Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 161 Table of contents

Sword Demon (1)


Guangxi West · Yasan, which is well over a few hundred li away from Haju County,

"I've told you everything I know!"

The man lying face down on the floor· At Kang-il's words, Yain, who wore a blood-soaked sword, put a strange smile on his lips.

He was a man who had personally come to Guangxi Province after hearing that a gift that should have been given to him had been stolen by bandits.

However, to my surprise, when I arrived in Haji Prefecture, I was told that the Northern Wind Prefecture had completely collapsed.

He used Shincheon's intelligence network to search for traces of the movement of the North Wind Flag.

In the process, I didn't know how many times I had gone around Guangxi Province chasing the bandits who had sold the marks of the Northern Wind Ticket, but I couldn't find what I was looking for.

In the meantime, it was a bandit named Kang Il over there who was caught, and this bandit also didn't know any information about the silk robe.

"So they're looking for Guilin Black City?"

"Oh my gosh!"

For some reason, he was a man who got information that made him even more worried.

"From the North Wind Bureau to the Guilin Black City? It's like we're moving in search of our own power."

The faction to which they belonged was not revealed, so rationally speaking, it was a porous inference.


The man who had slit the bandit's throat with a sword called Kang Il turned his steps in the direction of Guilin.

He was a man who trusted intuition rather than reason.

* * *

After cleaning up, Mu Jin and the others took a break at the hearing gate.

And around noon· A wagon stopped in front of the hearing gate.

"Welcome· Yu Daein· Hahaha·"

He greeted the slave trader with a smile as promised, but he was not like that at all.

Behind him was Mu Jin, dressed as a disciple of Xiao Qingmen.

The moment he uttered a word, he would lose his life, and what happened last night was enough to deduce.

"Let's go inside first."

With his humane performance that has deceived children for the past decade, he pretended to be casual and lured a slave trader into the palace.


And as soon as the slave trader entered the gate, the slave trader was instantly overpowered by Mu Jin's group.

Mu Jin led the slave trader, who had completely subdued the demon blood and blood blood, to the corner of the Xiao Gate, and finally released the blood of the bastard.

"What the hell is this!!"

It shouted in a rather confident manner, wondering if it still considered Mu Jin and his party to be disciples of Xiao Qing.

Of course, there was no business in falcons.


"Even after all this, it's safe ..."


"Why are you doing this..."




"Sorry! I was wrong!"

"What did you do wrong?"

"That's it..."


After a period of beatings, he finally began to cry with his face swollen like a bun.

"I've done everything wrong! Please forgive me!"

Now that he was ready to start a conversation, Mujin asked the slave trader a variety of questions.

"When you move slaves, how do you prevent them from escaping?"

"Aren't the wagons intercepted during the process?"

"What is your main route?"

The first question was for camouflage.

Slave traders need to know how to bind and manage their slaves so that they can naturally disguise themselves as slave traders and slaves.

In addition, castles and prefectures frequented by slave traders. And I was able to see everything about how to get through the checkpoint.

After getting all the information you need from the slave traders. Bai Gahwan, who was listening to the information with Mujin, asked...

"You said your goal is Jiangxi Province, do you have any other routes in mind?"

"First of all, we are going to move east and enter Guangdong Province. And the goal is to cross the northern part of Guangdong Province and directly enter the southern part of Jiangxi Province, and then go all the way north to Nanchang, the capital city."

* * *

Mujin and his companions used their own wagons and slave traders' wagons to pretend to be slave traders.

Using the information they received from slave traders, they sometimes took secret routes other than official roads, and sometimes they bribed the officials to pass by prefectures and castles with dignity.

It's been a long time since I've been able to move around pretending to be a slave trader.

When the sun had completely set, The wagon carrying the group came to a halt on a steep hill.

"Let's all relax now."

After stopping the carriage, he went into the carriage and untied the handcuffs and ropes that bound the children's hands and feet, and began to prepare for homelessness.

"Zz... Wouldn't it be better to just rest in the prefecture you entered earlier?"

Mu Gong looked at the children in the carriage and said sadly, and Mu Jin replied in a bitter tone.

"I'd like to, but there are a lot of eyes over there, so I can't remove the shackles and handcuffs like this. I can't get them out of the wagon."

