Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 347 Table of contents

Truth (2)


As everyone's eyes were focused, Mu Jin, who was sitting next to Xiao Tianju, moved.

"Let's get started, then."

Mu Jin first loosened the gag from Xiao Tianju's mouth and shoved two fingers into his mouth.


The little heavenly lord's intention to kill himself by biting his tongue before he could be gagged was quickly futile.

Overwhelmed by evil, Xiao Tianju strained his jaw to cut off Mujin's finger that had entered his mouth, but it was a pointless move.

No matter how hard he strained his jaw, it was impossible to cut through Mujin's iron-like fingers with his teeth.

I don't know if it was possible to use the inner air, but at the moment, most of the blood canals were suppressed, except for the blood and bloodletting, and even the internal attack could not be used because the battle had been abolished.

Take a moment to look at the little heavenly lord who bites his fingers like a ferocious bastard.

Mu Jin furrowed his eyebrows and moved his playful left hand to grab the little finger of Xiao Tianju's right hand.


The pain of shattering the bones of his little finger made his eyes turn red and he screamed at the same time.


"You're making a lot of noise, you bastard..."

Mu Jin slapped the screaming Xiao Tianju in the face, clutching both cheeks and glaring at him as if he were going to kill him.

"Every time I try to kill myself, I'm going to break my fingers. . . After all the fingers are broken, the toes are broken. After that, I will break every bone in your body in order."

Seeing Mu Jin's eyes, Xiao Tianzhu didn't want to die, so he didn't dare to nod his head humbly, but he couldn't even try to kill himself.

The defiance of Mujin made him feel the urge to crush his head right away.

If you think of the children he's killed so far, it's a piece of trash that he wouldn't be afraid to kill right away.

But for now, there was something to be done before the children's revenge.

When it seemed to have given up on self-determination, Mujin loosened his grip on his cheek a little.

But if at any time it tried to kill itself, Mujin asked, ready to stop it.

"What's the name of your organization?"

“··· It's Shincheon·"

Xiao Tianzhu replied with a puzzled expression.

He's sabotaged their plans so many times that he already knows the name of the organization.

He didn't know why he was asking the obvious question, but Mujin kept repeating the obvious question.

Major masters who belonged to the Divine Heavens· In other words, the question of the identity of the lords.

The former leader of the Wulin League, Wei Jihak and the Sado Refinery Leader Hyuk Jin Kang· Demon Cult of Light· In addition, Yunhyangyuan in Sichuan and the Three Great Pillars in Shandong.

While their names come up one after another. The atmosphere in the conference hall has changed strangely.



The reason for this was because of Huang Boak and Nangong Changhui.

The two families, who were not with Shaolin in the first place, had no idea of the identity of the gods.

Mu Jin asked for the information he knew so much that he wanted to persuade the two family masters.

And the reason why the interrogation was so relaxed was because of the peculiarity of the character of the Little Heavenly Lord.

Until now, all the warriors in the Divine Heaven that Mujin had captured were highly resistant to torture.

They were already accustomed to torture, so it was difficult to get information without using psychic pills.

But it wasn't this one.

Mujin could tell this when he had fainted in battle two days earlier, with only a broken limb in the battle.

Unlike before, he was able to proceed with the interrogation without a time limit, so Mu Jin calmly continued to ask questions.

"So how long has a place called Shincheon existed?"

"I know it's a little over a hundred years old..."

“··· So you've been aiming to overthrow the imperial family for a hundred years?"


He kept his mouth shut, as if he didn't want to answer, but to no avail.


"Even if you don't answer the question, you'll break your bones..."

In the end, he had no choice but to succumb to the torture that followed, his eyes reddened.

"That's right..."

"How many generations has the current God been a God?"

"Oh, the God of five generations..."

If you count the five generations to the Lesser Heavenly Lord, six generations have dreamed of overthrowing the imperial family for more than a hundred years. It was a group that had gone mad.

"Then what are your real names?"


Xiao Tianju closed his mouth again, and Mujin's hand turned to his finger again.

And just before Mujin broke his finger again. It spoke hastily.

"The true name of the Lord of God is the Ancestral God, the Divine Self, and the Ming One. And my name is Miss Zheng Zheng (趙建陽)."

Jo Shin Myung and Jo Jung Yang·

Of course, it was a name I had never heard of.

Surprisingly, Zhuge Muhuan, who had been listening to Mu Jin's interrogation, suddenly folded the fan and looked surprised.

Then, realizing something, Zhuge Muhuan cleared his expression and asked Xiao Tianzhu.

"Were you remnants of the former Imperial Family?"


"I'm an imperial family, what do you mean? General Army·"

When those in the room asked with puzzled expressions, he explained.

"It was one hundred and twelve years ago that the Huan Dynasty, which was the former imperial family, collapsed. And the surname of the previous imperial emperors was Mr. Zhao."

It was a little over a hundred years ago that Shincheon was created, and the surname of the gods was Zhao, so it was quite possible.

However, even though the content was only a possibility, everyone soon became convinced.

That's why by the time Zhuge Muhuan finished speaking. Xiao Tianzhu was looking at Zhuge Muhuan with a face that had failed to control his expression.

“··· It wasn't just the Imperial Family's power that made him try to avoid the Imperial Family's gaze at all costs..."

The remnants of the former Imperial Family are plotting a rebellion.

The moment your true identity is revealed· The Imperial Family's massive campaign was a predetermined process.

The moment when it became clear that the true identity of the Shincheon was the remnant of the former Imperial Family· A memory that Mujin had forgotten suddenly came to mind.

It was some information about the former imperial family that he had heard from Gu Yangfei in Nanman.

