Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 233 Table of contents

Red Tiger (4)


“··· Are you insulting us now?"

He asked angrily, but Mujin didn't care.

"If your master wants to kill you, but you just do what your master tells you to do, what is the difference between that of a slave? Ah· Are you not a slave, but an?"

"How dare you betray our loyalty to the Church!"

The Red Tiger Danju drew his sword in anger, but Mu Jin still sat down in his chair, laughing at the Red Tiger Danju.

"Seeing as you casually continue your mission in the midst of all this, it doesn't seem like this is the first time this has happened. Now that I see it, it looks like the Red Tiger was properly stamped by someone higher up in the Demon Cult?"

When I told him what I knew from the novel, the Red Tiger Danju, who had drawn his sword, flinched involuntarily.

Ever since Gu Yang joined the Red Tiger Brigade, the only tasks assigned to the Red Tiger Team have been extremely difficult missions to the extremities.

Still, the Red Tiger couldn't refuse the missions because of something else wrapped up in loyalty or religiosity.

"Why don't you just be honest? It's not loyalty, is it? If you refuse the task, you will be branded an apostate and summarily executed, so you have no choice but to obey orders, right?"

At Mu Jin's words that were stabbing him in the lungs, he drew his sword with gusto, and his fists just trembled. He did not dare to wield his sword.

And Gu Yangfei, who had been listening to all the conversations next to him, opened his mouth with a calm face.

"I didn't know your insight was so great. But don't you know then? After all, there is only one option. Now that I have said that I am a counselor, I have no choice but to carry out the duties they ask me to do, improve my skills, and aim for the future."

At Gu Yang's words, Mu Jin flicked his index finger from side to side, indicating that the other party's words were wrong.

"That's self-justification. Do you obey and wait for the opportunity to come one day? Of course, with your talent and skill, you will be able to hold on, but in the meantime, the other members of the Red Tiger will die one by one. Are you willing to dismiss the deaths of your comrades as mere sacrifices for you?"

Originally, it was only in the second half of the novel that Gu Yang Gang rebelled against the upper echelons of the Demon Cult in earnest.

After completing the missions in the Red Tiger Cult and continuing to gain enlightenment due to his innate five natures, he would reach the point of talma and purify the Demon Cult.

But that was only possible if it unfolded as it was in the novel. Now, the situation has changed due to his own intervention.

Therefore, it was necessary to take the initiative to change the situation, rather than hoping that the development would continue as it was.

And Mu Jin thought that there was no better time than now for Gu Yang to rebel against the school.

"Then what shall I do? Do you mean to rebel against the religion and become an apostate right now?"


"The other way around?"

Looking at the two of them questioning, Mujin thought. Now is the best time to bring up "the story."

"If you, the Demon Cult's armed forces, dare to come all the way to the south and kill them, there must be only one person in the Sun Palace. Aren't you trying to kill Jin Yanghui, the head of the Sun Palace?"

"How do you do that!?"

The Red Tiger Leader shouted involuntarily. On the other hand, Gu Yangfei, who still didn't know who the target was, had a puzzled face.

Looking at the surprised face of the Red Tiger Leader, Mu Jin replied that it was not a big deal.

"He's the only person in the Sun Palace who has anything to do with the Demon Cult, right? Jin Yanghui was one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Cult."

In the Demon Cult, there was a Master of Heaven who was the supreme leader of the Cult, and a Master of Light and a Master of Light who took over his role when the Principal was absent.

And the ruler directly under the Master of Light and the Master of Light was the Four Heavenly Kings.

If the left and right warriors, often called the left and right guardians, were a kind of vice-pontoon, then the Four Heavenly Kings were a kind of great general.

Twenty armed forces that exist in the Demon Cult· The Four Heavenly Kings were the symbol of the armed forces, each of which commanded the five armed forces.

Of course, in the first place, it was a demon cult that revolved in the logic of power, so the martial arts of the Heavenly Demons and the left and right guardian lions were superior to the Four Heavenly Kings, but no matter what, Jin Yanghui was at least one of the ten masters in the Demon Cult.

It was also because of this Jin that Mu Jin tried to resolve the conflict with the Sun Palace through the Mu Palace.

