Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 327 Table of contents

Who is Hokou (2)


It was the Zheng Mu League that discovered the dark curtain of the Divine Heaven, and in the process, sealed the gates of the Gupil Room, such as the Huashan Sect and the Fortune Window, and defeated even Wei Zhihak, who was the Wulin Blind Master.

When the civil war between the factions was raging, the people who used to watch from the back room are now looking for the position of the leader.

The moment Mu Jin couldn't stand Huang Boak's ridiculous behavior and was about to open his mouth.

Zhuge Muhuan's voice was transmitted to Mu Jin.

– First of all, watch it·

While Mujin frowns at the unexpected sound of electricity·

"Hahahahaha! I'm glad that Panga and Konren have the same intentions as we do."

I wonder if he doesn't even care about Mujin's expression, or if he just doesn't have a dirty eye.

Hwang Boak was still leading the talks in a loud voice.

I hope you will hear Huang Boak shouting as he pleases.

"Ahem· You must have had a hard time traveling a long distance, so I'll take you to your resting quarters."

When it seemed that Huang Boak's nonsense would not end, Hyuncheon intervened appropriately.

"I would like to hear the answer from this Huang Bo Mo. Mengju· Are you trying to ignore our opinions?"

Turning to Huang Boak, who was now acting as if Fang and Kun Lun were on the same side as him, Hyun Chen replied with his characteristic gentle smile.

"I've already answered that question, so I don't think we need to talk about it again..."

"Hahaha! He was a hotter man than he looked!"

Seeing that Hyuncheon had agreed with the idea of electing a new Meng Zhu, Huang Boak laughed heartily again and stood up.

"Since we are here together, why don't we have dinner together?"

"I've just been formed, and I have a lot of work to do, so it's going to be difficult."

When Xuan Chen and Zhuge Muhuan expressed their refusal, Huang Boak looked at He Yun of Kun Lun and Fang Gun Ying of Fang Family, as if he had not even expected it.

He Yun showed signs of tiredness, declined Huang Boak's invitation, and left separately, while Fang Gunying smiled with Huang Boak and left the hall.

Just like that, He Yun and Huang Boak Fang Gun Young all left. Mu Jin asked Zhuge Muhuan with a crumpled face.

"Now can you tell me why? General Army·"

However, Zhuge Muhuan asked a strange question in reverse.

"Have you ever met the Emperor?"

“··· No, but why are you asking?"

"I've met him a few times as a soldier of the Wulin Meng, but Huang Boak doesn't make a very smart person..."

“··· He didn't look very smart when it came to the obvious tricks."

"I mean, I wasn't smart enough to think of such a trick . . ."

How stupid is that?

"Well, Huangbo Sega was originally famous for being stupid instead of being famous for his innate divine powers."

But even so, if it was the head of a family, it might not have been so stupid.

Above all, in order to master martial arts to that level, you had to have at least a brain.

In particular, judging from the momentum he felt a moment ago, Huang Boak had risen to the level of being a "master" from Mujin's point of view.

"Hmm· Maybe being the head of the family made me a little smarter, didn't I?"

"It's not out of the realm of possibility, but I think of another possibility first."

"What possibility?"

"This is one of the pieces of information you found the other day. Information that the Three Great Pillars of Xintian are located in Shandong Province."

"Do you mean that Huang Boak might be being used by Xinchen?"

Zhuge Muhuan nodded.

"In the past, when the Tang family and Ami Qingsheng had a conflict in Sichuan... It turned out that the owner of a place called Unhyangwon was the lord of Shincheon. I also heard that the Guangdong Jin family, who was a member of the Four Clans, also had a relationship with the Nachal Witch and captured a man named Huang Gon, who was also a lord in the southern bay. If so, we can't rule out the possibility that they have reached out to the Huangbo family."

It was full of possibilities, but Mujin was even more puzzled.

"Aren't they the ones who fell into the Divine Heaven's farmhouse, and we should get rid of them even more?"

"Fufufu · The enemies are trying to turn their backs on us, so how can we stand idly by? We're going to have to use the hukou to smash their backs..."

Zhuge Muhuan's sneaky smile as he said so looked like a worn-out gambler.

