Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 96 Table of contents

Muscularity Black (3)


About ten days after the Shaolin disciples began to stay in the shaman,

Mu Jin was feeling bewildered as he watched the scene.

"It's a familiar sight..."

There were more than a hundred shaman disciples in the theater, each with a cloth on the floor, in the same pose.

"How did wrist training time turn into GX time?"

Well, if it was a trigger, it was probably that. Did you teach him some bodyweight exercises and muscle lengthening techniques?

I told him about the exercise for a few days, and one day, not only the Qingshui dojo but also many shaman disciples would come to visit me.

I just said that it would be better to proceed in the theater instead of in the front yard of the hall that Shaolin had given up.

'Why is everyone coming?'

Little by little, the number increased, and now the three great disciples and the two great disciples of the shaman were all coming to the hall.

But it took up time, but it was also vague.

"Originally, it was a time to teach you how to train your wrists."

In fact, most of the wrist training techniques had been taught. Precisely, the basic level of things that they can follow...

Wrist training is also about training muscles, so you won't grow rapidly in a day or two, and if you just train your wrists every day, it's counterproductive.

In other words, on days when I was supposed to rest my wrists, I was doing other exercises.

Thanks to this, Mujin became an instructor for hundreds of members.

"You'll have to bend over there a little more."

"You have to breathe· Inhale and exhale, bend a little more."

Shaolin disciples were acting as a kind of assistants.

Shaolin disciples may wonder if they should teach this kind of exercise to shaman disciples who are not alumni.

"Oooh! You've got great muscles, Mr. Doe!"

"If we exercise consistently, we can get fit, right?"

"Hehehe... That's not much compared to the inexhaustible sand..."

The Shaolin disciples were dazed by the poker-like shaman's disciples with their eyes shining brightly and praising their muscles.

As anyone who has ever exercised knows, building a body was an act of penance. Martial arts training is fun in its own way, but weights are just a simple repetition of heavy things and lifting them over and over again. It was a painssome, dirty, and tedious task that had to be repeated for years.

Complimenting the muscles may mean the muscles themselves, but it felt even better because they were being praised for the efforts they had put in. It was one of the biggest reasons why they liked to praise their muscles and wanted to show them off to someone.

In this sense, the innocent shaman disciples, who had only lived in the mountains cultivating swords, won the hearts of the Shaolin disciples with their honest and pure praise.

Well, the most outstanding of all was the clear water dojo.

"Mujin Dou! What's next!"

"After all, it's Mujin Dou! How can you move so flexibly with muscles like a ball of metal!?"

There was a steady stream of pure words of praise that didn't feel like they were meant to be.

On the other hand·

Watching the shaman disciples and Shaolin disciples mingling, the shaman's fortune buds also had similar thoughts to Mu Jin.

'How did it come to this...'

It was similar, but it felt different.

* * *

About twenty days had passed since Mu Jin and the Shaolin disciples arrived at the shaman.

In the meantime, the relationship between the Shaolin disciples and the shaman disciples had grown stronger.

It was also because in the mornings Mu Jin and Shaolin disciples would teach the shaman disciples about the exercises.

The biggest reason was that after about half a month, Mujin's treatment and wrist training methods began to show effectiveness.

The main examiners of the shaman who complained of wrist pain· Yun Jiabai and his disciples began to send him great favors.

And today, without fail, right after Mujin healed the wrists of the shaman swordsmen.

"Mujin Dough· Would you like to speak with him for a while?"

Suddenly, the shaman's Zhang Wen Yin, Song Jin Yin, grabbed Mu Jin.

"Time is fine, but is there any problem?"

Chen Yin smiled at Mu Jin's question, and finally spoke only after the shaman inspectors and the Shaolin disciples had left.

"I've heard from my Yunhe Brother-in-law that Mu Jin Dou's cure can't be told because of the contract with the Tianyu Merchant Society..."


Mu Jin replied in a trembling tone to Chen Yin's words.

'Are you trying to tell me secretly?'

Just as Mu Jin was about to have doubts bloom in his heart, Chen Yin added.

"If you do it, can you open the musculoskeletal treatment clinic in the vicinity of Wudang Mountain?"

"You mean the congressman?"

"Yes... I've heard that the clinic corrects not just your wrists, but the musculature of your whole body. The wrist is the most serious, and there are many people who have nowhere else to go because of the hard training. But you can't just hold on to Mujin Dou as a shaman, can you?"

At the words of Chen Yin, Mu Jin began to pound the abacus in his head.

"Yongzhong Mountain, where the Zhuge family is located, was probably less than two hundred li from here, right?"

