Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 120 Table of contents

Trap (1)


Mu Jin hurriedly packed up the martial arts and walked out of the Dragon Feng Branch Secretariat stage, and went to the Shaolin Hall with the Shaolin monks.

'Damn· I didn't expect you to learn the Emperor's Sword type..."

Until now, he had only used the spear palace martial arts sword technique, so he couldn't accurately gauge the level of the Southern Palace Jinchen.

In the novel The Battle of the Apostle Throne, the Dragon Seal Branch ends with the protagonist Do Yue Chen being defeated by the spear palace martial sword method of the Southern Palace Jincheon.

Later, it is only mentioned that the winner of the Dragon Seal Branch is the runner-up of the Namgong Jinchen Pavilion is the Qingshu Dojo.

In fact, the moment when Nangong Jinchen's power was revealed was five years later, after Dao Yuechen had completed his training in the closed hall for revenge.

Naturally, Mu Jin had expected that Nangong Jinchen had mastered the Emperor's Sword Shape only after he had won the Dragon Seal Branch Prize.

The Emperor Sword type was a martial art that required a huge amount of internal attack, and the winning prize of this Dragon Seal Branch was something that had a lot to do with internal attack.

But that's it, and for now, the treatment of the martial arts was a priority.

After arriving at the hall, Ambassador Hyeon-hyun of the outer party, who had put down the state of the martial arts on the ground, opened his mouth with a bitter expression.

"All the blood is twisted and the bets are in a mess. It would be a bit dangerous to treat it with only the internal medicine that we have here..."

At Ambassador Hyun's words, Mu Jin hurried into the room and came out with a pack of clothes.

"This is the summoning group I received when I left Shaolin. Why don't you use it?"

"When you said you had a summoning party, did you mean that the Medicine Hall gave you a summoning party?"

Even the person in charge of this event didn't know about it, so Ambassador Hyun Hyun looked puzzled.

"Rather than such trivial things, the priority is to treat Mu Qi first. Monk of the Outer Temple!"

"That's right! I'm going to give you the summons right now!"

However, when Mujin shouted urgently, Ambassador Hyun also came to his senses and focused on Mu Kyung's treatment.

* * *

In the evening·

A magnificent manor built by the Namgong family in the outer prefecture ·

There, in the courtyard for the direct succession, Nangong Jinchen was meditating, his sword crossed.

"How could you block that sword so easily..."

What he was thinking about now was Mujin's intrusion at the end of Bimu.

To be precise, he was able to hold his own sword with his hands very simply.

Even though he didn't unfold it towards Mu Jin, he opened it with the intention of killing Mu Qing. It was also a sincere spear bow martial sword technique.

He didn't like the look in his eyes that looked indifferent at him, but the fact that he had easily parried his sword was the most annoying thing about it.

To stand in the way of the execution of the king is nothing more than treason.


A heavy wave of air spread out around the Namgung Jincheon, which took a deep breath, and weighed down the entire area of the theater.

Afterwards, the heavy sword of the slow-moving Southern Palace Jinchen slams down to crush the imaginary Mujin.

"No one will be able to get in the way of the finals."

For the first time in this Dragon Seal Branch, the biggest risk factor for the Nangong Jinchen to hurt someone is the king. In other words, it was a moment of reversed admittance.

* * *

On the other hand, at that time·

In the heart of Wulin Meng, three middle-aged people had a meeting again.

On the surface, they were talking about the bright future of the political faction and pretending to be hot-tempered, but after that, there was a lot of chatter.

– Now, after a two-day break, the final of the Dragon Seal will begin. Are there still no instructions from above?

– Don't worry· Anyway, I just received an order.

– How fortunate I am· What has become of it?

– The Upper Command has concluded that it should be left alone.

– ··· What do you mean by letting it go?

– Did you have a discussion at the top?

– Do you mean that the Nangong Jinchen will win, so just leave it alone?

– Such irresponsible...

– Uh-huh· It's irresponsible. Watch Your Words·

The man at the top of the table sounded a warning, and the two men cleared their throats.

