Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 350 Table of contents

Demigod (2)


Maybe it's because I've seen ridiculous martial arts.

Or is it because the masters of the Jongnam Five Sword lost their lives in vain?

For a moment, there was silence in the area, and all those who surrounded God paused, not knowing what to do.

In an atmosphere where time seemed to stand still, it was God who was alone and free.

Sweep ·

While everyone is at a standstill· The Heavenly Lord, who had performed a martial arts that destroyed common sense, moved his arm again.

And the place where God's hand turned was in the direction of the heavens.

The slightest gesture of God's hand had the effect of turning over a frozen hourglass.

Wedge love juice!!

At his beckoning, a great storm of qi was created again.

"Protect the Lord!!"

"Kill that Madu!!"

It made the unmanned people of the Political Affairs League, who had been at a standstill, move.

Some of them flew to protect the heavens, while others rushed to attack the heavenly lord who had unleashed his feat.

And Hyuncheon, who became the target of God,

'Oh my gosh...'

I felt the urge to squeeze my eyes shut.

Fifteen young warriors who had flown themselves to protect themselves in front of his eyes were burned in blood.

I had to watch their bodies torn apart by a storm of purple qi.

But their deaths cannot be in vain.


He raised his inner air and unleashed one of the Shaolin Seventy Sects of Martial Arts.

Shaolin's unique golden aura radiated out, colliding with the purple energy sent by the Heavenly Lord.


With a huge explosion, he was pushed back five paces, suffering internal injuries and blood gushing out of his stomach, but fortunately he escaped instant death.

Thanks to the sacrifices of those who sacrificed their bodies to weaken the purple energy.

But now he was not relieved that he had survived.



The martial arts of the political affairs who rushed to attract the attention of God.

And the God who is surrounded by them and is being attacked by them.

In terms of numbers, it should seem pitiful to God, but in reality it was not at all.

With each light wave of his hand, the warriors who had rushed towards him were swept away.

It's a sight that doesn't regret the word "autumn wind leaves". The problem was that the leaves were flesh pieces of human flesh torn to shreds.

Then· Through the gap between the young warriors, an old Taoist brandished a sword and dug into the Heavenly Lord.

"Yes man!!"

An old man with red and bloodshot eyes and an angry look that does not look like a doin.

He was Bai Chen Jinyin, the four hundred of the Zhongnan Five Sword who had just been slain, and the elder of the Zhongnan Sect.

"I will join you!"

Beside him, he was a sword-wielding white cloud sword with a shaman's characteristic Taiji, Yunping Jinyin, who was striking out the purple aura, and the elder of the Tang family was assisting them with a memorized flag.

Wedge love!

In addition, those who were called "Myeongsook" in Wurim joined forces and began to carry out a coordinated attack with the martial artists of the Political Affairs League.

In the eyes of the Heavens, they did not look resolute and courageous. I almost looked like a moth.

The cowardice that devours everything in the world and the boo-moths who jump into the scare without knowing it.


Hyuncheon hurriedly shouted to stop the moths, but it was too late.

Wedge love juice!!

At the repeated gesture of God's hand, a storm of qi arises, and the moths are torn apart by the storm.

Whether it's the young warriors or the famous masters of Wulin, who have made a name for themselves in Wulin.

The result has not changed.

The slight difference was that the young warriors were torn apart in an instant, and the Wulin masters only held out for a short time before being torn apart.

When Hyuncheon was feeling devastated by the horrible scene...


Again someone stepped forward and let out a roar of intent.

Of course, all of them, already engulfed in the heat of battle, ignored the voice, but the words that followed caused everyone's movements to pause momentarily.

"If you move any further, you won't be able to guarantee his life!!"

Words like a municipal thug who took a male hostage ...

Everyone was taken aback by the words, which did not suit the group of political affairs at all.

Naturally, everyone's eyes turned to the place where the voice came from.

And in the place where everyone's eyes were focused, an old beggar stood holding on to the little heavenly lord.

He felt as if he had been overwhelmed by demon blood, and he leaned completely against the old beggar.

And the man who brought the little heavenly lord with him·

Chen Li Xuan, the footnote of the Dragon's Pavilion, the intelligence agency of the Political Affairs League, and the Seven Souls of the Opening, was looking at Chen Zhao Xinming, with his hand on the blood of the Little Heavenly Emperor.

Ten Li Xu's hands trembled slightly.

I had just witnessed the great massacre of Cho Xinming. But now, his gaze was focused on himself.

But it wasn't just the risk of losing his life that made his hands tremble.

He was an elder of openness.

To others, he may be just a beggar, but he took pride in living for righteousness and cooperation, and he lived on the dirt floor as a bed and the sky as a blanket.

But now, he had to take the man who had lost his power and threaten his father as a hostage.

However, the

'General Military· I'm sure I'll succeed."

Instead of having his name and hands stained, he told himself that as long as he could save the countless warriors of the Political Alliance, it didn't matter if his name and hands were stained.

Believing that he could do so, General Army Zhuge Muhuan must have entrusted him with this task.

He recalled Zhuge Muhuan's request.

"It would be too much to use him as a hostage to kill or subdue that Divine Lord. We just need to make them back down."

Instead, he and Xiao Tianju will follow the author and leave the Political League.

Perhaps death awaits after that.

However, he made up his mind and didn't care about his own death.

"Zhao Xinming! If you retreat like this, I will follow you with interest! If you can back down, you will be able to save my son!"

As if to examine his true intentions at Deng Son's cry, Zhao Xinming looked at Deng Son and Xiao Tianju intently.

And the little Tianju, who was taken hostage by Deng Son, spoke in a desperate tone.


