Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 93 Table of contents

Shaman (4)


The Shaolin disciples were intrigued by Yunhe Jinyin's call.

"It's a clean water seal..."

"You can see the famous Lady Dragon's sword today."

It is a clear water dojo that is already well-known all over the continent, and the disciples of Shaolin have heard of it all.

But the Shaolin disciples weren't particularly worried about Mu Jin. Rather, it was a hint of curiosity.

The most overwhelming growth in Shaolin is Mujin· I was curious to see how much it would compare to the Lady Dragon.

On the other hand, there was conviction in the eyes of the shaman disciples.

The arm wrestling in the morning was a match of brute strength, so I couldn't help it, but I was sure that Qingshu would definitely win in martial arts.

Is it that you can't read the strangely contradictory atmosphere, or that you're not interested?

Qingshu stepped forward with a sunny expression on his face.

"Can I have a fight with the Tao in front of me?"


In response to Yunhe Jinyin's answer, Qingshu Dojo took a shot at Mu Jin.

"It's called Qingshu, the three great disciples of the shaman. Countless waters..."

"This is the Shaolin Three Great Disciples, Mu Jin· Amitabha Buddha·"

Mujin, who responded appropriately as the prefect, had his eyes shining.

The name Qingshu was a name that often appeared in novels.

"Well, it's a filthy small proportion, but..."

What is the clean water dojo? It was a character of misfortune. The proportion was too small for the strength.

That's right, the adversary of the protagonist of Part 2 is a genius of another political faction. It was Namgoong Jincheon·

And the Qingshu dojo was a late-life member of the political faction, often referred to only by name.

But that doesn't mean there's a big difference between the Namgong Jincheon and the Qingshu dojo, but it's about one to two moves.

But it was also meaningful.

"It's the perfect opponent to check my level right now."

Mu Jin was intrigued by this fact, and when he took the flag ceremony, Qingshu also drew his sword and asked:

"How many moves can I give you?"

Qingshu Dojo, who had lived a life without rivals for his peers, asked because it was so natural for him to give up his numbers to someone, but Mujin could only laugh and laugh.

"Today is a non-martial arts exchange, so it doesn't matter if you leave first."

"Oh! Come to think of it, yes!"

With that sunny demeanor, which didn't feel any malice, a certain figure came to Mujin's mind.

'Is it a non-rule?'

That thought was quickly reversed when the Qingshui dojo began to move its sword.

The clear water dojo moved his sword with an ecstatic expression.

"When you swing your sword, you turn into a guy, don't you?"

His sword floated through the air in a mysterious trajectory, and a circle was drawn in the air along the trajectory.

Some of the shaman's disciples who were watching the scene exclaimed in surprise.

"Death penalty for Qingshu!! What if you use a true sword!"

Even though it was a friendly secret dance, the Qingshu dojo took out the Song Gate Sword that he usually used without thinking about it, and went to the secret dance.

Turning to the few disciples who shouted in surprise, the rest of the shaman disciples said in a calm tone.

"Don't worry. With Qingshu's skills, even a true sword should be able to suppress it without a single wound..."

But their composure was soon shattered.

It wasn't because the Qingshu dojo was completely immersed in the sword and swung the sword at Mu Jin even though there was a lot of noise around him.


Even though it was a true sword wielded by Qing Xu, the moment it collided with Mujin's fist, the sound of metal reverberated.

"The flesh and the sword collide, how could there be a metal noise!"

Whether the shaman disciples who were watching were surprised or not, Mu Jin, who had exchanged the first move, gave a strange expression.

'You let it pass you off as a matter of course, don't you?'

Normally, if you put your fist to the true sword, no one would try to slash it, not spill it.

Slightly intrigued, Mu Jin swung a series of fists, zhangs, and angles after the first one, and clashed with the sword of Qingshu.

"Oh, oh my gosh."

Each time, he felt like he had missed something, and Mujin raised his bet little by little, as if to test his endurance.