"Speaking of which, I heard that the biggest reason for the rebellion against the former Imperial Family was the human sacrifice... Isn't the martial arts he is training related to the human sacrifice that the former imperial court practiced?"


Everyone looked at Mu Jin and Xiao Tianzhu alternately with surprised faces.

And this time too, Xiao Tianju failed to manage his facial expressions.

Mu Jin asked, looking at Xiao Tianju with a puzzled face as if he were trash.

"you... What are you doing with the emperor to eat children and learn martial arts?"

He didn't seem to understand the question.

"I'm trying to learn it because I'm the emperor. The Emperor is a being sent by the gods. You have to be the greatest of half-man, demigod-god."

"Then why didn't you just learn the martial arts by yourself?"

"I don't know what you're talking about... The Emperor is the lord of all those who live in the Middle Plains. When you use an object or a garment, do you use it with permission?"


Not only Mu Jin, but everyone in the meeting hall looked at Xiao Tianju with speechless faces.

I wasn't overwhelmed by logic. It was because it was so ridiculous.

In particular, Zhuge Muhuan was looking at Nangong Changhui and Xiao Tianju alternately.

"It's the same guys..."

However, perhaps he didn't feel Zhuge Muhuan's gaze, Nan Gong Changhui, who had been silently watching the interrogation process until now, finally opened his mouth.

"You're too grubby to claim to be a king."


This time, everyone looked at Nangong Changhui and Xiao Tianju alternately.

‘··· Is it fratricide?'

When everyone is thinking about it.


Suddenly, the Lord of the Heavens let out a scream.

Before he knew it, Mu Jin had shattered the bone of Xiao Tianju's finger.

"Why not?"

Even though he had answered all the questions, he broke his finger, so he asked in frustration.

And when Mujin returned, his answer was simple.

"I just wanted to break it..."

In response to Mujin's answer, Xiao Tianju glared at Mujin as if to kill him, but when Mujin reached for his few fingers again, he had no choice but to avert his eyes.

As soon as it seemed to calm down a bit, Mujin asked for additional questions.

"By the way, if the Imperial Family had carried out a large-scale human sacrifice, the Emperor's exploits at that time would have been unimaginable, so why was he defeated by the rebels?"

They secretly trafficked children with unusual constitutions and used them as sacrifices.

Nevertheless, the Little Heavenly Lord has reached a great realm, and the current Heavenly Lord has probably risen to a level greater than that of the Little Heavenly Lord.

Then, what kind of state did the emperor of the Huan Empire, who carried out large-scale human sacrifices, reach?

To Mujin's question, Xiao Tianzhu replied as if his pride was hurt.

“··· From what I've heard, at that time, the Shrine of the Constitution had not yet been completed. The human sacrifice you are talking about was nothing more than an experiment to create a hunyuan shrine gong."

Hunwon Shrine Workshop ·

In order to gain the power of the Emperor Gong Gong, who is said to be one of the three emperors and possessed the power of the gods in mythology, he created a special altar.

That was the identity of the martial arts that the last emperor of the Huan Dynasty, the previous imperial family, wanted to create, and that was mastered by Xiao Tianju.

In response to Mujin's questions that followed, Xiao Tianzhu further explained what he knew.

Experiments were carried out by men, women, and children, and the emperor of the time did not make the mistake of mastering martial arts that had not yet been perfected.

In other words, some of those who were brought in for human sacrifice were selected to learn the martial arts that were being experimented, and they were also absorbed by those who were brought in to check the progress of the martial arts and to test the side effects.

Some people drown in the mouth of a coin while using the suction hole full of side effects, and some die from being absorbed by the essence of the suction hole.

By the time tens of thousands of Yang people were used as test subjects, the Hunyuan Shrine was completed. Eventually, a rebellion broke out.

"So the Divine Heaven were the remnants who fled with the Divine Shrine in the end..."

After hearing all the explanations, Mu Jin looked at Xiao Tianzhu with a disgusted face and muttered:

And Zhuge Muhuan added flesh to Mu Jin's conclusion.

"I don't think it's just the Hunyuan Shrine that they've taken away and fled..."

Everyone looked at Zhuge Muhuan with puzzled faces, and he added.

"I've been wondering for a long time. No matter how much they hide their true identity and move... No, there were too many masters of hiding identities and moving around, and there were a lot of recruits."

Mu Jin nodded involuntarily at Zhuge Muhuan's words.

"But now that I've listened to the author, I understand it to some extent. In order to create the martial arts called the Hunyuan Divine Shrine Ball, a lot of research must have been done on the martial arts."

Only then did everyone in the room understand what Zhuge Muhuan was trying to say.

He must have scraped together countless martial arts books from all over the river lake to create that martial art.

Among them, there must have been martial arts books that could be called divine gongs on their own, and there must have been many new gongs that were created in the process of making the Hunyuan Shrine Pavilion.

It would have been impossible for a single sect, but it would have been possible for the Empire.

"Is it true?"

Mu Jin asked Xiao Tianju to confirm.

Xiao Tianju tried to keep his mouth shut with a defiant face, but when Mu Jin tried to torture him again, he opened his mouth with an evil face.

"It's half true..."

"The other half?"

“··· He had scraped together countless books that had spread throughout the river lake in order to create the Hunyuan Shrine Ball. Some of them were martial arts books, as you reasoned, but there were also many books that were nothing more than "records" of martial arts or recruits. We usually took those things with us and walked out of the Imperial Palace. If I took the real thing out of existence, there was a risk that it would leave a trace of it."

"Oh my gosh..."

It was Zhuge Muhuan who muttered in a perplexed tone.

"The power of the Imperial Family may be stronger than is widely known. Doesn't that mean that some of the martial arts that were written in the process of creating the Imperial Palace ended up in the hands of the current Imperial Family?"

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