The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 7 Ch. 7 Table of contents

Nea and I left the castle with Bullyn and headed straight for the rescue team.

I miss everything I see, ———、 the cityscape of the Ringle Kingdom, the road leading to the rescue team, and the trees that grow around it.


"I wonder if everyone is doing well.


"Oh yes, I'm glad you're back."


He strokes the head of Bulllin, who walks next to him, and looks at Nea on his shoulder.

I had been trying to escape, but in front of my reflexes, I realized that it was meaningless, and now I am unfaithful and quiet.


"Well, the lifeguards aren't as bad as you might think."

「…… Even if you're lying, you'll understand."

"I'm not lying, it's just that almost everyone in the group is too unique."

"Can you stop talking like you're not unique? In fact, I don't know anyone more unique than you."



I'd rather count them from the bottom.


"No, no, there are monsters and blue-blooded toughmen in the rescue team, and above all, the leader of the group is much worse than me.

"Oh, it's no use trying to scare you with that! I can't believe it's more than an evil dragon!"


From my point of view, I don't want to deal with Rose, who is better than me in almost every way.

Unlike the Evil Dragon, he wouldn't be able to use any tricks or pushes, and even now that he has a gauntlet, he still can't think of a vision that he can fight Rose.


"Well, I'm sure you'll find out after we meet, but I have to introduce you to the rest of the group. Knack to the tough guys and Ferm...... And to the Mr./Ms. Olga and Uluru Mr./Ms. in the infirmary."

"Ferm is a demon tribe that was summoned by Farga's magic in Mialak?"

"That's right."


It's been almost a month since then, but I think I've calmed down a little.

No, it's about him, so I can't calm down. I'm worried about whether he's getting along with Nak, but since Rose is there, is that okay?


"Can I do it...... The squad is already too dense, and I'm worried about whether I'll be able to fit in."

"Haha, I think you'll be okay because you're pretty much the same."

"Hey, what do you mean by that?"


A hybrid of vampire and necromancer, an owl, a dodgy girl, and many other neas, even if the lifesaving team is full of, they can't be outdone by their personalities.

No, if you ask me if I'm winning, I'm not sure.

Perhaps he didn't agree with my words, but as he walked around, soothing Punska and the angry Nea, he finally saw the dormitory of the rescue team.


"No, it looks surprisingly normal, I thought there were torture instruments or something."

"It's an exaggeration, ...... this is a place to help people. There must be such a noisy thing...... Hmm?"


That's when he notices something lying in front of his quarters.

Nak, a dark-haired boy, and Ferm, a silver-haired demon girl.

They were in tatters, and they had fainted with their hands reaching for the door of their quarters as if they were exhausted.

When Nea noticed me, her face turned pale and her voice trembled.


"Hey, hey, Usato, there's a person lying in a place where ...... help people."

"This is the daily routine of the rescue team, don't worry, it's not unusual at all."

"I'm going back to the village!"

"I don't know."


Immediately catch Nea as she tries to escape.

He speaks to Nea, who is frantically moving his wings with fluttering, in a flat voice.


"Hahaha, I'm homesick by now. Don't worry, this is going to be your home."

"Why do I have to live in a place where it's normal for people to fall in front of my house!? The lifeguards are such a bizarre bunch!"

"This is the only place you can go home. I'd rather not let you choose anywhere else."

"How much do you want to involve me!?"


To be honest, I'm scared of being scolded for tearing my uniform.

She thought that if there was at least one person who knew about the situation, Rose's anger might be alleviated a little.

I don't think it will do much of a favor, but it's better than nothing.

Holding Nair in his footsteps, he walks up to the unconscious Nak and Ferm.

Ferm ...... No, it's completely white-eyed.

Nak ——、


「…… Oh, Usato, there's ...... Mr./Ms.."

"Nak! Are you okay!?"

"Hehe, hehe...... After all, the training of the group leader is hell...... It is."

"Nak! Hey, hold tight! Nak ......!"


He turns his face away from Nak, who is fainting as if he is running out of strength.

