Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 145 Table of contents

Poison to the Tang, Medicinal to the Tanga (3)


Protein Supplements· The one that the hell spears always carry in their hands.

However, there was also a lot of talk about whether protein supplements were "necessary" to build the body.

Unless you were on steroids, there was a limit to the amount of protein your body could absorb at one time.

In other words, chicken breast, egg whites, beef, etc.

If you were able to get the limit of protein you could absorb through your diet every hour, you didn't need protein supplements as much.

And Choi Kang-hyuk, who was a fitness trainer and owner of a large fitness center, was well aware of this fact because he had studied not only health but also various exercises and rehabilitation therapies, as well as kinesiology and nutrition.

In fact, he used protein supplements in modern times, but he didn't rely on them as much. I wasn't on steroids.

But it was a different story here.

"The placenta is a day when you can't even fill half of the protein you can absorb, let alone the maximum amount of protein you can absorb."

When I was in Shaolin Temple or in a big county or city, it was less so.

The problem is when you can't find food, such as when you're traveling to and from the area or when you're looking for something in the mountains.

As my protein intake was insufficient, my muscles were trembling with fear of muscle loss every day.

But as long as the Sichuan Tang family makes protein supplements!

"You can carry it with you for emergencies, and then take it with you whenever you can't eat meat!"

Gold and jade were the panacea to protect the muscles they had cultivated.

And in order to make this precious panacea, Mu Jin opened his mouth.

"First of all, protein is one of the components that make up the human body. In particular, human muscles are made up of this protein. This means that in order to build or build muscle, you need to consume a similar type of protein."

"What are those similar types of proteins?"

"The most representative is the meat of animals. This is because the muscles and flesh of animals are made up of protein, just like humans."

At Mu Jin's explanation, the people of the Sichuan Tang family around him shook their heads.

It was already common knowledge that the human body could be seen through the flesh of animals.

However, Tang Ak was looking at Mujin with a rather strange expression.

Even within the Tang family, it was kept a secret, but Tang knew that Mu Jin was a disciple of Shaolin.

But the Shaolin disciple eats meat.

"After all, he doesn't fit in Shaolin... Chippling·'

You have to be crazy about one area to achieve greatness.

It was a great achievement for his age, and he was beginning to convince himself that the young guy was the same as him.

"And in addition, egg whites and cow's milk, which are also mixed with this protein."

While Tang Ak felt the same as a madman, Mu Jin continued to explain.

"Hmmm· Eggs are also the offspring of animals, so I can understand that, but does milk contain that?"

"Yes· The protein supplement I was talking about is made from this milk. It is made like a powdered medicine and made to be easy to carry, so it is a medicine that protects and grows muscles by consuming protein consistently."

The most common protein supplement, commonly referred to as whey protein, was made from milk.

To be precise, it was made by extracting the curd in the process of processing milk into cheese and processing the remaining whey.

Depending on the process involved in the processing process, it will be called WPC, WPI, or WPH.

"No matter how much sugar you get, protein supplements in the early days will be the limit."

In this era, there was no room for ion exchange or hydrolysis processes.

And even if it was possible, it was a problem.

No matter how much Mujin studied nutrition and knew the types of protein supplements, he didn't know all the details of the ion exchange process or the hydrolysis process.

He was a fitness trainer, not a researcher at a protein supplement factory.

"Have you ever heard of the Colored Wood people or the nomadic people of the north?"

That's why Mujin was going to ask you to make the most primitive whey protein supplement ever.

That's why you can process milk to make cheese.

From there, I was asked to obtain curd-restricted whey and then sterilize and dry and concentrate the whey.

In addition to protein, the whey protein produced in this way contains various components such as lactose and milk fat.

Modern whey protein was more than a protein content, but with the technology of the world, it was actually a big hit.

"But it's better than nothing. We don't have enough food anyway."

I don't know if I'm lactose intolerant, but if I had some lactose or milk fat, it wouldn't be a problem.

After hearing all of Mujin's explanations, Tang Ak looked at Mujin with a strange expression.

"Where did you get that knowledge?"

No matter how much I thought about it, it wasn't the kind of knowledge I could have found in Shaolin.

No, if Shaolin had this kind of knowledge, he wouldn't have dared to come to the Tang family and ask for it to be made.

Mujin replied to Tang Ak's question with a lie, not a lie.

"It's a vision that was only passed down to the main house."

"If it's your family, do you mean your family?"

"That's right..."

"Hmm? Why is it that you have a family and yet you share this knowledge with us? I'd rather leave the production to the main house..."

"There's no one left but me..."

A man from a righteous family, but his family was wiped out by the Apostles.

That was the specification of Mu Jin's identity that he knew from Shaolin.

* * *

In the days that followed, Mu Jin spent a similar amount of time in the Tang family.

In the morning, he and his companions ate various kinds of poison from Tang Ak to develop their tolerance to poisons, and in the afternoon, they visited Dang's workshop to experiment with whey protein production.



"I think he's over there again?"

“··· I'm pretending not to see it on purpose, so you just pretend you didn't see it..."

In the process, it was a bonus to avoid the squirming party that kept coming and flirting.

Mu Yul tilted her head, looking alternately at Tang Somi, who was hiding behind her, sticking her head out, and Mu Jin, who was trying to ignore her.

"Mmmm... It's amazing..."


"Are you surprised that Tang Sozer is chasing Mu Jinyi?"

Mu Yule's question was answered by Mu Mu and Mu Kyung.

The naïve Mu Yul reacted as if he didn't understand the woman's love.

However, the two of them had a slight misunderstanding of Mu Yul's way of thinking.

"No, sir. I'm curious why Mujin doesn't hit me when he's bothering me like that..."

