The White Moonlight Stole Away the Little Substit…
Chapter 14 Table of contents

In the early morning, Lu Qi got up and fed the kittens. These four little creatures were just able to open their eyes, and huddled together on the electric blanket, meowing whenever they were hungry. Lu Qi had set the alarm clock, and fed each one in a daze, also using wet wipes to help them go to the toilet. After tossing about for most of an hour, they went to sleep and Lu Qi fell back on the bed.

His sleepiness had subsided a lot, and he opened Bilibili to find a video to help him sleep, only to be shocked by the explosion of private messages. 

Some time ago, the private messages were full of malice. Lu Qi was a little worried about these red dots, and hesitantly clicked in to take a quick glance.


His eyes widened, dark pupils illuminated by the light of his mobile phone.

[Hahahahahaha, heaven has eyes! Lu Baby, that 90° scumbag overturned!]

[Is wifey there? That bastard who spread rumors has been detained (attack) (attack)]

(image) (image) ]

[ (link) ]

Lu Qi clicked on the pictures first.

The police report with white letters on a blue background was issued by the precinct in Ninghai District, Beijing, where 90° Right Angle Bend was located. Its content stated that Liu Jiang was criminally detained by police in accordance with the law on suspicion of rape and gathering a crowd for promiscuity.

Liu Jiang—the real name of 90° Right Angle Bend.

Lu Qi was so frightened by the big melon rolling toward him that he couldn’t sleep anymore. He simply put a pillow behind him and found a more comfortable position to eat the melon.

In the dim morning light, there was the sound of a door opening and closing next door. Lu Qi tilted his head to listen. Mu Nanqiao’s footsteps going down the stairs were very soft. Thinking of the big, tall person cautiously tiptoeing downstairs, Lu Qi couldn’t help the curve of his lips, and raised a hand to rub his painful swollen eyes. The kittens mew mew’d, and Lu Qi put on slippers to go prepare milk powder. During the feeding, he thought about the 90° Right Angle melon.

Initially, it was a little-known personal media outlet that broke the news, claiming that Liu Jiang, a well-known internet celebrity, lured an underage female fan to have sex. There was even surveillance footage of the two people entering and leaving the hotel one after another.

But this was not firm evidence. Fans of Right Angle immediately rushed to that personal media outlet, claiming, Right Angle is gay, so how could he sleep with female fans?

The Weibo of the small personal media outlet that broke the news was quickly reported and deleted. However, forty minutes later, the media outlet came out with new revelations. The ruthless person didn’t say much, and there was only a series of pictures.

Several of the pictures couldn’t pass the censorship review and were blurred out. In them, Liu Jiang embraced a boy and a girl on the left and right, and was kissing the girl among them. Even though the boy’s face was blurred, it could be seen that it was not his current boyfriend, Honey Bear. In the blurry picture, Liu Jiang did not seem to be wearing pants.

Public opinion was currently exploding. Although some fans were quibbling that it wasn’t Liu Jiang in the pictures, more fans began to remain silent. After all, Liu Jiang wasn’t a star, and there were still only a few people who had been truly brainwashed.

Later, the personal video outlet released a video.

Someone had taken a video of the police crackdown on pornography and illegal activities from a distance. Red and blue lights flashed, and only the vague figures of men and women could be seen from so far away. However, the person who took the video was close to the parking lot. A fancy red sports car was parked at the very edge, exactly the same as the one Lui Jiang had posted about some time ago. 

Finally, the hammer fell, and the Ninghai District Precinct issued a police report.

Bilibili blocked the channel “90° Right Angle Bend” overnight.

In short, Liu Jiang was finished.

Lu Qi’s private messages were all asking him to watch the fun.

A little kitten vigorously sucked the milk from the syringe, and Lu Qi yawned tiredly.

He had seen enough of the excitement and was a little sleepy.

Of course he felt happy that the scum received the punishment he deserved, but this excitement didn’t last long. As the temporary father of four cubs, he finished feeding the kittens who were waiting for food and then lay back to catch up on his sleep.

Hugging the pillow, he fell into an extraordinarily deep sleep.

