The White Moonlight Stole Away the Little Substit…
Chapter 2 Table of contents

When the next number stood in front of him, the director’s half-open fish eyes lit up with a swish.

Mainly because the white shirts in front of him made him aesthetically exhausted. The sudden appearance of a bright lemon yellow was indeed refreshing, and the boy was handsome, with a clean face and delicate features, and his hair was not styled messily, hanging softly between his eyebrows.

“Ahem……” The director flipped over the script. “You are not suitable for playing the role of the male lead. Try playing the second male lead. Just start at the scene where you catch the scumbag cheating on you. Let’s see who can act alongside you…..”

However, No. 12 obviously wasn’t listening carefully. He turned around and looked at Mr. Lin sitting in the back and his innocent round eyes curved up, revealing a gentle and well-behaved smile.

The director was a little dissatisfied. These young eighteenth-tier actors were not here to audition today at all! But he dared not speak out in anger, nor did he dare to offend surnamed Lin, who was an investor.

Lin Yuan had been chatting with his friend, and had no interest in the string of little white flowers swaying in front of him.

He suddenly felt his interest flag. After being gone for half a month, he now missed the soft, clean person at home. Even now, he hadn’t eaten that person, but just by holding Lu Qin in his arms, he would feel something warm and soft filling his chest little by little.

This feeling caused a strange heat to rise in his heart, slowly wrapping around it like wisps of vine, where a small, swaying flower was about to bloom.

The friend sitting next to him needed to go to the toilet. Lin Yuan scooted his chair back while holding his coffee and inadvertently lifted his gaze, meeting No. 12’s clear eyes.

He blinked like a little deer.

Lin Yuan: ……

After a few seconds, he realized that this was not a hallucination caused by excessive longing, and his expression suddenly changed.

He jumped up like a dog whose tail was stepped on. The coffee in his hand was unsteady, and splashed all over the childhood friend, who had just stood up. The height of the splash was unfortunate, and happened to land on the person’s crotch.


The roguish friend was abused miserably and knocked over the small table while backing away. “Lin Yuan! Damn it! What grudge do you have against me!”

He was still looking for paper towels when someone walked over quickly, stretched out a slender hand, and handed him a pack of tissues. 

He followed it and saw the young man holding the tissues. Although he couldn’t see his face clearly against the light, his features were handsome and gentle, and his lowered eyelashes had a natural upward curve.

God, he was scalded into hallucinating. An angel had come.

He tried his best to be personable, and gave a distorted smile. When he took the tissues, he didn’t forget to take a breath of cool air and ask Lu Qi: “Hey~ What’s your name?”

Lu Qi: ……

Even though he was like this, he still didn’t forget to hit on someone. He was truly Lin Yuan’s good friend, one as bad as the other. He didn’t know whether to praise him for being strong-willed despite his disability.

Lu Qi smiled politely and said: “I am the subject of Lin Yuan’s mistress-nurturing and targeted poverty alleviation.”

He looked at Lin Yuan, who was standing stiffly on the spot, and continued: “En. Also, I’m more like Lin Yuan’s white moonlight’s……substitute?”

Lin Yuan ignored his friend, who had practically turned into a “boiled chicken,” and asked his assistant to send him to the hospital. Then he reached out to grab Lu Qi’s wrist.

But the always docile young man turned sideways and dodged it with an expressionless face.

For the first time, Lin Yuan saw a look of disgust in Lu Qi’s black and white eyes, as if he couldn’t stand even being touched by his hand. He had always been highly sought after, and had never been treated with such cold eyes. There were so many melon-eating people watching, and the anger that went to his head even momentarily covered up the trace of panic in his heart.

He took a deep breath and raised his hand to signal that he would not touch Lu Qi, whispering: “Go to the conference room next door, and I will explain it to you slowly.”

Lu Qi raised his eyelashes and seriously sized up Lin Yuan.

He had agreed to date Lin Yuan firstly because of Lin Yuan’s sincerity. He was hospitalized some time ago, and Lin Yuan cooked every day and sent it to his hospital halfway across the city. The second reason was that Lin Yuan was pretty good-looking, and had a good figure due to working out all year-round. Although he was not Lu Qi’s type, he was not hard on the eyes when they spent time together.

Now, Lu Qi finally had a deep understanding of what it meant to be a beast in human clothing.

He didn’t want a bunch of people to watch his private affairs, so he followed Lin Yuan out of the audition site.

. . . . . . .

When the door closed, Lin Yuan looked at Lu Qi.

The moment he entered the door, Lu Qi stood by the floor-to-ceiling window and kept his distance from him.

