Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 102 Table of contents

Towing (2)


Mujin's judging order, unaware of the fact that the countless people in the theater cared about them, was about to arrive.

Mujin thought as he stared at the metal in front of him.

"I'm sorry I took a break from strength training yesterday, but it's perfect for warming up."

Mujin grabbed both sides of the metal with both hands without hesitation.

The metal did not have a separate handle, so it was inconvenient to hold it in many ways.

Instead, there seemed to be no set position for lifting the metal separately. In other words, you can use all your muscles as if you were doing a tire flip.

Grabbing both sides of the metal ball, Mujin bent his knees as if he were doing a squat.

Lower body and glutes· He used all the muscles in his core and arms to lift the metal in a flash.

'Hmm... A little over four hundred?'

Thinking that it might be about 250 kg, Mu Jin put down the metal he had lifted.

Lifted up again·

“··· Now that you've passed, you can move on to the next step."

Mu Jin, who had been watching the examination, put down the hush that he had lifted again, and replied with a cool face.

"Oh... It's a habit, so why don't you take it ten more times?"

It was a habit of Helchang· The weight was just right, and after a set of twelve reps, I felt like my muscles were going to swell.

Of course, the examiner didn't know what was going on.

“··· Ahem· There are people waiting behind you, so please just go."

Soothing the pain of his aching muscles, Mujin turned his gaze to the side.


Mu Gong, who was also watching the examination next to him, took a deep breath and succeeded in lifting the iron ball like Mujin.

Still, Mu Gong, who was born with a developed rice cake, has been cultivating Mujin's cultivation method for more than five years. At least in terms of "strength", it wasn't much better than Mujin's.

On the other hand, Mu Kyung and Mu Yul, who were next to him, were wrestling with the metal with their faces red.

Mujin laughed inwardly as he watched the veins bulge from their muscles through the lyrics.

Mu Kyung and Mu Yul have also trained their muscles with the help of Mu Jin, but they have cultivated them in a form that suits their martial arts. Instead of ignorant muscles like Mugung and Mujin, he had to maintain a moderately balanced physique.

And some of the disciples of the other sects, who had been watching the scene from the perimeter, gently raised the corners of their mouths.

'Hahaha· Shaolin Shaolin! I can't cope with this task!'

Most of them, unaware that Shaolin disciples don't use internal techniques, have such thoughts.

Among them were the disciples of the Volcanic Sect.

"It's just that..."

In particular, there was a deep sneer on the corner of Hong Xiail's mouth, which had caused friction with Mu Jin last night.

"I'm not going to meet you at the Dragon Seal Society, but I'm going to be eliminated from the preliminary round."

With that in mind, Hong Xiao-il, who had lost interest in the Shaolin disciples, looked around the theater and searched for others.

A few years ago, when I was wandering around the Central Plains, I met a woman as neat as a flower.

"I'm with the late exponents of the Five Great Generations... Should I look for the next opportunity?"

When Hong Xiaoil spotted Zhuge Jinxi's appearance, he clicked his tongue lightly and just stared at her.

The expressionless face of her, just as she had when we first met.

* * *

On the other hand·

The sense of danger that he might be eliminated at this rate was shaking his heart.

To be precise, the future of being harassed by Hye-kwan at the Shaolin Temple, where he was eliminated in the first preliminary round, comes to mind.

In the end, the martial arts officer decided that it was dangerous to stay like this, so he used his inner attack to lift the metal ball.

In the same way, when Mu Yul looked like he was going to be eliminated if he left it like this, Mu Jin squealed.

– Yula· Do you just drop out?

At Mujin's warning, Mu Yul let out a groaning sound, "Hmm!" and lifted the metal block.

"For the time being, the two of them are confirmed to be penalized..."

Mujin smiled at the two of them, and their faces turned dead. Mu Gung snorted to himself as if he wanted to brag about his success.

“··· There are people waiting behind you, so can you move on to the next screening?"

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

At the examiner's instructions, the four hurriedly moved to the next examination site.

The second task was to make twenty roundtrips to the two places where the flag was placed.

"It's a shuttle run."

It reminded me of the physical strength and turn-out drills often used in modern sports such as soccer and basketball.

Several young warriors who had passed the first task, including the self-contained boat signing room, were waiting at the starting line.

