Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 343 Table of contents

Revenge (2)


He spoke confidently, but the gunman did not move to rob the upstairs himself.

In the first place, there were hundreds of bandits on Guanyin Mountain.

Of course, as the boss, he didn't have to step in and rob the top himself. I don't know if there's a lot of cilantro mixed in on top.

After giving instructions to his subordinates, he returned to his barracks and scratched his chest, his face contorted and he smiled.


He was a gunman who hid his identity and recalled a life of alcohol and women.

Of course, the amount of money stolen from the Sun Hwa Pyo Bureau today may not be that big, but the amount of money that I had saved while I was a general voter was considerable.

Unbelievable to his subordinates, the prime minister had hidden the money somewhere on the steep cliff of the Captain's Palace.

In a place where you can't do anything unless you've reached a certain level of light...

"Maybe the gienas in those sagas were made by a tiger like me... Uh-huhh

Of course, he only hid gold and silver treasures. I didn't leave any feasts or enlightenments, but...

Let's spend a moment with a future full of and poetic thoughts.


One of his subordinates came to him with an urgent voice.

"The signal has come! Looks like there's been a battle!"

Of course, when the boss didn't come forward during the collection process, he had to prepare a signal.

However, after receiving the report from his subordinate, the leader frowned.

"The Shenhua Pyo Bureau, which is active in Shangshan County, gave up negotiations and chose to fight?"

He didn't go there himself, but he had sent fifty of them.

And there were a few masters who used their strength in the green forest.

It wasn't even a giant top, it wasn't something that the countryside would dare to tackle.

The leader, who had thought so far, was soon able to realize what was going on.

"It's a trap. Someone must have come to visit us..."

"Then why don't you go to the aid of the brothers right away?"

The gunman rolled his head quickly, in contrast to his gnarly, stupid-looking face.

"If you know I'm here and you've set a trap, it must mean that there's a corner of you that believes in me."

He wasn't stupid enough to step into the trap set by his opponent.

The problem, however, was that most of the bandits who were not the ones were stupid.

If we talked about running away from here, these ignorant bandits would be talking nonsense about fraternity.

"Stupid bastard! If you follow the trap set by the enemy, the damage will only increase. The enemies will be aiming for me anyway, so I move in reverse. If we move to the other side, the men who attacked my brothers will come after me!"

Anyway, he chose to flee, but he was a total voter who spoke as if he was going to be a "bait".

"Oh! As expected, you are the Commander!"

And the dumb bandit had a gloomy look on his face that was incongruously sparkling with his sinister face.

The General, who had inspired his subordinate, left the barracks and shouted the same words to the bandits who were waiting.


"After all, it's the Commander!"

Thrilled by his spirit of sacrifice, the bandits shouted and praised him, and the gunsmith began his descent with the demoralized bandits.

Naturally, the guys disguised as the Line Drawing Bureau were heading in the opposite direction from where they were coming up.

It was only about a dozen hours after I started the descent.

The gunman suddenly stopped and clicked his tongue lightly.

"Looks like you've made up your mind on this..."

He was the one who noticed them hiding in the bushes.

"You rats!"

The gunman swung his axe in the air in surprise, and his axe sent a sharp energy out of it.


The energy that cut through the bushes sliced through the human torso that was hidden behind it.


However, even though he had dealt with one enemy in an instant, the gunman's expression did not brighten.

Beep you!!

For at the same time that he had launched the attack, a disagreeable whistle had sounded from there.

I took care of one of them, but in the meantime, the one next to me hurriedly blew the whistle.



Bandits have swarmed to kill the four of them left.

And the four survivors began to flee without any hesitation.

"Hahaha! You cowards!!"

"You dare to enter the underworld on your own feet, and now you are running away!"

Wait a moment for the bandits to run after the five.

This time, the whistle rang out again from the side.

It was then that the populator realized what was going on.

"It's a thousand aspirations..."

They were divided into small groups to figure out where they were and tighten the net little by little.

And if there was a group that could properly unfold such a grand ambition and that could target him, there was only one that immediately came to mind.

"They are from the Political League!"

Meanwhile, a whistle blares in the vicinity again.


Fifteen people have already gathered, and the pace and number will probably continue to grow.

"Don't chase them, clear the road head-on!! They want to surround us!!"

After making a quick decision, the leader of the party did not leave the chores to his subordinates, but instead took it upon himself.

It wasn't for the minions. Rather, it was because the front was the weakest encirclement.

The gunman wielded an axe like a toy, and the bodies of those fleeing were cut off like straw.



For a moment, the gunman slaughtered those in front of him and struck them out.

Sensing something strange, he momentarily turned his head back.

"You want me to just let this body go?"

Behind him, a strange scene was unfolding.

As soon as he broke through the encirclement, the men who had been besieging them with whistles began to clash with the bandits.

As if the rest of the bandits were the target.

In the midst of his strange feelings, the gunsmith did not stop.


Ignoring the voices of his men who were fighting in the background and shouting urgently, he continued down the mountain.

The Political Affairs League is determined and aiming for itself.