As expected, it's Rose.

He has already been stunted by the mental damage alone, even though there is no room for healing and there is no room for healing.

There's nothing I can do about it.


「…… Let's leave it alone."

"I've just got a glimpse of the daily life of a crazy rescue team."

"Gu ......"


With Nea and Bulllin's gazes flowing, he lays the unconscious Nak and Ferm on a nearby field.

I'll probably wake up in an hour or so.

It would be better for both of you to let him rest for an hour than to wake him up now.

That's what I thought when I was training.


"Alright, we need to take Bulllyn to the stables first."



He walks to the stables with a silent Bullin.

The stables in the immediate vicinity of the dormitory were still piled with straw from Mr./Ms., and Burlin gained momentum and dived into the bundle, and within seconds he fell asleep.


"Good job, Bulllin, keep up the good work."

"You must have been very tired, ...... that's understandable."


Back on her shoulder, Nea looks at Bulllyn and mutters.

At that moment, a small black shadow jumped out from behind the straw in front of me.

I immediately realized the identity of the shadow, and I tried to catch it without even bothering to hold it——、 but for some reason, the small shadow was not directed at me, but at the nea on my shoulder.


"What? What's that?!?"


While in an owl state, Nea, who was rammed, reverted to the form of a black-haired, red-eyed person due to the shock.

In the place where Nea had been earlier, Rose's pet, Kukuru, a noir rabbit, was moving her distinctive sagging ears with a smug face.


"How are you, dear? Kukuru"



It looks very adorable, but it is the same rabbit as its master.

Basically, it's this guy's job to deceive the opponent with his appearance and knock him into the depths of despair.


"This damn rabbit! It's not a good idea to knock me down all of a sudden! Usato! What the hell is this?"

"This kid is called Kukuru, the leader's pet, and he seems to be a rare monster just like you."


"I don't care if it's rare or not! That's mine!"


Transforming into an owl again, Nea charges at Kukuru on his shoulder.

However, Kukuru dodges Nea with a light movement and moves to the opposite shoulder, giving Nea a mocking look that could be described as "sweet".

Back in her original position, Nea shakes her body with anger.


"Usato, what is this!? It's so annoying!"

"Well, well, calm down, but is the leader in the quarters, Kukuru?"


I ask Kukuru as he calms her down, and she nods her head firmly.

So, let's go to the dormitory as it is.

With Nea on his right shoulder and Kukuru on his left shoulder, he leaves the stable and enters the dormitory with the feeling of being a tamer.

…… When I think about it, I'm scared that if Inugami-senpai sees me now, he'll lose himself and attack me.


「…… I don't have a tough guy. Are you in training at this time?"


"Oh? What are you looking at? This damn rabbit."


For the time being, I hope you don't put my face in a fight.

With a sigh, he looks around the interior of the dormitory and indulges in emotion.


"Leader...... It's the leader's office."


If you're waiting, it's only there.

You already know I'm back. Then, let's go straight to the leader's office without hesitation.

With that in mind, I climbed the stairs and stood in front of the door of the leader's office with Rose.


"Wow...... Okay."


Once again, he made up his mind and knocked on the door of the leader's office.

Then, the word "in" came back shortly, so I nervously put my hand on the doorknob and left the door open.

The first thing that caught my eye was the figure of Rose, sitting on a chair in the leader's office with her arms crossed.

Rose——、 who was fully aware of my appearance, smiled a smile that was the same as the last day we saw each other, with a hint of ferocity.


"Well...... There's so much I want to say...... We'll do that later."


Regardless of my lack of words, she continues to weave her words.


"Well done, Usato."

「…… Whew!"


At those words, I suppress what I feel and put my heart out as much as possible.

Let's say it out loud.


"I'm back now! Leader!!"


It was at this time that I finally realized that I had returned to my home.



Afterwards, I was in the leader's office briefly explaining to Rose what had happened on my journey so far.

Unlike his seniors, he listened to the story of the evil dragon and the story of Falga-sama without moving an eyebrow, and he shrugged his shoulders.


