The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 7 Ch. 14 Table of contents

Come to think of it, this may be the first time I've faced Rose head-on.

We've been and yelled at each other, but that's not the case with fighting.

That's why he's terrified of fighting Rose.

However, at the same time, I was feeling elated to know how much my power could be conveyed to Rose.


"Nea, don't look so desperate, I'm not going to die."


After breakfast, on the way from the lifeguard quarters to the training ground, he talks to Nea, who has a gloomy aura of despair.


"It's not the same thing, because he's more physically capable than Usato, and he's also good at using healing magic...... I know you so well that I can only despair."

"Well, if you ask me if I can fight head-on and win, I'll say no, but I don't think it will work if I play with tricks."


The more I think about it, the more I can't do anything about it.

That's it. Because of the simplicity of the fighting method, it becomes difficult to know how to win.


"It's fast, it hits you, it dodges, it's really ridiculous.

"Say that to the people who have fought you, and they will probably say, 'You don't say that!' I'll give it back."


It's because me and Rose have different degrees .......

It's not like I haven't thought about it until today. In preparation for the battle with Rose, I imagined how I would deal with it and wondered if I could use Nair's magic to stop her from moving.

At the end of the day, I came to the conclusion that——、


"I stopped thinking about how to fight."


"No, I thought about it before I went to bed, and since none of the plans seemed to make sense, I came to the conclusion that it was best to be myself."

"Wow, it's refreshing ...... brain muscles."


The difference in ability is more obvious than before.

So let's give it everything we can before we get blown away, and then we'll get blown away.

As I made up my mind and walked forward, I noticed two figures approaching from the direction of the castle town.

The petite figure was Amako, and wearing a hood deep in her eyes was Mr./Ms. Furana, a girl who had trained with Kazuki and her senpai the other day.


"Yes, I'm here, Usato."

"Oh, by the way, you said you were coming to the rescue team before."


But more than that, I didn't know that it would come to this day.

It looks like he doesn't use any precognitive magic, so I guess it's a coincidence...... I ...... today.


"Why is Mr./Ms. Frana?"

"Amako invited me...... Was it annoying?"

"No, no, that's ...... I thought I was being avoided."

"Oh, that's it...... Usato also worked hard to acquire that ability, and I can't avoid it by the scale of my common sense...... I thought it was very selfish."


Removing the hood, Mr./Ms. Flana gave her an apologetic look.


"That's why I'm here today to apologize...... I'm sorry, Usato."

"Oh, don't apologize, I don't care that much either......!"


He is a well-mannered and serious person.

It would be awkward to make her apologize, so I decided to change the subject.


"More than that, why with Amako?" I heard you were invited......

"I've seen Mr./Ms. quite a bit."

"Yes, because we are both from far away countries by ourselves. Best of all, it's easy to talk to him."


If you think about it, Mr./Ms., the daughter of the chieftain, and Amako, who was the "time chanter" of the beast people, are in a slightly similar position.

I thought it was a surprising combination, but they have a lot in common.

Amako is also happy to have made friends.


"Usato, are you training now?"

"What? Oh...... yes."

"Can I take a look?" I'll get out of the way."

"I'll have to confirm that with the leader......


Today, the rest of the group except me and Nea went for a morning run, so I watched the game. I didn't think anyone would, but if they want to watch us fight, that's fine.

But I have to check with Mr./Ms. Flana beforehand.

Because when the rut is finally resolved, we can't afford to shock them by showing them a shocking sight right away.


"Furana, Mr./Ms.'m going to have a mock battle with the leader now...... I'm going to do something that goes beyond common sense, so I recommend you don't look at it."

"This guy is crazy."


If I showed her the fight between me and Rose, Mr./Ms. would not be confused.

While Amako gave me a scared look, Mr./Ms. Furana smiled softly and put her hand on my shoulder instead of being surprised by my advice.


"Don't worry, I've heard about how amazing you are from Kazuki, Suzune, and the people of the city. I believed and accepted it. I'm not going to be a fool to think of you as a common sense anymore."

「…… Mr./Ms. Furana."

"Besides, Kazuki is complimenting you so much, that's just reason to believe it."


You're too good ......!

If so, it would be foolish to say any more.


"What about Amako?"

"I'm going, I'm a little scared, but I'm interested."


Amako seems to come to see it as well.

Unexpectedly two spectators? has increased.

At the training ground, Rose, who went first, should be waiting. We don't want to make you wait too long, so let's get there as soon as possible.