Of course, the Muslims were not scary, but the problem was the numbers.

If they had dug a trap like this and spread out their thousand aspirations, the number of enemies would be considerable.

No matter how high he was, there was a limit to his strength and physical strength.

"When I'm tired, I'm tired if that young guy who is doing something like a kwonje jumps out."

After making the calculations so far, the prime voter willingly abandoned his subordinates.

And when the distance between them and his subordinates widened to a certain extent, Once again, mysterious people appeared.


This time, instead of letting him go, they blew the whistle and pounced on him.


The man who stood at the front was cut in two in vain, but despite the death of his allies, they clung to the gunsmith like a villain.


However, it is impossible to overcome the difference in skill with only determination.

In the end, they couldn't hold out for a few rounds, and they all became cold corpses.


In the short time they had been pulling in, another one appeared with a whistle.

It was only then that the general voter was able to grasp the purpose of the Political League.

Why did he dare to send himself out of the encirclement, and now he is sticking to it like this?

"I've prepared a master to deal with this body."

Sensing the intentions of the enemy, the gunsmith moved even more hastily.



The more the gunman moved, the more frequent the whistle around him became.

The net prepared by Zhuge Muhuan succeeded in slowly driving the fish to one place.

And by the time I succeeded in driving the fish in, I was able to get the fish in.

The first harpoon that Zhuge Muhuan had prepared was revealed.

Unlike the five or six men who had appeared with whistles in the past, the gunman was able to realize when he saw a single man approaching him.

That man was the master that the Zheng Mu League had prepared to deal with him.

But that's why the populator burst out laughing without knowing it.

"It's been a while. Totals Voters·"

"Hahahaha· Was it just your brother who said he was prepared?"

The one who had already been half-killed by himself came to visit alone, so he couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Hmph... I'm sure my body hasn't healed yet, but I'm overdoing it..."

"You're pretty strong, too."

"You look so sturdy to everyone..."


Mu Gong shrugged lightly as if he couldn't deny it, and the leader asked, holding on to arsenic.

"Could it be that you had gained some enlightenment that day and could face this body alone?"

"It's worth trying..."

Seeing Mu Gung respond to his own ridicule and provocations in a calm tone, the gunman clicked his tongue lightly inwardly.

The reason for the small talk while being chased by the Thousand Ambitions was simple. If there was even the slightest gap in the conversation, he would deal with it with a blow.

"You don't have the slightest bit of agitation."

Realizing that any more small talk was pointless, the gunsmith swung his axe in the air in a surprise move.

The sharp energy from his axe slammed into the air, but Mugung narrowly dodged the blow with a calm face and minimal movement.

However, while Mu Gong was dodging the blow, the leader was swinging his axe while closing the distance between him and Mu Gong.

The axe can be reached, but the opponent's recommended angle is kept at a close distance so that it does not touch the body of the gunman.

Against the incessantly dancing axes, Mugung was able to dodge them with minimal movement using the Geumgang Floating Bullet, or block the unavoidable attacks with the help of his Nyorai Kidney.

However, it was still difficult to completely make up for the difference in experience, and the more they exchanged words, the more dizzy their limbs became.


Shortly after the axe grazed the side of the palace, a small scratch appeared.


The axe slammed down from top to bottom to smash the body.

It was hard to dodge this blow, so Mu Gong wrapped his palm around his qi and shung upwards.


When the axe was struck by a surprise, Mu Gong also hurriedly gathered his energy and stretched out his Nyorai Kidney with all his might, and slammed into it.


There was no doubt that there was an explosion, but unlike Mugung, who reacted in a hurry, the leader who was in charge of the situation from the beginning had plenty of time to maneuver and manage the attack.

"That's it!!"

The moment when the gunman swings his axe again to finish off the stiff Warrior.

There was a chill in his side that he hadn't felt before.

The gunman gave up swinging his axe and hurriedly threw himself into the air.


Thanks to his bold determination, he survived, but there was a small wound on the side of the gunman.

And the leader looked alternately at Monk Wen and Mu Gong, who didn't know when he had jumped out, and furrowed his eyebrows.

"The monks are a surprise attacker..."

At his words, Mu Qing, who had been ambushed by his stealth technique, could only look regretful, and Mu Gong was snorting.

"A priest who doesn't look like a priest... It doesn't matter how much you can do to beat up the bad guys..."

Naturally, the priest meant Mujin.

For a moment, I couldn't help but look at the unorthodox and dignified answer. The gunman's expression hardened.

"You despicable bastards! Even poison!"

With that in mind, the gunman hastily played with his hand and bleeded from his wounded side.

The cut he had just made on Sodo was turning black, so he had taken action before the poison could spread further.

However, when he heard the gunman's slurs, Mu Mu had a puzzled expression on his face.

"Did you put poison on it?"

He didn't expect that Wu Qing would even use poison.

Alone in the stares of the two equally scruffy-looking men, Mu Qing pursed his lips once, pointed to the gunsmith with Sodo, and replied:

"Didn't you say that the means and methods are irrelevant to catch the bastard, the death penalty?"

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