The light outside the window shone onto him. The figure reflected in the window was tall and slender, with slightly longer hair that was very soft. A strand of hair fell cutely behind his cool white ear, revealing a snow-like fragility in the contrast between black and white.

Lu Qi’s features still showed some signs of illness, but they were gentle and exquisite. He didn’t look sick and haggard, but good-looking with no sense of aggression. His eyes reflected the sunlight and turned a clear amber color as he lowered his eyelashes silently, like an elegant and well-behaved cat.

Lin Yuan’s heart softened, and he whispered: “Xiao Qi, I missed you very much.”

Lu Qi raised his head and looked over, astonishment in his eyes.

“How could you do this…..”

He was not very good at cursing, and in the end, he fiercely spoke an adjective that he thought was very harmful: “Shameless…..”

This word would be lethal to him, but it naturally had no effect on Lin Yuan.

When they changed rooms, he had already thought of how to quibble. Loosening his tie, he pulled out a chair and sat down.

“It’s just work, where did you hear such gossip from?” Lin Yuan said: “And you, what are you doing here and not painting at home? Are you interested in the entertainment industry? I can…..”

Li Qi raised his hand and threw the stack of white moonlight materials over. The papers were too thin, and the paperclip let go mid-air. Several papers swirled down, and one of them happened to hit Lin Yuan in the face.

The piece of paper was stuck to his face like this for more than ten seconds before Lin Yuan returned to his senses. He grabbed the paper and stared at Lu Qi with wide eyes, as stunned as if just seen a rabbit kick an eagle.

“Are you fucking crazy?” He, Young Master Lin, had never been slapped in the face. He suddenly became angry and stood up with a swish, looking down at the piece of paper on the table. On it were two teenagers walking side by side.

“I wanted to say that you don’t need to explain. It has nothing to do with me.” Lu Qi exhaled softly, and the fingers holding the thermos turned slightly white. “Lin Yuan, let’s break up.”

The conference room fell silent.

Lin Yuan seemed not to have heard clearly, and asked again: “Lu Qi, what did you say?”

“Break. Up.” Lu Qi spoke very softly, but enunciated every word. “Mr. Lin, I originally thought you were sincere, but I heard you talking from outside the door just now. I didn’t expect that you wouldn’t be able to control your lower body. So filthy.”


There was no telling which word stimulated Lin Yuan. He suddenly kicked the long, heavy table, causing the porcelain cups on it to rattle.

“This isn’t ancient times, you won’t let me touch you, and you expect me to hold it in?! I’m an adult man with normal physiological functions, and I still have to keep my body like jade for you?!” Lin Yuan pointed at the tip of his nose and showed it to Lu Qi. “When it comes to relationships, you think you’re so noble and virtuous! I’ve got a pimple on my nose![1] Are you blaming me for this now?!”

Lin Yuan’s explosion was so sudden that Lu Qi was startled, and the tuft of hair on his head shook. For a moment, he couldn’t pay attention to Mr. Lin’s unique value system. He grabbed the thermos and watched Lin Yuan, who had suddenly kicked the table, on guard in case he jumped over the table to bite him.

Phew~ Fortunately, it was too early for Dog Lin to reveal his true colors, and he stopped his losses in time.

He gave Lin Yuan a sympathetic look and asked cautiously: “Are you sick?”

Lin Yuan almost leaped up. “Are you saying I have AIDS?!”

Ah, I didn’t mean that kind of disease…..” Lu Qi explained, “I mean mania? Uh… you want to go to the hospital for a checkup? En, you can also check to see if you have that other disease…..”

Lin Yuan: ……

He discovered that Lu Qi had a special ability, which was that he could always say sincere things that made people angry.

“It’s just a breakup…..don’t react too much…..” Lu Qi moved toward the door in small steps. “There are a bunch of white moonlight subjects outside…..”

“Stop!” Lin Yuan pinched his brow and said, “Let’s make things clear. Go out and ask around. Who else have I ever coaxed in such a way? You won’t let me touch you, but haven’t I refrained from forcing you? Am I not good enough for you?”

Lu Qi: ? ? ?

“Wow. You’re awesome.” Lu Qi held the thermos cup and clapped like a seal. “But would you force passers-by on the road? Would you force the director outside or your good friend? So isn’t this the most basic respect?”

Lin Yuan opened his mouth and was unable to refute for a moment.

Lu Qi’s cell phone vibrated continuously, and he took it out to look. Reply messages kept popping up from the previous forum post. The most recent was:

[If what the poster says is fake, then I hope it becomes true. If what the poster said is true, then why are you hesitating? Break up immediately and kick him in the waist!]

Lu Qi had already proposed breaking up. As for kicking someone, he thought it would be troublesome. When he was angry, he wanted to hit Lin Yuan with the thermos cup, but he didn’t want to go to the police station because of his impulses.

