Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 44 Table of contents

Thousand Stream Top (2)


Henan Province Dengfeng County·

The largest of the many manors and halls located in the vast area of Shaolin and Tianyu is the largest of the temples.

At the entrance to the manor was written the words "Heaven and Heaven" in the handwriting of a warrior.

The hall located at the top of the river·

In the place called Tang Zhu Hall, Liu Zhiguang, the master of the upper house, read the words with a sullen expression.

[Hubei Wuhan General Report]

[Hubei Province Uichang Purchase Report]


[Report on the release of persimmon ripening orchid]

[General report by Chen so-hyun]


[Shanxi Province Ha Jin County General Report]


The myriad of inscriptions on the table were from the Upper Heavenly Stream Bunta in various parts of the Central Plains.


After reading the documents for a while, Liu Zhiguang read the inspection from the Sichuan Cotton Yang Bunta, and furrowed his brow slightly.

And after checking a few reports from the other castle Bunta that he had checked earlier, he quickly scribbled a few words with a brush on a blank sheet of paper.

"Governor Yang·"

He sealed the paper food so that it was afraid to dry, and when he called out to the governor, the man with a beard turning white entered the hall.

"Yes· The Upper Lord·"

"Send lapis lazuli sacks to Sichuan Cotton Bunta and Shaanxi Prefecture Bunta. The information that needs to be investigated is written in this document, so you must open it after you arrive at the scene."

"Understood... The Upper Lord·"

Liu Zhiguang, who handed the inspection to Governor Yang, sighed lightly.

"What a stupid prank..."

The most important business of Tianliu Merchant was the transportation business.

As can be seen from the reports on his table, the Tianyu Merchant had branches all over the continent, and he was buying large quantities of various specialties from each region and selling them all over the country.

Naturally, the notice sent from Sichuan Cotton Yang also contained information about the purchase and disbursement of countless items.

In fact, the report of the cotton branch that bought the goods and the contents of Han Zhong County in Shaanxi Province who received the goods were correct.

However, when we compare it with information from other parts of the world... The price of one item was higher than the market price.

"Tsk· It's also a problem that the top is too big..."

Liu Zhiguang clicked his tongue lightly and muttered.

'Do we need to reinforce the number of people in the lapis lazuli corps?'

The lapis lazuli belt was a kind of inspector general. Liu Zhiguang's inspector team of the Tianyu Upper Circle, which was gathered only by people he could trust.

But Liu Zhiguang quickly brushed off the idea. He was well aware that increasing the number of people in the lapis lazuli squad would be self-inflicted.

What if the local Bunta lord tells a lie and the inspector general who went to crack down on it takes his side?

In order to avoid such a horrible situation, the lapis lazuli squad had to be composed of only the most trustworthy people who were loyal to Liu Zhiguang.

"If the recent movements of some of the local factions are not strange, then there is no need to worry about this."

In fact, until a few years ago, I had never felt that there were enough people in the lapis lazuli corps.

However, in recent years, a strange sense of discomfort has been bothering Liu Zhiguang's nerves.

There was no clear sign or evidence that there was a problem.

The fact that Liu Zhiguang sensed the disturbing energy now is only due to the excellent sense he has cultivated over the past few decades of running the upper house.

"If you deal with the tails first, you'll be able to catch the body someday..."

Shaking his head, Liu Zhiguang turned his attention back to the stacks of papers on the table.

I couldn't let go of my work just because I felt hot. There was still a mountain of affairs on the table for him to deal with.

After that, he wrote a tribal survey that found some peculiarities, and sent instructions to the governors to the bunta in various parts of the continent.


Pounding his back and pelvis aching from the long paperwork, Liu Zhiguang let out a deep sigh.

I managed to finish the work I needed to do today. I started work early in the morning and it was already past 9 o'clock, but it was still quite early compared to usual.

After finishing his work, Liu Zhiguang got up and headed somewhere. Since it was late at night, he could have headed to his residence, but Liu Zhiguang was not heading to his own place.

"Mother· The element light is coming..."

It was his mother who went to visit him. It was the dwelling place of the Lotus Family.

"You can come in at ease."

With her permission, Ji Guang entered the room and looked at his mother with a bitter face.

Liu Zhiguang hadn't always gone to visit his mother after work for a long time.

