Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 107 Table of contents

Protagonist (3)


A few days later·

Finally, one of the main events of the Moorim Tournament, the final round of the Dragon Seal Branch Meeting, has begun.

Unlike the third preliminary round, which was held as an event only for the participants inside the Moorim League, the final round of the Yongbong Branch Association will be held on a non-stage prepared in advance in the outer arena.

Naturally, there were countless people in the audience surrounding the stage to watch the main event and the non-dance competition.

Compared to the countless late-stage indices that participated, the finalists were only thirty-two.

The fact that they succeeded in qualifying for the finals was enough to mean that they deserved to be called "late exponents", so there was a lot of enthusiasm for the finals of the Dragon Seal Branch Association.


Watching the young warriors sparring, some people burst into exclamations.

"Oh... You've raised a very good disciple in the Kunyun Sect this time..."

"At that age, you've already mastered the serpent arm style..."

Others were judging the future of each sect through the skills of the late indices.

After seven rounds of sparring, Mujin, who was arranged in the middle, headed to the non-stage.

Liu Xuehua, who was in the front of the auditorium, was looking at Mu Jin with his eyes shining brightly.

I'm not the kind of person who would cheer loudly in front of others.

But what the hell is it?

How could he find her location as she couldn't bear to speak out loud, Mujin looked exactly where she was and smiled.


After all, we were bound by a thread of fate, and Liu Xuehua's heart sank...

'Hmph· I'll be able to earn a lot of money to use when I escape after the Dragon Seal Branch."

The reason why Mujin looked at her and laughed was somewhere else.

Mu Jin looked at Liu Xuehua blushing and remembered what had happened last evening.

* * *

One day ago·

On that day, without fail, when he had finished his strength training at the Tianyu Upper Bunta, Liu Xuehua told Mu Jin an interesting story.

"Monk Mujin· Did you know that? The odds of winning the championship are quite high. I don't think people really understand the abilities of Monk Mujin yet..."

"What do you mean by my winning odds?"

"Moorim competitions attract a lot of people, so many people do different things to make money. Of course, the more money you donate to the Wurim League, the better business you will be able to do in a better place."

"Hmm· Then, at the top of the stream, Toto· Are you saying you're going to take a bet on the odds?"

Mu Jin asked in a puzzled tone, and Liu Xuehua shook his head.

"No, sir. We've been preempting a number of venues and doing business with guest houses and stalls, but we've given up all our other interests at the top of the bill and have taken the right to gamble on the odds."

Liu Xuehua smiled and added.

"And after the draw came out, the payout announced the odds for the finalists. I set the odds for Monk Mujin quite high."

However, Liu Xuehua's smile this time was a little different from usual.

It wasn't the embarrassed smile he had seen on Mujin, it was the smile of a merchant.

"That's why we, the Heavenly Stream, decided to bet a lot of money on Monk Mujin..."

“··· Is that okay? What if you invest too much money for no reason and don't pay dividends?"

"There's nothing wrong with that. If the lenders, like us, don't return the dividends, their credibility will be damaged, and that's good for us. You know that, and you'll never do that."

"Hmmm· If you find out that the Heavenly Stream is betting on me, won't you do something about it?"

"That's why I'm dividing the money not in my name or in the name of the Heavenly Stream, but in the name of others. It's hard to predict that this is what we did."

Looking at Liu Xuehua, who replied as if this was a matter of course, Mu Jin thought.

"You look like a real merchant when you look like this."

Ever since she began overseeing the work of a musculoskeletal clinic, her talent had blossomed. His personality has become more lively.

I still wasn't the type of person to make a loud noise in front of others.

'You're not going to be the kind of merchant who controls the economy in the back world, are you?'

If you think about it, Liu Seolhua in the novel was originally a villain who would do anything for money, and she was called "Geum Nachal".

What can I say? I felt like I had turned a pretty dangerous woman into an ally.

"After all, it's good to be an ally, isn't it?"

He felt a little uneasy, but Mujin had more important things to do right now.