But at least Mu Jin agreed with Zhuge Muhuan's words, so he also smiled meanly and asked.

"Do you have any ideas in mind?"

"First of all, we've already sent someone to Shandong..."

"Are you trustworthy?"

"Fufufu · The military said he would take it upon himself to take charge. Since she didn't join the Meng, very few people even know that she is a Meng soldier..."

'I see,' Mujin nodded.

Mu Jin wondered why Liu Xuehua had joined the League, but Bai Jialing had not joined him.

"She had already figured that if the lord of Shandong moved, there was a high possibility that she would contact the Huang Bo family, so it is likely that she had obtained some information. It's just that it's a long way from Shandong to here, so I haven't received any information from her yet."

"Seeing that the Huang Bo family came in person to hit the grounds, it must have been recently contacted by the Huang Bo family from the Great Zhou or Xinchen side..."

"Yes· If it was something that Huang Boak came up with on his own, there would be nothing special about it, but if someone contacted him and instigated him, then the Bai Gao-Ling Army wouldn't have missed it."

"Did you accept all the truth so that we could hold Huang Boak in order to wait for the news from the Bai Family?"

"Hahaha· How can you just wait for information when you have a hukou right around the corner?"

"After all... You must have something in mind?"

"Fufufu · Soon, I will be in direct contact with Huang Boak. I'm going to make him a fierce lord, and I'm going to do some flattery."


While Mujin looks surprised by the unexpected method. Zhuge Muhuan said very confidently.

"After all, I have gone from being the general army of the Wulin League to the general army of the Political Affairs League, so from the outside, I am a symbol of a traitor. Maybe Huang Boak won't be suspicious of my father..."

It was a very good self-objectification.

To be honest, Mu Jin had doubts in his heart, "Isn't he really going to change the rope to Huang Bo after saying that?"

But instead of asking about his doubts, Mujin asked about something else.

"What are you going to do if Huang Boak refuses to be entertained by the General Army?"

"Fufufu · There is a strong possibility that this is the case. If you put forward a hukou like Huang Boak and didn't have someone to support him, it means that your opponent is really stupid. I'm sure the conspirator by Huang Boak's side will instruct you to drive me out."

"Ohora· Are you trying to flatter yourself with that?"

"Yes· I'm going to find the conspirator who is attached to Huang Boak's side, and compare it with the contents of the report that the Hundred Families Army will send to find out and deal with the lord of the divine heaven or the servant of the great lord."

Zhuge Muhuan said with a very relaxed expression.

As if it's not a job to play with such a hukou with three tongues...

Mu Jin, who was looking at Zhuge Muhuan, asked as if he had an idea.

"If so, may I take out my anger a little while you find the conspirator?"

"Anger . . . What are you up to?"

"I can't get rid of Huang Boak, so I'm going to try to provoke him a little. After all, I'm from the same Shaolin as Lord Meng, so from his point of view, he would see me and Lord Meng as a team. I think the more I show my bravado, the more Huang Boak will be pleased with the general army's flattery..."

"Hahaha· That's not a bad idea."

The two looked at each other with a sneaky look on their faces, exchanging plans to rob each other of Huang Boak.

And Meng Zhu, who was caught between the two and listened to the conversation between the two with a blank expression. Ambassador Hyuncheon thought of such an idea.

'Amitabha Buddha . . . I can't tell if this is a political blind place or a ventriloquist war..."

* * *

The next morning· Without a doubt, the time for the external attack training of the Holy University has arrived.

However, the number of participants in the training was much higher than yesterday.

This was because the Kun Ring, the Fang family, and the Huang Bo Sega had joined.

In the case of Kun Lun, not so many people came to the Zheng Mu League, but the Fang family had come in as many numbers as the other Sega and Mun sects.

"You've made up your mind to devour the Political Blind..."

As many as two hundred members of the Huang Bo family joined the Political League.

Of course, not all of them joined Mujin's Sacred Battalion.

The Sacred Corps lived up to its name, and it was a unit of young warriors.

However, due to the large number of people who joined from the Huangbo family, the number of young Mujin was more than fifty.