Then, after a moment of chilly silence, the man at the top explained.

– It's not because I guarantee the victory of the Southern Palace. It was the decision of the top that it didn't matter if Shaolin won.

– Is it because of your recent involvement with the Heavenly Stream?

– That's one thing, but it seems that the resurrection of the Shaolin Divine Monk had a great influence on the decisions of the superiors.

– Shaolin Divine Monk...

To them, who were middle-aged, the name Shaolin Divine Monk came to them like a legendary spirit creature.

That's why it was thirty-six years ago that Hyunkwang lost his martial arts.

By the time they were just beginning to hear the sound of the fuss, they had already become obsolete.

His fame had been well heard of, but it didn't make much sense to him because he had been forgotten since they had been active in Wulin.

– Is he such a great person?

– The higher-ups seemed to be watching quite closely. In the judgment of the superiors, it is at least on par with the Three Swords of the World.

– Huh... How could someone who had been an abandoned man for more than thirty years be in such a state?

– Isn't that why he was called a divine monk?

After the last words, there was silence in the room for a while.

No, the sound was cut off, but all the while, they were talking in a friendly way.

And at the end, the man who delivered the whole sound continued the interrupted sound for a while.

– In any case, it was an instruction from the top to proceed with the Dragon Seal Branch as it was. As a result of investigating the Tianyu Upper Stream and the Shaolin Side, there was information that the Shaolin Treasurer named Mujin was the grandson of the Shaolin God.

Maybe it's because it was such amazing information. Regardless of the content of the sound, there was a momentary surprise on the faces of the two men who were talking with each other.

Of course, both men skillfully erased their expressions and resumed acting.

– Does this mean that Mu Jin is continuing the progress of the Shaolin Divine Monastery?

– That's what the top thinks of it.

– Hmmm· If it's a late index, it won't be a big problem even if it replaces the Qingshu Dojo and Nangong Jincheon.

Before long, both of them were satisfied.

On the surface, the content of the conversation was also a compliment to the late exponents, so it didn't feel awkward at all.

– If you do, the finishing will be done the day after the Dragon Seal Branch is over.

– Hmph· Whether it's the Southern Palace or the Shaolin· Sooner or later, it will fall into our hands.

Shaolin had been living alone and isolated from the world, so they didn't really care about Shaolin.

However, their recent trajectory and the name Shaolin Divine Monk · On top of that, if it was a late-stage index that was following the progress of the Shaolin Divine Monk, it was a prey worth using the trap that had been prepared enough.

* * *

Late at night· After nearly two hours of treatment, the blood of the martial arts that had been raging was stabilized.

The summoning team that Mujin had brought with him had seen the effect.

Of course, since it was mainly used to treat internal injuries, there was no surge in the number of internal injuries of the martial arts. Five years of aeronautics at most?

Of the three summoning groups he had brought with him, he had gifted two of them to Tao Yuechen, and the other one had been used for healing, so there were no more summons left, but Mu Jin didn't care.

After all, I had something in mind if it was an elixir...

Instead, Mujin focused on the important issues at hand. It's the final round of the Dragon Seal Association·

For the remaining two days, Mujin raised his body to the right level in preparation for the final, and finally refined his martial arts.

Two days later. Mu Jin went to the Dragon Seal Branch Pavilion with his Shaolin disciples as usual.

However, the area around the Dragon Seal Branch Secretariat had a slightly different atmosphere than usual.

It wasn't just because it was the final.

There were more people than usual because it was the final, but more because of the people who came to watch the final.

"It's the finals, so all the major figures of the Wulin League have come to visit..."

Looking in the direction that Ambassador Hyun was looking, he saw a few middle-aged to elderly people sitting together.

It was located close to the rain stage, and judging from the atmosphere around it, it was a place that felt like a "seat of honor."

Perhaps it was because the Shaolin disciples' eyes followed him, and the Ambassador told them who they were, one by one.

"The man in the center over there is none other than Wulin Mengju Wei Jihak."

Mujin's eyes lit up at Ambassador Hyun's words.

