Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 321 Table of contents

Soul (5)


Upon hearing the news that the shaman had been attacked, the shaman's inspectors gathered in Sichuan prepared to leave.

The Shaolin disciples who were with him were also prepared together, but in the case of the Tang family, the meeting ended by remaining in Sichuan.

"As much as the shaman has been attacked, there may be an attack on the party house while we are away. It seems right to send only one representative to coordinate the opinions of the party on behalf of the family lord."

At Zhuge Muhuan's suggestion, there was only one person in the Tang family. Tang Xiao Ming joined the ranks of the people heading to Wudang Mountain.

By the time we passed through Shaanxi from Sichuan and reached Hubei Province. One by one, men dressed in non-partisan robes joined the procession.

They were the elders who had originally stayed in Wudang Mountain to protect the Wudang Sect, and they had escaped the raid along with the three great disciples, and among them were the non-partisan Zhang Wen people, Song Song Jinyin.

"Did you know who the attackers were?"

At Zhuge Muhuan's question, Chen Yin shook his head.

"They were all faces I'd never seen before, faces I'd never seen before..."

"How good were you?"

“··· They were all masters at a level that I couldn't guarantee victory. In particular, the martial arts of the man who seemed to be the representative was at an astonishing level..."

Chen Yin didn't see Yun He clash with the middle-aged man.

However, while fleeing against the black-robed men,

The constant loud noise from the area of the sea was enough to give an idea of the general situation.

In the first place, if the Tai Chi Sword Technique had reached its extreme and Yun Ze had to deal with it while making such noise, there was no doubt that it was a master.

"Brother Yunhe stopped the man, so we managed to escape..."

The shaman's expression was not very bright.

Although they succeeded in "escaping," the number of elders and three disciples who lost their lives in the process was high.

"Were there so many raiders?"

At Mu Jin's question, Chen Yin shook his head.

"There were about a dozen of us."

Fifteen masters of the same level as the shaman's Zhang Wen people.

It was quite intimidating, but considering the number of elders left in the shaman, it was worth fighting to some extent.

Still, it was strange that he was able to flee like a defeated soldier and suffer damage.

When Mujin was thinking about such a question... Zhuge Muhuan guessed a possibility and opened his mouth.

"Apparently they were aiming for the Three Great Disciples..."

“··· That's right. In the midst of our fights, they attacked the Three Great Disciples in the vicinity, and took the Three Great Disciples hostage who were separated."

At the answer of Chen Yin, the old monks of Shaolin who were with him let out a deep sob.

It was a strange story for the elders, including the head of the room, Hyuncheon, and the old monks.

About forty years ago· That's how the attackers fought, even when he was crippled.

As the atmosphere subsided, Zhuge Muhuan asked what was most important.

"What happened to the Tai Chi Sword Ship who was said to have dealt with the best of the attackers?"

“··· While we escaped, the executioner stalled for time. And after that . . . We haven't confirmed it yet."

“··· I need to head to Wudang Mountain as soon as possible."

Together with the elders of the non-partisan sect and the three great disciples who had joined the ranks, they once again made their way towards Wudang Mountain.

That's how I arrived at Wudang Mountain, climbed the mountain road, and arrived at the sea checkpoint.


All those who arrived there were speechless in their misery.

The sea scan was in a mess, as if it had been hit by a violent typhoon.

The trees and floors around me were all cut or burst, and there was dried blood everywhere.

But the reason they didn't dare to open their mouths wasn't just because the paper was broken.

On one side of the swordboard was the corpse of an old master.

And everyone who came here could identify the corpse.

The moment the red-eyed shaman Zhang Wenyin came to his senses and was about to give some instructions.

"Right now..."

A young dojo dressed in a non-partisan uniform trudged toward the swordbox.

When he looked at the back of Qingshu who was alone in front of him, everyone was silent.

For some reason, the Qingshui dojo stopped in the middle of the sea sword, where the traces of the fierce battle still remained, and looked around with a blank face.