"Uki! Uki!!"

Ling Lingyi, who was on top of Mu Yul's head, barked in agreement, and Mu Gong and Mu Qing also nodded, "I see."

"If it was his usual personality, he would have been beaten long ago..."

"Hahaha· No matter how inexhaustible you are, do you really have to beat a woman so mercilessly?"

"You've seen the clean water seal, haven't you? The way he attacked Tang Shiju at the Dragon Seal Meeting..."

"That was Bimu..."

"That's not true. I heard from Master Hye-kwan that in the past, even in Nanchang, he chased after her so relentlessly and beat her up."

Mu Qing refuted the story he had heard from Hye Kwan and refuted Qingshu Dojo's words.

Hyekwan is such a bold (?) And despicable(?) It was a story that was told to imitate one.

He didn't even know that the woman who had been chased and beaten at that time was Zhuge Jinhui.


Mujin glares at Net, who is cursing him, and the four sneak away.


It wasn't a hoarse sigh because of those four.

To be honest, if the situation allowed, I would at least give psychotherapy to the monk who was chasing after me.

To be precise, it was physical psychotherapy conducted with fists.

"If it weren't for the Tang family..."

It was not possible to dig up the golden hell leaf of the Tang family in the middle of the Tang family. However, this uncomfortable life is just around the corner.

Ignoring Tang Somi, I waited a moment to move with the group. They were soon able to reach the Tang family's workshop.

"Chisel · Welcome..."

When they showed courtesy to Tang Ak, who greeted them, Tang Ak waved his hand as if he didn't bother to greet them.

"And now that you've finally got one that you can use, check it out."

The reason why Mu Jin led his group to the workshop. That's because a prototype of a protein supplement was finally made today.

Finely ground pale yellow powder·

Mu Jin happily added powder to the bowl, sprinkled it with water, mixed it, and gave each child a cup.

"Come on... Eat it..."

"What is this?"

"Magic Powder·"

"Magic powder?"

Tilting their heads at Mujin's explanation, the four of them took a sip of the water that dissolved the protein supplement without thinking.


I drank it and gasped at the same time.

"What is this?"

"Is it poison? If it's poison, I should have told you beforehand!"

"More luck than that! You have to have a lucky meal· Guys!"

Watching the fuss between the four, Mu Jin gave a look that seemed to be the same.

"In the early days, protein supplements were notorious for being filthy and tasteless."

Nowadays, it tastes like vanilla or chocolate, but in the old days, protein supplements were often described as "cardboard soaked in water."

And Mujin, who saw how tasteless it was through the children's reactions, thought.

"I'm only going to eat it on days when I can't get protein."

That's an emergency medicine, not a favorite food.

From the past sixties to the eighties·

It was a moment when I admired the bodybuilders who had built their bodies before there were chocolate and vanilla-flavored supplements.

Mu Jin watched the children in pain for a moment, and then turned to Tang Ak and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Senior Dark King· Or is that done?"

"Oh... Is that what you mean? I've put it in the back of the house..."

Mujin grinned and headed in the direction the Dark King had pointed.

If you've eaten something that rots your mouth, you should also wash your mouth.

* * *

After Mujin and the others left the workshop,

"Chisel · Did you come here because you were curious about this?"

After chasing Mujin, Tang Xiaomi stopped by the workshop and asked a question.

"Is that the thing that Monk Mujin told you how to make it?"

Pointing to the pale yellow powder, Tang Ak shook his head.

"They say it's a water-mixed medicine..."

After explaining it, Tang Ak took a little powder, poured water on it, mixed it, and held it out to Tang Somi.

Intrigued, she gladly accepted the liquid and drank it.

“··· It seems that the monk Mujin is also well versed in poison."

I started to have strange misunderstandings.

* * *

That evening·

In the Tang family, which treats Mujin as a benefactor, every meal was a feast that was not a shame, but today there were a few different foods mixed in.


And Mujin's eyes on the food were unusual.

Meat tossed in a greasy, reddish marinade· The pale yellow squishy thing melting on top of it. Cheese·

That's right. Cheese was made from curds that had been removed to make protein supplements.

"Ugh... This tastes good!"

Spicy food with cheese· It was truly an impression that resonated with the taste buds of Koreans.

Of course, the spicy flavor based on gochujang and red pepper flakes and the spicy Sichuan flavor based on spices were different.

"Eating like this is like eating the same kimpi soup that I ate at the mukbang..."

At the very least, it was a moment that reminded me of the taste of modern food that I had forgotten.

"Come on..."

Thinking that it was not enough for him to eat alone, Mu Jin handed the children Sichuan food topped with cheese.

"Isn't that what you did earlier in the day?"

"Ugh... Why are you eating that, Mujin-ah?"

"Infinite Water Supply· I think that's enough. Mujin Dou·"

The children, who had been stricken by the similarly colored powdered medicine, were disgusted and refused the food offered by Mujin.

* * *

When Mujin was in the middle of enjoying the taste of his hometown,

In the room on the other side of the Shaolin Temple, the current head of the room, Xuanchen, was alone with Liu Xuehua, the youngest daughter of the Tianyu Statue.

"Ahem· So this is a survey sent by Mu Jin?"

"Yes· Monk Chief·"

"Do you have any contact with Mu Jin?"

"It's just a letter from Monk Mujin through our upper branch. I don't know anything."

In response to Xuanchen's piercing question, Liu Xuehua eloquently lied without changing his eyes.

It's been more than two years since she started working in earnest, and she's becoming more like a merchant.

After looking at her suspiciously for a moment, Xuanchen sighed once and opened the door that Mujin had sent him.

And as he read the words, Ambassador Hyuncheon's expression became infinitely harder as his gaze drifted downward.

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