Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 356 Table of contents

Tenma (4)


Just before the river airs·

From the time a violent wave of air flowed from the left master's body, Gu Yang was aware of the situation.

No, Usa's gaze instantly dimmed, and she felt uncomfortable.

Snap Stone ·

When Usa used his body as a scapegoat and grabbed his sword and left arm. Doubt has already turned into certainty.

If you read the other person's intentions, there was no reason to panic.

At least for Gu Yangfei, it was a matter of course.


With the river flying in from behind· Without a moment's hesitation, Gu Yang let go of the sword he was holding in his right hand.

However, the left hand is still in the hands of the right people.

As if just in case, the river qi of the left and right was flying in a wide range from side to side.

Gu Yang's choice, which he didn't bother to look at, and knew what his opponent had done, was simple.


Gu Yang's knee bent slightly, and he used his internal attack to launch himself into the air.

At the same time, let go of the sword and swing his free right hand.


The grey lightning that wrapped around Gu Yang's hand cut off Woosa's arm, which was holding his left hand.

In an instant, the Gu Yang Tile regained its freedom and spun into the air as if it were somersaulting.


Immediately after Gu Yang's body was blown away, the river qi of the left temple swept across the area.

As he lifted himself into the air, he could see the ground being crushed and overturned by the river, and Woosa's body being torn to pieces.

'Oh my gosh...'

When one of his attempts to scapegoat Usa failed, a momentary bewilderment appeared on his face.

But now wasn't the time to panic.

It's in the air, and it's impossible to dodge it. Even with his sword in place, it was a golden opportunity.


He hurriedly pulled up his inner air and unfolded the feast again towards the floating Gu Yang tile.

And the old sheep that floated in the air held out his palm as if he didn't need to dodge it.

According to the trick of the Soul Yuan Martial Divine Ball, two streams of internal air leaked out of his dan hall, and they ran through the blood canal of the whole body in opposite directions.

The two opposite energies converged in the heart of Gu Yang's heart.


Thousands of birds roared at once, and a gray bolt of lightning erupted.


As the two men's feasts collided, a violent wave shook the area with a loud bang, but Gu Yang did not seem to be harmed.

Seeing Gu Yang calmly falling from the air to the ground as if nothing had happened, the master shouted urgently.

"Kill him!!"

The left company knew. Now that I've lost my company due to an unreasonable choice, That he couldn't handle it on his own.

But that was the worst thing I could do.


Before the Leftist Priest was about to fall, some of the demonstrators drew their weapons and moved towards Gu Yang.

And it was Gumma who was the first to react to the impure move.

There was a sword in his hand that he didn't know when he had drawn it.


With a slow cutting sound, the bodies of some of the demonstrators were cut off belatedly.

"How dare you defile the sacred Fate of Life and Death!!"

Seeing Gumma shouting angrily, Huan Ma almost burst out laughing.

"You're looking like you're going to die of joy."

It was the sword horse who watched the fate of the guardian lion and the Gu Yang clan on the left and right, and kept wriggling his hands.

I wanted to swing my sword right away, but I was so happy to swing my sword so coolly.

But as he thought about it, his hands were wielding weapons.


"Whoever interferes with the Heavenly Offering, this illusion will not be tolerated!"

Thanks to the advance attack of the two clan lords, the sword family and the Huan family attacked those who followed the orders of the emperor.

Of course, those who followed the throne's orders were not left alone.

"Get out of the way!!"

After the elder, the head of the council of elders, and Bhagwan became an apostate.

The new king of the Blue Thunder King· And some elders, lords of armed forces, etc.

There were a lot of masters mixed in.

"What are you doing!!"

The Elder who had slashed the sword family's warrior in the way cried out in agony.

It was because of the indecisive standing of the guards despite the orders given by the priest.

It was a matter of course. According to the rank of the Gyō, it was correct to follow the words of the elder or the chief priest, but the "Heavenly Emperor" was a solemn ritual as the sword horse said.

Now that an order has been issued that undermines such rituals, it is difficult to know who to follow.

