Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 111 Table of contents

Shaolin Four Monks (3)


In the place where the people of the Five Great Sega were gathered, all the late exponents were looking at the off-stage together.

It was because it was the secret of the Qingshu dojo, which is said to be the only adversary of the Southern Palace Jinchen in the current Wulin.

"Hahaha· Namgoong brother! This is a strange matchup. At this rate, I will have to beat Qingshu Dojo in the semifinals to meet Namgoong in the finals."

The man who won all the remaining Bimu and pretended that he was going to the finals was Pangafu, a direct descendant of Panga.

"That would be fun."

Nangong Jinchen replied bluntly with an expression that didn't look funny at all.

But that didn't mean I was distracted by watching the sparring on the off-stage.

In the first place, Nangong Jinchen was not interested in Fang Jiafu, nor was he even interested in Qingshu Dojo.

Who cares who it is? After all, you're the one who will rise to the top.

It was such an obvious proposition that it didn't mean much to compete with someone.


However, Fanggahu felt ignored when he tried to talk to him, and his face blushed slightly.

Originally, the family with a fine muscular bone and a fiery temper was the Hebei Fang family. Their martial arts were also generally unruly, so it was a shame that they didn't get angry here.

If it hadn't been for the Soga lord of the Southern Palace, he might have struck right away.

Just in time, the sparring on the off-stage came to an end.

The result, as most people expected, was a victory for the Qingshui dojo.

And the next Bimu was Fanggahu's turn...

"Then I'll go!"

Fang Gafu decided to release the anger that had accumulated thanks to the Nangong Jinchen through this Bimu.

* * *

"It's Pangafueu!"

"It's Shaolin's martial arts. Amitabha Buddha·"

Fang Gafu greeted him in a smug voice and looked at the young monk who had become the target of his anger.

For some reason, the monk named Mu Yul had a slightly intimidated attitude even before the Bimu began.

'Hmph· You must have been frightened by my name!'

Deciding to play with it a little to vent his anger, Fangkafu swung the sword as if it were a joke.

And Mu Yul avoided the Tao as if it were a matter of course.

'Indeed! Now that we've made it to this round, it's the basics!"

After swinging the sword a couple of times, Fang Gafu raised his attack even more in the short battle.

As the level of internal attack increased, the Fang's unique perpetual scheme naturally unfolded.


The opponent was simply evading his own trick. No, I'd just have to dodge it, but I threw myself back and forth as if it were a joke.

"How can a monk act so frivolously!"

For some reason, when he felt that his opponent was playing with him, Pangafu, who was already full of anger, began to unfold his Feast of Names.

It started with the first half of the Ohodanmun Island, Mengho County (猛虎出現)

The pottery that spewed out of his sword flew into the shape of a tiger and flew to Mu Yul.

"Ugh! It's a real tiger!"

Mu Yul was stunned and went on a rampage on the off-stage with a thousand shafts.

In other words, he had dodged Fanggahu's fierce call.

Feeling that he was really being teased, Fanggafu pulled up his inner air as soon as he could, and unleashed a series of herbs that he could unleash.

The pottery emanating from his sword sometimes depicts a tiger swinging its front paws. Sometimes it erupted in the shape of a tiger's molars.

'Hehehe... I remember playing with you..."

Mu Yule, who had forgotten his fear of the five tigers, smiled brightly and dodged all the attacks.

It was like this when I was sparring with Hye-gal, who was a priest. When Hye-gal would create tigers with Ho-kwon's herbivism, Mu-yul would dodge their attacks with a variety of instinctive movements.

For pure Mu Yul, it was more like playing tag with Hye-girl than training.

Of course, that's just from the point of view of nothingness.

"Yes no oooooom!!"

Avoiding his own movements, he sneered, and the blood on Fangafu's forehead stood firmly.

Of course, Mu Yul was just laughing out of joy, but in Fangahu's eyes, it was just a sneer.

No wonder, the damn Bull Devil sometimes waved his arms out to the side like a bird, soaring into the air, and sometimes swaying like a mollusk, spilling pottery, and even jumping on all fours to dodge it.

"How dare you this monkey slay me!!"

Fanggafu screamed again, but it was unfortunate for Mu Yul.

The one that flew up in imitation of a bird was an application of the herbivore of the school of the school, and the one that sobbed was the four spheres. Jumping on all fours was an application of the right of marking.