Mu Jin glanced at the young warriors of the Huangbo family gathered in one place, and soon announced the beginning of his training.

"Today I'm going to train my biceps and triceps, as well as the muscles of my arms and shoulders."

Mujin began to demonstrate bodyweight exercises using the sacs in the upper seats, and for a moment an odd shout echoed throughout the training ground.

Mu Jin, who was leading the training, looked at the place where the young warriors of the Huangbo family had gathered and opened his mouth.

"Apparently, this level of training is too weak for Huang Bose's origin. Each of the warriors of the Huangbo family should carry two additional sacs."

At Mujin's point, one of the Huang Bose family's warriors, who had been training slowly, stepped forward.

He was Huang Bo-tae, the natural son of Huang Bo-ak and the head of the Huang Bo family.

"Why do you instruct us to cultivate harder?"

Mujin replied to his disagreeable question.

"Outer cultivation can only be effective if you push your body to the limit. And since Huang Bosega is famous for being gifted with divine powers, I don't think this kind of training will even give him a message to his muscles."

Of course, it was an excuse.

Now that his father had done the truth, Mu Jin was determined to show his children and cousins what the true truth was.

"Look around. Doesn't each of them carry a different weight according to their strength? Or is it possible that the Huang Bo family, famous for its bravery, can't even lift two more sacs?"

Mu Jin asked sarcastically, and Huang Botai's face instantly turned open.

"Do you dare to make a fool of the Great Huangbo family now?"

"If you can lift it, you can just lift it, it's all a fool. If you don't like my training, just leave the Political Affairs League. I'm not going to catch anyone leaving..."

Huang Botae's face widened even more, and blood vessels popped up all over his body as if they were about to burst, but he didn't dare to say that he was leaving.

This was because he had to hold on to the Political Alliance so that he could help his father become the leader of the Political Alliance in the future.

Then· One of the young men by Huang Botae's side opened his mouth as if he had thought of something good.

"It's unfair to give us this kind of training. If you give us such instructions, shouldn't you give us the same weight?"

Mujin had to hold back the laughter that threatened to burst out at the man's question.

This was the ultimate purpose of Mujin's argument, but the other side took care of it.

"That's a great idea. From now on, the Huang Bo Sega will train with the 'same' weight as the main monk."


"Don't regret it..."

The young warriors of the Huangbo family shouted in a very confident tone.

They had also heard rumors about Mujin's abilities.

But now, it's just about cultivating outer attacks.

And the Huangbo family was famous for their lineage from birth.

They were accustomed to overcoming their stupid heads with physical ability, so if they competed with strength alone, they didn't think about losing.

Looking at the confident young people of the Huangbo family, he felt like he couldn't help but smile, so Mu Jin looked away and gave instructions.

"Bring me the metal in my personal theater . . ."

Seeing Mu Jin avoiding his gaze, the young people of the Huangbo family became even more energetic, but then their expressions turned cold as they looked at the metal that people had brought with them.


The heavy noise of the metal falling to the floor, and the cracked floor under the weight of the metal could tell that the weight of the metal was considerable.

As if not bothered by their changes, Mujin demonstrated the dumbbell curls, the most common and representative biceps exercise, with one of the metal blocks they had brought.

Dumbbell curls are exercises in which the elbows of the dumbbells are placed at the sides, and the arms holding the dumbbells are extended downward, then lifted up again, and the movements are repeated.

There were various names depending on the shape and angle of alternating arms, alternating arms, standing or sitting, or holding dumbbells.

In any case, Mujin first showed off the most basic dumbbell curl pose, and the young people of the Huangbo family, who were eager to compete, stepped forward one by one to imitate Mujin's posture with a ball of iron.

They had only lifted and lowered it fifteen times, but they felt their arm muscles tighten as if they were about to burst, but they couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.


Instead, they snorted and bragged, as if they had only provoked them to this extent.

Mujin laughed at the sight and grabbed a new piece of metal.

At first glance, a piece of metal that looks much bigger and heavier than the one I lifted a moment ago.

"What are you so happy about with warm-ups?"

Lifting the heavier metal lightly, Mu Jin thought.

I wonder if they've ever heard of a pyramid set.

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