipment, and then in the morning he trained in martial arts.

Then, in the afternoon, I proceeded with the treatment of the light mine.

Just as there are new CrossFit equipment in the Nahan Hall, there are also new workout equipment in Hyunkwang's place. That's why the Pilates tools came in.

"From today, I'm going to tell you about proper rehabilitation exercises."

Mujin wondered how to translate the term Pilates and decided to just call it a rehabilitation exercise.

"First of all, I'll show you how to loosen up your muscles with this..."

Mujin's first tool of choice was a foam ruler.

Foam Ruler· Here, the surface is covered with leather, so the object called a leather rod can be used in a wide variety of ways.

You could also roll it against the wing bone to loosen the muscles near the wing bone, or you could use the flank or thigh. Or the back of the thigh, called the hamstring. You can just hold it to various parts and roll it.



"Grandpa· You need to breathe· You have to breathe and move to relax your muscles."

It's just that people with stiff muscles can experience tremendous pain when they use it for the first time.

Mujin has only been doing muscle lengthening surgery for a long time. I didn't use foam rulers or any other tools, so it felt a little stiff. Therefore, the pain felt by Hyun-kwang, who was almost a half-corpse, was immense.

"Hehehe... This is a tool I would like to try on the priests as well. Our Shaolin disciples have been doing useless penances. Hehehe..."

The muscle aches that screamed every time he rubbed against the baton reminded him of sages like him. There was no need for penance, no need for a face-to-face wall, or a hundred and eight-fold work. Once I rolled my body on the leather stick, I felt like all my defilements were blown away. All that stays in my head is the sensation of pain.

It felt like torture to put it this way, but the process is painful, and when it's over, the muscles that have been throbbing in the knots are relaxed, and a cool sensation returns.

It was a sparkle that made me wonder if there could be any other act more suitable for Zen meditation and asceticism.

"Every time the priests come to nag me about eating meat and alcohol, I'm going to have to give them this bade."

I just cared for the priests.

After warming up with the baton, Mujin proceeded with a few more exercises.

"After standing on this top, you can put your right leg on top of the barrel here like a bow. Yes· Twist your body, raise your arms, and lean to the side. Yes!"

First of all, use the Pilates barrel to relax the muscles once again, focusing on the lower body and central muscles.

"Now I'm going to start building up my strength little by little. It's your first time, so I'm going to do it with just one spring today."

After that, I started a full-fledged rehabilitation exercise through the reformer to restore muscle strength, which was the original purpose.

Lying on the floor connected to the spring, you can attach a leather strap to your legs and push yourself with the strength of your legs, or you can sit on the floor and push the spring out with the strength of your arms.

I kept paying attention to my posture and kept my central muscles in balance, stimulating each part little by little.

After a little more than half a hour of rehabilitation exercises, Mujin unfolded the martial arts he had completed with the help of Hyuncheon in the cave in front of Hyunguang.

"Looks like you've had some accomplishments..."

"Yes· The herbivore connection has become smoother. Grandpa·"

They were two grandchildren who casually exchanged stories about their martial arts cultivation during the face.

"Hehehe... I'm going to visit this place. It will be of great help to you now."

Saying that, Hyunguang held out a piece of paper with the name of a certain hall written on it to Mujin.

* * *

Located on the outskirts of Shaolin, a hall ·

It was a place that was seldom frequented except for disciples belonging to certain factions.

And there was a sparring match in full swing right now.

A young monk attacked him, tossing his limbs to and fro, but the middle-aged monk who was dealing with the young monk was idle and blocked or dodged all the attacks.

"Sason· I won't be able to catch a fly that way."

The middle-aged monk, who had not taken a single step out of the line he had drawn, took a sip of wine from the bottle in his right hand and stretched out his left hand toward the monk.

However, to his surprise, the monk unfolded one martial arts after another that he had mastered, blocking the middle-aged monk's left hand.

"Hmph... After all, you have to be driven to do it properly..."

The middle-aged monk with a wry smile stepped out of the line he had drawn, not to dodge or defend, but to attack.


When the other party broke his promise and walked out of the line, the monk shouted in surprise.

"I'm going to try to stop this!"

He wasn't the kind of man who would look at that.