"Will you have the jaws to obey the words of an apostate?"

Just in time, the sword demon penetrated the elder and swung his sword.


While the sword demon's corrupt sword technique pushes the elder general.

"Exterminate those who have interfered with the sacred settlement of life and death!"

This time, the apostates who had followed Gu Yang to this place joined the fight.

"I will join you!"

In order to help the sword demon who was clashing with the elder general, Jin Yanghui unleashed a blast of fire, and fierce flames flew towards the elder general.


However, at the scene that followed, Jin Yanghui's eyes widened.

Ironically, it was because the sword horse had slashed through the flames emitted by the Golden Yanghui.

"This is mine... Red Flame King·"

As if the charges against Jin Yanghui had already been cleared, he called him to his former position.


Jin Yanghui could only shed a ridiculous laugh.

Seeing how anxious he was to fight the master, I wondered how he had endured all this time.

But now was not the time to be mesmerized.

In the end, the elder gave way to Gumma and Jin Yanghui moved to help elsewhere.

Sword price and circle price· And the servants of the Gu Yang clan clashed with the subordinates of the left master.

Others stood back and watched the battle for a moment.

"What are you doing!!"

Thomas, who had escaped from the spot that Gu Yang had hung up, let out a roar.

The Japanese and Taoist warriors, who had taken a step back from the fight, looked at Thomas with surprised faces.

"Kill those apostate bastards now!!"

When the name of the family owner fell, the momentum of the Taoist warriors, who had claimed to be spectators, changed.

They dared to pounce on the servants of the Gu Yang clan and swung their swords.

Thomas, who had been watching the situation, hurriedly brandished his sword and exclaimed:

"It's not them!!!"

Shouting in surprise, Thomas' pottery was sent out, and the pottery was fended off by the Toga warriors who were swinging their weapons at the servants of the Gu Yang clan.

When the warriors of the Tao family and the servants of Gu Yang, who were about to be attacked, looked at Thomas with a puzzled expression, he blushed and shouted again.

"Those who disturbed sacred ceremonies are apostates!!"

His cry made the faces of those who looked at him even more bewildered.

He was the first to disrupt the sacred ritual.

But Thomas had his own reasons.

He just wanted to "legitimately" make Confucius the master of the Heavenly Demon Cult.

That's why he wanted to sabotage it before it began.

Thomas' own conclusion was that his behavior of attracting his subordinates when he was at a disadvantage while accepting the Heavenly Emperor was clearly an apostate.

In the eyes of others, it was one thing or another, but Thomas himself thought it was completely different.

But the eyes of others were embarrassing, and Thomas' face turned red as if he was about to burst, and he yelled again.

"What do you do!!"

If they looked at Thomas from here, the mad boar would stab him, and the Tao clan's warriors and Gu Yang's servants had no choice but to look away.

When the Toga sided with the Gu Yang faction, followed by the Kwon family, the tide of the battle was bound to be one-sided.

In the first place, the number of those who were loyal to the left and right guardians rather than to the doctrine was only about one-tenth of the doctrine.

They have used the authority and cause of the left and right to lead others, or they have taken advantage of the conflict between Confucius.

There weren't many people who would follow him when he had lost his cause entirely.

On the other hand, those who follow his words are no different from "apostates."

They were nothing more than the princes of the Divine Heaven or the servants who had fallen into the hands of the Throne Master.

Thanks to the foolish orders of the Throne Master who had abandoned the sacred rituals, the remaining Sejak and his minions in the Demon Cult were in danger of being wiped out in one fell swoop.

By the time most of those apostates were swept away.


With a violent explosion, a violent wave swept across the battlefield.

Naturally, the eyes of those on the battlefield turned to the epicenter of the Qifa...

He put the right hand in his heart and said, "Nine Yang Tiles."


The image of him kneeling and vomiting blood was intensely etched in everyone's eyes.


Gu Yang's heart exploded and he fell to the ground.


Immediately after that· A sharp cutting sound followed, echoing through the battlefield.

It wasn't the cutting sound that Gu Yang made by the Yang Gang.

