Genius Martial Arts Trainer
Chapter 363 Table of contents

Yellow (3)


While his left hand was broken, Inju struggled to endure the pain and swung his right arm.


The black sword that collided with the Kangqi entangled Panguan Brush bounced off.

However, repelling the attack did not settle the situation.

Wedge love juice!!

While Dowolcheon breaks Inju's left arm· Before he knew it, Pajin was approaching and shouting his spear at him.


He swung his sword again and succeeded in blocking the attack of Pai Jinsheng, but he was quickly pushed back by a chapter.

To be precise, he had been thrown backwards by the rebound in order to avoid the black sword of the Doyue River that had penetrated at the moment of the clash with Pajin Castle.


Without such an improvisation, his life was in danger.

Instead of counterattacking, he was constantly wielding the judge's pen in his right hand, but he was only on the defensive.

If you didn't move your body while stretching your footsteps, it would not be easy to defend yourself.

To that extent, hands were important to the Murim people.

Even if he didn't hold a weapon such as a sword or a sword as his left hand, he still needed his left hand to perform skills such as the Sword Technique and the Golden Sword Technique.

On the other hand, if he ignored his left hand and only watched the movement of his right arm, it would be much easier for him to read the trick he was trying to unleash.

Inju, who had been fighting against Dowolcheon and Pai Jinsheng until now with an equal advantage, was forced to be pushed out unilaterally.

By a bold gambler of the Dowolcheon,


In an instant, as the wounds on his body piled up, his expression changed every moment.

"It's dangerous to stay like this!"

I didn't mind dying.

The problem was that the moment he died, it was very likely that the tide of the battlefield would turn against him.

In the end, he couldn't let his mistakes cause the Great Realm to collapse.

After finishing his decision, Inju gathered all the internal forces that remained in the hall.

Unlike when he threw the pen like a memorization, the majestic air began to flow around the body of the man.

Despite the terrifying momentum, Dao Yue Chen and Pai Jinsheng did not flinch, but rushed towards Yin Ju again.

At the same time, the silent energy that flowed from the pen wielded by Inju took over all directions and made its way towards the two of them.

The season that struck out most of the inner attack that was left in the Danjeon of Inju.

It was as if he had bet everything on this one move, and he chose a bold move.

In the face of a dreadful feast that seemed to be aptly described as a slope thatch, Pa Jinsheng stepped forward and raised his inner strength.

There was no other flaw that could be performed by Pajin Sung that could show such great prowess.

But he, too, was inspired by the company of Dowolcheon.

'Break through the dots!'

Pai Jinsheng, who had scraped together the inner air from the danzhen, just as Inju had done, took a cardinal formula and took a deep breath.

The energy that rode his heart to the spear overlapped endlessly, forming a strong qi.

This time, however, it wasn't just a matter of putting on a river.


The flow of river qi that begins to rotate like a whirlpool around the spear blade·

And the moment when the rotation reached its climax.

Wedge love juice!!

The spear slammed into the wall of silence created by Inju.


With a deafening noise, part of the wall of silence crumbled.


Dao Yuecheon, who had been waiting for Pai Jin-sung, flew towards the gap he had made.


What I saw in the eyes of such a Tao Yue Chen was the figure of the judge who was secretly flying.

It was Inju who used the last handful of internal attacks he had left to unleash his dark skills again.

'You can't use your left hand, can you?'

Such doubts were dispelled the moment I saw the appearance of Inju.

Inju's right hand was empty.

It wasn't because there was no point in holding a judge's pen because it was all over in the first place.

Using the pen he held in his right hand for memorization, he was quickly tracing his bloodline with his right hand.

Instead of burning the Heavenly Keeper and exploding the submergence, he was unleashing a Dafa that would surely lead to his death.

The reason why Inju had to shake off all the remaining internal attacks and unleash his previous skills was not to bet everything on the last move.

After all, after using this Dafa, he would be able to use the Heavenly Keeper to his heart's content until the end of Dafa, so he didn't need to save his inner work.

It's just that his left finger is so messed up that he can't trace the bloodline, so he needs to memorize even the writing of the judge's hand in his right hand to stall for time and practice Dafa with his right hand.

And Dao Yue Chen had already heard about that Dafa through Mu Jin.

He had witnessed firsthand the fight against the Nachal witches in the past.

Without a moment's hesitation, Dao Yue Chen quickly swung the black sword.

