Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 77 Table of contents


Over the Wall (2)


Hyunkwang, who had skimmed over the story of the room manager, continued.

"I'm going to take the Great Pill to get over the wall, but before I do that, Mu Jin needs to know something. What you need to keep in mind when taking the pill this time is not just to increase your inner strength."

"So what do you need to worry about?"

"You must take this opportunity to harness the energy of the Great Illusion Altar to stir up all the veins in your body."


Three-veined percussion ·

It was one of the elements that appeared quite often in martial arts. It was usually a state that was reached by falling from a cliff or something, accidentally obtaining the elixir, and absorbing the elixir.

"Come to think of it, I've got the elixir too."

Mujin, who had thought about it so far, shook his head.

When you use the ball to turn the bet all over your body, the bets flow through only the largest blood canal in your body.

The reason was simple.

After all, martial arts was a technique to fight someone, so the bet was to use the large vein that could move in large quantities and the fastest. In practice, speed was everything.

And it was the act of breaking through obscured or narrow paths that were not often used.

It could be seen as a kind of road widening project.

In other words, if up until now bettors had moved using a one-lane or two-lane road, they could extend the road to four lanes and eight lanes through a three-lane drive.

Even if you have the same amount of balls, the amount of bets you can use at one time will be different. Naturally, the power and speed will also increase to an incomparable degree.

Just thinking about it made me feel excited.

"So from now on, are you going to eat the Great Ring and stir the veins?"

Mujin asked with a slightly excited face, and Hyunguang shook his head.

"We need to be prepared to mobilize the Sevek."

With that, Hyunguang held out a small booklet that he had prepared in advance to Mujin.

Mujin took the booklet and opened it.

The booklet contained drawings of the human body with dots and lines on it, along with additional explanations.

"This is a booklet that this grandfather has written in advance for a few days. I've written down all the sequences and routes of the Sevein Movement, so I have to memorize all the contents of the booklet and then absorb the Great Circle Circle."

As expected, Mujin shook his head while Hyunkwang added a final explanation.

"This grandfather will help you absorb it, but you're the one who is the one who is responsible. Mujina · So don't be impatient, and from now on carefully memorize the contents of the booklet."

"Disciple· I'm going to calm down and memorize the contents."

"Hehehe... I'm going to believe you..."

* * *

Mujin then read the booklet that Hyunkwang gave him in his room and read it again.

Then, through the pictures and written words in the booklet, I kept repeating the imaginary exercises in my head.

Imagine drawing the energy of the Great Circle and stirring the veins in the order written in the booklet.

Three days later...

"Are you all ready?"

"Yes· Grandpa·"

Finally, I left the room to absorb the Great Illusion.

When Hyunguang held out the box with the large fan, Mujin took a deep breath to shake off the tension and took the former.

"This is the Great Illusion Party."

When I opened the box, I looked at the circle that appeared, and for a very short time.

Mujin dared to shoved the large ring into his mouth.

The moment Mu Jin's teeth crushed the Great Ring Panel, the perfect balance was disturbed, and a huge amount of energy began to leak out of the Great Ring Panel.

The size of the energy contained was different, but Mujin, who had experience eating the summoning altar, which could be said to be a subtype of the Great Illusion Sect, was not surprised.

He dared to devour the unbroken Great Fan.

"You have a lot of energy, but you don't feel any severity."

Is it really a symbol of Shaolin? Despite all that energy, I didn't feel like I was doing any harm to my body.

Even if someone who hadn't mastered martial arts ate it, it would invigorate his body. Of course, the energy that you can save will be blown away in thin air, but...

And Mu Jin had no intention of blowing it up.

"Let's get started right away."

Mujin began to direct the energy of the Great Illusion Brigade from within his body, just as he had done during the summoning group.

But it was different from the summoning squad. The goal wasn't just to increase the number of internal attacks.

He did not guide the energy of the Great Illusion Sect according to the Mahayana Heart Law. Instead, as written in the booklet of the Epiphany, he mixed the energy of the Great Illusion with his own bet and led it towards Semaek.


The narrow path is torn down by the enormous energy of the Great Illusion Brigade.

The pain was considerable, but surprisingly, no special wounds were made on the veins that had been forcibly pierced and widened.

The aura of the Great Circle was big and heavy, but it basically had the aura of "caring" people.

"Phew· Let's start with my left fingertips."

The order in which they were written in the booklet that Hyunkwang gave them was quite strange.

