Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 319 Table of contents

Soul (3)


When Mu Jin and his companions arrived at Sichuan Tang Street.

Fortunately or unfortunately, everyone like Jiang Chen and Zhuge Muhuan had returned to the Tang family.

Naturally, they made their way to the meeting room and began to share what had happened.

"What has happened to the affairs in the South Bay?"

In response to Hyuncheon's question, Mujin told me about his experiences and the information he learned in Namman.

"Huh· I didn't expect the battle for the successor of the Demon Cult to be that serious..."

"If it weren't for the organization of Shincheon, this would have been a great opportunity to drive out the Demon Cult, but it's a shame."

"Hehehe... It's a matter of reverse. If it weren't for Divine Heaven, the current Tianma wouldn't have fallen into the coin's mouth and wouldn't have been able to get out of the door."

Everyone felt that they had "no choice" to form an alliance with the Demon Cult, so when they heard about the internal situation of the Demon Cult, they seemed to have a hard time hiding their regrets.

And it was hard for everyone to hide their surprise at the information about Shincheon.

"Did you meet a man named Xiao Tianju?"

"Yes· He had a huge amount of internal work with the help of the suction hole."

When Mu Jin explained why Xinchen was so desperate about human trafficking, everyone swallowed their breath and sighed.

"Huh... Three of the Shaolin monks were skilled enough to defeat them even after a coordinated attack."

"Didn't you say you were even young? It's horrible to imagine what would happen if he were to complete the void."

"After hearing this today, I feel like I should deal with the Divine Heaven before the Demon Cult... In order to prevent him from completing his martial arts, we must stop them from trafficking them in peace."

"You're right. Just using a suction ball is enough to call it Madura, but it's a sucker that only targets children. It is a void that must be eliminated from the world..."

Seeing the old monks and the old masters talking with their faces full of the worries and worries of the world, Zhuge Muhuan smiled faintly and said in an emotionless tone:

"If you disturb the divine heaven, you can prevent the growth of the young man who was called the Little God, but isn't the problem God? Maybe he has mastered the same martial arts as Xiao Tianju, and maybe he has already mastered the martial arts..."


There may be masters who have reached an incomprehensible realm to the group they are opposing.

The horrific fact brought silence to the conference room.

And the silence was shattered with the fan unfurled by the man who created the silence.


"The reason why he hasn't hidden his power so far is probably to avoid the eyes of the Imperial Palace... However, if we continue to win the war against Shincheon, that man will eventually come forward."

"Do you have a plan in mind?"

The owner of the Sichuan Tang family who was listening quietly· In response to Tang Feijin's question, Zhuge Muhuan covered his mouth with a fan and replied with a smile on his face.

"No, I don't."


When everyone was looking at him in bewilderment at his bold answer. He added·

"There is no scheme in the world that is guaranteed to succeed. . . It's just about assuming the worst and coming up with every conceivable plan to deal with. We don't know exactly how good God is or what He can do. So, while we are dealing with Divine Heaven now, we must continue to prepare to deal with him in the future."

When Zhuge Muhuan's words were finished, There was tension in the room.

Sweeping glances at the top elders of each sect who seemed to be thinking about complicated thoughts, Zhuge Muhuan covered the corners of his mouth with a fan.

"It's not bad."

Lately, everything had been going according to plan, and all the battles related to the Divine Heaven had been won repeatedly.

Repeating this situation has the advantage of increasing self-confidence, but on the other hand, there is also the problem of creating pride.

That's why Zhuge Muhuan deliberately emphasized the story of God so that people could feel a sense of crisis.

Seeing Zhuge Muhuan's intentions vaguely, Mu Jin waited for a moment for those in the conference room to feel a sense of crisis.

It wasn't until the atmosphere calmed down a bit that I asked what I was curious about.

"So all the things we did in the Middle Kingdom while we were in the South Bay were successful?"

Zhuge Muhuan answered Mujin's question.

"Following the volcanic Amifa, Qingcheng and Fortune Chang Sect also succeeded in sealing. At least there are no forces in the political party that are openly hostile to us now."

Mujin asked again when he heard that the political faction had settled down to some extent.

"How's the matter going on on the Apostle Fellowship?"

"Do you remember the woman who appeared in Guangdong Jinga?"

"You mean the woman who was using the art of transfiguration by the name of White Ox?"

Zhuge Muhuan nodded at Mujin's question.

"That woman is leading the Sado Retreat on behalf of the outgoing Hyukjin River. In the world, she is called the Nachal Witch. However, I heard that the strength was not enough to stop the offensive of the Southern Tianhui and the Nangong Sega of the Safa rebellion, so they gave up on everything else and reduced their territory to Zhejiang and Fujian provinces."

"It looks like the Apostles haven't been scattered..."

