The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 7 Ch. 10 Table of contents

When Usato appeared in front of us, Furana stood there stunned.

He urged his life-saving team colleagues to go first, then lowered the bulllin with Ferm on it to the ground and faced me and Amako once more.


"I'm sorry, I ...... interrupting your training."

"No, that's fine...... Amako aside, why are you here?"

"I've been looking for you."



He taps Flana on the shoulder, who is still in love with her, and urges her to come to her senses before introducing herself.


"Oh, yes, my name is Frana, and I'm wearing a hood right now, so it's hard to tell, but I'm an elf."

"Elves ......? Oh, I ...... that Kazuki met during his travels. Nice to meet you, I'm Ken Usat. This owl is my familiar Nea."


On Usato's shoulder, the owl, who had been silent for a long time, stared at Furana from her toes to the top of her head. It's almost as if he's observing Furana, but the fact that such a movement is so adorable is probably the privilege of being cute.

I wonder if you will let me fluff up later.

Perhaps because of the evil thoughts, Nea, who has all her hair up, moves to the opposite shoulder of Usato-kun to hide from me.

While she was soberly shocked, Furana was a little surprised by Usato's normal response.


"I don't need honorifics, I think we're probably about the same age as humans."

"Oh, I see...... See you then."


…… Huh!? Isn't this a good opportunity to get Usato-kun to remove his honorifics for me?

Let's cut it out casually without being too clingy here.


"Usato-kun, I don't need honorifics either, in fact, I don't mind calling you out without hesitation. Plus, you can call me by the nickname Suzutan!"

"That's impossible."


"Because seniors are seniors."


Rejected to flow!?

He smiled wryly at me, who was so upset, and looked around.


"You're a little conspicuous here, why don't you talk to me at the edge?"

"Then there's a place to sit next to the store."


Prompted by Amako, he sits down on the place where the wooden box is placed.

At that time, Amako, who had taken over the store number, had secured a seat next to Usato-kun before she knew it.

It was such a natural movement that I didn't even feel uncomfortable.


"Usato, why is this person on Bulllin's back?"


Amako asked Usato about Ferm, the demon girl on Bulllin's back.


"He collapsed while running, and I couldn't leave him because of his position, so I tied him to a bulllyn and carried him."



Listening to Usato's story, Amako gives Ferm a sharp glance for a moment.

Is there something in her? As he tilted his head, Amako lowered his tone slightly and spoke to Usato.


"But is it okay? He's already awake."



Amako's words, surprise! Ferm shakes.

However, on the other hand, Usato-kun only smiled.


"Haha, of course I'm aware of it. After this, I'm going to run the minute that I was stunned."

「…… Huh!?"

"Yes, but it's a bit surprising. I can't believe Usato won't be angry."

"Well, to be honest, I didn't think he would want to take the initiative to join our training, so I'm glad that Ferm is going to join us in the rescue team training. Maybe I'm just putting a lot of effort into training."


A smile that doesn't show a shred of malice.

However, Ferm, who is on Bullin's back, shakes his head and shows his intention to refuse, but Usato-kun does not notice it and is conversing with Amako.


"He tried to keep up with us a while ago, so I'm going to let him rest now, and then I, as a healing wizard, will help him and make him run."

"What, is that okay?"

"Don't worry, I won't let you pass out."


Ferm trembles at Usato, who said so with a smile.

Kindness without any malicious intent. However, when it comes to the criteria of the rescue team, there is a ferocity that transcends malice and good intentions.


"What should I do, Suzune, I didn't understand what was okay."

"Don't worry, me too."


Words that would make you cringe if they were said face to face are not enviable at all if the situation is different.

…… No, I'm a little jealous.

While I was struggling inside, I saw Fulana sitting next to me talking to Usato.


"Oh, um, why are you running with a blue grizzly on your back?"

"The main reason is to train, and my role in the lifeguards is to move and heal people who are injured in the field, so I train them so that they don't get tired and immobilized at the crucial time."

"Oh, that's right......


It may look shocking, but Usato's training is well-purposed.

It may be said that Mr./Ms.'s skill is to be able to train properly and understand the significance of training, rather than training her body blindly.


