Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 90 Table of contents

Shaman (1)


After spending the day in the Emperor's Residence, Yunhe Jinyin and the young dojo left Shaolin early the next morning.

"Goodbye. Malco Dosa·"

"We'll see. You Ding-Jung-ah..."

I don't know what kind of conversation we had while drinking together last night, but for some reason the two of us seemed to be on worse terms than yesterday.

After saying goodbye to Yunhe Jinyin, Xuanguang turned to Mu Jin and said,

"Then this grandfather will come back after talking to the chief priest, so he can be cultivating..."

"Yes· Grandpa·"

After giving Mujin a gentle smile, Hyunguang turned around and headed for the room of the room.

"Welcome, welcome. The Great Brother·"

Ambassador Hyuncheon, who had experience in dealing with people in the work of the Great Illusion Group, greeted Hyunkwang with a slightly trembling voice.

"I heard that the Taiji Sword Ship has been there..."

"I just went back. Hehehe· Anyway, I made a pact with that Malko Dosa, so I came here..."

"You mean Ma Malco Dosa?"

I never thought there would be someone in the world who would call that Tai Chi Sword Ship a master of the world.

But when I thought about it, Hyungwang was the one who could do it.

In the past, he had been regarded as superior to Yunhe Jinyin, and he had attained enlightenment close to the Holy Buddha.

You seem to have become a little weird since that realization, but...

Ambassador Hyuncheon, who finally regained his composure, asked about the contents of the agreement.

"Do you know the contents of the covenant?"

In response to the room manager's question, Hyunkwang explained the covenant he had made yesterday.

That Mujin must go to the shaman to heal the shaman's swordsmen. As far as the fact that he put forward martial arts exchanges as a justification for him.

"Interacting with a shaman. I don't think it's bad."

He is now called the first gate in the world. Interacting with such a shaman and martial arts was something that Shaolin had nothing to lose.

Moreover, Mu Jin was willing to put a favor on the place, which was pleasing to Shaolin in many ways.

"I think we need to decide who to send to that exchange first. Of course, I have to include Mu Jinyi."

"I've got something on my mind about that, so I'm here. Priest of the room·"

"Who are you thinking about? The Great Brother·"

"Since it's a martial arts exchange, wouldn't it be nice for the young disciples to come and see the martial arts of the shaman? Not only Hani Mujin, but also Muyul and Mu Gung and Mu Kyung. Why don't you include the four three great disciples?"

"Hmmm· All three of them are exceptional in Mujabae, so I don't think it's a bad thing."

"Hehehe... The fact that the head priest thinks so is a great relief to me."

Saying that, Hyungwang thrust his palm out in front of him.

For some reason, the gesture he had experienced so often made Hyunchen flinch involuntarily and looked at the palm of his hand.

"Why do you hold out the palm of your hand?"

"Doesn't that mean you should give it to me?"

"What do you mean by me?"

"Hehehe... Now that Mu Yul Mu Su has gone to the shaman... Shouldn't we feed the summoners and send them out?"

"What does going to a shaman have to do with a summoning group..."

"What do you mean, Priest Chief? No matter how much we say "exchange", our Shaolin disciples are hump! Poem! You might be stunned by the shaman's disciples, right? Besides, the shamans' horses fight with swords, so you should at least raise your inner strength and send them away."

Ambassador Hyuncheon, who would normally have objected to Hyunkwang's words, also had a light in his eyes.

"So is he. No matter how much interaction you have, you can't make the Shaolin disciples faint."

He was a Zen ambassador who had always blamed himself for the fact that Shaolin's name had been lowered below that of a shaman.

Therefore, it was only the young disciples who hoped that they would not be defeated by the shaman.

"Hehehe... It's been a long time since I've been able to talk to the head priest. After all, Mu Jin will have income from the council, so there shouldn't be a big problem in creating a new summoning team, right?"

"After all, Mujin must be the greatest prosperity of our Wulin. Amitabha Buddha·"

"Amitabha Buddha..."