All those who watched the scene thought of it.

Qing Shui couldn't accept Yun He's death.

In the end, when someone tries to approach Qingshu to comfort him, he can't stand it.

Qing Xu pulled out the Song Gate Sword that he was wearing on his side.


When everyone was looking at the sudden behavior of Qingshu and was puzzled.

Drawing his sword, Qing Xu walked towards the entrance of the sword and took the flag of the Taiji Sword Technique.

"This is the starting point of the battle."

He had only seen the traces left on the battlefield, but for some reason, the flow of the battle was clearly pictured in Qingshu's mind.

Qing Xu then began to imitate the scene in his head and practice the Tai Chi Sword Technique.

But he's also short-lived. Suddenly, Qingshui stopped·

Qing Xu, who seemed to be seriously worried about something, walked towards the corpse of the Tai Chi Sword Ship.

Then, when Qingshu reached the side of the corpse, he bent down and held the Song Mun Ancient Sword that had fallen beside Tai Chi Xuan Sun with his left hand.

While Qing Xu, who had taken the Song Mun Ancient Sword of the Taiji Sword Ship, returned to his previous position, the shaman disciples looked at him with complicated expressions.

It was because he thought that Qingshu was about to say a final goodbye to Yunhe Jinyin, the Taisha Dynasty.

Then he returned to the place where he had stopped moving a moment ago, frowning and looking worried.

‘··· With one hand, he directly performs the Tai Chi Sword Technique, and with the other hand, he performs the Tai Chi Sword Method with the Sign Language Sword.

From where he had just stopped, Tai Chi Sword Sun unleashed the Tai Chi Sword Technique with two swords.

However, the Qingshu dojo had not yet reached the point where it could unfold its sword of sign language.

He didn't even learn Yang Qiang like Yunhe Jinyin.

Do we have to stop here?

In the distant future, after mastering the Shou Sword and Yang Qigong, will he be able to follow the traces left by the Taisha Dynasty?

Will he be able to remember and relive the sword shakes left here?

In the midst of endless complex worries and thoughts,

Qing Xu thought of that.

"There's no way you're going to give me such a ridiculous assignment."

Qing Xu decided to think about it briefly.


After shaking off his thoughts, Qingshu began to move his body with a more relaxed face.


Those who didn't understand what Qing Shui was trying to do were soon shocked to see Qing Shui's movements.


Qing Xu began to unfold the two Tai Chi Sword Techniques at the same time through the two Song Gate Swords in each hand.

Didn't you reach the level of the sign language sword?

Then it was enough to hold the sword directly with his left hand and swing it.

Haven't you mastered the art of conscience?

He could simply swing his two swords together like a dual-wielding swordsman.

That was Qingshu's conclusion.

But that simple solution was coming as a surprise to some.

The Tai Chi Sword Method was the most esoteric martial art within the non-partisan sect.

Those who are unable to practice the Tai Chi Sword Technique with both hands, let alone practice the Tai Chi Sword Technique, are the ones who are not able to practice the Tai Chi Sword Technique.

In the meantime, a martial art that was originally designed to be unfolded with one hand can be performed with both hands at the same time.

It wasn't just a matter of making two taeguk with both hands.

"I'm unfolding two completely different herbivores at the same time."

The herbivores of the left and right hands were completely different.

However, the Taeguk created by the other two herbivores combined to create a smoother flow.

“··· Could it be that Qing Shui had a Great Awakening because of Yun He's death?"

When Zhang Wenyin, who was watching Qingxu's wondrous sword dance that had suddenly begun, was talking to himself, and the other elders and disciples were nodding their heads in agreement.

Mu Jin, who was also watching Qingshu in a daze, noticed something strange.

"Look closely. I didn't realize it myself..."

Saying that, Mu Jin pointed to the sword path where the sword of Qing Xuan moved.

"The sword of Qingshui is moving exactly like the sword marks left on the ground..."


It was only then that Mu Jin's disciples understood why Qing Xu suddenly stepped forward alone and began to dance the sword dance.