Mujin asked, puzzled.

Two of the seven major factions of the Safa, known as the Safa Seven Weeks, have been destroyed.

In addition, Hao Wen, Kowloon, and even the fighting spirit of the Four Thousand Princes joined hands and rebelled in the name of the new alliance called the Southern Heavenly Society.

In the meantime, it was surprising that those shallow Safa bastards maintained their alliance until the end.

In the case of Green Forest, in particular, it was a place that was neutral when the civil war broke out in Safa in the second part of the novel.

Well, it's likely that he hit the back of the head at the end of the war and aimed for the fools.

"Hmph... In fact, after the collapse of the building of the Sado Monastery in Hunan Province and the Guangdong Town Street. It is rumored that the Green Forest and the Black Heaven Society have offered an alliance to the Southern Heaven Society. However, the Southern Heaven Association refused to form an alliance with those who engage in human trafficking and drug trafficking. Since then, the Black Heaven Society and the Green Forest have tried to be neutral, but the Southern Palace is neutral and they are killing the Sapas as they please."

It was only then that Mujin was able to get some idea of what was going on.

"After all, the Green Forest and the Black Heaven Society were not loyal to the Apostles, but were holding on to the Apostles for the sake of their lives."

While Mu Jin understood the situation and shook his head. Zhuge Muhuan brought up a strange story.

"Oh, by the way, I didn't hear this news because I was in the south. As the war drags on, news of new powerhouses is spreading quickly in the powerhouses."

'After all, war makes heroes,' Zhuge added.

"What kind of people are there?"

Mu Jin asked, curious and replied that Zhuge Muhuan blamed the fan and closed it.

"First of all, the three Shaolin people who showed off their brilliant feats in the battle against the Huashan Sect and the Wulin Meng. The monks were given the nicknames of Geumgang Iljang (金剛一掌), Hang Ma Buddha (抗魔不退), and Red Hu Sang Kwon (赤猴雙拳), and together with them, the three are collectively called Shaolin Samseong (少林三星)."

Zhuge Muhuan's explanation instantly raised a question.

"If everyone else is like that, why is Mu Yul a red-tailed dual circle?"

"Fufufu · Isn't the monk Muyul always with that red monkey? Also, the Shaolin Fa is also vermilion, so it is a combination of the two."

Listening to Zhuge Muhuan's explanation, Mu Jin felt somewhat convincing, but he couldn't go.

‘··· If the enemy entered the star first, wouldn't the monkey be the main actor and the person be the assistant? Oh, you think they're both monkeys anyway?'

While Mu Jin was confused, Zhuge Muhuan continued to explain to the others.

"In the same way, the Soga Liquor of the Zhuge Sega Family, the Soga Liquor of the Nangong Sega, the Qingshu Dojo of the Shaman, and the Doyue Spring of the Tuxin Room are collectively called the Seven Stars. They're all late-stage exponents who played a big role in this war."

Mujin nodded, "I see." Zhuge Muhuan looked at Mu Jin with a somewhat mischievous expression.

"Isn't that weird?"

"What do you mean?"

"When we talk about the emerging powerhouses, we don't include the name of the monk Mu Jin, who is the same late exponent as them."

"Come to think of it, that's right..."

Mujin replied as if it was no big deal. As if Mu Jin's reaction had lost his interest, Zhuge Muhuan replied gravely.

"In fact, the monk Mujin was given a nickname. ' The nickname 'Kwon Emperor' is a word."

It was Mujin who single-handedly overcame the Wulin Mengju Wei Jihak, who was previously called the King of Kwon.

Naturally, it didn't make sense to put Mujin on a par with other late indices.

"So you're saying that I've been replaced by the original Seven Kings?"

Only then did Mu Jin respond, and Zhuge Muhuan smiled again.

"Apart from the existing Seven Kings, the four new masters are called the New Priests. One of them is the monk Mujin, and the other is the evil emperor, also known as the Nachal Witch."

"Who are the other two?"

"One of them is the head of the Nangong family. For a long time, I was overshadowed by the old Emperor of the Southern Palace, and I didn't know it, but it was said that the martial arts of the Southern Palace Family had reached a level that was no less than that of the previous Seven Kings. And the last one, frankly, was something I didn't expect at all."

"Who the hell is this?"

"It's a total vote of the green forest..."

“··· Was the leader of the bandits so strong?"

"Recent battles have revealed this... It is said that the Grand Leader of the Green Forest and the Southern Palace Sword Emperor faced off on the battlefield and continued to fight close to Lily. In the end, the gunsmith's axe was broken and he was defeated, but it would be fair to say that this was due to the difference in weapons rather than the difference in skill. The sword of the Southern Palace Sword Emperor was the spear sword called the New Recruit Sword Qiao."