The two old monks smiled in unison.

* * *

Ten days later·

The Shaolin disciples, ready to go to the shaman, gathered in front of the mountain gate.

Mujin came first and greeted the three unarmed boats who were waiting.

"Did you absorb all the summons?"

Mu Yul replied to Mu Jin's question in a sunny tone, and Mu Gong also answered in a blunt tone.

"Sajo helped me!"

"What's going on?"

And now, the liberated faceless officer replied that it was no big deal.

"Sajo helped me too..."

"Hye-kwan Sajo? For some reason..."

"Don't worry, if you fall into the mouth of a coin, I'll kill you personally. So I struggled to live, and somehow it worked..."


Thinking that it would be dangerous to dig deeper, Mujin tried his best to look away.

In the place where Mu Jin's gaze stood, the Shaolin Greatest Priest was the Grand Master of Zhenchen.

"Hehehe... The shaman, along with our Shaolin, is called the Taishan Beidou of Wulin, so you will be able to see and learn a lot. Don't be a disgrace to our Shaolin name, follow the laws and manners, and have a good time."

At the words of the headmaster, the prefectural ambassador, Mu Jin laughed and laughed. I felt like everywhere in the world was alike.

At the end of Ambassador Hyuncheon's long speech, the disciple who was to be the representative of this exchange came forward.

"Then let's go. Monk Chief·"

"Take care. Hyegal Sajil·"

Hye-geol, a member of the Mu-Yul movement, is the leader of the outside party and will serve as the representative of the exchange process.

Under the send-off of the Emperor of Tian, the Shaolin disciples, including Mu Jin, descended Songshan and arrived at Deng Feng County, where they were greeted by a few workers from the Tianyu Upper Circle.

"I've been waiting for you..."

"You were waiting for us at the top of the heavens?"

"Yes· In fact, Monk Mujin asked me to do something, so I've prepared it here."


At the worker's words, Hye Ge and the other disciples looked at Mu Jin with puzzled faces.

Mujin didn't answer right away, but approached the wagons behind the workers.

And when he pulled back the curtain that covered the entrance of the carriage, he found innumerable pieces of iron.

"It's a way to socialize, so I'm going to spend a lot of time at the shaman, so I've prepared it. No matter how much you try to communicate, you can't stop training, can you?"

It was a variety of exercise tools that Mujin, who had lost muscle, had prepared.

It was a slight change in the plan, which might make the representative uncomfortable, but Mujin didn't worry.

The Hye-girl that Mujin had experienced was truly a man with a hot heart.

Isn't he the one who came with the crane to teach Mu Yul the right to study and even performed performance art?

"Cancer! Absolutely! Worrying about cultivation anywhere is a true Shaolin disciple!"

As expected, the hot-hearted man made a strange noise, wondering what kind of inspiration he got from the carriage that Mujin had prepared.

"Now that you've done this, it would be better if you continue to practice on the way to the shaman..."

"Do you mean to use exercise equipment along the way?"

"That's a no-brainer... In addition, if we pull the wagon ourselves, will that also be exercise?"

At Hui's words, the Shaolin disciples looked at Huigeo and the carriage alternately with bewildered expressions.

The exercise equipment Mu Jin used was all hundreds of pounds long.

The body of the wagon was also made of steel to withstand the load of the goods. It was an ignorant carriage that could have been pulled by at least four horses.

Next to it were two more wagons loaded with lighter exercise equipment for the other disciples, and finally two empty carriages that the Shaolin disciples were supposed to ride in.

"I don't think we need that empty wagon. And if you only pull the three wagons loaded with tools, it will be a great help for your physical training and at the same time for your study of light craft. Hahahahaha!"

The Shaolin disciples' faces were puzzled by the words that followed.

"Wow! I think it's going to be fun· Sajo!"

Except for the sunny Muyul.

Naturally, the Shaolin disciples' gaze turned to Mu Jin, who was the culprit of this situation.

Perhaps he understood how they felt, Mu Jin stepped forward and said.