"Can I get on that board, then?"

"Do you mean that Monk Mujin also bets money?"

"I got some money from the boss last time. I can't bet money in the name of a Shaolin disciple, so can you help me a little?"

Mu Jin's words made Liu Xuehua's eyes light up.

"That's as much as you want... It doesn't hurt us because we have more money to attack the top of the bills."

Anyway, the money bet by the Tianyu Merchant was also changing its name, so it was enough to mix it with Mujin's money.

The monk might have been disappointed when he said he would join the gambling board, but Liu Xuehua was willing to do so.

"The more interested the monk is in the world, the more likely he is to get out of Shaolin!"

Her father, Liu Zhiguang, had said. When a monk asks you to do something that is not like a monk, you are willing to do it.

The more you feel the pleasures of this world, the easier it will be for you to attract him.

Of course, the end of the breakdown was an engagement with her. And he was to enter the top of the heavens as Darryl's son-in-law.

"How much are you willing to bet?"

Her face flushed with her imagination of the future, and Mujin felt uneasy.

"You don't blush at the thought of ripping off the money, do you...?"

A woman who gets excited at the thought of harassing the top of her antagonists. For some reason, it was a moment when Liu Xuehua felt scared.

* * *

Aside from being surprised by Liu Xuehua's unusual appearance, Mu Jin staked his entire fortune on his own victory.

The golden porcelain hundred nyangs that I received from Liu Zhiguang in the past· Even though he was ripped off by Hye-kwan's liquor in Nanchang, he still had more than ninety nyang left.

And the odds of winning the prize for Mujin at the top of the bill are twenty-one and seven.

If you include the original principal, it was a whopping 3·17 times the dividend.

This was also the odds that Mu Jin had lowered from the top of the price given that he had passed the Shaolin Qualifier in one fell swoop and had not taken the third Qualifier.

People don't even pay attention to the former ~ tongue of the uninhabited people from the middle and small schools. For example, in the case of Dowolcheon, the odds were close to a hundred times.

If you're looking to get rich, you can bet on Dowolcheon, but...

"I don't think there's such a lunatic..."

Well, you can hang a hermit for fun, but you won't be able to stake your entire fortune on it.

On the other hand, the odds of Namgung Jincheon, which is considered the overwhelming favorite, were at most seven pennies (1·07 times), and the next highest dividend of the Qingshu dojo was three pennies (1·13 times).

In addition, since all the finalists have odds attached, those who actually watch the Dragon Seal Branch have used the odds to predict the match.

"The Late Exponential of Shaolin·"

"Hmm· Shaolin doesn't often send his disciples outside, so I've never heard of it."

"Still, if the multiplier is twenty-one, doesn't that mean that you have some skill?"

"Hmm· But you didn't have a good match. The Huang Bo Family's Huang Bo Woong Sokyo ...

"Isn't it true that Huang Bo Woong has already cleared up the red sand of the green forest in the Wulin trip last year?"

"Come to think of it, the odds at the top of the bill seem to be pretty accurate. The odds of Huang Bo Woong's Sokyo are about a dozen, so it's pretty low except for the Nangong Jincheon Sokyo and the Qingshu Dojo."

"I can hear you... These...'

It was the sound of whispered conversations from a few of the martial artists who were watching the Dragon Seal Branch Society, but they couldn't escape Mu Jin's heightened hearing.

And maybe it's because of the odds. Or maybe it was because of the value of Huang Boung's name for subjugating the mountains that belonged to the Green Forest, but there were quite a few people who predicted Huang Boung's victory.

But it wasn't too bad.

Didn't you make a lot of money by looking down on yourself?

Mu Jin bet on himself ninety gold coins, so if he wins, he will have about three hundred gold coins.

Three hundred gold coins was enough money to spend years without worrying about money, and to cruise around the river.

"Opening the war!"

At the same time as the examiner in charge of the referee shouts, the marble of the non-stage that Mujin was stepping on bursts out.


