Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 341 Table of contents

Numerological Stone (3)


The protagonist of the Battle of the Apostle Emperor Dowolcheon·

In the novel Mu Jin read, he didn't use Gangi until the end of the novel.

I didn't use it exactly.

He had literally achieved speed beyond his talents through bone-crushing efforts.

In the end, his lack of five abilities did not allow him to realize Gangi, and above all, his pleasure technique was not suitable for mastering Gangi.

This was because there was no room for condensing qi to create strong qi as it was a martial artist who pursued speed to the extreme.

He had overcome his weakness by using the black sword made of ten thousand years of iron and the extremely fast speed of the sword technique, but in the end, he was forced to reach his limit.

And in the novel, Dowolcheon broke through the limits in his own way.

[Mercury Stone]

The lion language that Mu Jin had told Dao Yue Chen did not originally mean the meaning of the lion language.

It was just a phrase that recalled the sight of falling water breaking through the rocks and expressing the enlightenment he had at the time when he broke through the cracking force of the Hyukjin River.

He may not have known it, but the phrase that came from Mujin was the name of the enlightenment that Doyuecheon came up with in the novel.

And here·




The real-life Dowolcheon was following the enlightenment of the novel Dowolcheon.

Like falling water piercing a stone, the river is carved out with pottery.

He was accomplishing the unrealistic feat of striking the exact same spot at the speed of a beam of light.

When you swing something as fast as you can. It was very difficult to hit the same spot.

Especially if the target is not stationary, but moving.

But Dao Yue Chen has managed to accomplish such an unrealistic task...


The silk is torn apart by the black sword of the moon sky.


In order to avoid the silk flying in all directions, he threw himself towards the point where he had pierced.


Immediately afterwards, a terrifying explosion rang out from the place where Dowolcheon had stood, but Dowolcheon was already moving forward.


The Nachal Witch, who had opened the feast, hurriedly pulled up the inner air with a shocked face.

Strong energy spewed out of the nachal witch's hastily wielded claws.

"Beast Stone·"

Remembering his enlightenment, Dao Yue Chen calmly swung the black sword.

Enlightenment does not end in one. One great realization is bound to go through nothingness.

The key to the water is not just the accuracy of hitting a single point in a row.

Equally important was the speed at which the sword was retrieved.

The moment when the Nachal Witch's Jo Kang and the Black Sword collide with each other·


At the same time as the unpleasant sound of metal rang out.


Before I knew it, the black sword of the Tao Yue Heaven was returned to his arms.

By using the repulsive force of the collision, the speed of retrieval of the sword was increased.

Just as he did a moment ago when he struck the silk surrounded by the river one after the other.

And at the same time as he burrowed into the arms of the Nachal Witch, who was still sticking out her claws.

Wedge love!

A second wave of spirits, like a single motion, made its way towards the heart of the Nachal Witch.


With a clean cutting sound, blood flowed through the air, but Dao Yuechen's expression was still sullen.

"It was shallow..."

Just before she pierced her heart, the Nachal witch pulled herself backwards and narrowly escaped instant death.

"Yes, this guy!!!"

Of course, just because she didn't die didn't mean she was fine.

She bleeded from her chest and screamed with venom as she stopped the blood.

"If you dare to cut your body, I will never let her live!!"

Her venomous face was on edge and she let out a high-pitched scream that was almost deafening.

But despite the noise pollution, he just furrowed his eyebrows and pounced on her.

And without a doubt, the silk she had sent flew in, obstructing his vision.

Some of them are dodged with light movements, and some are cut with black swords, and a few steps are taken to move on.

When the distance had narrowed, the Nachal Witch swung her claws around the river again.

"After all..."

All the masters who had ever seen or experienced Dao Yuechen's martial arts tried to deal with him in this way.

In order to keep the overwhelming Pleasure Technique in check, he kept as far away as possible, and when he entered a somewhat threatening gap, he used his strong qi to push himself away.

There are two main reasons why this method works.

One was that no matter how fast Dao Yue Tian's technique was, it would be meaningless if he kept a distance that the Tao could not reach in the first place.

And the other reason was that Tao Yuecheon's pleasure technique pursued "extreme speed" and had no variations.

To put it simply, he couldn't deflect while swinging.