"It's not a monkey, it's a crane, a snake, or a leopard?"

When Mu Yul asked back with an innocent face, Fang Gafu, whose anger rose to the top of his head, made a decision.

He has mastered the Ohodan Mundo to the Seven Stars, and he can unleash the tricks· 四方虎挌陣 ·

Four chunks of pottery spewed out of the space-tearing sword in a series of waves, staggered in time.

Each pottery took the form of a different tiger and flew in all directions of Muyul.

Muyul dodged the pottery with instinctive movements as before, but no matter how much he did, it was impossible for him to dodge all the pottery that came at him in all directions.

In the end, Mu Yul, who had no way to avoid the last flying pottery, had no choice but to cast his ticket.

Before he knew it, Mu Yul's hands were spewed out like a leopard's claw, and the moment when Mu Yul's hand and Fang Gafu faced each other.


With a violent explosion, Pangafu's pottery was scattered.


Mu Yul, who had blocked Fanggafu's pottery, tilted his head.

Fangkafu, who was out of breath for a while after the feast, was looking at Mu Yule while clearing his breath.

I wondered why he was doing that all of a sudden.

And the words that followed were enough to break Fangafu's reason.

"Why is a tiger weaker than a leopard?"

"Yes inooooom!!!"

Fanggafu, who was completely out of reason, raised his bet in the dan battle as soon as he came, and swung the sword like a madman.

"Cool... Bigger·"

Fanggahu, who had been wielding the sword, suddenly coughed, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

It was a coinage mouth that added a vase to the rapid exhaustion of the internal air.

* * *


Mu Jin, who was watching Mu Yul and Fang Gafu's secret dance, burst out with exclamations full of various emotions.

"Does that beat you that way?"

Mujin was a method he had never imagined.

"In the future, if I meet a foul-tempered villain, I'll send Mu Yul out."

Apparently, for those with a foul temper, Mu Yul was an instant medicine.

'Hey, I don't know. That's what I did in the army."

In the first place, the person who has a dirty temper and a violent temper has the most difficulty, not the senior soldier, not the ace in the unit, and not the junior who is a fictitious day.

The clear torturer was the best.

Even if you get angry, you don't even understand it, and you're laughing, so you're sick and you're going away.

In that sense, Muyul's sunshine was truly a human trait for those who were in a hurry.

"I took a kid like that and taught him how to vote ...

For some reason, it was Mujin who developed respect for the character Hye-gal. Maybe there's a saree growing somewhere on Hyegal's body.

Mujin erased the useless sentimentality that came to his mind for a moment and approached Mu Yul, who had won the Bimu, and spoke to him.

"Why? Is there anything wrong?"

Even though he had won Bimu, Mu Yul had a strange expression on his face, so Mu Jin asked, and Mu Yul tilted his head and replied.

"It's strange, Mujin-ah. I'm sure it's a tiger, but it's weaker than a leopard. Is the original tiger weaker than the leopard? Then why is it that the ticket is the next one?"

Mu Jin answered Mu Yul's innocent question with a smile on his face.

"The tiger over there must be a little weak..."

"Oh... It's a fake tiger!"

If the people of Hebei Fangga had listened to it, it was a conversation that would have been caught in the mouth of a coin as a group.

Whatever it was or not, Mu Yul smiled happily as if he had a clear answer.

"But why did Mujin come up?"

"It's my turn to be next..."

It wasn't Mu Jin who stepped forward to meet Mu Yuli, but for the next Bi Mu.

Mu Yul said with a cheerful expression towards Mu Jin.

"You're coming down soon, aren't you? I'll be waiting!"

In the innocent Muyul's mind, the image of Mujin being defeated didn't even exist.

It was so pure that he couldn't calculate that if Mujin won this Bimu, he would be matched by Mujin in the third round.

* * *

On the other hand·

Unlike the friendly atmosphere of the Shaolin disciples, the atmosphere on the side of the Five Great Generations was quite serious.

"Kafuya! Wake up!"

"Bring the medicine! Come on!!"

To be precise, the people on the Fanga side were in a frenzy.

"Bloody bastards! I can't believe you're doing this in such a despicable way!"

"We must protest to Shaolin immediately!"

"First of all, we need to treat Kafu! We need to fix it before the blood is ruined by the coin-mouthed!"

