Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 260 Table of contents

The Enemy of the Enemy Is Your Friend (1)


Mujin smashed the head of the demon who stood in his way and lunged at the man who was shooting the black wind.

– I'm blocking the lightning guy over there!

In the meantime, he also gave instructions to Mu Mu and Mu Yul in full voice.

If it was the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Cult, it would not be an easy opponent, but it was calculated that with the current Mu Qiong and Mu Yul, they would be able to pass the time.

After unfurling the Treasure of the Treasure and the Golden Ball and crushing the demons who stood in their way, Mu Jin was able to get close to the Black Wind King.


At the same time, the black wind emanating from the sword wielded by the Black Wind King flew towards Mu Jin.

Mu Jin swung his right arm, wrapped in a gold ball, and struck away the wind, and an unpleasant noise erupted, as if it were being sharpened by a saw blade.

It was because of the characteristics of the Black Wind King's Black Wind Demon Sword.

Unlike ordinary sword weapons, his wind sword qi did not cut through his opponents cleanly, but rather shredded them like a saw blade.

And because of the magic qi unique to the Demon Gong, if it was cut by the sword wind, the Demon Qi would spread like poison and interfere with the operation of the Inner Attack.

However, when Mu Jin, who had struck the black wind with his bare hands, did not see any abnormality, the Black Wind King had a strange expression.

"Hmph... Judging from the golden splendor and Shaolin Forensic Robes, you are the famous Shaolin Divine Dragon..."

"Judging by the insidious wind and the way you shoot, you must be the Black Wind King..."

The Black Wind King, who had been pretending to be relaxed by Mujin's provocation, had blood on his forehead.

"You thunder-bastard! The fear of the powerhouse ...

The excited Black Wind King tried to say something, but Mujin didn't want to talk to him at a leisurely pace.


Mu Jin burst into the floor and charged suddenly, and the Black Wind King hurriedly shut his mouth and swung his sword like a madman.


His gust of wind struck Mujin's gold ball, creating a saw-sharpening noise, but Mujin didn't care, just kept moving forward.

"You crazy bastard!?"

Seeing Mu Jin closing the distance in an instant, the Black Wind King was stunned and tried to widen the distance.

"Get out of the way!!"

It wasn't easy to move so freely on a battlefield with hundreds of fighters.

Unless you can smash everything with strength and armor like Mujin.

* * *

One of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Cult, the Blue King Wang Qi Wan (碧技完)

He cut the late index of the political faction in his way in two, and let out a faint sigh inwardly.

Not only was he not good enough, but he didn't become the Four Heavenly Kings to deal with a frightened and frozen suckling kid in practice.

But it wasn't just that he was angry at dealing with a kid as someone who worshipped nothing.

In the first place, he said, this mission was a bit of a surprise.

Disguise yourself as a demon in the Spider Wood Basin to attract attention and leave traces of the demon ball.

And then you don't attack the Kunlun Sect directly, but prepare for a surprise attack on the road to the Konren Sect?

Strategically, it was an instruction that seemed to be out of his mind.

How could he know when the reinforcements of the political faction would come, and how could he guarantee that the reinforcements of the political faction would go to the Kunlun faction instead of the Sadal Wood Basin?

However, he was a martial artist of the Heavenly Demon God Sect, and the orders of his superiors in the Heavenly Demon God Sect were strictly law-abiding.

He gladly accepted the order while hiding his true intentions, and to his surprise, the late exponents of the political faction came to visit him.

Contrary to the plan, there was a problem that the stealth was discovered just before the raid, but Byeok Kiwan didn't care.

And this means that his minions are also very important.

They were fighting fiercely, as if they were not afraid to lose their lives today.

That's why it was even more disappointing.

The subordinates he'd nurtured over the years weren't the ones he had nurtured to steal these kids.

They should have been at the forefront of the war against the political faction.


After slashing through the Zheng Sect's late exponents with another swing of the sword, the Qing Luo King clicked his tongue once and turned his gaze to the rear.

"You're still despicable..."

There, the Black Wind King, who, like himself, had been appointed to be in charge of this mission, was wielding a sword.

