Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 337 Table of contents

Battle of the Affair (1)


It was hot·

I felt as if I had been dragged into one of the eight hells in the Dharma Sutra.

Flames were blazing everywhere, and the heat was so intense that it was hard to breathe.

Meanwhile, Buddhist sutras can be heard from all sides, like the voice of the Buddha.

But when I listened closely, I realized that the voice did not belong to the Buddha.

‘··· Have you been dragged into the Super Hell as well?"

Hyedam's all-too-familiar voice echoed from all sides.

Hyedam, which seems to embody the word "martial arts", falls into hell.

It seemed like a ridiculous story, but somehow I felt like I was being convinced.

"You said you had a great karma in the battle against Salmak."

When he thinks he's fallen into hell and begins to accept the reality.


Some of the hot grills that had been heating up my body were gone.

No, it wasn't just gone, I could feel a chill everywhere on my skin.

It was bizarre.

I could feel the chill, but somehow it felt warm.

And the chill gave him the strength to withstand the heat that was everywhere.


The airway, which had been completely blocked, opened, and Mu Infinite let out a hot breath.

Maybe it's because I'm able to breathe and have the strength to withstand the heat.

After taking a few deep breaths, Mu Mu was soon able to realize something important.

He realized that the heat that had filled him and tried to burn him was actually coming from within him, not from all directions.

"Until the very end, Sajo is trying to save me."

He began to concentrate his mind on the voices of the Huidam Sect echoing from all sides, and to govern within.

He controlled the seething spirit, and sometimes he controlled the rampaging Heat Keeper, sometimes he loosened it slightly, and slowly led him to the battle.

Mu Gong, who managed to control his energy, opened his eyes with a deep breath.

It was dark all around, but thanks to climbing over a wall, he could see everything clearly.

It wasn't the last time he had fought. But it didn't even look inside the carriage.

'Is it a room?'

The smell of medicinal herbs wafted through the room, and it seemed to be a medical room.

After confirming the location he was in, Mugung immediately realized that something was wrong.

Something wasn't a bandage, it was wrapped around his body. Something that felt cold, but ironically warm, just like I felt in my dreams.

Mu Mu Gung, who turned his head in wonder, froze as it was.

"One hundred . . . Sozer?"

She was all over herself. Thanks to the difference in size, it looked like a cicada clinging to an old tree.

Is it because of the call of the Heavens? Or is it because of the endless tossing and turning? Her closed eyes opened, and she raised her head to look at the palace.

"You're up."

She murmured in a low voice, as if she had just woken up.

"What's going on here?"

Mu Gong, on the other hand, asked in a gibberish tone, as if he had just woken up.

To his question, Bai replied with a smile.

"The monk fell into the mouth of a coin due to an unreasonable battle... My whole body was like a ball of fire. And I'm the same with the coins. I thought I was a little stronger now, but I guess this trip was a bit too much. My whole body turned into ice. Just like it used to be..."

While her answer made her head dizzy, Mu Mu Gong was able to grasp the situation at least roughly.

A white family whose body turned into a ball of fire due to the coin mouth and a white family whose body became icy due to the coin mouth.

By putting the two together, they protected each other with each other's warmth and cold.

Of course, it was an absurd solution.

"Who came up with this idea? Could it be that Mujin forced Sozer to do this?"

Mu Gong asked, thinking that Mu Jin was the only one who would do such a thing, but Bai Ga Ling shook his head slightly.

"It was my opinion."

She omitted the afterword.

Her opinion was correct, but it was an opinion that was accepted thanks to Mujin.

In a world where the phrase "male and female" is commonplace, a monk spends the night hugging a woman.

Everyone in Shaolin was against it, but it was only because Mujin pushed it under the pretext of "medical practice to save people."

For a moment, he thought of Mu Jin trying to persuade the Shaolin monks, and he smiled softly.

It wasn't because of Mujin.

It was because of the expression on his face as he was restless in his arms.

For some reason, she was curious to see how Mu Gung would react if she rubbed her body slightly, but she didn't do it.