After listening to Zhuge Muhuan's explanation, Mu Jin thought of such a thing.

If you were being chased by the Green Foresters in Guangxi Province... What would have happened if there had been a gunman in the chase group?

He may have died before he met King Nang, or he may have been killed by a pincer attack by King Nang.

'Or did the king and the gunman fight each other to kill me?'

It seemed like a headache as it was.

"Well, it's all in the past anyway..."

Now, there was no reason to be concerned if the totalizer's skill was better than expected.

Rather, I was more interested in the reversed hierarchy of the powerhouses.

"Of the Three Swords, the Southern Palace Sword Emperor has passed away, and three of the Seven Kings have disappeared, and four new ones have been created."

The Dark King of Tang Family and the Sword King of the Volcano· And with the death of the fierce lord Wei Zhihak, new powerhouses were quickly filling the void.

It was uncomfortable to see two masters pop out on the Sado Ren side, but it didn't seem to have much of an impact on the war situation.

After all, the only absolute masters left in the Sect were the Nachal Witch and the Chong Pyo Sect, and the Hyukjin River was still out of the way.

"If you help the Southern Palace and the Southern Heavenly Association to push the Sado League, it seems that the Sado Reunion will soon be cleared up..."

Even as he uttered those words, Mujin felt a strange sense of discomfort.

'Is it so easy?'

Of course, the process was not smooth.

When he faced the king of Nang, or when he was trapped in the heavenly vision of Ouizi and Wulin Meng. The small lord I met in the south bay, etc.

Mujin had been on the verge of death many times, but when he finally got here, he felt something strange.

'If you can win this much, do you really need to write three novels?'

At the end of the second part of the novel, in order to deal with the Black Curtain first, Tianma, the Emperor and the Divine Priest form a temporary alliance.

In the second half of the novel, it was only natural that an enemy would appear that could only be defeated if Dowolcheon, who had single-handedly slain Hyukjin Kang, and two equally good masters worked together.

"Does this mean that the strength of the God that has been hidden until now is such that the three of them have to work together to deal with it?"

By the time Mujin's reasoning had reached that point... There was a noise coming from the entrance of the conference room.

"What a fuss!"

At the shout of Tang Feijin, the door opened, and an unmanned man entered with a desperate expression.

"It's a quick call! It is said that the Hyukjin River has reappeared in Fujian Province..."

At his call, those in the room furrowed their brows slightly.

"To what extent have you recovered from the internal injuries you suffered at the hands of the Southern Palace Sword Emperor?"

When I was thinking about the thought that it would take a little longer than expected to sort out the apostle.

The unmanned person who had announced the dispatch spoke again.

"It is also said that a mysterious group has attacked the shaman!"

* * *

A few days ago· Wudang Mountain in Hubei Province·

There were old masters and young dojos left, spending a relaxing time.

Just as Shaolin left behind the three great disciples who were still lacking in ability and the hundred and eight monks who would protect Shaolin in Songshan.

The shaman likewise left the three great disciples who were still lacking in ability, and the old Taoists such as the Taiji Sword Sun Yun He on Wudang Mountain to participate in the war.

It was Yunhe Jinyin who was the first to notice the change that had come to the shaman, who had nothing to do with the wars going on in the world.

'Sword sword?'

He felt a slight twinge of air from the side of the sea sword, and hurriedly flung away.

And when he arrived at the sea sword, he saw the two three great disciples who were guarding the sea sword lying on the red river.

One of the elders of the shaman, who felt a sense of foreboding after Yunhe Jinyin, rushed to the sea sword site, shouted with a fierce face.

"Yes bastards!! How dare you harm a shaman's disciple in the shaman's sword shop!!"

However, Yunhe Jinyin, like the elder, did not get angry, but sent a message to Zhang Wenyin with a sullen face.

– Jangmun Priest· Lead the priests and flee with the Three Great Disciples.

– What's the point of the death penalty!

At the unexpected sound of the sound, the shaman's Zhang Wen Yin, Song Qin asked, but Yunhe Jinyin's gaze was still fixed on one place.

A group of fifteen men dressed in black robes who murdered two of the Three Great Disciples.

"Where the hell were these people hiding?"

Each of them had reached a level that could be called a powerhouse hundred great masters.

However, it was said that Yunhe Qin Yin, who was said to be the one of the three swords in the world, was not at a level that meant much.

Even so, the reason why Yunhe Jinyin had a tense face was because of the middle-aged man standing in the middle of the black-robed people.

I didn't feel any sign of the man with an emotionless expression on his face, as if he was detached from the world.

A man who can't even read the momentum of Yunhe himself, who is called the Three Swords of the World.

Yunhe instinctively understood.

That man is a master of the line above him.

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