As a result, the speed and power of Mujin's winding, field, and angle gradually increased.

At a certain point, Mujin took the offensive and the Qingshui dojo took the defense.

However, neither the shaman disciples who were watching the sparring nor the Yunhe Jinyin were at all embarrassed.

In the first place, the shaman's sword is not a sword that kills someone, but a sword that saves someone. It was a counterattack and suppression with the intention of biopsy.

As they had expected, there was no hint of embarrassment on the face of the Qingshui dojo that was spilling out the winds, fields, and angles that Mu Jin wielded.

Instead of panicking, he was just absorbed in his sword with a dazed face, as if he had been drunk.

"Is this after all?"

I don't know if he would go and live if he was as immersed as Mu Kyung, but I felt like he was a pretty weird guy.

'So where can we stop this?'

Intrigued, Mujin slammed his sword into the Qingshui Dojo as before, and a golden aura began to radiate from his fist.


When the shaman disciples realized the true nature of the golden aura, they cried out in surprise.

I heard that the monk Mujin was only sixteen years old. How many people of that age are there in this great middle garden?

But they were just amazed at the realm of nothingness. He was still confident of the victory of the Qingshui dojo.

That's right...

Qingxu's sword was also radiating from Mujin's fist.

The Qing Beast Dojo was not embarrassed by Mu Jin's exclamation, but rather exclaimed with a face that he was going to die of joy.

"Hahaha· I was able to use the winds!"

It was a voice that felt like it was finally time to fight.

In fact, the sword of the Qingshui dojo, which had begun to emit sword qi, moved more smoothly.

The trajectory of the sword was combined with the trajectory of the sword qi, and in the air there were countless taeguk drawings drawn by the blue water seal.

And every time it pointed at him, Mujin would throw out his fists or feet and smash it with his feet.

His hands and feet were covered with a golden aura like gloves and shoes.

Mujin had already reached the point where he could unleash his qi regardless of herbivore.

"What the hell!?"


Everyone who watched the Qingshui dojo and Mu Jin's secret dance looked surprised or stunned.

"Is this really the secret dance of the Three Great Disciples?"

"You can let out your energy freely!"

This is why the two three great disciples, who are not yet in their final year, are at a higher level than the two great disciples of the prestigious sects.

"Equal to the Blue Water!"

"I wasn't called the Lady Dragon for nothing..."

At the time when the Shaolin Sect and the Shaolin disciples were each astonished at the realm of Mujin and Qingshu.

Yunhe Jinyin felt a strange feeling.

It wasn't because of his age-worthy qualities.

Yunhe Jinyin's realm is one of the best on the continent, so he already has a rough grasp of what Mu Jin has achieved.

Isn't it Yunhe Jin who immediately understood that Mu Jin had absorbed the Great Illusion?

Nevertheless, the reason why Yunhe Jinyin dared to make Qingshu and Mu Jin's secret dance was not just because of Ding Zhong's rant.

"No matter how good she is for her age, both Qingshu and that child are too old to be called late exponents."

Therefore, what was important was not the current state, but the potential.

He really wanted to see Mujin's potential. I wondered if there was something I didn't figure out but found in my heart.

"But no matter how much you look at it, you can't feel the subtlety of the movements."

It was not subtle, it was simple. Although it had the advantage of being fast and strong instead of simple.

And the more the rain continued, the more intense the mystery became.

"Why do you use the exhortations and not the feasts?"

Surprisingly, as the rain continued to flow, Mujin's power, length, and angle increased in speed and power. Still without any feasts or complicated martial arts.

* * *

Unaware that Yunhe Qin Yin was watching the sparring with suspicion, the Qingshui dojo and Mu Jin's secret dance were slowly approaching the end.

The sword of the blue beast dojo that was pouring out the unleashed attack of Mu Jin continued to draw circles large and small.

'I'm so excited. I'm excited."

Perhaps completely immersed in his sword, Qingshu Daozheng was swinging it with an ecstatic expression.