At the same time, Mu Nanqiao had changed into a formal dark brown three-piece suit and was sitting in the car on the way to Mu Group.

He had his own driver, so he could focus on looking through the interesting things he found.

The assistant had stayed up late the night before doing errands, and had dark patches under his eyes. It served that internet celebrity right to get in trouble. That person had no idea he was being targeted, and even gathered a crowd to have a party. Once it was reported, he was caught.

Thinking of the boss’s “cat holding a knife” emoji the night before, he couldn’t help but shiver and send a covert glance toward his boss.

Mu Nanqiao rested his elbow against the car window, leaning the side of his face on his hand. The morning light fell on his impeccably handsome face, and the light and shadow gave his features more three-dimensionality. Even in the back row, the space in this car was worthy of its price, and the boss could still cross his legs in a leisurely and elegant posture. Leisurely looking at…..erotic art?!!

The assistant almost choked to death on his own saliva. He swore he hadn’t peeked on purpose, and only glanced over vaguely, but the more vague it was, the more the overlapping and entangled figures became suspicious, ahhhhh! 

He covered his mouth, not daring to cough loudly, and his face turned red.

Heaven protect him, he had originally wanted to sit in the passenger seat today, but his boss stabbed him with his eyes and took him to the back. Upon closer inspection, there was a round, chubby neck pillow in the shape of a running deer strapped to the backrest of the passenger seat.

As a result, he saw something he shouldn’t have seen while sitting in the back. Would he be fired from Mu Group tomorrow for this blunder? 

But the boss was really not very normal lately. Although his boss had always had a gloomy and twisted temperament, in the past two days, he had become like a pervert with a heart full of love.

“If you need to cough, just cough.” Mu Nanqiao said leisurely, “It would be troublesome to deal with if you suffocated to death in my car.”

The assistant felt that “deal with” referred to digging a hole and burying the body.

He finally couldn’t hold it in anymore, and tilted his head to cough several times to his heart’s content.

Mu Nanqiao ignored him and continued to watch Lu Qi’s next video.

Before, he had only known that his neighbor was a painter, but didn’t know the exact type of paintings he did. It was indeed very interesting.

If the owner allowed it, Lu Qi would put watermarks on some of the drawing processes and release them for everyone to enjoy. Not all of them were obscene images, and there were also some fandom commissions. 

Lu Qi had his own style. Most of the drawings highlighted the sense of atmosphere. Under the strong color contrast, the smooth body contours of the characters and the hints of small hidden details were sometimes more impactful than direct nudity.

The sponsors’ aesthetics were diverse, and the little neighbor was also well-informed, with a rich reserve of theoretical knowledge.

Mu Nanqiao clicked the follow button and posted a comment on Lu Qi’s latest video using his newly-registered account.

[Leonid lvl.2: Sticking to Wife~ (kitten head)]

During lunch, he received a like and reply from Wife Xiao Lu.

[LU Deer: Thank you for the like~ (finger heart)]

The assistant, who had not been fired, looked up and saw that bright smile on the boss’s face again. His expression was so tender that water could be squeezed out, which made his already outstanding face dazzling and difficult to look at straight-on.

So the assistant buried his head lower, wishing he could bury it in a plate of food.

In ancient times, the great palace eunuch could not easily detect the emperor’s thoughts. Even if he knew, he would pretend not to know. The assistant felt that he was the great palace eunuch now.

This smile, like the neck pillow on the passenger seat, was an indescribable and sacred holy edict, ah.

. . . . . . .

Mu Nanqiao had a social event in the afternoon and drank some wine. After that, he did not return to the company, but told the driver to take him back to the Garden Community.

He didn’t have the car drive to the gate of the community, but stopped at Hengjin Secondary School. He got out of the car alone, faced the setting sun, and walked slowly along the sidewalk.

The snow-white teaching building opposite was shrouded in the orange light of the sunset, windows reflecting the light. A broadcast sounded, and melodious piano music enveloped the entire campus.

Inside the main entrance of the school were flower beds, fountains, and acres of greenery. There were not many students on the tree-lined road. School had not yet ended, and many of the students were active on the two playgrounds at the back. His gaze passed through the flawless white fountain, directly toward the southeast part of the school. 