Normally, God treated his son, himself, as a mere tool. It's just a tool to keep the group called "Shincheon" at the end of one's life.

It was a matter of course.

You can't have two suns in the sky. If the Little Heavenly Lord himself became great, then the position of the Divine Lord would be in danger.

But now that he has lost all his power and his life is threatened, he has been threatened.

At least once he had a glimmer of hope that God would take pity on him as a son.

"Please let me live. God! As the heir of the cloth, I will definitely not fail next time! I will never disobey God's command!"

He knew that this was the crossroads between life and death, and he cried out desperately.

I wonder if such a son's desperate voice felt strange.

Chen Zhu, who was looking at Deng Son and Xiao Tianyu, suddenly frowned and said something out of the blue.

"Lesser Heavenly Lord· It looks like the power outage is broken..."

Those who surrounded God· And Deng Son, who was holding the little Tianju hostage, had a similar idea.

He said that God was furious that his son's temple had been destroyed.

However, the little Tianju, who knew God, felt rather ominous.

"Oh father!"

He was a minor Heavenly Lord who hurriedly called God by a title he had never called in his life.

Before he could finish speaking, God swung his arms.


As if it were a matter of course, the purple storm that had been created by his fingertips swirled at the Little Heavenly Lord and his back son.

In an instant, the young man and the old beggar were torn to shreds.

When everyone was silenced by the shocking scene. God's emotionless voice echoed through the battlefield.

"God is God's agent, and there is no need for an imperfect successor."

To kill his son and successor with his own hands just because the temple was destroyed.

When everyone was frozen like a doll with a broken thread at the shocking scene.

"The Kowloon Brigade march down!!"

The voice of Zhuge Muhuan, the general soldier of the Political Affairs League, rang out.

Some of those who had been stunned by his cry moved as instructed. They were the unmanned people who were organized into the Kowloon Brigade.

"I'm going to take care of Ojo, Ojo is going to be in charge, and I'm going to kill him!"

Immediately after Zhuge Muhuan gave instructions to the Gu Dragon Dan, he hurriedly played his legs and approached the county sky.

He didn't leave all of those monsters to the Kowloons.

As soon as the Kowloon Dan began to move, the lords and lords of each group or battalion began to give orders and command the warriors.

Zhuge Muhuan was prepared in case the hostage drama didn't work.

While Dengson is holding back time for a very short time through a hostage named Lesser Heavenly Lord.

Zhuge Muhuan had already given instructions to all the cadre-level officials in advance.

Xuanchen asked Zhuge Muhuan, who approached him.

"General Army! Is there a way?"

At the question, Zhuge Muhuan said in an unusually urgent tone.

"Lord Meng· You need to get out of the way right now."

"What do you mean to get out of the way! This is Meng's stronghold, so where do you take refuge?"

"It's not about the location. The survival of the Lord is more important than anything else."

It wasn't meant for Abu·

The political faction is from the old file room to the five major families. In addition, there are a number of scattered factions.

If they couldn't unite them, it would be nothing more than a myth to oppose the Divine Heaven.

Especially now that I've witnessed the power of the man called God, that idea has become even more firm.

And at present, the only person who could unite the political factions in Wurim was Hyuncheon.

The reason for the creation of the Political Affairs League was Mujin, who is called Kwonje, but in the end, it was Hyuncheon who encompassed everyone as the first leader of the Political Affairs League.

Why did he continue to pounce on God even though he knew that everyone was going to be killed by a dog, and he was being swept away like a moth to protect the heavens?

It was only because of the grown-up appearance of the political faction that Hyuncheon had shown that everyone believed in him and followed him.

And this was also the reason why the soldier himself could never be the head of a faction.

In addition·

"Maybe that's why he knew about it, so he hit this place first."

Without the central point of Hyuncheon, it would have been impossible to unite and fight as one.

He wasn't just a madman who attacked the enemy's heart alone.

He must have invaded because he knew that if the Political Alliance and the Blind Leader Hyuncheon fell, the political faction would be divided into quarters.

However, even at this moment, seeing the martial people of Meng being torn apart by the martial arts of God, Xuanchen could not easily accept Zhuge Muhuan's proposal.

"Even the members of the clan are fighting for their lives, so how can the lord escape?"

"So you're going to let them all die? The author's purpose is to be a blind lord! If you flee, the other members will also have a way to live!"


When Hyuncheon has a surprised face... Zhuge Muhuan added.

"It's impossible to catch him with just the power left in the field right now. We need to make an all-out effort. No, each clan or even those left behind by Sega to protect their stronghold will have to be scraped together and a trap will have to be dug to catch them. Forty years ago· Just like when he caught a thousand horses during the Battle of the Demon Battle. For this, you must first take shelter."


After a moment of silence, he turned his head to look at the battlefield.

For a very short time, I would like to see the precious members being swept away by the storm of qi created by God.

"I see. General Army·"

After making up his mind, Chen Chen followed Zhuge Muhuan's guidance and walked on.

Zhuge Muhuan led Chen towards the secret passage that he had prepared from the beginning in the process of building the Political Affairs League.

And as if it had been agreed in advance, before Chen Chen could retreat, the martial artists of the Political Affairs League set up camp and blocked Tianzhou.

"I'm just going to hold on..."

It was the same thought that the remaining cadres had in mind. That was one of the last two instructions Zhuge Muhuan had left them.

After giving Hyuncheon the minimum amount of time to escape, they go their separate ways.

And the second instruction is to hide in the appointed place and wait for the call.

Of course, no one knew how many of those who remained here would make it out alive.


Their life and death were in the hands of that monster...

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