Still holding a bottle of wine in his right hand, the man swung his left hand at the crowd.

As the difference in realms was so great, his hands and feet were bound to get dizzy, but as the situation became more critical, his eyes began to tremble, and his eyes regained their calm.


At some point, he was clearly nervous, but a smile appeared on his face.

Shaken off the tension, the monk moved away from dodging and defending and launched a counterattack. He was constantly teasing his body, organically connecting all the martial arts he knew.

On the other hand, the middle-aged man who had initially pushed the bronze was again focused on defense when Sason switched to the offensive.


Then, when his eyes were completely turned and he began to fly his fingers at the bloodletting and vital points.


The middle-aged man threw the bottle of liquor in his right hand into the sky and slapped him on the back of the neck with his right hand.


He grabbed the bottle with his right hand and gulped it down.

"Tsk... It's still a long way off..."

Middle-aged man· Hyekwan clicked his tongue lightly and turned his head to the side.

His disciples, Dharma Hye, and a monk Wen were sitting together.


Hyekwan's eyes lit up as he stared at the statue's bizarre hairstyle.

"Master· I came to see you with the Inspector of the Four Swans, so I let you inside first."

"I'm going to see you. My name is Mujin, the third great disciple."

"Hahahaha· Our three great disciples of Shaolin have such a head... It's amazing..."

Hyekwan laughed heartily, and Mujin laughed lightly in response.

"I also got permission from the monk of the Dharma Temple."

Thinking that it would be a hassle to explain it every time, Mujin briefly explained his logic.

Except for the blackmail with his beard and eyebrows.

"Oh... Did the Four Hundred Counts of the Law accept it?"

"Yes . . ."

At Mujin's answer, Hyekwan looked at his son lying on the floor with a strange expression.

"I can't believe you've been hiding such a funny story... Uh-huh...'

He wondered how to decorate his son-in-law's hair. Of course, Hyekwan didn't want to play with his own head.

"Uhhhh When my hair grows a little, I'll give it a try."

Thinking of something good, Hye-kwan smiled wryly, then turned his head again to look at his apprentice, Dharma-hye.

"You said it was the Inspector of the Four Hundred Princes, right? Give it to me..."

"Here we are. Master·"

Dharma Hye handed over the examination she had received from Mujin to Hye-kwan. And Hye-kwan read the whole sentence and looked at Mujin.

"Do you know the contents of the inspection?"

"I haven't read it."

"The Four Hundred Hundred of the Lights asked me to teach you in my own way. Do you have any idea what my cultivation method is?"

“··· Is that the way we saw it a moment ago?"

Mujin glanced at Mu Kyung sprawled on the ground and asked, and Hyekwan let out a misguided laugh.

"Uhh I hit it right away..."

An organization sent to deal with horrible villains and madhus who show no signs of remorse in Shaolin· Annihilation Battalion· The cultivation method of Hye-kwan, the leader of the Annihilation Cavalry, was simple.

Near-production sparring·

As much as he had to deal with the demons, it was a dangerous sparring where all the despicable methods were allowed, not the honest sparring characteristic of the political faction.

"No matter how much the Four Hundred of the Wise Lights have sent, there are no exceptions."

"Disciple· I'm willing to take that training."

In response to Hyekwan's explanation, Mujin confidently replied with a raised head.

Mujin understood why Hyunguang had sent him here.

With Hyuncheon's help, the connection between martial arts became natural, but it was nothing more than a lone limb in the air.

In order to complete the martial arts properly, you still need practical experience. It was Mujin who decided to consider it as a training for that practical experience.

"I don't think it's going to drag on for long... I'm going to come in..."

Hyekwan smiled at Mujin and took a sip of his drink.

Mujin then rushed at Hye-kwan, who was happily taking a sip of his drink.

"Uhh Mukyung is better than him..."

Rushing at someone who is drinking· Hyekwan laughed at the bolder appearance than Sason.

Mujin, who rushed at Hyekwan with explosive speed, managed the bet and threw a punch.

And the power of Mujin's fist was even stronger than it had been during the entrance examination.

Originally, the martial arts that Mujin had made were shaped like rags.