But he didn't wield it to stop the memorization of the judges' pen.

No, in the first place, "I was swayed..." There was a misconception in the expression.

Wedge love!

The black sword that Dao Yue Chen threw at him with the application of the herbivore of the Heavenly Soul Island flew towards Inju at a tremendous speed.

Inju, who was practicing Dafa, boldly stretched out his left arm towards the black sword that flew right in front of him in an instant.

After all, his hand was broken, so he was going to sacrifice his left arm to finish Dafa.

In his immersion in Dafa, he overlooked two important facts.

The fact that he had spent most of his time playing feasts to buy time.


And the fact that it is too strong and sharp to withstand the black sword of the Tao Moon Heaven with human bones or muscles.


The black sword of the Tao Yue Heaven, which had split Inju's left arm like a sheet of paper, went straight forward and fell into Inju's meditation.


Even as he was momentarily out of breath, Yin Ju forced his right hand to continue Dafa.

"It's over."

The Tao Yue Chen came over and pulled out the black sword that had dug into his abdomen again, and slammed it down on Yinju's neck.


After successfully killing the monstrous old masters, Dowolcheon takes a moment to catch his breath.

"Are you alright? Aw..."

Pai Jinsheng came to his side and asked.

In the process of smashing Inju's left hand, he was injured to the extent that his left arm was exposed.

On top of that, he had just ignored Inju's last judgment and threw a black sword, leaving a scar on his side that looked quite deep.

"I didn't hurt my gut too much because I was stretched at the end. Brother"

Saying that, he took out the golden spear medicine he had been carrying with him as a medicine from his bosom and applied it to the wound on his side, then tore his clothes and bound up the wound.

After quickly completing the first aid, Dao Yue Chen looked at Pai Jinsheng with a serious look.

"Let's go..."

Why did you risk your injuries and gamble? To help the brothers as quickly as possible.

So he had time to deal with his injuries and deal with one more enemy.

At the sight of his ambitious brother-in-law, Pai Jin-sung burst out laughing heartily.

"You're my brother! Hahahahaha·"

Pa Jin-sung, who laughed so much, was also bloodied fighting In-joo.

Both men headed for the battlefield as if they were not concerned about injury.

And now that Inju has fallen, There was no one to stop them, at least not in the vicinity.

* * *


Immediately after colliding with the purple energy sent by the Heavenly Emperor...

A line of blood dripped down Mujin's mouth.

Even though they were fighting each other with their self-defense qi intact, the divine spirit of God of God had the strength to be able to withstand it completely.

Every time they collide, the self-defense force shakes and tries to disappear like a mirage.

As I forced myself to maintain such a self-defense force, I naturally had no choice but to accumulate internal injuries little by little.

While Mujin hesitated for a moment,




Mu Yul and Lingling Hui-girl rushed at the left and right of the heavenly lord.


The Heavenly Goddess flew towards the Heavenly Beast with a scarlet blast of heat.


With his tongue light, Chen took a big step back to avoid the animal-like attacks coming from the left and right.

Of course, there was an infinite number of goddesses flying there, but God didn't care.


Once again, the purple aura that emanated from the Heavenly Wu Pavilion lightly tore through the Heavenly Realm Qiao.

But for some reason, God didn't stop there, and he shouted at the head again.

Then, the energy that emanated from the Heavenly Throne suddenly exploded in the air.


There was a martial arts officer who was approaching with his body hidden behind the goddess.

He was able to resist the attack of the Divine Lord by adding a strong flag to the Surado, but he could not take away all the shock and was thrown back.


Mu Gong, who hurriedly threw himself, succeeded in catching Mu Kyung as he bounced off and flew away, but Mu Qing was white in the face and bleeding from the corners of his mouth.

However, unlike such a complexion, Mu Kyung's eyes were calm.

"It's okay. The Death Penalty·"

Mu Qing wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with his left arm, and suddenly pushed Mu Gong hard and threw himself away.


Immediately afterwards, the energy sent by God collided with the place where the two had been entangled, causing an explosion.

If it hadn't been for Mu Qing's haste to push him away, one of them would have been reduced to a handful of blood.

And while the heavens attacked Mu Gong and Wu Qing one after another.

"Don't bother your brothers-in-law, bad man!"


Mu Yul, Ling Ling, and Hye Girl dug into Chen Ju again, unleashing a bizarre body move.