Unlike himself, he was protected by his subordinates from a safe position in the rear.

His skills were clearly on par with his own, but in terms of his disposition and the way he fought, he didn't fit the laws of the Demon Cult.

While swallowing his dissatisfaction with the Black Wind King,


Huge flames flew towards him.


However, the Qing Thunder King was not taken aback, and he swung his sword and cut down the Keeper of the Flames.


Then, from behind the two-split, scattered Keeper, a young monk and a monkey burst out.

In the first place, the giant Heatkeeper was a blindfold to hide the bodies of the two of them.

He hurriedly stepped back and raised the pottery, creating a coating of blue wall.


And the young monk and the monkey frowned as they slapped the coating that the wall had created.

"Ugh! I'm so numb· Death penalty forever!"

"Uki! Ukiki!!"

At their screams, the gnarly monk who had first shot the Keeper of the Sheep opened his mouth.

"It's dangerous if it comes into direct contact with the brain, Martial Priest! Dodge and fight!"

"I see!!"

Through the names they called each other and the martial arts they used, he could tell the identity of the two.

"The Shaolin Monk's Boundlessness and Martial Arts..."

Saying that, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Until now, he had only dealt with those who were not good enough, but now there were those who could fight.

As expected, the skills of the two late Jisoo, whose names were known in the powerhouse to the extent that they spread to the Demon Cult, were quite good.

The Buddhist monk Mu Gong's Nyorai Kidney boasted the strength that could not be defeated even if it came head-to-head with his Qingkang Wall Demon Sword.



Every time it collided with the Nyorai Kidney, the movement of the monkey and the monkey was nothing short of strange.

As they received the combination of two or three things, it was not difficult for the King of Thunder to grasp their intentions.

"Do you want to deal with longevity first?"

Originally, it was said that in war, it was the basic of the basics to target the enemy commander first.


Faced with a rather strong opponent, the King of Thunder roared and swung his sword in all directions, and with a roar, the force of the wall spread in all directions.

After driving out Mu Gong and Mu Yul Monkey in an instant, the Qing Luo King shifted his gaze for a moment to check the battlefield.

"After all..."

As expected, when I checked the place where the Black Wind King had been a while ago, I found that the Black Wind King was also being chased by the Shaolin monks who surrounded the golden curtain all over his body.

"The author is the famous Shaolin Divine Dragon."

And it seemed that the Shaolin monk had stepped forward and was moving to deal with the enemy.

However, even though he understood the intentions of his enemies, the Blue King reacted with a blank slate.

They were mistaken.

If you cut the throat of an enemy general, will the war flow easily? It was a concept that didn't work for the Magists.

The Demonists were not the ones who withdrew or were demoralized because of the death of the general.

Of course, it could have been quite problematic in terms of the number of corianders decreasing, but...

'Looks good...'

The Blue Wind King had no intention of helping the Black Wind King.

It wasn't just out of hatred of the Black Wind King.

"Take it!"


He didn't have time to help the Black Wind King because he was dealing with Mu Yu and Mu Yul and the monkey that were rushing at him again.

"You're doing obvious tricks with an ugly countenance... Black Wind King·'

He knew that the appearance of the Black Wind King being chased by the Shaolin Divine Dragon was a trap.

* * *

Several times, he rushed at the minions around him, crushing them. Mujin managed to shorten the distance between him and the Black Wind King to less than a chapter.

The Black Wind King also looked puzzled at the sight of Mu Jin just around the corner.


His embarrassed expression turned into a sneer, and he slammed the sword he was holding into the ground.

He pretended to run away and kept collecting bets.

In order to unleash the Black Dragon Ascension, the final arc of the Black Death Wind Demon Sword.

And at this distance, the other party could never escape this desperation.

The moment the Black Wind King slammed his sword into the ground· The enormous internal attack that he has accumulated while fleeing is unleashed through the sword point.

And that immense energy spread around the Black Wind King and began to soar through the earth.

The Dragon Fist Wind, which is made up of the black wind unique to the Black Death Wind Demon Sword, engulfed the whole area.