'Hah· I was so blinded by my work that I didn't see my family."

Decades of work from the time of the successor.

Not long ago, when he saw his mother walking in the yard, he felt like he had been hit in the head.

In his memory, his mother, who smiled like a girl even in middle age. Her hair was white and she was walking through the yard with her back bent and her face in pain.

From that day on, whenever Liu Zhiguang had even the slightest moment between his upper duties, he would visit his mother and other family members to spend time with them.

However, the effort was long overdue.

My wife died giving birth to our youngest daughter, and my mother was already elderly.

In addition·

"I also want to see my children now, but I can't easily see them."

His two sons, who were already grown-up, were unable to meet in person because they were each in charge of a local division.

Even as they competed with each other to become the top leader, just like he was, Liu Zhiguang often wondered if this was really a family.

But that doesn't mean you can't let go.

Liu Zhiguang had come to visit his mother today to bring up the story he had been holding back for the past few days.

"Mother· Did you go to Shaolin Temple today?"

He had come to dissuade his mother from going to Shaolin Temple.

Liu Zhiguang couldn't bear to watch the incapacitated person go to the Shaolin Temple to bow down because he was worried about his children.

"Mother· Please think about your body. My son begs me to do this."

Liu Zhiguang said this with a face full of sadness, and the old woman replied with a smile like that girl in her youth.

"Ho Ho Ho · You don't have to worry· Top Stock· Anyway, I went to Shaolin Temple today and got treatment."

“··· What do you mean by that? Mother·"

Liu Zhiguang asked with a puzzled face, and Yan Jiahui told him the story of how he had met a bronze monk named Mu Jin at Shaolin Temple today.

"What a marvelous hand. . . It's much more effective than the saliva I used to get tired of, or the herbal medicine that now makes me nauseous just by smelling it."

“··· Are you going to go to the Shaolin Temple tomorrow to receive the treatment?"

"Yes· Top Stock·"

To his mother's answer, Liu Zhiguang replied with a determined face.

"If you do, I'll go to Shaolin Temple with you tomorrow."

Liu Zhiguang personally confirmed the treatment of the monk Mu Jin, and then proved that it was useless, intending to stop his mother's journey to Shaolin.

* * *

Mujin couldn't even respond to the old woman's greeting that she would come again tomorrow.

Because of the name "Heavenly Stream" that popped out of nowhere.

And the next day·

As expected, the old woman came to the Shaolin Temple again. With a middle-aged man.

Mujin, who had a lot of social experience in his own way, greeted the old woman and the middle-aged man without showing his embarrassment.

"Hello· Grandmother! Nice to meet you· My name is Mu Jin, the Three Great Disciples of Shaolin."

Rude to my mother (?) Liu Zhiguang gave a strange expression at the appearance of the bronze monk who was very polite to him.

"Ohohohoho· Isn't our pupil really cute? Danju· Oh my· I've been rude to you again..."

"What do you mean? Grandmother! Speak comfortably!"

At the conversation between the two of them, who were like their grandchildren and their grandmothers, Liu Zhiguang had a stunned expression. Liu Jiguang's Biological Sons· That's why her own grandchildren didn't behave so her.

"If my mother is happy, that's enough."

It was Liu Zhiguang who decided to think that the younger monk would do for him what he and his grandchildren could not do.

Liu Zhiguang, who had collected his thoughts, replied with a smile that at first glance seemed to be gentle like an old merchant.

"I've heard a lot about Mujin from my mother... You said you'd cure your mother?"

"Is there a cure? Hahaha· We're just spending time together."

Mujin, who had also managed his expression perfectly, replied that it was not a big deal.

"That's the top of the squadron."

In my mind, I thought about it.

At this point, he may be the current Sangju Sangju, but in the novel Mujin read, the Sangju is a different character.

'Hmmm· Then, when you get close to the top of the squadron, will you be able to dig into the relationship between the Heavenly Stream Upper and the Black Curtain in detail?"

If he remembers correctly, the Heavenly Stream was not a complete match with the Black Curtain in the novel. It looked more like a contractual relationship than a fight.

In addition, it was often mentioned that he was not a very villainous top master during the time of the Sentai Upper Leader.