At that distance, it was a distance that the current Mujin could run in one hour.

It was an opportunity for Zhuge Sega, who was about to have an accident in the future, to make an announcement in the name of a councillor.

After making the payment, Mujin opened his mouth with a business smile.

"If you do it, the location will be the most suitable for the Kyunhyun closest to the shaman."

"Hehehe... If it's Kyunhyun, it will be easier for us shamans to come and go..."

"If you do, I'll send a kite to the main mountain and the top of the stream."

Both Mu Jin and Chen Jin ended the conversation with a satisfied smile.

* * *

"It's a shame to send you here..."

Looking at the Shaolin disciples who were fully prepared, Chen Yin showed a complicated and subtle expression.

Towards such a transport person, the representative Hye-gal replied with a hearty smile.

"Since it is called the Memoir Arrangement Writing Class, I wonder if we will have time to meet again. Hahaha·"

The day has come for the Shaolin disciples to return to the Shaolin disciples who had spent their time well.

"Our shaman has been greatly favored by Mujin Dou, so whenever you need help, please send me a kite. I will surely repay this favor."

"I'm sorry I couldn't spend more time with you. But now that we've opened a clinic in Kyunhyun, if you're feeling unwell, you can go there."

Chen Yin smiled softly at Mujin's humility.

Treatment is a cure, but thanks to the wrist training method that Mu Jin taught them, the next shaman swordsmen are now free from their chronic illnesses.

In addition, there are simple muscle training techniques and muscle lengthening techniques that will increase the flexibility of the body.

There is no greater grace for a shaman.

Then· Mu Jin, who was exchanging greetings with Jin Yin, was approached by a clear water seal.

"What a shame. Hahaha· If I had known you were going to be here early, I would have asked for a sparring session yesterday."

It was clear that the Qingshu dojo was really unsatisfactory. It's not that he wasn't, but since he was defeated by Mujin, the Qingshui dojo had been replaying the secret dance with Mujin in his head.

It's just that he hasn't figured out how to deal with Mujin's strength yet, so he's just cultivating the training method that Mujin told him.

The fool who only knew this sword didn't even know the date when the Shaolin disciples were going to die. And now I was regretting it.

"Or can I ask you to do me a favor today?"

Now that he had to return to Shaolin, he couldn't do it again, so Mu Jin moderately refused.

"Anyway, there will be a Wulin Tournament in a year and a half, so why don't we share it again then?"

"Oh! Come to think of it, there will be a Moorim tournament at that time. I was not interested and forgot, what was it? Hahaha· If Mujin Dou participates, it will be a fun competition."

Mu Jin just smiled lightly at Qingxu's response with a bright smile on his face.

"Come on! Let's go!"

And after a while·

With the thunderous cry of the Hui-ge, the Shaolin disciples began to descend Wudang Mountain.

With the three huge wagons and the ignorant metal with the lifting.

* * *

Hubei Yongzhongshan ·

Unlike other five major families and most of the Murim Sega family located in the same place as the prefecture or the provincial capital, the Zhuge Sega was located in the mountains like the Mun sects.

There are several reasons for this, but perhaps the biggest one is due to historical sources.

It is said that the famous Waryong Zhuge Teacher retired, and it was the backdrop of the Three Corners.

Besides that, as it was located on a mountain, the mountain was cleared and a manor of enormous size was used.

Above all, taking advantage of the geographical advantage of the mountains, various true systems filled the interior and exterior of the Zhuge family. It would probably have been impossible in a city or a prefecture with a lot of people.

Thus, it was the Zhuge family who built an iron fortress worthy of the nickname "Shingi Zhegal" on the mountainside.

In the spacious banquet hall on the side of the Zhuge family's huge manor, Zhuge Jinxi took a deep breath as he craved the fan in his hands.


After learning various exercises and muscle lengthening techniques from Mujin, he returned to Sega. About nine months passed.

When he returned to Sega and started the first movements that Mu Jin had told him about, everyone in the family would look at him with a strange look.

Zhuge Segada also believes that martial arts are also unfolded with the head and five voices, and is proud to be the successor of Zhuge Gongming.

Naturally, she was either worried or willing that she had ignorantly lifted the piece of metal and fell into the mouth of the coin.

Further, she was in a distraught position (she was undergoing muscle lengthening surgery) There were not one or two people who were amazed at the appearance of drunkenness.

However, it was said that humans are creatures of adaptation, so when she didn't care about the opinions of those around her and focused on training and exercising, the people of Zhuge Sega gradually adapted.

The adaptation was more like accepting that something was wrong with her head.

