Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 104 Table of contents

Mayhem (2)


"Oh, you can put your right leg a little further in and balance it with your central muscles."

But for some reason, Mu Jin didn't touch Liu Xuehua's body, he just explained it to him with words.

"Can you hold me myself and balance it out?"

Normally, I wouldn't have said it because I was too embarrassed. But now that I've seen Mu Jin touching Zhuge Jinhee's body... Liu Xuehua's eyes didn't see anything.

Of course, it was embarrassing for Mujin.

"Ahem· How could I touch her body without permission?"

Mujin wasn't a person with a boring personality, but he had a sense of wit. Considering the situation of the times, I have enough sense to move.

But the problem was that he didn't have the ability to read a woman's mind.

"Then why are you okay?"

"Oh hmm... We're also from the same martial arts, and we've already bumped into each other a few times during sparring, so I thought it wouldn't matter if it was light contact... If you feel uncomfortable, I will refrain from doing so in the future. Zhuge Jinhui Princess·"

Mu Jin looked at Zhuge Jinhui and said, and she shook her head violently.

"No! That's ok! We're Murim people, right? Right? Unlike Miss Liu Xuehua..."

And secretly showed Liu Xuehua a victorious smile.

Naturally, Liu Xuehua's eyes rolled away when he saw the smile.

"I don't care! So let me know with your own hands!"

“··· Others might see it and spread rumors. Sulwha Lord· If that were the case, wouldn't the Lord of the Upper Lord be sad?"

"Don't worry! My father would be satisfied."


Mu Jin replied with a puzzled expression at her incomprehensible words, and Liu Xuehua hurriedly corrected his words.

"Oh, I said the wrong thing . . ' I understand.'"

The fact that her father, Liu Zhiguang, was trying to entangle her and Mu Jin to return Mu Jin was a secret that only she and Liu Zhiguang knew.

And Zhuge Jinxi, who was watching the conversation between the two, could see the true intention of Liu Xuehua's hastily corrected words.

"The Upper Master of the Heavenly Stream must also be aiming for the Monk Mujin! After all, the top lord of the Five Great Groups of the Heavens· You've recognized the value of the monk Mujin."

It was very important and intimidating information. Unlike those who were aiming for Mujin with the whole family, her main family, Zhuge Sega, had a hostile atmosphere towards Mujin.

Naturally, Zhuge Jinxi and Liu Xuehua exchanged glances with various meanings to each other.

'No way . . . Is it because of me?'

Finally, Mu Jin began to think of something close to the truth.

"I can't afford that."

Mujin soon retracted the idea.

This was a problem that could not be helped.

Mujinun· No, Choi Kang-hyuk was a man who had been working hard to support his grandmother since he was in the special forces when he was about twenty years old.

It's been the same ever since. After my grandmother passed away and I was forced to become a veteran, I went crazy with work and exercise to feed myself and regain my health.

He had been in love for seventeen years, and had been a monk for another six years, and his love cells had seriously degenerated.

Of course, even so, as I had lived for many years, I had a strange thought about the sudden reaction of the women.

"I guess I've been feeling very lonely lately... You don't have the jaws to like me as a monk."

I just thought about it and laughed lightly to myself.

He was full of desire to escape Shaolin and have a love affair in the future, but he thought it was ridiculous that women who knew he was a monk would have a rational crush on him.

So why does Liu Xuehua suddenly react like that?

In the first place, Mu Jin also knew that Liu Xuehua knew how to do those moves on his own.

For more than three years, Mujin has taught me rehabilitation exercises, muscle lengthening, and yoga.

But suddenly he insisted that he couldn't do it, and asked me to teach him with my own hands.


Soon, Mujin came up with a new answer.

'Hey, I don't know. It was the same in modern times. Members who receive PT from the same instructor have complaints that if the instructor teaches them differently or has a different attitude, they are discriminating against them.

Everyone is like that. At the very least, if you don't get equal treatment, you're bound to feel resentful. You will rarely get angry if you treat them better, but...

Then there is only one solution.

"You should both be treated the same."

One of them was a young lady from the top of the heavens who was still very helpful, and the other was a young lady from the Zhuge family who could give her important information in the future.

Mujin was in a position where he couldn't afford to neglect both members, so he decided to treat them both as complete equals.

"Ahem· Then I'll take the position myself."

"Oh yep!"

Mu Jin said that and approached Liu Xuehua, and Zhuge Jinhui looked at Liu Xuehua with a cold expression.

Of course, Mu Jin, who had his back to Zhuge Jinxi, couldn't see the expression.

Liu Xuehua, on the other hand, also didn't have time to pay attention to Zhuge Jinhui's expression.

Blinded by jealousy, he asked to be touched (!), but when Mujin approached him and held out his hand, he couldn't come to his senses.

"The most important thing in this position is your core muscles and lower back strength."

The moment Mu Jin's palm touched Liu Xuehua's waist.


Liu Sulhua lets out a grotesque scream.

Confused, Mujin slightly withdrew his hand and asked.

"Are you alright?"

"It's okay! Nope· I love it!"


"Nope! It's not that it's good, it's okay! Feel free to do more!"

Liu Xuehua shook his head and shouted, but it was hard to understand what he was talking about.

In fact, Liu Xuehua himself didn't know what he was talking about.

"Oh yes..."

Mujin put his hand on her waist in a trembling tone, positioning her for strength, grabbing her abdomen for support, and pushing her right leg upwards.

"Hi heeh

Of course, every time she heard a scream or something, she didn't know what it was.

“··· Are you sure?"

Mu Jin asked, looking at her as she kept making strange noises and her face was about to explode.

"It's okay!"