"I'd like to ask you about the Evil Dragon, okay?"

"Ah, Evil Dragon, I don't mind at all."


After keeping an eye on Amako and Nea, Usato nods.

For him, did Amako and Nea get confirmation because they were involved in the fight against the Evil Dragon?


"First of all...... Did you really defeat the Evil Dragon?"

"I didn't beat him alone...... Let's see. As it turned out, the Evil Dragon was defeated by us."

「…… What kind of opponent was he?"

"A dragon corpse full of wounds all over its body...... I wonder? Still, it had scales that were mighty, poisonous, and impervious to half-hearted attacks. I tried to hit him, but I couldn't get through, so I was scared."

"I hit you!? Evil Dragon!?"


Fulana is surprised by the remark that almost hit her, but Amako nods her head in agreement with Usato's words.


"I was surprised at the time, Usato, you go to punch me normally."

"That's the quickest way to find out."


Amako and Usato exchange nostalgic words with each other.

Let's not worry too much about the fact that the conversation is supposed to be very surreal.

…… Honestly, if I hadn't heard about the evil dragon from Usato-kun beforehand, I think I would have had the same reaction as Furana.


"Are you really a healing wizard?"

"What? What do you mean by that......?"

"Ordinary healing wizards don't carry a blue grizzly on their backs or punch an evil dragon, so that's ...... I thought it was too dehumanizing."

「…… Heh, heh......"


He glared at Amako, who was holding back a laugh at Usato, who was twitching his smile, and cleared his throat once before opening his mouth.


"Sure, I'm a little different from a normal healing wizard, but I'm still a person who deals with healing magic...... That's it, I'm a healing wizard who has trained a little too much. Other than that, I don't have any special abilities."

"Hey? It's not a little, it's amazing, isn't it? It's no good. Usato. Don't lie."

"Hmm, is this the mouth that doesn't decrease?"


Amako hurriedly hid her forehead as Usato took the stance of decoupin.

His physical abilities are the result of blood-curdling hard work.

I can't imagine how many hardships and unspeakable hardships his words were uttered after a lot of hardship and unspeakable hardship.


「…… Besides Kazuki, there are other people like this. I feel like I'm reminded of how naïve I ......."


I ...... that can be described as naïve.

I feel that the existence of healing wizards like Usato and Mr./Ms. should be treated as something that deviates from common sense.


"Can I ask you this time?"

"What's that?"

"Is there any connection between the 'gluttonous monster' and the 'evil dragon' that Kazuki fought?"


In response to Usato's question, Furana pauses for a few seconds before opening her mouth.


"That's ...... I don't know. In my grandmother's fortune telling, it is only said that there are three calamities that will devour the continent. But if there's one thing they have in common, it's that they're both sealed by the heroes of their predecessors."

「…… Sealed by the Brave, isn't it? What if the awakening of the evil dragon was unintentional, but what if the awakening of the gluttonous monster was intentional......


Three calamities devastating the continent.

I defeated one of them, a man-eating thunder beast, but it was just a mutated monster.

However, the existence that Usato and Kazuki fought has the same root cause of their occurrence.

In both cases, the seal has been broken.

Perhaps Usato-kun is wondering about that.


"Usato-kun, do you think that the awakening of the gluttonous monster was the work of the previous hero?"

"I don't know, because he's no longer in this world...... I also considered the possibility that the previous hero himself was alive, but that was too far-fetched ......."

"That's true."


Ordinary humans can't live for hundreds of years.

It is not impossible to think that the former hero could have done so, but there is too little material to conclude so.


"The most likely thing is revenge against the people who took advantage of them, but I don't know how that could happen to people hundreds of years into the future."

"If it's revenge, it's going to be directed at the people who made you unreasonable."


Looking back, what kind of heroes do we know?

A hero who saved humanity from the threat of the Demon Lord?

A tragic person who has been used by humans?

Although it is hidden in glorious legends and tales of valor, the battles of those days must have been horrific and far from beautiful tales.

Seeing a glimpse of this reality, what did the previous heroes who fought through it try to do?


"There's no point in thinking about that, is it?"


To me and Usato, who had been silent until now, said such a thing.

"What...... next to me?" - Fulana with a surprised expression that she doesn't know how many times today.