And as soon as the examiner raised and lowered the flag, everyone rushed to their respective flags.

At the same time, another examiner flipped the hourglass.

For a while, several unmanned people who started at the same time tried to go back and forth between the two flags at a distance of about six or seven jang (18~21m).

'What? Why are you so slow?'

The young man who came from the Kunlun Sect looked to the side with a puzzled expression.

While he made five roundtrips between the two flags, the Shaolin disciples had only made two or three round trips.

"How can our Troubled Divine Law be so good!"

Even a simple calculation shows a difference of more than double. I can't believe you can make such a difference from the Millennium Shaolin. The young monk of the Troubled Sect was thrilled to realize once again the greatness of the recluse.

Of course, the other people who were watching the examination had a slightly different mindset.

In the case of the low-level warriors, they were looking at the master and bursting with admiration.

"I felt it when I was in the first place, but it seems that the level of Shaolin is lower than I thought."

Late-stage indices with a fairly high level of quality· In particular, the late exponents from Gu Pilbang and Wu Taisei were disappointed with the level of Shaolin rather than surprised by the level of Kun Ling.

Well, what do others think of them or not?

The autograph room was just sprinting between flags without any internal attacks.

Muscles that have been trained for years· Among them, he explodes the power of his thighs and swings his legs and arms like crazy.

Thanks to this, Mujin and Mukyung Muyul were moving between the flags at about the same speed as the sand in the hourglass.

Just one· Mugung, which had been so big, was lagging behind little by little, and now the distance was as wide as one round trip.

And by the time Mujin and Muqing Muyul had made fifteen round trips, the distance had widened twice.

'It's dangerous!'

After glancing at the hourglass, Mugung realized that he was in danger of being eliminated.

'Damn it!'

In the end, Mugung used his internal attack to increase his speed explosively.


The sudden burst of explosive dash caused ripples in the eyes of the warriors who were watching the examination of this car with a sneer.

"The speed of a disciple of the Troubles!"

'Hmm· Was it deliberately distributing because there were not enough bets?'

"It means that we don't have enough bets, so if we meet in the future, we should aim for a long fight."

But whether the onlookers were surprised or not, they were only focused on running until the sand in the hourglass fell.


Just before all the hourglasses run out and the examiner rings the bell· Mugung, who caught up with the distance that had been pushed twice, narrowly passed the examination.

Mu Jin wiped the sweat from his forehead and said,

"It's also a penalty decision..."


After a brief lamentation, he quickly returned to his calm mood.

Mujin laughed lightly at the sight and calmly took a breath.

In fact, Mu Jin who handed over the joke to Mu Gong was also a close call.

Considering the distance between the flags, the distance he ran was about 800 meters.

It wasn't a straight line, but every 20 meters or so, and I sprinted like my thigh muscles were going to explode, and I narrowly passed it.

Anyway, all four of them had made it to the second task, so they moved to see the third and final task.

The final task is to attack a large boulder. If it was a swordsman, it was a task to attack with a sword, and if it was a thief, it was a task to attack again.

Of course, all the non-self-contained sign rooms had to use the winding, the chapter, and the angle.

"I'm going to fall out of here anyway..."

"Mmmm... It would be dangerous to hit him without a punch, right?"

"Heheh... Let's give it a try, shall we?"

"Don't do it, Muyul-ah. Then I break my bones..."

"Death penalty for all of you!"

After confirming the third task, the trio chatted with each other. Unlike Mujin, the three of them didn't even learn the jade gold gong, let alone the iron cannon ginseng. If you smashed the rock with your bare hands without a punch, you wouldn't have a hand left.

"Mu Jin, why don't you do this without any internal attack?"

"Hmm... Have you ever seen it?"

Mu Jin, who answered Mu Kyung's question appropriately, asked the examiner of the third task.

"What are the criteria for passing? Do we have to completely shatter the rocks?"

"It's just enough to leave a trace of emptiness on the rocks... If it's a sword, you can use it to cut off a part of the rock."

Mujin shook his head at the examiner's answer.

"That's enough for me."

* * *

The final task of the first round is the theater where the first round of qualifying takes place. Compared to the first task, lifting a lump of iron, the number of unmanned people who had come here had been reduced by about half.

In other words, most of the third-rate warriors had fallen away.

