The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 7 Ch. 25 Table of contents

I realized that I had to explain the healing fist in the meeting where the representatives of the various kingdoms gathered, and I was desperately thinking about what kind of explanation I should give while listening to the contents of the meeting that had begun.

It's okay to talk about it, but I don'...... know if people will believe it! Or rather, if you don't actually show it, you'll be called a hasty liar.

No, I'm aware that I've done some pretty bad things as a healing wizard.

But, but. I never thought I would have to expose it in front of such a public...... I hadn't even thought about it, so it's tough.

I tried not to show my agitation on my face with Rose's performance, so I kept my composure by crossing my arms and silently looking straight ahead.


"In the battle against the Demon King's army, the strength that Samarita can produce is ———."

"Then the amount of supplies needed to assemble a force ———."

"I ——— more information about the equipment of the demon tribes and how much physical power they have."


In the meantime, the meeting is moving forward by the minute.

I can understand it roughly, but after all, the power that can be gathered against the Demon King's army is considerable.

Strength from each kingdom.

Supplies to maintain it.

And the power of the Demon King's army, which is important, and the physical abilities and magic of the Demon Clan's individual beings.

Sometimes we exchange information and share opinions.

Among the representatives here who are holding talks, there is one person who particularly caught my eye.


"Warrior Leader Hyde, I think we should discuss the main forces of the Demon King's army first?"

"That's important, but the first thing to do is to consolidate the strength of your soldiers, and when the main force of this army and the main force of the Demon King's army face each other, you should prepare the battle situation so that your allies can maintain their advantage."



Perhaps sensing that the conversation between Mr./Ms. Hyde and Princess Naia was about to develop into a dispute, Lucas interjected as if to break the flow.


"It's also important to share information about the Demon King's army that we are fighting against, so can we talk to the Knight Commander Sigurd, who has survived two invasions of the Demon King's army?"



Lucas, who is probably the most accustomed to this kind of situation, has been supporting us to make the meeting go smoothly as I explained to me the other day.

Thanks to Lucas, Mr./Ms., who was very nervous, was able to relax her shoulders and act as a facilitator, so I'm really glad he came.


"Hey, hey, Usato-kun."

"Yes? What's wrong?"


During the meeting, a senior colleague spoke quietly to me.

I tilt my head to her with a somewhat subtle expression.


"I've been glaring at Prince Kyle in the seat across from me for a while, did he do anything?"

"What? I ......'t mean that."


I replied in the same tone of voice as my senior, and when I looked over at Prince Kyle, he was pale in the face as he glanced at me.

Oh my gosh, I'm still pretending to be Rose, so from Prince Kyle's point of view, I've been glaring at him the whole time.

I'm sorry I did it, and I need to apologize properly later.


"Well, I don't care about him...... Usato-kun, are you okay? Are you nervous?"

"No, it's not that I'm nervous——"



When I was about to reply to Prince Kyle with a wry smile on his face, Mr./Ms. called my name.

I turned to face him, wondering if he would be blamed for talking uselessly in an important meeting, but from the sorry look on Mr./Ms.'s face, it seems to be different.


"Usato-sama, may you explain the battle between the Demon King's army and the Second Legion Commander in the Land of the Beastmen?"

「…… Yes."


Time flies fast.

While reaching the state of resignation, he speaks while hiding his voice so that only his senpai and Kazuki can hear him.


"Senpai, Kazuki."


"What's wrong? Usato"


He opens his mouth to the two of them who look at him, although he hesitates for a moment.


"I may reveal something ridiculous from now on, so please smile gently then."

"What are you going to do!?"

"What's really going on!?"


With a slight resignation smile on my face as the two of them dexterously rushed in with a small voice, I stood up and looked around at the people in the meeting again.

Lucas is grinning no matter how you look at it.

Princess Naia is looking at us curiously, and Prince Kyle is trying to be unfaithful.

Mr./Ms. Hyde is somewhat excited.

No matter how I think about it, I feel discouraged by the fact that I can't deceive myself, but I still organize what I want to say in my head before I say it.


"I'm going to tell you about Koga Dingal, the commander of the Second Legion of the Demon King's Army, who fought in the Land of the Beastmen."


If this happens, you have no choice but to turn your stomach.

Even if I am a little drawn, I will be honest with you.

As he made up his mind, Prince Kyle raised his right hand from the seat across from him and spoke.


"Wait a minute, first of all, did the healing wizard there really go to the Beastman Country?"


In an instant, Princess Naia's swung down on Prince Kyle's head.