With a noise like a wall explosion, he tried to block Mujin's power.

No, Huang Bowoong, who hurriedly raised his arms without being able to avoid the tremendous speed, vomited blood and flew out of the hall.


There was a chilly silence in the audience, which was so enthusiastic about the one-sided result.

* * *

After winning the first sparring match very easily, Mujin stepped back to the bench and stared at the stage.

It was partly to check the skills of the other late exponents who participated in the Dragon Seal Branch, but also because there was someone waiting for them.

But apart from the battle that Mujin was waiting for·

"Zhuge Jinhui Sozer of the Zhuge Se Family! And let's start the secret dance of the Red Soil Dojo of the Volcanic Sect!"

Quite an interesting Bimu was just about to start.

* * *

On the off-stage of the Dragon Seal Society·

"I'm sure you remember the covenant of course."

Hong Xiao-il pretended to be solemn and spoke to Zhuge Jinhui. But deep in those eyes, there was a desire that couldn't be hidden.

"You're going to be eliminated here anyway, so what's the point of that pact?"

Zhuge Jinhui's provocative answer made Hong Xiaoil's eyebrows twitch.

"Are you ignoring the main island now?"

"It's ridiculous that someone who can't even reach me would beat a monk Mujin anyway. And most of all..."

After pausing for a moment, Zhuge Jinxi smiled at Hong Xiaoyi, who had a red face.

"I'm a woman before I'm a woman. I'm not interested in people who are weaker than me..."

It was cold cynicism.

"You'll regret that!!"

Excited, Hong Xiao-il pulled out the plum blossom sword and unleashed the plum blossom twenty-four sword technique, which is called the Feast of the Volcanic Sect.

Contrary to his appearance, the sword dances with flashy movements, and the red sword qi blooms from the sword he wields, drawing a red plum blossom.

Hong Xiaoil was about to fill the entire stage with plum blossoms made of sword qi, but Zhuge Jinhui didn't stand by and watch.

Before she knew it, she had an iron wire in her hands, and she moved smoothly as if she were dancing a fan.

Every time her iron wire touches the plum blossoms drawn by Hong Soil, the blackness fades away like the petals of a flower touched by a cold wind.

Before I knew it, there was only one plum blossom left that Hong Soil had created.

Zhuge Jinhui didn't dare to move the iron wire to erase the last shabby plum blossom.


I kicked Hong Soil's stomach when he was busy drawing flowers.


Hong Xiaoyle, who was beaten by the expulsion method loaded with internal attacks, let out a violent moan as if his breath was temporarily choked.

Unable to breathe, his breath interrupted, he swung his sword in a crude posture that belonged to an erectile master, and pulled himself back.

"Ugh! Don't forget that the plum blossoms of the volcano bloom twice!"

"Then I'll uproot you..."

Zhuge Jinxi replied with a cold expression and rushed in.

Unlike the gentle movements of the previous one, it was a swift renewal method that seemed to become one with the wind. It was the strength of the lower body training that I had been repeating for the past two and a half years.

"Suck it!"

Puzzled by the unexpected speed, Hong Xiail tried to embroider the plum blossoms with his sword again.

There was no doubt that the whirlwind created by Zhuge Jinxi's iron wire would make it flutter like a fallen leaf.


"Boom ...

On the offstage, only the sound of Hong Soil's song soothed the fluttering plum leaves.

* * *


Seeing Hong So-il being beaten unilaterally on the off-stage, Mujin burst out in exclamation.

Luckily (?) Hong So-il didn't seem to have a wall on that side.

There was not even a hint of pleasure in Hong Soil's face as he was being beaten. Instead, it was filled with feelings of humiliation and pain.

Therefore, Mu Jin's gaze was more towards Zhuge Jinhui than towards Hong Xiaoil.

I'm sure I've improved so much compared to two and a half years ago.

'Kinda . . . Are you scared?'

It was quite shocking to see him looking at Hong Soil like a bug and trampling on it.

If Mujin was his preference, he would have considered it a reward.

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