There was also the danger that the newly awakened Mu Gung would fall into the coin muzzle again.


He had been sleeping soundly and had woken up with a feeling of drowsiness.

"It's really warm. It's been a long time since I've slept so soundly."

With a yawn, he muttered so, and as if he were trying to sleep in the middle of winter, he burrowed into the arms of the Emperor, and tried to sleep again.



After she fell asleep again· There was silence in the room again.

All I could hear was her soft, steady breathing.

This is just an out-of-this-world story.

"Amitabha Buddha · Amitabha Buddha·'

'Mahavanyavaramilda Bodhisattva

"Buddha· Please let me live!!'

A fierce storm was raging in his heart.

* * *

In the chamber on the other side of the Political League, Mu Gung was at the crossroads of life and death.

A meeting was in full swing in the main battle of the Political Affairs League.

Mu Jin explained the information he had obtained from the Master of Yin Gong, the Three Great Masters of Divine Heaven, to those present at the meeting.

And by the time all the explanations were over, Everyone had a similar reaction to Mujin's.


"I can't believe he was hiding in Beijing, right in front of the Imperial Palace..."

"They must be mad. Dreaming of overthrowing the Imperial Family, nesting in front of the Imperial Family..."

At the words of the shaman elder who muttered absurdly, Zhuge Muhuan opened the fan with a loud 'pop' as if to ventilate the atmosphere.

"It's a wise decision. I would've done the same. As the old saying goes, it is impossible to go back and forth. It's hard to imagine that they're dreaming of a rebellion right under their noses. Also·"

"There is a saying that if you get tired, you will be burned..."

Mu Jin took over and Zhuge Muhuan pointed at Mu Jin with a fan, as if he was doing just that.

On the way back to the Political Affairs League, Mujin had been worried about the information he had obtained this time.

As he went to rescue Mu Gong and his companions, his head was full of worries about them, but after that, thanks to the patients, he had no choice but to travel at a leisurely pace.

And thanks to that time of contemplation, I was able to regain the answers to my previous questions.

"When you think about it, it was simple. They were afraid of the Imperial Family, and instead of being active in a big way, they were hiding and hiding in the dark. Isn't that strange?"

"What do you mean?"

"Even with that much power, you still fear the Imperial Family."

"Huh· Isn't that the imperial family with seven hundred thousand troops?"

Mujin shook his head at Hyuncheon's question.

"Will those who think of conquering Wulin be afraid of the imperial army's seven hundred thousand soldiers?"


There was a moment of silence in Meng Zhuzhen, and Mujin gave the others time to gather their thoughts before speaking.

"They must have a rough idea of the power of the Imperial Family. That's why he's cowering around with the strength to wage war against the whole of Wulin alone."

His own struggles had weakened his enemies considerably, but it would have been a different story if they had pushed through from the beginning.

The main masters were all scattered throughout the Wulin, so they were able to defeat each of them.

"The power of the Imperial Family seems to be more dangerous than the world has known..."

Chen Chen muttered with a complicated expression, and Zhuge Muhuan added.

"In addition to that, it seems that the Imperial Family's position on Wulin is also somewhat understood."

The others looked at Zhuge Muhuan with a look on his face, wondering what he was talking about, and he continued.

"In the first place, the Imperial Family does not interfere in the affairs of Wulin under the pretext of non-aggression. However, they believe that if they make a major move, the Imperial Court will intervene. Why would you do that?"

In response to Zhuge Muhuan's question, Mu Jin noticed something and replied.

"It's because Wulin hasn't been unified yet..."

"You guessed it right. The Imperial Court wants the thugs of Wulin to kill and kill each other. If a single power succeeds in unifying, it is highly likely that the Imperial Family will intervene to take advantage of the weakness caused by the war."


When the information about the Imperial Family was added, the situation in the palace seemed to be much more complicated than expected, and everyone in the hall of Mengzhou sighed with worried expressions.

Then· Tang Somi, who attended the meeting on behalf of the remaining family owner in Sichuan, remembered something and opened her mouth.