So they had no choice but to choose homelessness.

"I'm sure it was hard for the other kids, but it was even harder for the back boys, so I hope you take care of them a little bit. I'm sure I'll be watching the other kids."

“··· Phew· Amitabha Buddha·"

In anticipation of Bai Ga Ling's treatment, Mu Gong closed his eyes and chanted the Buddha chant in order to calm his mind and body.

But when a distracted man dressed as a slave trader approached the White Family with a shout, he looked like a downright villain.

'He doesn't think that's weird, does he?'

Mujin took care of the other children and occasionally looked at Mu Gong with suspicion, but it was Mu Jin who was rather embarrassed.

“매번··· 죄송····”

"No, I don't. White Sojer· Ahem· Take it easy."

Mu Gong replied with a stiff voice, hurriedly closed his eyes, and chanted inwardly, recalling the image of Huidam Sajo.

At first glance, his efforts to regain his immobility looked like a pious figure absorbed in healing.

Lying on the ground, he looked at the situation, and carefully raised his arms slightly to show his gratitude.

Then he gently placed his palm on the back of his hand that rested on his abdomen.

Suddenly puzzled by the chill that came from the back of his hand, Mu Gong opened his eyes and trembled as if he were in a match.


For Mu Gong, who had been a monk for six years since he was thirteen years old, it was too much of a stimulating situation.

The immobility of four years of cultivation under Hyedam was about to crumble.

"I'm sorry for my sins..."

Equally stunned by the appearance of Mu Gung causing the game, Bai Ga Ling hurriedly apologized.

"Come on, I'll give you a little bit of treatment, and then I'll go back to the Chi Qi treatment!"

However, Mu Gung, who had already broken his immobility, was in a state of distraction.

He was even surprised by the bet, and the Keeper of the Sheep began to go on a rampage, and he needed a lucky meal right away.

Whether it was because Mu Gong was feverish, or because of some other reason, he blushed and hurriedly left, and Mu Jin sighed and approached Bai Ga Ling.

"Don't be distracted. White Sojer· It's a dangerous treatment for qi, so when the white sozer suddenly moved, I was startled and did it."

“··· 배은망덕 · 부형청죄 ·


When the lion fish popped out again, Mu Jin cleared his throat.

Ingratitude is a common word, but it was the first time Mujin had heard of it.

Still, when I interpreted the kanji roughly, it meant to carry thorns and ask for sins, so it sounded like a punishment appropriate to sin.

"I don't have anything to be sorry for. After all, it's because he doesn't have enough cultivation, so don't worry about it..."

I thought that if I touched a woman a little bit, it might be his problem.

"If I met a female master of the Sapa Cult, I wouldn't be able to come to my senses."

It was Mujin who fell in love with the coin in the mouth of a beauty world and wondered if he would go to see the Great King of Flame as it was.

Mu Jin looked at Mu Gong with a pathetic expression on his face, but this time he turned his gaze to look at another one who was fighting with Simma.


Mu Jin walked towards the man who had been in the carriage without saying a word since last night, and opened his mouth.

"You look deep. Do you have any concerns?"

I didn't have a hobby of prying into personal worries that the other person didn't even bother to bring up.

However, his recent condition seemed to be very serious, so he had no choice but to ask.

Qingshu had a gloomy expression on his face, as if he was thinking about something complicated by Mujin's question, and with a deep sigh, he stood up and asked Mujin.

"Mr. Dou· Would you like to flirt with me now?"

Mujin thought for a while about the sudden request.

I thought that if I danced in a state of simma, I would be in danger of falling into the mouth of the coin, but I couldn't refuse because of the look in the eyes of the blue beast dojo, who was even desperate.

“··· Let's move seats first."

In order to prevent other children from getting hurt during the dance, Mu Jin and Qingshu stood at a distance from each other after moving for a while.

With each of them in a jockeying ceremony, Mujin spoke first.

"Let's get started..."


Before the Qingshui dojo could answer, Mujin rushed towards the Qingshui dojo.

I didn't intend to go all out from the start. It was meant to be a simple search battle, and it was also because he knew that his opponent had fallen into a deep sham.

But why?

"Suck it!"

Even though it wasn't an all-out attack, the Qingshui dojo was having a hard time dispelling Mujin's attack.