"Uncle Hyegal! Pushing the wagon yourself can be a great way to get a full-body workout, but if you do it over and over again, you run the risk of hurting your muscles."

Mu Jin's words made the Shaolin disciples look full of anticipation.

"Hmmm· So what should I do?"

"I think it's a good idea to take two days off and take a day off to focus on your recovery and luck."

Everyone let out a deep sigh at Mujin's words that followed. Whether it was porridge or rice, it was a story of dragging a wagon.

* * *

Shortly after it was finally confirmed that three wagons loaded with various pieces of metal would be pulled.

In front of the three carriages, there was a martial arts view.

Mujin, Hye-gal, and the disciples were ready to run beside him.

They decided to take turns pulling the wagon for efficient training.


Immediately after getting ready· Before Hye-gal's cry fell, Mu Yul, who was in charge of the carriage on the left, rushed out.


Do they think that pulling a carriage instead of a horse is some kind of game?

Mu Yul was pulling the carriage with a sunny expression.

In addition to the strength he had cultivated over the years and the technique of Chen Kunqiu that he had learned from Hyunguang, the energy of the summoning team that he had absorbed a few days ago.

Burning everything he had gained, Mu Yul ran like crazy.

Mujin, who was leisurely pacing with the other two carriages, asked Hye-gal who was sitting next to him.

"Uncle Sam· By the way, is that the right direction for Wudang Mountain?"

"Probably not..."

“··· Do you have to dry it?"

Pointing to Muyul's carriage, which now only looked like dirt, Hye-gal laughed heartily.

"Hahaha· When you cultivate, you can go down the wrong path! Isn't it also cultivation to go away and come back?"


Mu Jin sighed once as he felt his head tingle slightly.

"I'll go after you..."

"So be it."

While Mu-jin, who received Hye-gal's permission, chases Moo-yul who is heading in the wrong direction.


Mu Gung, who seemed to be possessed by a cow, was pulling the carriage with a calm face.

However, that expression is just the effect of the immobility he learned while being tormented by Hyedam.

His eyes were burning with the desire to win.

"I don't know anything else, but I can't lose by force!"

No matter how much he was trained by Huidam, he was still a boy who entered Shaolin because he wanted to be the best.

From the time I was a student until now· After four years of dealing with many Shaolin disciples, he also realized how difficult it was.

Aside from Mu Jin's destruction of common sense, he had even suffered from impatience when the timid Mu Qing was free to perform more martial arts than he did.

Mu Yul's talent was also of a special kind, but he didn't particularly envy him because he often did crazy things.

Somehow, one day his fists shook in impatience. His protégé Hyedam had opened his silent mouth to give him advice.

Demon Species· Even if you become the best in one field, you will be the best in the world.

From then on, Mu Gong gave up on learning brilliant martial arts on his own. Instead, he delved deep into the mysteries of the so-called Shaolin Sect.

Therefore, for Mugung, the field of power was a field that he did not want to lose to anyone.


After a period of growth, he was more than 6 feet 3 inches tall and boasted a huge size, and his muscles and tendons began to bulge out.


The wagon, which boasted the heaviest weight of the sports equipment, began to pick up speed little by little.

On the other hand, Mu Qing, who was traveling at the slowest speed, looked at the carriage of Mu Gung ahead, with a puzzled expression.

"We have to go a long way, so why are you both so ignorant?"

In the first place, it was ignorant to drag a carriage to the shaman, instead of riding it.

However, it had already been decided to take the wagon, so in the end, it was all about efficient movement in order to get the farther.

"When I push, the wheels give me momentum, and then they slow down again because of the friction."

Pulling the carriage carefully, Mu Qing gradually adapted to the recoil that occurs when pulling the carriage.

He made intricate use of the various techniques he had learned and the techniques of Chen Qingqiu, and created the most suitable technique for pulling this ignorant heavy carriage.

As time passed, the perfection of the light construction method for pulling the wagon increased, and the speed of the martial arts gradually increased.

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