However, the gaze of the elders and the squabbles of her peers who were competing for the position of head of the household had no effect on her cultivation.

"It's less than two years away."

Her mind was filled with thoughts of the Wulin Tournament she had made with Mujin.

"But for now, I'll have to catch my breath for a while."

Didn't Mujin do that? It is said that only when the body recovers after suffering can it grow. When it came to cultivation, crowds were a no-no.

Then, as she was catching her breath for a moment, a strange conversation broke into her ears.

"Is it true that Shaolin and Shaman's martial arts exchange?"

"I heard that the monk was also with me. Elder Zhuge Hyun, who had been beaten by him in Nanchang, was waiting for him, but he was with a shaman, so he couldn't seem to target him."

He tried to brush it off without thinking about it, but the word "Shaolin" and the name "Mujin" couldn't help but arouse Zhuge Jinxi's interest.

She focused on her hearing, eavesdropping more closely on the conversations of those who passed by the fence next to the theater.

"If you follow the promise, you'll have to endure the Wulin Tournament..."

Still, nine months is quite a long time. Moreover, if you don't go all the way to Hanam, and if you go all the way to Wudang Mountain, which is just a stone's throw away.

'Wouldn't it be okay if I went to see him?'

Ok! You just have to look for something at the shaman and pretend you ran into it!

As expected, as a talented woman of the Zhuge family, she came up with a good cause and immediately took action.

* * *

The next day·

Immediately prepared, Zhuge Jinxi set off from Sega early in the morning and arrived at Gyun County, the closest area to Wudang Mountain, around noon.

"Maybe we'll meet and spar together, right? And there might be strange noises coming from the ship."

After a quick lunch here, she decided to climb Wudang Mountain.

Take a short stroll around Kyunhyun to find a good restaurant you like. She found a plaque on a manor that caught her eye.

[Musculoskeletal Clinic]

It was the same plaque of the same lawmaker I had seen in Deng Feng-hyun and Nanchang.

She stepped inside the manor with anticipation, and soon found herself face to face with a familiar figure.

"What's going on here?"

“··· What's going on here?"

She I met at the clinic in Deng Bong County. Liu Tales·

After receiving the inspection sent by Mu Jin, Liu Xuehua quickly prepared to open a clinic and came to Kyun County here. This time, in order to spend as little time as long as possible.

Sadly, however, Mu Jin, who had finished interacting with the shaman, returned to Songshan a few days after she came to visit.

After all, she could manage the council on her own, so why should she be confident, but for Liu Xuehua, it was a heartbreaking story in many ways.

Trying to hide her sad feelings, Liu Xuehua asked in a kind tone.

"Did you come to see Monk Mujin?"

Zhuge Jinxi replied to her question in a confident tone.

"Yes· I've made a promise..."

Liu Xuehua snorted inwardly at her metaphorical expression. It was Liu Xuehua who already knew that the covenant was Bimu.

"I see. Monk Mujin is in the Wudang Sect, so you will have to climb Wudang Mountain to meet him."

"Thank you for letting me know..."

Zhuge Jinhui, who left the council with a victorious smile on Liu Xuehua, left the meal behind and went straight to Wudang Mountain.

And what was waiting for her...

"Do you mean Mu Jin Dou? He passed away yesterday..."

"All the Shaolin disciples have left together."

It was a kind reply from the shaman disciples who guarded the entrance to the sea temple.

‘··· How dare you deceive me?'

As a descendant of Zhuge Gongming, he was deceived by someone.

With blood on his forehead, Zhuge Jinxi unfolded his light attack and descended Wudang Mountain as fast as he could, and went to the clinic again.

Maybe it was anger or because he was in a hurry.

Returning to the clinic with an unusually red face, Liu Xuehua replied with a bright smile to Zhuge Jinhui.

"Oh my... Did you pass away? I didn't know that..."

“··· Didn't you know?"

Zhuge Jinhui stares at her with a cold expression.


Liu Xuehua's eyes clashed brightly.

* * *

On the other hand, at that time·

Mu Jin, who was in the middle of pulling a wagon loaded with exercise equipment to return to Shaolin, burst out coughing.

'Ugh· All of a sudden, you have a chill?'

Did you catch a cold because your sweat cooled down when you took a break?

There was serious worry on Mujin's face, which was crazy about it.

Mu Qing, who was running next to him, saw Mu Jin's serious expression and asked.

"What's wrong? Where does it hurt?"

"No... I'm not sick right now, but I'm a little upset..."

"What's wrong with you?"

"If you catch a cold, you may lose muscle."

Mu Jin replied, and Mu Qing looked at Mu Jin with a bizarre expression.

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