"That's right, I'm more suited to moving my body without thinking about anything than thinking about the details. Amako, Senpai, Mr./Ms. Flana, it's time for us to go back to training."


Saying this, Usato-kun stood up and shifted his gaze to Ferm on Bulllin's back.

She was still pretending to faint, but her shoulders shook wildly as if she was upset when Usato's name was called.


"Alright, Ferm. I'm going to run now."

「…… Don't worry about me, you should train yourself."

"Huh, Ferm...... Did you think I was such a heartless person?"


Usato shrugs his shoulders in dismay, lifts Ferm's collar with one arm, stands up, and speaks with a serious expression.


"Rest assured, I won't abandon you, no matter how bad you are, no matter how much you fall, I'll get you up and push you to run."

"Oh, no, yes...... no, wait! Does that mean that you will force it to run no matter what? I'm at my limit!"

"If you have the energy to spit out a weak sound, you can still go! The real limit is that you won't remember it! It's okay as long as you can say it's still the limit!"

"This guy doesn't listen to people at all!?"

"Give it up, because you're probably ignoring it while listening."


When something is switched on and Usato is in hot-blooded mode, the former black knight becomes half-crying.

Nea looks somewhat distant at Usato's reaction.

Amako is a familiar sight.


"Alright, Bulllin! I'm going to do what I did in Luxvis! Get on my back!"


"And Nea, give me a spell of restraint!"

"Yes, yes......"


Usato is stunned and carries Bullin on his back.

Usato, who had thinly unfolded a magic pattern all over his body due to Nea's magic, locked on to Ferm, who was retreating——、 and began to run as if he had been mistaken for a fierce bull.

Usato's run is so bizarre, Ferm's face contorted in fear and he runs out of the place as if to escape.


"I don't know what it means, I don't know what it means!? Why are you chasing me!?"

"Nothing difficult! Just run! Don't worry! It's a road that Nak has also taken! Fuhahahaha!"



With screams and laughter that almost echoes throughout the kingdom, Usato-kun and Ferm disappear in a blink of an eye.

As soon as the people of the castle town see them off, they return to their original daily lives.

Like them, Amako, who was next to her, looked up at me with a small gap.


"Then I'll go back to the store."

"What...... Oh, good luck ......."



Amako goes back to the store with her cousin.

She is completely unfazed, and with a little respect for her, she talks to Frana, who is still stunned.


"Well, it's Usato-kun, it was like a storm."


"Hmm, Frana?"

"...... now."


He listens to Furana, who mutters something to himself.


「…… Now, that owl...... You spoke, didn't you?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you that, Usato-kun's familiar is a vampire. The owl is cute, but the real thing is also very cute."


"Hmm? What's the matter, approached me with such an angry face...... Hmmm!?"


Suddenly, Fulana leaned over and pressed my cheeks.

Suddenly, he is so surprised that his goofy voice comes out.


「…… Suzunee!!"

"Nuh, Nuh!?"

"Why didn't you say that earlier?" Or rather, it's insane! Are all people from other worlds like that?! Or is he the only one who is funny!?"


For the time being, it seems that he got to know Usato, but the encounter with him seems to have been shocking to Furana in many ways.

That being said, it's time for me to take my hands off my cheeks, or my cool image as a hero will be ruined...... That's surprisingly powerful.



"If you're still hiding something, tell me right now...... They have hidden ridiculous weapons, their use of magic is abnormal, and they survive by fighting enemies that are even worse than ...... evil dragon! Spit it out right now ......! If you don't...... If you don't, you'll lose common sense!"


What to do, the fact that all of that is true.

My expression twitched as I was groped on the cheek, and I spent an hour wondering how to explain to Fulana after this.


When it came to training, Usato-kun was more energetic than usual.


As I wrote in the activity report, I posted a new work on the occasion of the New Year.


The title is "How to use the wrong anti-poison skill ~Breaking through the limit with potion enhancement~"


If Usato is the main character who goes to punch after training, this is the type of protagonist who beats after strengthening and strengthening.

The content is a slightly out of sync class transition.


One episode will be updated daily at 6 p.m.

Currently, it has been updated up to episode 8.

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