However, he had already taken the thermos cup, and it would be a pity not to use it.

So when Lin Yuan came over with a dark expression, Lu Qi immediately loosened the bottle cap. When Dog Lin was about to reach out and grab him, he stood on tiptoe, raised the thermos with both hands, and poured it over Lin Yuan’s head.

The tea was warm and had the sweet aroma of fruit. A small chrysanthemum hung on Lin Yuan’s temple, and a soaked lemon slice happened to stick to his left eye socket.

Lin Yuan was topped with a chrysanthemum and wearing a lemon eye mask, with an expression that looked as if he was about to explode.

Lu Qi took a step back and said, “I’ve been very restrained. Don’t do anything more. Let’s part without hard feelings.”

He felt that he had finished what he needed to say, so he turned around to walk out the door. Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan rushed over from behind and pushed shut the door he had opened a crack.

There was a slam, and it almost caught Lu Qi’s outstretched fingers. He was almost scared to death, fearing that Lin Yuan would bite him.

“I don’t agree to break up.” Lin Yuan spoke behind his ear. “I admit that you are very similar to Mu Nanqiao, but you…..”

The airflow from his words brushed the hair on the back of Lu Qi’s neck, making him particularly uncomfortable.

Lu Qi’s entire back was tense. He held his little paws with lingering fear, suppressed his discomfort, and warned Lin Yuan in a low voice: “Can you please maintain a social distance with me?”

He really couldn’t control himself.

Lin Yuan paused, but instead of backing away, he raised his hands and placed them on Lu Qi’s shoulders.

In his anger, he squeezed Lu Qi’s shoulders like he was a little clay figurine. Lu Qi couldn’t endure it anymore and turned around, shoving Lin Yuan.

His height and physical fitness were not as good as Lin Yuan’s, but after all, he was still an adult in his twenties. This shove sent Lin Yuan several steps back, and he almost hit the conference table.

“You…’re sick!” Lu Qi rubbed his shoulders and jumped like a little rabbit. He lost his temper this rare moment, and his cold white face turned crimson. “I don’t want to hear you looking for differences between me and that Mu…..Mu Nanqiao! What you’re doing with this rubbish is an insult to both me and him! If he’s a normal person, he would be disgusted by you lusting after him like this!”

He clearly saw the sudden surge of rage in Lin Yuan’s eyes, as if some inviolable secret area had been touched.

It seemed that Lin Yuan truly cared about what his white moonlight thought of him, and couldn’t bear the casual statement that he would be disgusted.

“What do you know…..” Lin Yuan’s expression was cold as he stood up straight and approached Lu Qi step by step. “He would never think that. He relies on me and trusts me. You can never compare to him.”

“Lu Qi, you have never taken me seriously since you and me got together.”

Lu Qi’s eyelashes trembled.

He was a little sad.

He was relieved.

The day he met the “talent scout,” he was out getting Lin Yuan’s birthday gift.

He knew that his feelings for Lin Yuan were mostly gratitude, but since he had agreed to date, he must take it seriously. So he worked hard to be good to Lin Yuan, and liked Lin Yuan more and more every day…..

Fortunately, they had just started out, and it hadn’t gone too far.

Lu Qi raised his head. Due to the height difference, he had to look up at Lin Yuan, but his eyes were clear and firm, and Lin Yuan’s brainwashing was obviously of no use.

“Do you think I should cry hysterically once something like this has happened to put your mind at ease?” Lu Qi shook his head calmly. “No way, it’s too disgraceful.”

Lin Yuan: ……

Lu Qi took a deep breath, and his slightly thin chest rose and fell. Then he walked quickly toward Lin Yuan.

“But today is your birthday, and after thinking about it, I should fulfill your wish.”

He stood in front of Lin Yuan, smiled, and suddenly kicked him in the waist.

The incident happened so suddenly that Lin Yuan was unguarded against the gentle Lu Qi. Even though he subconsciously dodged, the kick was still very strong, and he knocked over several chairs with a clatter.

He fell on the hotel’s carpet, which was not very clean. The pain came after, and he curled up with a groan. He managed to raise his head to look at Lu Qi who was standing beside the table, his eyes full of disbelief.

Lu Qi had never been in a fight, so kicking him in the waist was really hard for him, a lazy little guy. The force of the shock caused him to lean back and almost lose his balance, so he had to hold onto the table to keep from falling.

He arranged the small bag hanging on his chest, looked down at Lin Yuan, and asked innocently: “Didn’t you want to see me lose my temper? Why are you so shocked now?”

“Happy birthday. In this new year, act like a human being.”

[1] Some people believe that not having sex will lead to acne. Who knew. ⮐

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