The two tasks that Mujin succeeded in without any internal work were to select the unmanned people who passed the "minimum" standard.

For example, if you are a person who attaches great importance to the tricks of China, you only need to be a third-rate warrior to succeed in the first task. However, if you were a third-rate unmanned person who had mastered the tricks of the middle, you would have been eliminated from this car task where speed is important.

In other words, the first and third tasks were to identify a "minimum" threshold for force, velocity, and technology.

On the other hand, if you came to the third task, it meant that all the people who had learned martial arts in the third-rate martial arts department or the military attaché in the countryside had failed.

Of course, many of them were people from Gupilebang and Odaesega.

"Well, it seems that the level of the three great disciples of Shaolin this time is much lower than expected... Zhuge sister·"

Disappointed with the level of Shaolin disciples, Tang Xiao Mi did not respond to Zhuge Jinxi's words.

But she wasn't disappointed, either. Rather, I was in a hurry to hide my surprise.

"I didn't think Monk Mujin would have grown so much in the intervening years..."

She knew what Mu Jin had reached two and a half years ago. That's why she figured it out at once.

Mujin participated in the judging without using any internal skills. Mujin's physical ability without using the Inner Attack exceeded the level of a third-rate warrior who used the Inner Attack at a basic level.

If I were to be able to handle the interior with my physical ability, how much power and speed would I be able to achieve?

‘··· Maybe the number of martial arts has increased in the meantime."

She was looking forward to sparring with Mujin in the finals of the Dragon Seal Association.

However, unlike Zhuge Jinhui, Mu Jin and others who didn't know the true skills of Shaolin disciples had similar ideas to Tang Xiomi's.

Soon, the Shaolin disciples' third task began.

The first to step forward was Mu Infinity.


Mu Gong, who took a light breath, spread the bet he had raised in the single battle into the sea of limbs.

"I'm going to use my inner attack anyway, so I don't need to adjust my strength properly."

The Keeper of the Sheep who had toured the bloodline gathered in the palm of Mu Gong's palm, and at the same time, Mu Gong slammed his palm out at the rock.


A rock the size of a man was shattered to pieces.


Naturally, the dismay burst out from the mouths of those who watched with ridicule of the Shaolin disciples' level.

But their surprise was a little premature.

Mu Qing, who followed Mu Gong, did not shatter the rock like Mu Gong.

Instead, his fists were golden and golden.


There was a dull vibration and a hole the size of a fist was punched in the center of the large rock.

Skills that require delicate qi operation, It was a more difficult technique than shattering rocks.

And finally, in the case of the spiral inaction...


Perhaps he was excited to be allowed to use the internal attack, but instead of finishing it off with a single blow, he went on a rampage and smashed frantically at the rocks.

And after a while·

"Ne wolf?"

Before I knew it, the rock had been carved into the shape of a wolf. Just like the picture in his head.

'Have you been hiding your skills all this time?'

'Why would you do that?'

Of course, there is a proverb in Wulin that says to hide the three hals of ability, but this was enough to show only the three hals, not the three hals.

'If you're going to hide it anyway, why are you going to hide it until the end?'

It was their biggest question. The standard for passing is that you only need to leave a trace on the rock. He didn't need to shatter it or show great skill.

Naturally, everyone's eyes were drawn to Mu Jin, the last disciple of Shaolin.


Mujin took a deep breath and let out a full circle of power.


Mujin's first ticket ended with only a small smash of the front of the rock.

No matter how much he strengthened his skin and strengthened his strength, it was impossible for him to shatter a huge boulder with pure human strength without a pit.

No, just by making a punch mark on a huge rock with just his muscle strength, he felt like he had already exceeded the limits of being a "human".


However, those who are unaware of the situation laugh at the results of Mujin's creation.

'Hmm... Maybe the author deliberately hid his skills until he could pass."

Some were racking their brains, trying to figure out the Shaolin disciples' intentions.

And here, only one·

"You can leave a trail like that on a rock without a hole in it!"

Only Zhuge Jinxi understood what Mu Jin had done.

She sees several late masters looking at the Shaolin disciples.

Seeing how some people sneered and others looked at her with suspicion, Zhuge Jinxi was able to realize an important fact.

That only he knows the true value of Mujin.


She was thrilled to know a secret that the world didn't know.

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