It was as if he could hear a 'squeak' from the Taigeuk Hye Sword of the Qingshui Dojo, which was always freely unleashed and had shed most of its attacks even in the Dragon Seal Branch.

It felt like the sword that was supposed to draw a gentle and gentle Taigeuk had an angular edge.

The joyful smile he usually wore when he wielded his sword disappeared and he managed to fend off Mujin's attacks with a complicated face.

"Mujin Dou ·"

Blocking Mujin's attack, the Qingshu dojo struggled to speak.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Mu Jin paused for a moment and asked, and the Qingshu dojo asked a question.

"In your opinion, how many masters do you think are better than Mujin Dao in the group of the Demon Outer Path?"

Mujin thought about it for a moment before answering the question.

"Wouldn't it be a few dozen?"

Grab the minimum and dozens· At worst, it could have been more than a hundred.

The Heavenly Sword Emperor, the Flesh King, and the Chang King.

Shincheon's Seven Great Liquors and Inju· And maybe there were other masters in the row above the Inju and the Seven Pillars.

Moreover, the term "Heaven and Heaven Keeper" is just a representation of the sect in the Middle Plains. There must have been a few masters of the Demon Cult as well.

In the end, there will be at least ten masters of the Seven Kings level or higher in the Sama Outer Island and the Shincheon faction alone, and if we compare those who are not as good as the Seven Kings but are better than them, there will be dozens of masters who are similar to or higher than Hye-gwan and Hye-dam.

"Still, I'm still a master at this level, right?"

Even in Xinjiang, where the Central Plains and the Demon Bridge are located, more than a hundred million people live in the world.

Compared to modern China, this is a small number at best, but the number is significant anyway.

The number of people who can be said to be strong people who have mastered martial arts among them easily exceeds one million in a hundred.

Among all those powerhouses, if you look at it positively, you're in the top hundred, and no matter how negative you put it, it's unlikely to go into the quadruple digits.

"Oh, it's meaningless..."

Considering the enemies he would have to fight in the future, he felt like he wasn't enough.

When Mu Jin sighed inwardly, thinking of his future enemies.

"I think it's more than I thought..."

The Qingshui dojo, who had a complicated expression, muttered to himself, and his momentum changed completely.

"Then it's going to be hard with a sword like this..."

As if he had finished thinking about it, this time the Qingshui dojo took the offensive first.

Wedge love!!

With a bloody cutting sound that seems to cut through the grain of the air, a straight sword digs into the vital point. As if this was a matter of life and death.


Mujin hurriedly swung his sword and struck out the thrust of the Qingshui dojo, causing the sound of metal to reverberate.

If it had been a normal paint of fresh water, it would have flowed in a flowing motion and wouldn't have made much noise.



However, instead of needlessly drawing a circle, the Qingshu dojo unleashed a series of swords.

It was a compilation of the sword techniques that the Qingshu Dojo had seen and mastered.

It was the sword technique of the demon that he had slain, it was the sword technique that the late masters of the Dragon Seal Branch had unleashed, and it was the sword technique of the bandits and the masters of the Northern Wind Nation.

And the sword technique that the Black Sword Horde of Guilin Black City had unleashed was mixed.

A man who had only practiced the martial arts of a shaman was able to combine them into his own sword after just a few sights, which was a feat that could be described as a genius.


Mu Jin smashed away all of his murderous swords and opened his mouth.

"Does the 'sword like this' you mentioned a moment ago really mean the Tai Chi Hye Sword?"

I wonder if those words have struck a chord? After a momentary pause, the Qingshui dojo forced his sword to slam down again.

However, Mujin, who had a rough idea of the other party's worries, forced himself to continue the conversation.


"Why do you disparage the Feast of the Recluse, which is considered to be one of the Murim Temples by countless powerful people, as nothing more than 'such a sword'?"


“··· It's because the Tai Chi Hye Sword is a sword method to save lives."


"What's wrong with saving that you're going to let go of that sword?"


Immediately after the last time they collided even more intensely.

The Qingshui dojo, which did not use the Yu Sword, was pushed back by Mujin's power.

Is it because of Mujin's power or because of Shimma?

Qingshu clenched his teeth, took a moment to catch his breath, and then opened his mouth.

"Then were they worth saving?"

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