As a result, the weakness of being able to predict the approximate route and destination of the Tao was created through the posture just before unfolding the Pleasure Soul.

Of course, Doyue Chen pursued an overwhelming speed that could not be stopped even if he knew it, and it worked for a lot of unmanned people.

It didn't work for the Seven Kings, the New Priests, or the martial arts of the Divine Priesthood or higher.

They were also slow to keep up with Dao Yuecheon, but at least they were able to respond to him based on his posture.

But· Not anymore.

After inducing the Nachal Witch to swing the Zhao Gang, Dao Yue Chen slammed the black sword and hit her claws.

Wedge love!

Before I knew it, I was swinging a gap. Unlike the Nachal Witch, who hasn't yet retrieved her arm, ...


And his rays of light, once again scarred the Nachal Witch's body.

After that, Doyue Chen continued to burrow into the Nachal Witch, creating wounds on her body.

Unlike the first time she was wounded, she was so venomous, but as the wounds piled up, the embarrassment on her face became more and more embarrassing.

Of course, it wasn't a comfortable situation either.

In addition to the light-swept sword technique, every time he collided with her martial arts, he reclaimed the sword violently and swung it again, causing a sharp pain in his arm that seemed to cramp.

But he didn't care.

This kind of muscle pain was nothing special compared to the bone-cutting training I'd been doing.

* * *

On the other hand·

Hearing the sound calling for him, Pai Jinsheng hurried back to the outskirts and found the figure of the Nachal Witch and Dao Yue Chen without difficulty.

According to the original plan, the Nachal Witch should have joined forces with the Doyue River before she escaped.

"Looks like you've had an epiphany."

Seeing Doyue Chen pushing the Nachal Witches, Pai Jinsheng decided to watch the battle instead of launching a pincer attack.

He decided that he didn't need to get involved in a fight and interfere with his brother-in-law's enlightenment.

But I wasn't going to just watch.

It was a battle between the two, moving around to find a way for the Nachal Witch to escape.

Let's wait a moment to watch the wounds on the Nachal Witch's body increase.


A huge wave of qi erupted around the Nachal Witch's body, and she suddenly poured out a massive amount of internal attack and devastated the surroundings.

It wasn't easy to avoid all of these ignorant tricks, so while Dao Yue Chen smashed through one point after another with the Beast Heaven Stone's trick.

'You're on the Run!'

Pai Jinsheng took the position of retreat and threw himself into the position of grasping her intentions.


For some reason, the Nachal Witch made the last move, and she stood still in place.

To be precise, he stood still and moved his hands back and forth, pointing to the blood chart.


When Pai Jinsheng was looking at her with an incomprehensible face. I heard the urgent voice of Dao Yue Tian.


It was a trick he had heard about from Mujin.

"Instead of detonating your submergence, you lose your life!"

"What about you!?"

The face of the Nachal witch who used desperate tactics to make Dao Yue Chen her companion is filled with astonishment.

Meanwhile, Pai Jinsheng hurriedly dug into the back of the Nachal Witch and swung his spear at her.


As if he had already performed the hex and had no reason to worry, the Nachal Witch hurriedly swung her arm.

Immediately after the clash of her claws and spear, which was even more fierce than before.

Pai Jinsheng gently turned the spear to soften the impact and stepped back.

"If it's a way to lose your life instead of detonating your submersion, it's just a matter of stalling for time."

Thanks to Dao Yuechen's advice, he immediately thought of a way to deal with her.

And it was one thing for the Tao Yue River to be the same.


Dao Yue Chen and Pai Jin Sheng staged a brotherly coordinated attack, blocking or dodging the Nachal Witch's attack to stall for time.


Her fingernails and clothes swirled in a slap in all directions, as if she had gained a never-ending punch.

It was a series of attacks that raged like a storm, but Dao Yue Chen and Pai Jinsheng sometimes blocked the attack together, and sometimes they scattered to the left and right.


When her attack was focused on Pai Jinsheng, it would dig in and attract her attention, and conversely, when she was aiming at Dowolcheon, Pai Jinsheng would attack and attract her attention.

How long would it have taken to withstand such a violent typhoon?

The winds of the typhoon, which had been raging as if they could uproot even the giant trees rooted in the ground, gradually lost their power.