Naturally, the demons around the Black Wind King were also caught in the void and their bodies were torn to shreds.


Mu Jin, who was rushing towards the Black Wind King, was also caught in the fierce wind.

"Why are you laughing and?"


The Black Wind King, who had been caught off guard by Mu Jin, couldn't help but shut his mouth in amazement at the sight of Mu Jin suddenly tearing apart the black dragon wind he had created.

Snap Stone ·

Before the Black Wind King could do anything, Mu Jin's arm broke through the Dragon Fist and grabbed him by the neck.

Cad Duc ·

Mujin's throat began to emit horrible noises that shouldn't come out of a human body.

The Black Wind King tried to resist by turning all his strength into the remaining internal forces of the battle, but it was impossible to resist Mujin's grip.


Mu Jin threw the corpse of the Black Wind King, whose neck was bent at a deformed angle, on the floor, and spit it out with a spit.


Ignoring the dragon wind, he rushed in, and his face was not a word.

No matter how much he unleashed the Golden Ball, it would be impossible to stop all of the massive whirlwinds of Qi.

His clothes were torn to shreds and rags beyond beggars, and blood was dripping from his body.

"I'm scared..."

Of course, they were all scratches. I felt like I was falling and my whole body was swept to the floor.

He could have dealt with it with slow pressure without daring to penetrate the dragon wind wind, but Mu Jin was willing to rush into the dragon wind even though he knew it would end up like this.

Crackle ·

Mujin tore off his robes, which looked like a rag, and covered only the important parts of his body.

The reason why he killed the Black Wind King so quickly wasn't just because he was the boss.

Mujin knew. In the first place, for the Demon Cult, most of whom are fanatics, the presence or absence of an enemy commander is not a big deal.

In terms of "strategic moves", it would be a problem if there was no boss, but in terms of "morale", it was meaningless.

"Kill me!"

"The whole world will kneel before the Heavenly Demon!!"

Even now that the Black Wind King was dead, the Demon Cultists were still rushing forward.

Of course, it would slow down the strategic movement, but this didn't help the Reapers.

This was also a force of people from countless sects, and it had not even been formed for ten days.

Individual feats aside, the group was nothing more than a ragtag bunch.

"Don't stop!"

"You can't die here!"

In the face of the onslaught of demons who had disregarded their lives, some of the Reaper's late exponents were screaming in fear.

Mu Jin ignored them and immediately went to the place where Mu Gong and Mu Yul were fighting.

It was in the middle of a battle, but it wasn't hard to pinpoint its location.


It was enough to find the sound of the wall that reverberated one after the other.

Mu Jin spotted the Blue Thunder King fighting with Mu Yule and rushed at him.

"Thunder King!!"

With a shout, Mu Jin rushed in, and the King of Thunder blocked it with a sword wrapped in blue lightning.


Immediately after the first action forced the Blue King to retreat.

"I'm going to deal with him now, and they're helping the others!"

Mu Jin once again gave instructions to Mu Gong and Mu Yul.

It was a rather bizarre order.

It would be easier for the three of them to attack together now to defeat the leader of the Blue Thunder King.

But when it came to stopping the cultists, it was a handshake to kill the boss.

The Only Way to Stop the Cultists·

– Why don't you step away?

It was just an order from his superiors.

However, despite Mujin's advancement, the King of Qinglu didn't react and just swung his sword at Mujin.


The blue wall power that emanated from his sword roared, but Mu Jin counteracted it with a swing of his fist.

– You know that if you and your minions die like this, it will be as you and Usa want, right?

And the Qing King reacted for the first time to Mujin's sound that followed.

– Are you going to play with the jokes of the left and the wrestler?

– How do you know that?

The reason why Mu Jin dared to send such a message to the King of Blue was simple.

This was because he was the one who cooperated with Gu Yang's rebellion in the second half of the first part of the Thousand Devil Illusions.

But I couldn't use the novel as an excuse here. Still, there was no excuse for him to face the enemy.

– I met Gu Yang in South Bay·

Mu Jin was willing to sell the Gu Yang tile.

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