And at the same time, a conversation popped into the mind of the transport jinin.

Just before the non-partisan attack· The last conversation I had with Yun He's brother-in-law·

‘··· It is said that the soul of the sect belongs to man. The Death Penalty·'

At that moment, Zhang Wenyin realized.

That the shaman's soul is now flowing from Yunhe to Qingshu.

Maybe it's because I realized that. For some reason, in Zhang Wenyin's eyes, it seemed that Yunhe Jinyin was with Qingshu who was dancing the sword dance.

It's like he's nagging you next to me, teaching Qing Xu how to do swordsmanship.

Therefore, Qingshu's sword dance was a dance of learning, and at the same time, a dance for the memorial service.

In fact, Qingshu's sword dance was so slow that it felt like a dance rather than a real sword technique.

This was unavoidable.

No matter how sword-mad a genius is, it would be a long way for him to completely catch up with the high realm that Yunhe Jinyin had reached right now.

Qing Xu was imitating the sword path that had come to his mind from the sword marks he had seen with his eyes and the sword technique of Yunhe Qin Yin that he had seen so far.

Carefully coordinating every movement of each muscle very slowly and precisely.

How much was it to dance a memorial dance for the Taiji Sword Ship in front of everyone?

Sweat dripped down Qingxu's face, and his clothes were damp.

It wasn't easy to dance slowly and slowly. Especially if you're in the midst of such a profound sword technique...

However, even as the danzhen dried up and his limbs trembled, Qing Xu continued to pursue the sword trail to the end.

There was not a hint of pain or hardship on his face.

As always, he was drunk on the sword.

And finally, the end of the sword dance has come.

Qing Xu, who was completely immersed in the sword dance, followed the sword mark without thinking, and it was only after he swung the sword along the last sword mark that he realized the true meaning of the sword mark he had imitated so far.

'This . . . It was a sword technique for me..."

Until now, there was a sword with extreme murderous intentions hidden in the defensive sword method using two Taiji.

Funnily enough, however, the intention of killing was accompanied by the desire to save someone.

It's as if that's why he started using the Flesh Sword.

"You are for me until the end..."

After finishing the sword dance, Qing Xu felt like he was in a hurry and clenched both hands that were holding the sword.


Taking a deep breath, Qing Shui turned his head to look at the shaman Zhang Wenyin.

Qing Xu, who succeeded in chasing the sword mark to the end, noticed. There is one last legacy left by the Fortune River.

"Jangmunin· He didn't leave alone."

"What's the point of that?"

Qing Xu's sudden words prompted Qingxu, and Qing Xu pointed to the already dried blood next to the Tai Chi Sword Ship's corpse.

"This blood does not belong to you. It's from the same master you dealt with..."

As soon as he followed the sword trail and unfolded the last herb, it popped into Qing Xu's mind.

The sight of this sword digging into the opponent's side·

In order to save the shaman's disciples, he realized that Yun He had unleashed the technique of Dong Guo Jin at the end.

Surprised by Qing Xu's words, Chen Yin asked.

"Is the man dead as well?"

But Qing Xu shook his head at the question.

“··· Unknown· Looking at these footprints here, it looks like he made a hasty turn at the end and avoided the vital point."

From what Qing Xu saw in his mind, Yun He's last sword flew towards his heart.

But at the last moment, he narrowly twisted his body to avoid instant death.

Unlike the footprints left by the man before, the footprints clearly showed that he had moved in a hurry, so the scene naturally appeared in Qing Xu's mind.

But that wasn't all bad news.

"He escaped instant death, but he was pierced in the side, so if he hadn't been treated in time, he would have died, and even if he didn't, it would take him a long time to heal."

Unhe's sacrifice was enough to buy time...

"I'm going to make sure that the time you've earned me is not meaningless."

Qing Shui vowed·

When the man reappeared...

He said he would strike him in the throat with the sword method left by the Taiji Sword Sun.

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