It travels down the esophagus to the stomach. And Mujin's inner attack was located in the front of the stage.

Naturally, he thought that it would start with the veins in the center of the human body, but to his surprise, the booklet of the light of the Illusion said that he should use his bet to direct the energy of the Great Circle and go to the tips of his hands and feet.

It doesn't touch the vein, but through the main vein, which is the most energetic right now.

It was written that they should use the enormous energy that had traveled through the veins to pierce the veins on the tips of the hands and feet, and then gradually proceed with the work of piercing the veins inside the body.

It was a rather time-consuming method, starting with the disguise and camouflage, and then going back and forth to the fingertips, but Mujin didn't bother to ask why.

It didn't take long for me to figure out why.

'That's why ...'

After stirring the veins, the rotten energy that was blocking them will be removed.

Therefore, immediately after the pulse was activated, the energy had to be expelled out of the body. If left unchecked, the rotten energy will block the pulse again.

The problem here was that if you started to burn from the inside of your body, the rotten energy would continue to accumulate.

For example, if you cut a path from the front to the left arm at once, you would have to continue to gather all the rotten energy that had settled in the veins in between and go all the way to your fingertips.

It was a very dangerous act if you had an enormous amount of energy that could be directed at your fingertips, and if you weren't at the level of being able to manipulate that energy freely.

Of course, there were drawbacks to this approach.

Instead of pursuing safety, the problem is that it takes a long time. And as time passed, the energy of the Great Illusion Brigade was radiating through his mouth and nose.

But Mujin wasn't worried.

By the time Mu Jin had activated all the veins in his arms and legs. The energy of the Great Illusion Brigade in Mujin's stomach has been exhausted...

"From now on, I'm going to use my nose to absorb the energy of the Great Phantom Circle..."

Mujin once again absorbed the energy of the Great Illusion Brigade that Hyunguang had held back as a nature keeper. Just like you did when you absorbed the summons before...

Then, using the energy of the Great Illusion Cluster that he had absorbed through his nose, he began to stir the veins in the center of his body.

'Definitely· If I had started from the center, I might have fallen into the mouth of the coin."

Every time I use a cerebral vein, I feel intense pain. If one side of the road had been cleared from the center at once, the pain would have continued. In the meantime, the rotten energy would have continued to build up. If he had done that at his current level, nine out of ten would have fallen into the mouth of a coin.

However, thanks to Hyunkwang's various arrangements, such an accident did not occur.

And immediately after using the energy of the Great Illusion Brigade that he absorbed for the last time, he cleared up the last veins.


With a deep breath, Mujin opened his eyes.

There was a momentary flash of intense light in his eyes.


Mu Jin took another breath, and his eyes instantly cleared.

"Looks like you've accomplished enough. Hehehe..."

"Yes· Grandpa·"

Mujin lowered his head in response, and Hyunguang asked worriedly.

"Have you been greedy?"

"No, I don't. I've emptied it all."

"Well done..."

Emptying meant the aura of the Great Illusion Unit.

The energy of the Great Illusion Cult, which was mixed with the rotten energy that pierced the veins, was the kind that could not be reabsorbed. If you were greedy for nothing, you could clog up again, and in the worst case, you could fall into the mouth of the coin.

After filtering out all the rotten energy and mixed things that had penetrated the veins, the energy of the Great Illusion Pavilion that Mu Jin had actually absorbed was only this.

It was a little more than half of the summoning group he had previously absorbed.

Considering that the energy of the Great Illusion was three times that of the Summoning Brigade, it was a great loss...

"Anyway, I'm full of energy for my age... It's enough to collect the rest by the heart method. It's much more profitable to break through the veins now."

Mujin said to himself, "I don't want to let go of my regrets about the Great Illusion."

Looking at Mu Jin like that, Hyun Guang opened his mouth in vain.

"If you do, why don't you wash your body before you start practicing in earnest?"

"Ahem· I'm sorry..."

Rotten energy that escaped through the veins· The energy was smearing in Mujin's lyrics, creating a horrible stench.

Looking at Mujin as he stood up and left the room with an embarrassed expression, Hyunkwang smiled in vain.

'Hehehe· I wonder if this is how all the mothers in the world feel."

I felt like I was changing my little grandchild's poop diaper.

He had never imagined that he would feel this way after returning to Shaolin, but it wasn't too bad.

* * *

When Mujin came back from bathing, Hyunguang opened his mouth.