"I'm sorry for the repeated rudeness."

"Oh, sister! Because that's right! There is no proof that this guy has even gone to the Beastman Country, let alone the Legion Commander of the Demon King Army!"

"The fact that Usato-sama went to the land of the beastmen is proved by Norn Elad Miarak, the queen of the floating city of Miarak, right? Besides, why can't you see why Master Lucas and Captain Hyde here don't point out questions that even you are aware of?"


Prince Kyle returns to his seat in frustration.

In fact, if you ask me to give evidence, all I have to do is get a sentence from Hayate Mr./Ms. Hoobar, who signed a contract with Hinomoto.......

Well, let me change my mind and resume my explanation.


"Well, when I went to the Beastman Country, I encountered the Second Corps Commander Koga, who had already asked for the help of the Beastman Tribe."


Explain what happened in the country of the beastmen, albeit in general as it is.

Of course, I will omit the civil war and other things like that, but I will tell the story of how I came to fight Koga.

In the midst of this, Princess Naia asks me a question.


"What kind of magic did the Legion Commander have?"

"It's dark magic."


After all, dark magic is rare magic in both good and bad ways, and not only the representative but also the knight who is in charge of the escort reveals his agitation.


"His ability is to wear a black belt made up of magical power that can be used as both a weapon and armor, and the commander of the Second Legion, Koga, has challenged me to a match with tremendous physical ability."

"Hmm, so what's wrong with you?"

"Of course, I fought back, and I think we were able to compete because we weren't outmatched in terms of physical ability."

"No, wait a minute, it's funny."


As he replied to Lucas, Prince Kyle interjected again.

Princess Naia, who was next to him, pressed her forehead.


"No, no, no, my question is plausible this time! Why are you competing with the Legion Commander with your physical abilities, let alone the Demon Tribe!?"

"Huh, Kyle."


Princess Naia looks stunned, but he still pleads.

However, when Lucas heard my reply, he only laughed cheerfully.


"Hahahaha, you're still as good as ever, I remember you knocking down our knight captain with a single fist."

"Look, that's what Lucas said."

"What!? It's just that the fact that he overthrew the Knight Commander of Samaria has been revealed!?"


Lucas, you're not amused, are you?

No, this person is a little playful, so it seems that he will do something reckless to take a break from the meeting.


"Back to the topic, my impression of the battle was that Koga's ability was considerable. Magic that can be used as a weapon or shield for any distance, and extraordinary physical abilities. I don't think the only way to fight him properly was to fight him in close quarters."

"Then why don't you bring it to close combat?"


I nod at Mr./Ms.'s words.


"Yes, but the main problem was that Koga was the best at melee combat. On top of that, his own magical defenses were so strong that he could easily block even my all-out attacks."


Prince Kyle was about to say something, but Princess Naia glared at him to silence him.

Even if you think about it now, it's foul to overlap the belts and prevent the attack. Judging from the hardness of that belt, it seems that magic and swords cannot pass through, which is of bad nature.


"So, did you defeat the Second Legion Commander?"

"We also had a lot of injuries, but we were able to fight them off."


It was really hard at that time.

It was the first time I had received an attack that casually pierced my body.

If you've explained it so far, you don't need to explain how you defeated it. The subject is to explain the combat abilities and magic of the Second Legion Commander, Koga, without having to explain how he defeated him.

Thinking so, when I was about to finish the story, Mr./Ms. Hyde, who put her hand on her chin, opened her mouth in distress.


"How did you defeat the Second Legion Commander? From what you've said, he must have been quite a deal, wasn't he?"


Mr./Ms.'s words made my shoulders tremble.

Perhaps suspicious of my reaction, Prince Kyle spoke up as he looked at Princess Naia next to him.


"Maybe you haven't really repelled them?"


"No, let me tell you, honestly, I don't believe what you're saying. Competing against a legion commander based on physical ability alone, and defeating him? Isn't that really the case?"


He smiles proudly and turns to me.

As for me, I was prepared to be told that, so I wasn't too upset, but I was more concerned in a scary way about Princess Naia, who was taking on a sword-swallowing vibe next to me.


"Didn't you just run away in front of the Second Corps Commander and the others——"

"That's it."


Princess Naia, who was next to him, was about to raise her palm expressionlessly, when Lucas' voice interrupted Prince Kyle's words.

Prince Kyle is also stunned by Lucas's sudden words.


"If you think about it with common sense, you're right, and it would seem ridiculous for a mere mortal, especially a healing wizard, to fight a demon tribe with physical abilities and magical powers that surpass humans."