Therefore, Mujin decided to hold out hope that the Tianyu Upper Realm might not have been in league with the Black Curtain yet. On the other hand, if it was already a match, I decided to keep it close and find an opportunity to dig in.

'Yes... As the old saying goes, a friend is close. The enemy is closer."

After thinking about that, Mujin opened his mouth with a business smile.

"It seems that the Lord of the Upper House does a lot of work in a sitting position..."

"I've been watching a lot of inspections in one sitting..."

Like an elderly merchant, he hid his inner thoughts, "Why are you asking such a thing?" and replied with a generous smile.

"You've been sitting for too long, your pelvis is twisted and your back is slightly hunched. Why don't you take this opportunity to go to therapy with your grandmother?"

It was Mujin who started to sell to such a Ryujiguang.


Mu Jin's business smile and the sharp eyes that diagnosed his physical condition at once made the tip of Liu Jiguang's eyebrows rise ever so slightly.

"Can you see what kind of treatment it is?"

But he wasn't going to go over it easily. He asked, in a tone that seemed both intriguing and grave.

And since Mu Jin had decided to approach Liu Zhiguang anyway, he decided to treat his grandmother and Liu Zhiguang properly.

"Then I'd be grateful if you could follow me. Oh boy! I'll carry her on my back! Climb on me like yesterday!"

Mu Jin carried the old woman on his back, and Bo Mu also walked proudly through the halls of Shaolin Temple, heading somewhere.

Where Mu Jin led the old woman and Liu Zhiguang to the place.

"Mujin-ah? What is it like at this time?"

It was the hall where Hyunkwang and Dharma resided.

He asked with a puzzled face, and when he saw the old woman on Mu Jin's back and the middle-aged man next to him, he could guess what was going on.

"My grandmother was sick, and I thought it would be a good idea to treat her together, so I came with her. Master·"

At Mu Jin's words, Dharma Qian turned his head and looked at Xuanguang. And Hyunguang, who was basking in the air on the main floor, shook his head with a benevolent smile.

"Hehehe... If that's how you feel, so be it."

"Thank you· Grandfather! So why don't you go through your grandfather's treatment with him now?"

At Mujin's suggestion, the treatment of the three people was carried out at the same time: Hyunguang, the old woman, and the upper lord.

First of all, Dharma Qian gave acupressure to Hyunguang, and Mujin alternated between the old woman and the upper liquor. And after I warmed up a little, I started Pilates.

There were a variety of tools, but there was only one for each person, so it was a Mujin that was carried out by three people with different tools according to the treatment area.

For example, if you have a curved back, you can use the Pilates arc to focus on your abs and core muscles.

In the case of an old woman whose body is severely stiff, a barrel is used to perform muscle lengthening movements.

And Hyunkwang, who lacked muscle, used a reformer to perform exercises focused on strength and rehabilitation.

"Maybe it's a good thing."

Still, after only a month of teaching, Mujin was reluctant to let the two of them take a Pilates class.

As he approached his grandmother and Sang-joo, he thought it would be a good thing that he could pay more attention to Hyun-kwang's treatment.

I hope the movement will continue like that for a long time.



It was two elderly people who were exercising with a similar feeling of laughter.

"How are you? It's a lot harder than it looks."

"Still, I don't think we're trying to do anything harmful to you... Ho Ho Ho..."


I didn't feel it when I was treating one of the Xuanguang, but when I was treating two elderly people at the same time, I was confused as to whether this was Shaolin Temple or a rehabilitation center specializing in the elderly.

* * *

After about half an hour, starting with acupressure and massage, followed by simple muscle lengthening and Pilates classes.

Mujin was in trouble.

"It would be nice to have electrotherapy or heat therapy as well."

The old woman and the top lady were in better physical condition than the first time. I wasn't even able to move on my own.

However, as my body had not been maintained at all for decades, I felt stiff muscles everywhere when I tried acupressure with my hands.

And Hyunkwang could immediately tell what Mujin was thinking about.

"Hehehe... Mujina · I want to do brain therapy and heat therapy."

"Yes· Grandpa·"

"You don't have to worry about that."

Hyunkwang replied with a benevolent smile and raised his hands.

Gripping ·


A natural keeper gathered around him, and in his left hand he was struck by a lightning bolt. Flames flared up in his right hand.


Speechless, Mu Jin stared at the scene in a daze.

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