"Now that you've activated the Sevek, you're going to start cultivating to get over the wall."

Climbing over the wall·

It was an abstract expression, but Mujin understood what he meant.

Beyond simply unleashing the martial arts with the body, it is also a realm of attacking with the exudation of qi. It was typically a realm that used sword qi and winding qi tension.

"What kind of cultivation should I do from now on?"

Mujin asked expectantly, and Hyunkwang replied with a light smile.

"Mu Jin, you just need to cultivate your own martial arts that you showed this grandfather in the Heavenly Stream a few days ago. Just make use of all the veins you've drilled this time and unfold them."

"Is it really enough to break through the wall?"

Normally, if you look at martial arts, you get a great enlightenment before you draw your sword qi, don't you?

Mujin had such a question on his face, and Hyunkwang replied with a smile.

"Hehehe... Mu Jin has already reached the limit of what you can keep in your body. If you make an even bigger bet through the veins, the energy that does not stay in the body will be released."

“··· Is that how everyone jumps over walls?"

Mujin asked, tilting his head, and Hyunguang shook his head.

"Hehehe... It's not. If others practice in this way, their blood will be distorted or their musculature will be severely damaged. If you force too many bets, your blood will hurt, and if you make too strong a bet, won't your musculature be hurt?"

"Why do you do it all together?"

"Because Mujin is possible if you are you... A body so complete that it can crush a master who freely uses sword skills with brute force. And didn't you even make a triple whammy so that it wouldn't be a problem if you let go of a lot more bets at once?"


Mujin let out an exclamation as if he realized something, and Hyunkwang opened his mouth with a mysterious expression.

"In fact, this method is more of an expedient . . . Originally, Mu Jin should attain enlightenment of Qi as you thought he would, and at the same time radiate his qi out of his body, he should also manifest his own righteousness. However, the enlightenment of the qi is esoteric, and even this grandfather cannot know who will realize it, when, or how."

In other words, instead of wasting time trying to gain esoteric realizations... It was just a shortcut, a simple way to get through.

It was the perfect solution for Mujin, who was just tired of complicated and difficult things.

But that was a story that only belonged to him, so Mujin had a question.

"If I do that, will everyone else who is taking me off the fence get enlightenment about that qi and go over the wall?"

"Yes and no..."

Mujin tilted his head at the sound of a Zen question, and Hyunkwang continued.

"Some of them have attained enlightenment about qi and crossed the wall, as you say. . . But, as I said before, it's too much. The way to use it as a shortcut is to learn the ascending martial arts."

"You mean the Ascending Void?"

"Yes. . . Do you know how to express martial arts in the world?"

"Oh . . . Hmm· I don't know exactly. Grandpa·"

Mu Jin has read the first and second parts of the novel several times, but the main ones are the gods and seasons. There was also information about the martial arts grade, but I couldn't remember exactly.

"Hehehe... Originally, martial arts have their own advantages and disadvantages, but in the world, they are often described in a fairly simple way. First of all, the most basic martial arts that you just need to gather and move are called third-rate martial arts, introductory martial arts, and basic martial arts."

"The annuity ticket I learned is the basic martial arts technique..."

"Yes. . . In addition, all martial arts that use key elements to amplify speed and power are grouped together and divided into intermediate martial arts, or second-class martial arts and first-class martial arts according to the difficulty of their power and subtlety."

Mujin shook his head inwardly at Hyunguang's words.

If so, it could be said that the Xiao Hongquan and Chu Feng Gak that Mu Jin had learned in the Luhan Hall when he was an initiate disciple were second-rate martial arts, and the martial arts that he had learned after entering the Three Great Disciples were first-class martial arts.

And what the disciples of the gendarme were able to master was only first-class martial arts.

"Lastly, to go further and discuss how to radiate and apply qi not only to the body, but also to the outside, is the ascendant martial arts. Among such ascending martial arts, those that are particularly powerful and esoteric are called the New Void Discipline. Just like our Shaolin Seventy Sectarian Masters ...

“··· How can those who have not yet reached the stage of erection master the ascending martial arts?"

"Hehehe... I'm going to think about it the other way around. All ascendant martial arts are based on emitting qi. If you understand the essence of martial arts and practice using your bets accordingly, you will be able to naturally radiate qi someday."

"Oh! Then that's a kind of expedient, isn't it?"

Mujin said with an exclamation, and Hyunguang shook his head.

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