There used to be an old warehouse there. Its area wasn’t large. Strictly speaking, it was not part of the Hengin Secondary School campus, but it was filled with old tables, chairs, and sports equipment. For some unknown reason, the ventilation windows located up high were sealed from the outside. The warehouse originally had poor lighting, and once the lights were turned off and the doors shut, it was like a deep sea full of silt, cold, silent, and suffocating.

And at that time, he still didn’t know how to endure silently and outmaneuver others. It hurt when the fists fell on him, and of course he had to fight back. He couldn’t beat the group of people, and focused solely on the leader. That person was his cousin, Mu Rui, the youngest son of his second uncle’s family.

When he was pulled away from Mu Rui, his mouth was full of blood that wasn’t his. He had bitten a piece of flesh from Mu Rui’s arm.

Those following Mu Rui feared that the Mu family would be angry later, so they hurriedly sent Mu Rui to the hospital while others stayed behind to beat Mu Nanqiao up. They suppressed him with a chain they had found out of nowhere, tied his hands behind his back, and locked him in the warehouse.

Mu Nanqiao knew why Mu Rui had done this. His cousin was an out-and-out ass-kisser, and the girl he liked was a candidate for the next day’s competition. As a contestant, if something happened to him, then another candidate would naturally be able to take over.

Every wound on his body hurt. This was the worst he had been injured in the past six months. He curled up on the cold cement floor and began to have a fever during the second half of the night. It seemed there was some kind of evil spirit in the darkness, twisting and tearing at him.

He knew he wouldn’t be able to call out to anyone, or else someone would have come when he was being beaten. And now he didn’t have the strength to call for help. The pain in his chest and abdomen took his breath away. 

Was he going to die?

This question kept turning around and around in his mind, and in the end, he nearly laughed.

In the previous ten years of his life, he had so many wonderful things, such as a clever mind, the love of his parents, and endless praises. But those seemed to have been destroyed with ease, lost in the dark night of the past six months.

Human beings were truly fragile things. It took a lot of sunshine, flowers, and love to build a beautiful soul, but only one long, silent night to destroy a person.

He closed his eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, he heard a slight sound.

Pst, pst, pst.

At first, Mu Nanqiao thought he had heard wrong.

But someone continued to make the “Pst pst” sound you would use to call a puppy.

A young man murmured in confusion, “Xu Hengxing, are you sure it’s around here? It’s early in the morning, I have to compete later…..okay, then I’ll look for another five minutes at most, and I’ll search with you after I finish the competition…..”

The other party seemed to be on the phone. After hanging up, footsteps gradually approached.

Mu Nanqiao squeezed out a few senseless groans from his throat.

The sound was too soft, and he almost gave up hope. The high fever had made him a little muddle-headed, and he wasn’t even certain he had made a sound.

The door of the warehouse was pushed twice, but it was locked, and the two iron doors remained motionless. The other party asked a couple of questions, and then the footsteps became distant.

Mu Nanqiao’s heart sank a little bit.

But then a window above his head was pried open, and sunlight fell in.

He worked hard to turn over and lay on his back. Only a slit remained in his swollen eyes, and he could just barely see a clean, slender hand.

The owner of that hand must not have been tall enough, because he only opened the ventilation window a crack and then retracted his hand. After a moment, it seemed his feet were raised higher, and the hand was finally able to fully extend in.

The person outside the window still couldn’t see in. Only a swaying tuft of hair was exposed, and he continued to “Pst pst” uncertainly.

Mu Nanqiao said hoarsely: “…..I’m a human being.”

The person outside the window gave a short, surprised exclamation, and Mu Nanqiao heard clearly that it indeed was a youngster.

This memory was vague. He had a fever, and was in a daze as he listened to the young man call the police. While waiting for rescue, the young man continued to talk to him. 

Whenever he stopped speaking, that hand reaching in would swing anxiously, the bracelet on his wrist trembling like a little butterfly flying around with its eyes closed.

The shaking made him even more dizzy.

But the morning light clearly danced on the butterfly’s wings, saying silently: It is dawn.

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