In the center of the training ground, Rose stood calmly with her back to us.

Green hair and a spotless white uniform.

She was as noisy as ever, and when she noticed that we had arrived, she turned to face us.


"Oh, you're here."



Accompanied by a stiff Nea of fear and nervousness, he stands on the edge of the training ground.

Behind them, Amako and Mr./Ms. Flana look at Rose with a shrunken look.


"And what's in the back?"

"I'd like to see it...... Is that okay? If you can't, I'll let you go."

"No, I don't care, Amako and Kazuki's fellow elves...... Was it Furana? If you want to visit, do it in a remote place. You don't want to get involved."

"I know...... I understand. Let's go, Frana."

"Oh, yes...... Caught up? Eh, are you going to do anything that ...... involve you?"


Mr./Ms. Fulana mutters as if wondering, but Amako, who immediately senses it, pulls her hand and leaves.

It's going to be an unknown battle for me, so it's safer for them to stay apart.

Seeing that they had moved to a different place, I turned to face Rose, who was silent with her arms crossed.


"Are you ready?"

"Yes, I do my preparatory exercises in the morning."

"I see......


When you look at it, it's a tremendous presence.

It's partly because I mentally believe that I can't win, but I can't help but feel like any attack will be countered in a hurry even if I pull it off.


"You know what this mock battle means, don't you?"

"To see how good me and Nea are...... Isn't it?"

"Yes, but I'm going to check one more thing today...... No, I was able to figure it out."



What do you mean by me? Rose gave me a wistful smile as I was confused as to what it meant, and untied her crossed arms.


"You don't have to worry about it now, you can fight me with all your might. You don't have to worry about it, do you? I'm going to reap my consciousness at that moment, right?"

「…… Hah, it looks like you're talking about us a lot. I'm going to do it with the intention of blowing you up, so that's what I'm going to do...... That's what Nea on the shoulder said."



Oh my gosh, my mouth reflexively moved on its own.

Rose smiles belligerently, and Nea on her shoulder slaps my cheek with her wings, half-crying.

I smile awkwardly and look at the nare on my shoulder.


"I can't back down, let's do our best together."

"Isn't it a mistake to die together!? Why do you like to push yourself so much!"

"Nea, use the spell of restraint on your fists, and I will do my best to outwit the Leader's attacks. What if an attack is about to hit...... Dodge it with all your might."

"Well, don't talk nonsense!"


He looks away from Nea, who shakes his head with a shudder, and unfolds his gauntlet to take a stance.

Thrust forward the right arm equipped with a gauntlet, which is the starting point of defense, and pull the left fist for. Just like your right arm, your right leg should take only half a step forward and be half-body ready to respond to any attack instantly.

This is the stance that I took shape in the course of my travels.

Rose is still staring at me without any hesitation.


"A little boy who was whining and training not long ago...... It's become a lot more like that, isn't it?"

"That's all thanks to the leader."

"No, Temeje has exceeded the test I have set for you."

"The ordeal was so unreasonable, so severe that it made me doubt my sanity."

「…… Hah, I still don't have a lot of mouth."


After a few seconds of silence at my words, Rose covered her right eye with her palm as she spoke.

The next moment, I feel the air change.


"Having overcome many hardships during his journey, Temeje has certainly grown stronger."


Each word carries weight.

Even though the battle hasn't even started yet, I'm sweating.

I didn't miss Rose's every move, and as I squinted, Rose, who had lowered her palm that covered her right eye, shot me with eyes as sharp as a hawk.


"But I don't think I'm taking Temeje lightly enough to admit that I've gotten stronger just by hearing it in words."

「…… What do you mean?"

"You know that, don't you?"


Suddenly, the figure of Rose, who had been watching so closely, disappeared and appeared in front of her with her fist raised.


"Show me the results here."


A fist that makes a wind noise and swings at you.

With that as a cue, the battle to the death that was sure to defeat me began.



It was a fist of "speed" that had been slammed into this body dozens and hundreds of times before I set out on my journey.

In the past, I was only able to dodge the fist once, but now that I've survived so many times, I can perfectly capture the movement of that fist.




In response to the fist approaching with the abdomen, take only half a step back and dodge.

However, in the next moment, a centrifugal backhand kick approached me that was trying to bite my neck.

His smile twitches at the kick that is clearly coming to cut his attention, but he manages to avoid the pursuit by bending over.


"——Don't let your guard down."