Jin Yanghui was also an outsider from the Demon Cult, but he was able to use the Keeper of the Heat Yang and occupy a key position in the Sun Palace.

"You don't have to think about the plan that crossed the water again."

Mu Jin brushed off the thought and added.

"What better excuse could there be to drive the Red Tiger to the death than to kill the apostate Jin Yanghui?"

“··· How the hell do you know that?"

When asked by the Red Tiger Leader, who was full of hostility and suspicion, Mu Jin shrugged his shoulders and replied:

"That's not the point now, is it? Isn't surviving a priority?"

“··· So what do you want to say? May I join hands with the apostate and be an apostate?"

Gu Yangfei, who was listening to the conversation between the Red Tiger Danju and Mu Jin with a calm face, asked Mu Jin to clap his hands and answer.

"You guessed it right! Since you said that you are a good person, why did the school give you this task? If you fail, it's good for you to die, and if you succeed, it's good for you to be able to kill the apostate, Jin Yanghui, isn't it?"


"So, on the contrary, embrace the apostate Golden Yang Hui and make him an ally. And just like Jin Yanghui, those who are hostile to the upper echelons of the cult and the apostates will gather together to purify the church."

"No matter how much the religion has driven us to extremities, how can we join hands with an apostate who has forsaken the will of the religion!"

Gu Yangfei replied with a hint of resentment, and Mu Jin shook his head with a pathetic face.

"Is it really the will of the doctrine that you should follow? It seems to me that he is just following the will of the higher-up humans?"


"Jin Yanghui is the one who left when the religion was corrupted by the corruption of the upper echelons. In a way, you can say that you are a faithful believer who only follows doctrines."

Jin Yanghui is eventually killed by Gu Yanghui in the first part of the novel.

And he had such a conversation with Gu Yang at the end.

– If you knew that someone like you would show up . . . I thought I'd stay in the school until the end.

– Is that the last will and testament of an apostate?

– Cool· I know· This was also due to my lack of faith. But before I go, let me advise you as the last elder of the church. Beware of the Guardian Monks on the left and right·

The testament was a watershed moment in the novel. Gu Yangfei, who was the scribe, naturally suspected that his half-brothers were trying to kill him.

However, thanks to that testament, he found out that there was a guardian behind his step-brothers.

"Of course, I didn't believe it at first, but..."

Unlike Guangming Wusha, who openly showed hostility towards Gu Yangpae, he was kind to Gu Yangpae.

Of course, it was a lie that the pervert spewed out to induce infighting, but in the end, the truth was revealed in the second half.

But what matters now is not the ending of the first part of the novel.

"Also, aren't there many other people who are concerned about the deterioration of doctrine on and off campus? For example, the current Four Heavenly Kings, the King of Qinglu (靑雷王). Men like Gumma, the gatekeeper of the checkpoint..."

In the second half of the novel, Mu Jin recited the main characters who supported Gu Yang when he rebelled.

Telling the characters about what was going to happen in the future risked changing the whole plot, but there was no reason to be reluctant now that I had decided to change it anyway.

Only then will he be able to convince him, and only if he walks the path of apostasy will he be able to persuade Jin Yanghui, who would have killed him with his own hands.

"And if you can recruit the Sun Palace as an ally through Jin Yanghui, you will be able to overturn the board laid by the Divine Heavens."

While Mujin was thinking about it, With a face as if he had seen a ghost, the Red Tiger Lord exclaimed.

"Who the hell are you? How could you know such things!"

If a stranger recited this kind of information all the time, it was inevitable that this kind of suspicion would arouse such suspicion.

However, Mujin had already experienced this situation several times, so he had thought of a solution.

"Have you ever heard of divine powers?"

* * *

After finishing the conversation with Mu Jin, Gu Yang entered the room with the Red Tiger Danju.

The two men just sat there in silence. Each of them was busy sorting out the mess in their heads.

Then, the Red Tiger Danju, who had settled his thoughts first, asked Gu Yangfei.

"What are you going to do?"

In response to the question of the Red Tiger Danju, Gu Yangfei replied in a calm tone.

"It's just the words of an outsider. It is foolish to believe unconditionally. However, it was too precise and specific to be ignored."

"Are you going to obey him?"