"If you do that, why don't you tell the Imperial Family about Yinju and Xincheon?"

"Will the Imperial Family believe us?"

"Still, isn't it half and half?"

At Tang Xiomi's words, Zhuge Muhuan shook his head.

"Seek vs. work· No, it's about the same as the odds of getting a penny versus a penny."


Except for Tang Xiaomi, who had just spoken, the others also looked puzzled, and Zhuge Muhuan explained the reason.

"First of all, the fact that Xin Chen has a rough grasp of the power of the Imperial Family, as well as the direction of the Imperial Family towards Wulin, means that the rope of Yinju hidden in Beijing is quite thick. Whether you hold a key position in the imperial palace or have a close relationship with a major figure, your voice is bound to be stronger than our words."

"What else is the reason?"

Zhuge Muhuan replied to Chen Tian's question.

"As we have already understood, the Imperial Family does not like the thunderbolts of Wulin. This is just an excuse to make the Murim thugs kill and kill each other. And the fact that the Xinchen and our political affairs are preparing for war is no different from the imperial family's point of view."

“··· Even though they are trying to rebel in Shincheon?"

Tang Xiao Mi asked absurdly, and Zhuge Muhuan shrugged.

"Why should the self-proclaimed Murim thugs, who listen to the words of the imperial family and listen to them with one ear, refuse to fight the traitors?"


Speechless, Tang Somi fell silent. The problem was that the others were also staring at each other with speechless faces.

When everyone was looking worried, Zhuge Muhuan folded the fan with a 'pot' and focused everyone's attention.

"Don't think about it. If you're worried about the hidden lord or the imperial family, who haven't even begun to act, you won't be able to do anything."

"What is the plan of the General Army?"

In response to the question of the blind lord Xuanchen, Zhuge Muhuan replied that it was not a big deal.

"I'm going to hit them with their exposed torsos... Right now, we just need to worry about the Apostles."

After saying this, Zhuge Muhuan pointed to Mu Jin again with a folded fan.

"According to the information that Emperor Kwon just obtained, the landowner who killed the Taeguk Sword Ship was injured and left the battlefield. So isn't it the right time to put the Apostle in order?"

When everyone was nodding their heads, "I see." Zhuge Jinxi had a question and opened his mouth.

"General Military· Didn't you say a while ago that if Wulin is unified, the imperial family will be able to move?"

Her words rekindled the worry that had disappeared from the faces of those present at the meeting.

However, Zhuge Jinhui and Mu Jin, who asked the question, didn't look particularly worried.

For some reason, I had a hunch that he would have thought about the aftermath and made fun of his mouth.

And, as expected, Zhuge Muhuan replied with his characteristic pretentious smile.

"You don't have to worry about that. You can do the apostle training, but leave the Southern Heaven Society."


The Southern Heavenly Society was a force formed by the joint efforts of Guryongbang, which was one of the pillars of the Sapai Seven Provinces, and the Tushinbang, which was cultivated by Dowolcheon.

In other words, if the Apostles disappeared, they could become the center of the Sect.

"If you do, even after you destroy the Apostles, we'll have to pretend that we don't get along with the Southern Heavenly Society..."

"Yes· Pretending to join hands for a very short time to slay a common enemy."

When everyone was shaking their heads as if they were satisfied with the picture Zhuge Muhuan was drawing. Mujin opened his mouth.

"If you do, I'll have to make a plan to send a message to the Southern Heaven Society and the Southern Palace Sega to deal with the Sadkai Lian..."

"Hmm· Come to think of it, the Southern Palace Family is also at war with the Sado League, so it would be better to join them."

Xuanchen also shook his head in agreement, looked at Zhuge Muhuan, and then tilted his head.

Zhuge Muhuan, who was talking confidently, had a face that looked like a broken wooden doll.

"The Namgoong Sega . . . We should be together. Yes· That's right..."

The thought of having to talk to those crazy bastards who had nothing left but self-esteem made Zhuge Muhuan's head ache.

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