Feeling that it wasn't that hard to withstand her offensive now, Pai Jinsheng sighed lightly.

And it wasn't long before the storm of qi that had been raging around the Nachal Witch had completely subsided.

"Huh... I don't have a throat tooth..."

Obsessed with the wrinkles on her face and the scars on her skin, she had turned into a corpse full of wrinkles.

* * *

The owner of the Namgoong family who was walking at the forefront· Nangong Changhui pointed forward with his heirloom spear sword and exclaimed.


At his shout, the warriors of the Nangong Se family shouted and stepped forward without any hesitation.

Mu Jin, who had been watching the bravery from the rear, sighed inwardly and opened his mouth.

"We're going to keep an eye on it first, and then we're going to support where it's pushed."

Mu Jin's brief explanation made the late exponents of the Sacred Dynasty nod.

Mu Jin then turned his head and sent a message to Zhuge Jinxi, who was a kind of squad leader.

– I'm going to help the Nangong family to attack the Hyukjin River. If I slip out of that direction, Zhuge Sozer will lead the crew from then on.

By the time Zhuge Jinxi nodded at Mu Jin's instructions.


A full-fledged battle between the Namgong Sega and the Sado Dynasty has begun.

Screams and yells everywhere· The sound of weapons clashing and binge· For a moment, the unpleasant noise of flesh and bone being cut or crushed echoes.


On the other side of the battlefield, a huge wave swept through the battlefield that caught everyone's attention.

"Apostle Liquor!!"

Someone who recognized Hyukjingang hurriedly shouted, but by that time, Hyukjingang had already prepared to hold a feast.

The moment when the Hyukjin River thrust forward the unbreakable will that had been carved out in places, befitting the name of unbreakable will.

Indeed, fragments of the river of the Pagum River spread in all directions.

The typhoon swept away the people of the Namgong family in an instant.

However, after exterminating fifteen unmanned people with a single blow, Hyukjin Kang had to hurriedly wield a fire.


Before he knew it, the spear sword wielded by the Southern Firmament Spear Hui, which had penetrated into the depths of the earth, was interrupted by the fire, creating a harsh sound of metal.

"Fathers and sons don't give up..."

The moment when Hyuk Jingang furrowed his eyebrows and muttered, as if he remembered the image of the Southern Palace Sword Emperor who had seriously wounded him from the sight of Nangong Changhui clashing his swords.

Nangong Jinchen appeared from the rear of the Hyukjin River and swung his sword.

"You're not the one to argue about!!"

It was quite a threatening attack, but Hyuk Jingang used his footsteps to channel the heavy sword of the Southern Firmament Changhui and at the same time easily avoided the surprise attack of the Southern Palace.

And while the two father and son were intertwined for a while. He unfurled the sword again and fired a shard of the river at the two fathers and sons.

Nangong Jinchen took a step back behind his father, and Nangong Changhui wrapped his sword around Kang Qi and smashed the Kang Qi fragments of Hyukjin River one by one with force.

After successfully withstanding the offensive of the Hyukjin River, the two fathers and sons, without knowing who was the first, each raised their swords high and began to unfold the sword of the emperor.

The enormous waves that emanated from the bodies of the two father and son began to dominate and crush the Hyukjin River.

"It's still a long way from the Southern Palace Sword Emperor..."

From Hyuk Jin Kang's point of view, who had experienced the Emperor's Sword Punishment in the Southern Palace Martial Drama, it didn't feel too threatening.

In the meantime, you can relax and check out the situation.


Beyond the two fathers and daughters who were unfolding the emperor sword, a strange sight caught the eye of Hyuk Jin Kang.

Wrapped in gold, the figure of the monk rushing towards this side, smashing all the warriors of the Sado Alliance who were blocking the way.


Arsenic filled the corners of Hyukjingang's mouth, who knew who his opponent was through the martial arts used by the martial arts.

It was bizarre.

It was not easy for even Hyukjin Kang to deal with the two rich men and the Emperor of the Nangong family at the same time.

Still, the reason why he laughed was simple.

Hyuk Jin Kang had no intention of dealing with Kwon Ze himself.

A few days ago· There was a wild beast that escaped from us and came to find itself for the sole reason of blindly trying to seize power.

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