"I'm thinking about contacting Jin Yanghui first. It won't be too late to make a decision after confirming whether Jin Yanghui really committed apostasy due to the corruption of the upper echelons, or whether he was just a thief who stole the martial arts and escaped."

In a way, it was the most standard answer. However, the Red Tiger Lord asked again if he was not satisfied with that.

"If he was really a faithful believer... What were you going to do then?"


Gu Yangfei, who seemed to be troubled by the Red Tiger Danju's question for a while, finished making up his mind and looked directly at the Red Tiger Danju and opened his mouth.

"If that is the case, please return to the school. Go and sell my name and save the members. If you say that Gu Yangfei betrayed Kyo and joined hands with Jin Yanghui, you will probably survive."

In the end, he was going to walk the path of an apostate.

I wonder if it was because of Gu Yang's vessel that was worried about himself and the members of the Red Tiger Corps.

"We won't be selling your name."

Nope· In the first place, from the time he first asked Gu Yangfei, the Red Tiger Danju had already made up his mind.


The Red Tiger Danju, who had been acting as a superior officer to protect Gu Yang from the gaze of the upper echelons, knelt down and bowed to Gu Yangfei.

"The Great Heavenly Demon God Sect Red Tiger Danju Ling Ring Fan· I swear to follow Confucius Gu Yang until the day I die."

Originally, it was an oath of anti-Tiger Sectarianism that would have occurred years later.

Suddenly, looking at the Red Tiger Danju who was paying tribute to him, Gu Yangfei replied with an uncharacteristically troubled face.

"Wake up· Danju· If you join me, you will be in danger not only for the Danju but also for the members."

"These are the members who have been together on the battlefield for years. How could I not know their hearts? All the members of the band agree with me."

The fact that the Gu Yang Clan's order was sent to the Red Tiger Clan, and the fact that the upper echelons of the Demon Cult casually tried to annihilate the Red Tiger Brigade along with the Nine Yang Tile.

It was all due to the unusual composition of the Red Tiger Group, he knew.

All those who were sent to the Red Tigers were unsuspected.

Those who are not from a prominent family belonging to the Demon Sect. Those who have no connection to the people at the top of the church·

The place where the consumables that could not be regretted to die at any time were gathered was the Red Tiger Corps.

It was a strange thing.

In the doctrine of Ma Buddhism, the first priority is not family or personal connections, but pure nothingness. It was the law of the strong...

The very fact that such people gathered in the Red Tiger at this time was no different from a symbol of the deterioration of the church.

However, he did not make this decision simply out of dissatisfaction with the school.

"Confucius has also been with us through many battles over the years. That's why we all know that. Confucius is truly a martial artist worthy of the position of 'Heavenly Horse.'"

What the Red Tiger Leader and the members believed in was the very existence of the Gu Yang Clan.

"So, please take the seat of the Heavenly Horse and purify the cult."

At the request of the Red Tiger Commander, Gu Yangfei closed his eyes slightly, as if he was deep in thought for a moment.

And after a while· When he opened his eyes· There was not the slightest hesitation in his eyes.

"It's going to be no different from mayhem. Will you still be with me?"

"The battlefield so far has been nothing short of chaos. We will follow in your footsteps until we die!"

After proudly exclaiming, he knelt down and bowed to Gu Yang.

"천마도래 (Heavenly Demon Arrives)! 만마앙복 (Ten Thousand Demons Lying on Their Back)!"

It was a common chant when praising the Heavenly Horse in the Demon Cult, but Ling Gok Hwan shouted the slogan in a different way.

Soon the Heavenly Horse will come, and all the demons of the world will obey Him.

According to the prophecy written in the doctrine.

After bowing to Gu Yang with an emotion on his face, the Red Tiger Danju raised his head and asked.

"Lord Xiao! Do you have anything else to do?"

It wasn't the relationship between Danju and Danwon, but rather a desire to do something as a future Tenma and his subordinates.

Gu Yangfei thought for a moment before answering·

"Right now, I don't think I'll have anything to do until I meet Jin Yanghui... Instead, when he returned to school in the future. Do some research on Sejak."

"What do you mean by Sejak?"

"That Mujin knows too much... It's as specific as if I've seen it myself..."

Unlike the innocent Tao Yuechen, Gu Yang Fei was a man with a lot of doubts.

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