With that one word, I turned back to myself and looked up, and a fist thrust out with unusual force was reflected in my field of vision.

The impact pierces through the body, and the feet are blown off the ground.




I landed after being thrown about 5 meters away, and I smiled as I untied my arms in my arms.

In the past, I would have been stunned without even being able to prevent the second blow, but now that I have grown up through the journey, I can handle it.


"I used to be able to do this, but now it's different ......!"

"Well, it looks like we could have prevented this."


I'm really scared inside, but I don't yawn and smile.

Or rather, why is this person moving to a fist thrust position after a back kick? What's more, he blows up the entire gauntlet used for defense, and what kind of monstrous power does this person really have?


"Usato, I'm going home."

"Nea, I can count on you."

"I can't do it this time! Because if you suddenly think your vision is shaking, you're blown away! Why am I involved in such a monster battle!? Look over there! It's not like Flana is trying to offset it by injecting illusion magic into herself because of the shock!"


Nea speaks as fast as Alfie's Mr./Ms., but she can't take her attention away from the hateful Rose.


"Alright, now come from you, I'm going to blow you up in a hurry."

"Even if you don't tell me, ......! Nea, let's go! I'll do whatever it takes to get blood when I'm done!"

"....... Already! You should go! If you go!"


Nea, who is finally motivated, grants a restraint spell to both of my fists.


"I'm going all out!"



Holding a gauntlet engraved with a purple pattern, I squeezed my fist and released a healing flying fist.

A new technique that combines restraint magic and healing flying fist, name it——、


"Restraint Flying Fist! Healing Punch!"



A fist-sized magic bullet released at high speed with a dull sound.

At the same time, as if chasing a magic bullet, I also rushed out with my eyes on Rose and aimed for a chase.

Rose looked impressed by the approaching magic bullet——、


"It's an interesting way to use it."


He received the healing fist with only his palm.

Boom! The magic burst out, and the restraint spell that had been granted to her spread through Rose's arm.


I knew. I knew, but I wish it worked better.



"I know you're going to take it!"


I approached Rose at once as I saw the pattern running on my arm, and I slammed my healing restraint fist with all my might.

Rose dodges the blow without any hesitation by simply turning her body around lightly. Noticing the pattern floating on my empty fist, she compares it to the pattern that restrains her arm and puts her hand on her chin.


"I see, the magic that stops movement can also be used through Temeje."

「……! Look away——"

"It's a good application, but it's brittle."


As soon as she did so, Rose strained her arm and smashed the magic pattern with force.

It's a lie, ...... even Nea should have mastered the spell of restraint and increased her restraint power......!

No, not if you're upset!

He forces his stiff body to move and attacks Rose.



「…… There is no more waste in movement, is there?"


In the land of the beastmen, it is easy to fend off attacks that can neutralize the beastmen.

Fists and kicks are easily repelled by hands and arms, and I don't feel like I can break through at all.

I felt like I could avoid it if I wanted to, and even though I didn't say it, I felt like I was being told that unspoken, and only frustration occupied my emotions.


"Isn't my current technique enough to ...... to hit?"


The way he fights with gory and reasoning can't get past Rose's defenses.

One more push is not enough.

If only there was that much change in my movements———、


"What the hell are you talking about?"


Perhaps sensing that she was lost in thought, Rose took her right fist straight in the face. His left fist, which was thrust out in pain, was also grabbed, and he was naturally brought into a position where he was comparing strength.

……! I can't get it off! I've thought about it many times, but what kind of arm strength does this person have?


"Damn it, this ......!"

"Hey, are you going to compete with me? It's funny."


I have no intention of doing that.

However, Rose, who received it, smiled ferociously and put her strength on her arms.

- The increased pressure and the load on her arms are irresistible and she leaks her voice to Nea.


"Nea......! ...... the spell of restraint!"

"I'm already doing it!"


Well, does that mean you're already comparing yourself to me without being restrained?

It is also handled at speed.

Even in terms of arm strength, it is more than equal with restraints.

Moreover, he does not seem to be serious at all.

Seriously, how do you fight?



Q, Why did you make Flana appear when you didn't originally intend to have her appear?

A, somehow


So, the battle between Usato and Rose began.

It's still a bit of a bit of a stretch for Rose, so I hope the next episode could be more flashy.


* In the activity report, I wrote a notice about the wrong use of healing magic and Volume 7.

MF Books, the cover of Volume 7 in which Leona appears has also been released on the official website, so if you are interested, please take a look.

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