"Tsk· I was distracted at the end..."

While the elder was surprised by the death of the priest. It was the sound of the sword demon slitting the elder's throat.

Beginning with the death of the Throne and the Elder, the rebellion was quickly suppressed.

Shortly after all the battles had come to an end· When silence fell on the battlefield for a moment...

Plop· Plop·

Suddenly, Jin Yanghui and Wang Gawan knelt on the floor and shouted at Gu Yang.

"Heaven and Heaven!! Manmaangbok!!"

Sincere courtesy to the master and master of the Heavenly Demon Religion.

And before the two men were able to finish their battle, the men of the Gu Yang clan, who had been fighting all over the battlefield, immediately squirmed and chanted.

"Heaven and Heaven!! Manmaangbok!!"

The demons around him looked at their surroundings with puzzled faces.

They fought alongside him because he and his subordinates had forsaken the sacred rituals, but they didn't know if they really needed to recognize Gu Yang as a heavenly horse.

Just then· The sword horse that had sliced the sword that had sliced through the elder was placed in its sheath, and bowed to the sword of Gu Yang.

"The Thousand Devils Have Arrived! Manmaangbok!"

When the head of the sword family, Gumma, acknowledged him, the members of the sword family also knelt down at once and bowed to Gu Yang.

Afterwards, along with Huan Ma, the members of the Huan family also bowed to Gu Yang Pae.

Naturally, the rest of the church members also knelt down one by one and bowed to Gu Yang.

"The Thousand Devils Have Arrived! Manmaangbok!!"

Thomas, who had been watching the scene for a while, also blushed slightly, bent his knees slightly, and bowed to Gu Yang.

In the end, Thomas and Toga joined the temple, and it wasn't long before all the demon cults in the area were bowing to the temple.

Gu Yangfei glanced at the church members who stood alone and offered their respects to him.

It was a moment of mixed emotions.

The moment of conflict that came when I chose the path of apostate, the memory of being chased by the church members in the southern bay, and the feeling of having to kill the church members who were being used with my own hands.

And the joy of overcoming adversity and succeeding in winning the position of Cheonma.

Gu Yangfei, who had succeeded in clearing out the complicated emotions, spoke in a stern voice.

"Everyone, keep your heads up..."

He was young, in his mid-twenties, but there was a heavy weight in his voice, as if he had been born as a "thousand horses" from the beginning.

Looking at the church members who lay on the ground and raised their heads, Gu Yangfei spoke again.

"It turns out that Sobaek, who was a former priest, was a member of an organization called Shincheon, who brainwashed Wu Sa into solitude and used him as a puppet, and dared to raid the Zhendai Heavenly Horse, who was practicing in the closed hall, and drowned him in the mouth of a coin, and then controlled our Shintokyo."

From Gu Yang's mouth, the things that the left master had done flowed out, but the weight was different from before.

It was not the apostate Gu Yang's words, but the words of Tianma, and they were the truth and the law.

"Since when did the Great Heavenly Demon Cult become a place where outsiders can play with the mischief! Therefore, the Throne will not forgive those who dare to play with our Protestant religion! In addition!! Nor will we forgive the uninhabitants of the Middle Kingdom who have robbed us of our homeland in the past!"

Moved by his declaration, the demons slammed their heads on the ground again and shouted, "Heaven and Heaven Coming, Ten Thousand Demon Blessings."

"To this end, we will have to purify the religion and increase its strength. I will return to the pure doctrine of the doctrine and follow the law of strength! I will establish the rank by nothing, and I will not take petty revenge, and I forbid all Confucius to apply to the Throne at any time."

At Gu Yang's unconventional declaration, some Christians instantly turned their heads to look at Confucius and Confucius Li.

On the other hand, there were several people who looked at Gu Yang with emotion.

The most representative of them was Gumma.

"He is truly fit for a thousand horses."

Instead of punishing the two Confucius who had tried to harm him since he was a child, he kept them alive and encouraged them to challenge.

After all, there must be a competitor to grow rapidly.

It was a different choice from the little people who were busy killing or eliminating their competitors.

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