Six different types of cloths of different colors and materials were forcibly sewn together. And the thread that held the six martial arts together was Mujin's sturdy body.

However, as the size of the rag increased as Mujin's inner cavity deepened, it became difficult for him to withstand it with the strength of the thread alone.

That's where the key points of the Golden Realm shone through. The martial arts, which were of different colors and materials, began to transform into similar colors little by little.

The connection between the keys is smoother, so even if you use a bigger bet, the burden on your body is less.


Hye-kwan, who took Mujin's fist with his left palm, whistled lightly.

The power contained in the first volume far exceeded that of the sason, Mu Kyung.

Then Mujin stretched out his right hand and grabbed his hand so that Hye-kwan couldn't avoid it.


He swung his left angle with a fierce perforation.


Mujin's swing collided with Hyekwan's right leg, making another clash.

"Uhh It makes you use your legs. Great job· If so, I'll give you a reward."

After parrying both attacks, Hye-kwan knocked out the hand that was holding Mujin and threw it out at Mujin's face.

Mujin twisted his head to avoid his hand, but Hyekwan's arm twisted at a bizarre angle, chasing Mujin's movements.

Mujin was forced to raise his arm and swipe it away.



Hye-kwan's right foot, which he didn't know when he swung it, kicked Mu Jin's abdomen.

He shook his vision with his hands and threw a surprise kick.

"Huh? I've adjusted my strength just enough to knock me down, but I don't think I'll be able to hold on."

At the time of the entrance examination, he left the position with a martial arts officer. Of course, I didn't get to watch Mujin's sparring. Later, I only heard that the Prefecture Four Hundred had taken him as a grandson.

However, just now, with just a few exchanges, he was able to roughly grasp the martial arts that Mujin had mastered.

"You've mastered the iron cannon hemp..."

To learn martial arts that have been neglected in order to create your own martial arts.

"Are you going to come in again? It won't end like this next time..."

"One more time, please!"

Mujin answered Hyekwan's question and rushed in again.

Several times to block or dodge Mujin's attacks. Hye-kwan managed to grasp Mujin's condition.

"The power of each one is strong, but the connection in practice is not perfect."

After making a decision, Hye-kwan took advantage of Mujin's gap and swung his left and right angles.

These were counterattacks aimed precisely at the gaps that would arise when Mujin would attack once and then lead to the next.


Mujin was struck in the side again, and his face crumpled.

"After all, coriander is cilantro..."

The training had made the martial arts much smoother, but it was the first time he had used them in practice.

It wasn't until I thought about how to move my inner air that the connection was cut off in a sudden situation due to the barrel that my body followed.

"I'll go one more time!"


Hye-kwan, who replied to Mujin who rushed at him like a villain, drank alcohol again.

Mujin unleashed a variety of attacks, mixing up his fingers and fingers with his fingers.

Hyekwan didn't miss the slightest gap between the attack, and boldly slammed the left and right sides of the attack and hit Mujin.

Mujin pounced on him like that, and after exchanging a few rounds, he was beaten up by Hye-kwan and knocked back.

"Tsk... The little one is too tenacious. The women will hate it."

"You seem to be quite popular, aren't you?"

Mujin asked, patting the slap he had been slapped with this time, and Hyekwan laughed with a sinister expression.

"Hahaha· If you ever succeed in punching me in the face, I'll tell you my funny story."

It wasn't something that a Buddhist would say, but neither Mu Jin nor Hye Guan cared.

Instead, Mujin focused on his own martial arts.

"You're aiming for my gaps... I have to keep thinking."

Mujin kept an eye out for the gaps in which he had been counterattacked.

In a fast-paced exchange, it is inevitable to move slowly after watching the other person's movements, thinking and judging them. So, whether it's the modern martial arts or the martial arts masters here. Through countless trainings, he was able to make judgments and move at a speed close to his instincts.

But on the other hand, if you just practiced blindly without thinking about the direction, you couldn't imprint the movements close to that instinct on your body.

Even if it's awkward at first, you have to keep being conscious in your head, but at some point, the movement will unfold instinctively.

Mujin sparred with Hyekwan a few times.


For the first time, Mujin succeeded in parrying Hye-kwan's kick aimed at an opening.

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