Wulin Mengju Wijihak· Among the other nicknames, the most famous is King Kwon (拳王) ·

He was the man who overcame the two huge pillars of Shaolin and the Yellow Bo of the Five Great Generations to take over the title of King Kwon, the nickname of the first realm of Wulin.

'You look like that...'

I had only read about him in the novel, so I didn't recognize him until Ambassador Hyun told me.

King Kwon Wei Ji Studies·

The Three Sword of Heaven and the Seven Kings, all of whom were from the Four Sects or the Five Great Se Clans, were from the Five Great Se Clans, and the Nine Clans were almost unwittingly made into Wulin Blind Masters due to the political struggles of the major factions of the political factions that did not want to elect people from different clans or clans as the Wulin Clans.

No matter what anyone said, he was one of the Seven Kings, the line of the Three Swords under the world, and he was one of the ten masters in the world.

"The military is also with us."

The middle-aged man who doesn't look like a warrior sitting next to him is none other than Zhuge Muhuan, a general soldier of the Wulin League from Zhuge Sega.

Mujin's eyes looked at him with a hint of unease.

"I thought he might be the culprit..."

Mu Jin, who had read the Legend of the Apostle Emperor many times, knew that the dark side forces had hidden a trap in the prize of the Dragon Seal Branch Prize.

He also knew that the Zhuge family was in league with the Black Curtain forces, so he naturally thought that the trap had been prepared by Zhuge Muhuan, the general army.

"It's not yet the Zhuge family has passed..."

Thanks to meeting Zhuge Jinxi, I also learned that the Zhuge family had not yet completely joined hands with the Black Curtain Force.

The only problem was that the Zhuge family was divided into factions.

Zhuge Muhuan, the half-brother of Zhuge Mun, the current head of the Zhuge family, was a man who quickly moved to Wulin Meng when he was young to avoid the battle for the family lord with Zhuge Mun, and he also learned that he was a man who was a little far from Zhuge Sega.

In the end, he may or may not be the culprit.

"Well, after the Dragon Seal Branch is over and you break down a few plans on the Black Curtain, you'll find some clues."

While Mu Jin was gathering his thoughts, Ambassador Xuan was briefly telling the Shaolin disciples about the major figures of the Wulin League.

And after a while·

As the time for the final match of the Dragon Feng Branch Association approached, Wu Lin Mengju Wei Jihak stood up and flew onto the stage with a light gesture.

"Greetings, all of you of the Zheng Sect Wulin! It's not enough to say that it's Wei Zhihak, who is in charge of the Wulin Meng!"


His deep voice was certainly not loud, but it was vividly transmitted to the ears of the thousands of warriors who surrounded the stage.

It was a very simple demonstration of a level of study that was far more difficult than raising a voice ignorantly as a bet.

"This is a very special day. Later indices that will be responsible for the future of our political faction Moorim· Among them, we are about to have a secret dance to determine the most outstanding juniors. Hahaha·"

Wei Jihak burst out laughing heartily, and someone smiled heartily. Someone else followed him and burst into a hearty laugh.

"We, the Wulin League, are nothing but the alliance created by the Zheng Sect Murim to stop those wicked sectarians and the cruel Demon Cults. And the late-stage exponents who participated in this Dragon Seal Branch are valuable talents who will fight against them in the future in ten or twenty years! Therefore, we, the Wulin League, have prepared a gift that will be of great help to the future hero who will stop the demon thieves!"


"So today, who will lead our political party in the future? I hope you will be able to witness the birth of the latter that will receive the gift!"

As soon as Wi Jihak's speech ended, there was a huge burst of cheers and applause from the people surrounding the stage.

Wei Jihak greeted the unmanned people who surrounded the stage with a cannon and returned to his seat.

It was only after the noisy and untidy atmosphere had subsided a bit that the warrior of the Wu Lin League, who had been appointed as the referee, stepped onto the stage.

Then, with the referee's call, the protagonists of this final, Mujin and Namgoong Jincheon, headed to the non-stage.

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