While Liu Xuehua was distracted by the intense contact (although Mu Jin was only slightly touched by his fingertips).

"Ahem· Mujin Monk· Miss Sulhua seems to be in good shape, can you please take a look at me?"

Zhuge Jinxi quickly interjected·

'Yes... To be fair! To be fair!'

If she made a mistake, Zhuge Jinxi might complain, so this time it was her turn to take care of Zhuge Jinhui.

"Hmm· You seem to have warmed up enough, so I'll take a look at some strength training."

Saying that, Mu Jin brought some metal with him.

"First of all, let's see how much we've improved in the last two and a half years."

Saying that, Mu Jin handed her an empty stick with no weight disc on it.

"Let's start with a simple squat."

As much as she emphasizes pleasure and yu, the most important muscles for Zhuge Jinhee were the lower body and the core muscles, so there was no other exercise like squats.

Zhuge Jinxi took the empty stick handed to him by Mu Jin and said·

"It's been a while, can you please posture me? Mujin Monk·"

Even though she had learned how to exercise from Mujin and had been practicing steadily for two and a half years, she was still in an awkward position.

Mujin can't help it! He touched her back and put his hand on her thighs to balance her and angle her legs.

With Mujin's help, she managed to get into a position and successfully completed several empty bar squats, and since then, she has steadily added weight discs to the bars and increased the weight.

"I feel like my posture is a little out of shape because of the weight. Mujin Monk·"

It was Zhuge Jinxi who deliberately twisted his body and told lies in a blunt manner.

After all, every time she gained a little more weight, Mujin had to hold her position again.

In the meantime, the weight of the rod she was lifting had reached one hundred and fifty pounds (90 kilograms).


After a squat at the peak of a hundred and fifty, she blushed and put down the empty rod with a blushing face.

Mujin, who was watching her, applauded with a pleasant smile.

"It's a testament to the hard work you've put in over the past two and a half years! He eats so much weight. In particular, the femoral muscles and gluteus· And then there's the erector spinae muscle! You've become very resilient in the intervening years!"

He didn't know exactly because of the loose clothes of the Murim people, but he knew because he kept touching her muscles in between weights of the squat.

Every single muscle that starts in the lower body and goes to the central muscles of the lower back is very developed.

No, apart from that·

"It's not easy for a woman of that size to lift 90 kilograms."

Zhuge Jinxi's height is about 166~168. In this medieval martial arts world, she was quite large for a woman.

But due to the nature of the martial arts she used, she was probably skinny and muscular. It's not clear exactly because of her clothes, but Mujin estimates that her weight is around 52~55.

It may seem like a lot of weight for a woman, but the proportion of muscle is greater than fat, so it was a well-proportioned figure with that weight with muscles at that height.

And by women's standards, that weight and 90 kg of squats were considered elite.

From the quality of the muscles in her hands and the weight she lifted, Mujin could clearly see how much effort she had put in.

So, the fruits of her hard work. Her femoral muscles and glutes· It was a stretch of the erector spinal muscle.

"Ahem· Thank you..."

For some reason, Zhuge Jinxi blushed and cleared her throat.

"Monk Mujin sees a lot of women's lower bodies. It seems that he prefers a toned body to a fleshy body."

It was she who understood Mujin's taste through Mujin's compliments.

"I'm going to have to do a little more lower body workouts."

"What more here?"

"Yes· That's how you like the monk Mujin..."

“··· My preference? What do you mean by that?"

"Oh no! I think I heard something heavy and blood rushed to my head. I can't say anything. For my martial arts· Apparently, my martial arts are all about my lower body and central muscles."

Mujin smiled softly at the sight of her speaking with her hands fanning her blushing face.

The friendly member and the appearance of a fitness trainer made the eyes of Liu Xuehua, who was watching from the side, spark.

"Monk Mujin·"

"Yes· Lord Sulwhath·"

"Let me know..."

"You want me to know? What do you mean?"

"What did you tell Zhuge Jinxi just now? Strength training·"

It has been more than three years since he learned rehabilitation exercises (Pilates) from Mujin and worked as a kind of rehabilitation exercise instructor.

But on the other hand, I've only been doing rehabilitation exercises and yoga muscle lengthening surgery so far. She had rarely touched strength training that lifted heavy objects.

Suddenly, she did!

He also watched Zhuge Jinhee and Mujin have a conversation and showed interest in strength training!

It was a pretty weird situation, but...

"Oh! That's a good idea· Lord Sulwha! In fact, rehabilitation exercises are good, but it's best to combine them with strength training."

Mujin was just glad that she had shown interest in weights.

"Then Lord Sulhua, I'm going to start with my lower body today. The two of you are going to weigh differently together."

Mu Jin intended to make both of them equally lower body as Zhuge Jinxi was doing the lower body.

"After all, you like a strong lower body."

"Until now, I didn't know that, and I was content to just lose weight... I must have been a fool."

The two women were developing a strange misunderstanding.

After that, Mujin said, "I don't know how to posture..." I was busy taking turns in the postures of the two women.

The two women smiled victoriously at the neglected opponent every time Mujin looked at them.

"Envious bastard..."

“··· Is it okay for a monk to do that? Eternal execution?"

"You don't seem to know anything, so what can you do?"

"There was something Mujin didn't know..."

Mu Gong and Mu Qing, who were watching the scene, were talking to each other with a stunned expression.

"So be it... How could you not know that?"

“··· Maybe it's just the two of us..."

Saying that, Mu Qing looked somewhere, and Mu Gong's gaze also followed Mu Qing.

As far as their gaze reaches...

"Hehehe... Death penalty for nothing! Deathless! Why don't you exercise more?"

Mu Yul was smiling brightly.

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