"Oh, I guess so."

"But, you know, I've seen Usato fight right in front of me, so I know why he can't put into words what he's doing. His fight, so to speak...... Yes, it's beyond our common sense."


Lucas said mysteriously, looking around at the people in the meeting, and then gave me the same determined look as when I first met him.


"I don't know everything about his journey after he left my country, but one thing is for sure: Usato Ken is not a man who runs away in the face of someone to fight. Isn't that right, Usato?"

「…… Yes."


…… What am I doing?

- I wanted to hide my own crazy condition, so I made Lucas take unnecessary trouble.

I have to be honest here.

As the deputy leader of the life-saving team, he should have behaved in a manner befitting Rose's apprentice. Feeling embarrassed by her own immaturity and shallowness, she decides to tell her everything.


"I am...... In order to fight off the Second Corps Commander Koga, I used a technique called the Healing Strike Fist."

"Healing, barrage fist?"


At the technique named healing, Princess Naia tilted her head.

Other people——、 especially seniors who had never heard of her before, were looking up at us with a little excitement.


"There's one thing I need to tell you about this technique: I'm not treating healing magic as a way to heal people, but as a way to subdue an opponent unscathed."

"How do you use healing magic?"


In response to Mr./Ms.'s question, I speak honestly without being upset.


"You can use healing magic to punch, throw, throw magic bullets, and blind your opponents with magic bullets, and you can also link up with familiars who can handle magic and restrain your opponents."

"Blinding? Sorcery? Restraint?"


Princess Naia, who was about to seriously consider the matter, muttered confusedly, but frankly, she hadn't even gotten into the main topic yet, so she let the story continue.


"Going back to the Healing Strike Fist, this technique is the most dangerous one I use, so I usually try not to use it, but I ended up using it out of necessity in my fight with Koga."

"Is it a dangerous technique to use healing magic?"

"That's right."


I wonder what kind of reaction I will get.

It's a technique that even I, who use it, can't beat. If Mr. Mr./Ms. here hears the principle, it is not surprising that she will faint.

I took a small deep breath and explained the healing barrage fist to the people who were paying attention.


"Healing Continuous Fist, which is a technique that intentionally explodes the system reinforcement and slams it continuously on the opponent who is in close contact with it after giving it directionality."

"...... you call system reinforcement an outburst?"


Rattle! Mr./Ms. Hyde stood up from his chair vigorously and made a startled voice.

He seems to be surprised that the rest of us understand the dangers of what I'm doing.

…… In particular, the expression of Mr./Ms. at the edge of her vision is amazing.


"It's a technique that can only succeed with the assistance of a special gauntlet, otherwise I would be gone from my elbow down by now."

"It's nothing short of brilliant to be able to strengthen the lineage at that age, but it's still a deliberate outburst...... It's not an ordinary person's idea......


In fact, given the dangers of grid strengthening, it is not surprising that such a thing could happen.

Rather, Leona Mr./Ms. preached a lot.

After this, you must be prepared to be preached to by Mr./Ms., who is said to have great eyesight.


「…… Did you pass on that skill to the Second Corps Commander?"


Princess Naia, who was the first to regain her composure here, asks about it.


"Yes, I slammed him about seven times and finally broke through his defenses, so I slammed my fist into his flesh and knocked him unconscious. But we were able to fight them back, but in the end, we ended up with a painful outcome."


With a healing barrage of fists, he was able to knock Koga unconscious.

In the end, however, the battle was overlooked.




In the silence of the meeting, Mr./Ms. Hyde's laughter rang out.

Surprised, I turned my gaze to him, and Mr./Ms. Hyde nodded enthusiastically.


"You're right, Lucas, it's just beyond the realm of common sense! I didn't think I was doing anything far beyond my expectations! It's absolutely ridiculous, the lifeguards of the Ringle Kingdom!"

"Ha, ha......"


I couldn't keep up with the tension of the bright Hyde Mr./Ms., and I could only reply vaguely.

Mr./Ms. turned to me and grinned.


"Do you mind if I show you my healing fist and my healing fist while I'm here?"


"I can't imagine what kind of technique it is just by talking, so if you don't mind, I want you to practice it."


Mr./Ms. Hyde seemed like an excited kid when he said that.

In front of that, I couldn't help but nod my head while twitching my cheeks.


This time, Prince Kyle was only flirting, but his doubts were natural for those who didn't know about Usato and the Life Rescue Team.

Well, about half of it was a bit of a grudge (laughs).

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