Movements that are too bizarre for humans to perform by imitating the movements of various animals.

However, the Lord of God had now adapted a little to the movement of the three, and he easily dodged the trio's pincer attack.

After dodging the three of them with minimal movement, Chen Zhu took a breath and raised his energy again.


A purple aura swirled around the Heavenly Bird's hands, and the trio of animals had to fly away.

Neither the dragon realm nor the dragon realm could overcome the divine power of the heavens, so it would be suicidal to confront the author's martial arts head-on.

The trio spread their distance, flung themselves around, narrowly avoiding the energy sent by the Heavenly Lord.

Mu Qing, who had been watching the scene in a hurry, muttered to himself involuntarily.

“··· A monstrous bastard..."

Although the attack of God failed, the tide of battle was unfavorable.

Despite the random shooting of that ridiculous energy, Chen Zhu showed no signs of weariness.

No, it wasn't a matter of tiredness. After all this fighting, God had not yet been hurt at all.

On the other hand· Immediately after pushing the trio away, there was a subtle change in the eyes of God.


It was a god who was fighting Shaolin and reading the flow of the battlefield.

I felt one of the energies that was so familiar to me suddenly disappear.

'Injuga . . . Dead?'

This was completely unexpected.

He was a servant who had been with God since he was born, or rather, had been working for the Great Realm even earlier than God.

The moment I realized this, I felt anger.

It wasn't because of the loss of a precious subordinate.

"You grubs!!"

The precious long-term horse that should have remained until the end for the sake of his own legacy has disappeared.

This meant that even if he won this war, his war with the imperial family and his schedule after becoming emperor would inevitably be disrupted.

Around the enraged Catholic, a storm-like wave began to stir up.

"Dust proof!!"

"Avoid my back!!"

Feeling ominous, Hyedam and Mujin hurriedly yelled·

The monks who had not fallen down surrounded the Lord of God in preparation for the disaster that was about to come, and Mujin also unleashed his self-defense flag with all his might.

At the same time, an explosion occurred around the body of God.

A monstrous explosion that sounded like hundreds of wall bombs detonating at the same time.

Some of the members of the Nahan Town collapsed again, vomiting blood.


Mujin, who had completely peeled off his self-defense and had burn marks and wounds all over his skin, let out a faint moan.

I managed to hold on, but it wasn't the right thing to do.

But now I wasn't in a position to worry about the pain.

The Heavenly Lord, who had previously looked at Mu Jin with a blank expression or a contemptuous gaze like an insect, was rushing towards Mu Jin with a demon-like face.



In order to disturb such a divine spirit, Mu Yul and Lingling, who hid behind Mu Jin and escaped the explosion a while ago, rushed in.

In addition, Seventy was also with Hye-gal, who had taken refuge behind Na Han-jin, and Mu Gung Mu-kyung.


The Divine Lord glared at Mu Jin as if he didn't care about them.

The enraged God thought.

It's pointless to win unscathed in order to show your majesty as a god.

Even if it takes a little damage, we need to wipe out these grubs quickly.

Therefore, God decided to kill the most annoying grub first.


Shortly after Mujin, who had been unable to withstand the explosion a moment ago, forced himself to create a self-defense force again.

The Tianzhou Wu Zhang and Mu Jin's self-defense qi collided, and an explosion erupted.

In a single moment, the self-defense gang exploded, and the heavenly lord who had burst the self-defense gang went straight to Mu Jin's abdomen.

But Mujin saw this as an opportunity.

Mu Jin stretched out his arms towards the heavenly lord who had dug deep into the depths.

'I just need to hold on!'

At the very least, if it was simple physical strength, he calculated that he was far superior to the Lord of God.

What's more, the energy left in the Wu Jiang of the Heavenly Realm that clashed with his self-defense force was not very threatening.

He calculated that with his strong skin and muscles, he wouldn't die even if he was seriously injured.


Instead of slapping Mu Jin's abdomen, the Heavenly Beast touched him.

At the same time, the energy that radiated from the Divine Treasure ran through Mujin's skin and penetrated his insides.

내가중수법 (Inner House Heavy Technique)·

Special Techniques to Deal with Masters of Foreign Attack·

Immediately after the Divine Energy flowed into Mujin's interior through the Inner Water Technique.


The sound of a bowl breaking rang through Mujin's ears like a thunderbolt.

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