Thinking that the inspection was over, Mu Jin unfolded the bankruptcy report.


The moment the noise rang out as if a bomb had exploded from the ground.

Mujin's body, which had been exchanging harmony with the Qingshui dojo at a distance of a little less than a long (3 meters), had suddenly penetrated into the Qingshui dojo's arms.

Mujin's fist slammed into the body of the Qingshui dojo with a strong momentum.

He might be taken aback by the sudden crisis, but Qingshu still swung his sword with a sword intoxication face.

He began to draw a sword qi in the path of Mujin's fist.

Immediately afterwards, Mujin's fist and Qingshu Dojo's Taijiku collided, and a tremendous explosion erupted.


In the midst of all this, the Qingshui Dojo tried to channel Mujin's power with his genius.

'Let's take a look at this!'

With his fist and sword touching, Mujin stretched out his spine in addition to his own strength.

Unable to withstand the blow of immense power, the Qingshui dojo's arm was pushed away.

No, the power that couldn't be counteracted pushed back the entire body of the Qingshui dojo along with the arms.

Meanwhile, the Qingshu dojo, who had been in a trance, gathered his posture again and tried to swing his sword.

"It's over..."

Mu Jin's seat suddenly stopped in front of Qingshu Tao's face.


It was only then that the Qingshu dojo came out of its trance, and waited a moment to look at Mu Jin's fist in front of him with a puzzled expression.

"Oh! Thank you for your hard work."

Belatedly realizing that he had lost, he took a step back and bowed with a punch.

It was only then that many sighs broke out among the shaman disciples, who realized that Qingshu had been defeated.

"I learned a lot today. Hahaha·"

However, contrary to the reaction of the shaman disciples, Qingshu Dojo laughed unconcernedly even though he was defeated like a young man who was called a genius.

"Can I ask for another sparring in the future? When I dealt with the monk Mujin's authority, I had a lot of images in my mind. Hahaha·"

The mood of the shaman disciples in the background seemed to be completely unreadable.

No, he seemed more interested in refining his sword than in winning or losing.

'Is he the one who only has a sword in his head?'

Mujin, who had a rough idea of what kind of guy he was, replied with a light smile.

"I'm going to be in the shaman for a while, so it would be nice if we could hang out often."

At Mujin's words, the Qingshui dojo showed a clear smile.

"It was a very good secret."

Yunhe Jinyin snuck into the conversation between the two.

"But after watching Bimu, I have a question for Mu Jin Dou..."

"Please inquire ...

"Can you tell me the name of the martial arts you are learning?"

Why do you ask this? Mujin thought about it, but he didn't care and replied.

"Jade Kumgang and bankruptcy new report· And I'm using some of Shaolin's martial arts together."

After all, most of his martial arts were unknown by name. They were the German martial arts created by Mu Jin with the help of Xuanguang and other Shaolin elders.

And of course, Yunhe Qin Yin, who had never heard of such a martial arts before, tilted his head and asked.

"Was there such a martial arts in Shaolin?"

"I didn't..."

“··· Could it be that this is the martial arts that Hyunguang made for you?"

"It's true that I learned it with the help of my grandfather..."

After hearing Mu Jin's answer, there were suddenly words that came to Yunhe Jinyin's mind.

– The monk is just giving you directions.

That was what Hyunguang said as he explained Mujin.

That being said...

"If you give me directions, that kid is creating a martial arts for himself!"

It was only then that Yunhe Jinyin understood why Mu Jin hadn't mastered Tai Chi properly.

He didn't think he needed it in his way.

If it had been any other child, I would have thought it was the childish arrogance of a child, but Mujin was different.

"To be able to reach such a level with the martial arts you created and to win against Qingshu ...

Yunhe Jinyin knew why Xuanguang had chosen that child.

"It was a vessel that only he could hold."

Mujin, who was only sixteen years old, was not just a "child" who learned what he had learned from someone, but a "muin" who was advancing toward his own perfection.

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