"It looks like you've had a pretty pleasant trip."


After listening to the whole story, Rose crossed her arms in contemplation before saying something like that.

It's hilarious...... It was so easy to put it all together.


"Hahaha, well...... Yes."

"Don't praise me, idiot. In the end, it fell into place, so let's think a little further ahead and act."

"Yes, I'm sorry......"


It's a fact, so I honestly admit my fault.

I can't help being angry here, but there is another case that is likely to make me angry.

Fearfully, I'll cut the story to Rose.


"Well, I'm talking about the uniform......

"I'm told you that the Second Corps Commander beat you up, show me."


He takes out a cloth-wrapped uniform from his luggage and hands it to Rose.

She unfolded her outfit and stared at the hole that had been cut and left by Koga for a few seconds, before returning her gaze to me with a slightly sullen look.


"First of all, I'm not that angry."

「…… What!?"


He seems to be in a bad mood.

In response, Rose pressed her hand to her forehead.


"It's meant to protect you, and there's no reason why it's bad to be in tatters. I guess it did its job."

"But this is the ...... of the rescue team."

"It's just a little bit of a tough piece of clothing at the end of the day, and it's all about you."



She is a little upset by Rose's words, which carefully fold her clothes and place them on the desk.


"You can remake as much as you want, but there is only one person for you, and I don't know which to prioritize, you or this outfit."

"That's it, Leader......!"


That's how ...... me go!

Oh my gosh, I'm about to cry at rare kind words.


"Well, on the contrary, I would have blown it up when I came back with a little clean."



Tears retracted.

Now, I'm just a little bit grateful to Koga.

Now that we've finished talking about the team uniforms with the punchline, the next topic shifts to the topic of Nea.


"And that black one is your familiar?"

"Yes, my name is Nea, and although I am currently in the form of an owl, I am actually a demon in human form."


Make sure that Nea becomes human.

Rose sighed lightly, a little surprised to see Nea take human form with the light.


"I'm a demon and a healing wizard, and now I'm a familiar with magic, and I guess you're mistaking us for a group of street performers, aren't you?"

"Well, in terms of mentality, it's the same as you!?"


It hurts so much that my face is about to be crushed!

Rose grabbed my face so fast that she couldn't react, and the fear that I had almost forgotten came back.

As I scream in agony, Nea looks away and just trembles, but Rose glares at her.



"Huh, yes!?"

"If you're Usato's familiar, you're formally in the custody of the lifeguards, and you won't be treated special because you're a demon, okay?"

"Oh, no, that's the ......."


Nea is stammering and can't answer.

I can't help but shrink in front of the leader.

I'll answer for you.


"I don't care."



Nea looks at me with a face that says she can't believe it.

When I replied that I didn't care, he punched my shoulder with teary eyes, but it didn't hurt or itch, so it was just a pleasure.


"Well, then, I need to see how much you're growing with this guy's magic."

"What do you mean by making sure?"


I asked with a vague sense of foreboding, and Rose smiled faintly.


"I'll take care of you."

「…… Eh, you're going to die, right? Me and Nea."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."


Even if it is tampered with, there is nothing but despair.

With vacant eyes, he smiles at Nea next to him.


"Then rest assured, you did it, Nea. I saved my life."

"Goodbye Usato! It's been so much fun!"


I don't know how many times today I tried to escape, but I didn't move and just closed my eyes.

I know.

In this situation, there is no way to escape in Rose's territory.

Rose's hand shook for a moment, and then there was a sound as if something had exploded in the nair behind her, and then she fell silent with a heartbreaking cry.


「…… Leader. So, are you going to do it today?"

"No, I'll wait a few days, because you're going to be busy with the report. As for today, since you're back, Alec and the others are preparing a place for dinner."

"Are Olga Mr./Ms. and Uluru Mr./Ms. coming?"



That means that all the members of the rescue team will be together at night.

There are a lot of things I want to talk about with Nak, and I'm looking forward to it.


The battle with Rose has been flagged, but it's a little further away.

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