The atmosphere was horrible as the people of Panga, who boasted their rugged faces and bulky faces, screamed at each other.

'Tsk· It's pathetic."

Of course, there were also those who looked at it as pathetic. One of them was Zhuge Jinhui.

She was embarrassed that the Zhuge family she belonged to was lumped together with such stupid things.

Her eyes and ears were rotting, and she turned her attention to the stage.

This was because he knew that the next Bimu would be Mujin's turn.

But why?

Even as she watched Mujin climb onto the stage, there was still a tingling in her heart.

And although I was trying my best to ignore the cause of the upset, I was aware of it to some extent.

"Oh my... It's already my turn. Jinhee's Sister· I'll go first~"

A woman who has been pretending to be friendly with me ever since we first met. Tang Xiao Mi greeted Zhuge Jinhui and headed to the rain stage.

Mujin's sparring opponent in this match was none other than Tang Somi.

But it wasn't just because Tang Xiao Mi was sparring with Mu Jin that Zhuge Jinxi felt embarrassed.

The cause of her frustration · That's right...

"Why are you dressed differently than you did in the first game?"

It was because of Tang Somi's uniform color.

Clothes that are often called bubbles (旗袍 cheongsam) and have one leg exposed.

On the way to the Dragon Seal Society's secret dance, Tang Somi appeared in that bold outfit.

And Tang Somi, who chose a bold outfit, headed to the off-stage with a light gait.

With each step, her right leg slipped through the open side of the cheongsam.

Naturally, the eyes of the crowd around the rain stage were drawn to her legs, but Tang Somi didn't care.

Originally, she had a confident personality that didn't care about what others thought of her, and it was a way to attract attention in the first place.

'How will they react?'

She hid her feelings of amuse and stared at Mujin across from her.

Zhuge Jinhui, who says that he is not interested in the blunt Nangong Jinchen, is the man who has his eyes on him.

That's also a Shaolin Temple monk!

In many ways, it was an interesting experiment.

"Nice to meet you, Monk Mujin·"

Before the sparring, she greeted Mu Jin with a bright smile that she had made.

"Amitabha Buddha· Nice to meet you· Dashi Dangsomi·"

Mujin greeted her with the class leader in a nonchalant manner as always.

"Monk Mujin· Do you know that?"

Despite the nonchalant reaction, Tang Somi smiled and opened her mouth with a bewitching attitude, walking slowly as if she were strolling on a non-stage.

As if in a circle around Mujin·

She was walking diagonally, and naturally every time she took a step, the bare skin of her right leg, exposed through the cheongsam, was reflected in Mujin's eyes.

The referee, who was distracted by it for a moment, cleared his throat and hurriedly opened his mouth.

"Ahem· Sugar Sozer· Do we have to start bimu soon?"

"Oh... It's okay to start."

At the referee's words, she stopped and replied with a bewitching smile.

"I'm about to start a secret dance with Tang Xiao Mi of the Sichuan Tang Family and Mu Jin of Shaolin!"

The referee's cry came out, but instead of doing nothing, Tang Somi spoke to Mujin again.

"What did Qin Xi talk about in the first round with Hong Xiao-il during the sparring session?"

"I'm not particularly interested, but... Why don't you start bimu soon? Dashi Dangsomi·"

Mujin replied with a nonchalant attitude, but Tang Somi didn't care.

She crossed her arms behind her back and tilted her upper body forward slightly.

There was no exposure to the upper part of the body, but the posture made the tight clothes reveal the outline of the body.

With such a bold stance, she opened her mouth.

"Zhuge Jinhui's sister said she wasn't interested in a man weaker than her..."

"That's right..."

"But you know what? Actually, I do, too."

Saying that, she smiled bashfully, and she felt a strange color on her face.

Looking at such a saccharine, Mujin thought.

‘··· I was curious because it didn't appear in the novel, but I thought she was a crazy."

Mujin also had a vague sense of what Tang Somi was doing.

The beauty world I've only heard about!

If there's just a problem...

"To play a beauty game against a monk..."

From Mujin's point of view, all she could think about was her mental state.

And there was an ancient proverb.

"When it comes to mental illness, the hawk is an instant drug."

In order to cure her illness, Mujin diagnosed her as needing physical therapy.

"Amitabha Buddha..."

Mujin, who had left the fire as if he were passing a death sentence, threw himself at her.

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