The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 7 Ch. 16 Table of contents

It's not the first time I've used a new technique in a real performance.

Healing Accelerator ...... Originally a healing accelerated fist.

An applied technique of the healing rupture palm that changes my movements. If you can use it well, you should be able to reach even Rose with a fist.

Clenching his fists tightly, he runs as fast as he can through the forest to reach the training ground.

At the end of my line of sight, I see Rose waiting for me with her arms crossed.


"I'm going to give it my all! Nea!"

"I know!"


Resistance to blows on the left arm.

He concentrates the spell of restraint on his right arm, which is attached to the gauntlet, and approaches Rose.

Rose looked a little stunned when she saw me.


"Why don't you just poke it in like you did before?"



When he was about ten paces away, he pulled his right arm back and at the same time burst his magic from his elbow.

I gained tremendous acceleration, and I added a step to the momentum, and slammed my right fist, which accelerated at once, into Rose.

I pushed her back a few meters, but she was blocked by her arm, but Rose looked at me with wide eyes.



"It's not like me! This time, I'm going to accelerate a little bit!"


This is the healing accelerated fist.

A technique that uses the impact caused by the rupture of the system reinforcement to perform instantaneous acceleration.

It consumes not a lot of magic power, but I'm not worried about it right now, so I'm going to use it with all my might.


"Haha, that's interesting, show me more."

"Oh, even if you don't tell me!"


- She is inwardly scared by Rose, who has a ferocious smile that makes a child cry when she sees it, but more than that, she is happy with the solid response.

Trying not to show her inner joy on her face, she bursts her magic from her elbow again and cuts to Rose at once.

If I continue to swing my fist, it will be easily dealt with - my current punch can literally accelerate by one level!


"Heal, accelerate fist!"

"I see, that's what ...... mean!"


Rose looks surprised by the sudden acceleration of her fist, but she dodges her fist that slips through her defenses with a light gesture and at the same time spins around and unleashes a powerful backhand kick.

Oh, this is inevitable! Even if you take it, you will only be blown away! If!

This time, he releases magic from the side of the gauntlet and forcibly pushes his body to the side!


"...... to."


I managed to avoid the roundhouse kick and put a little distance away from Rose.

The attack is still prevented, but there is a different kind of response.


"You used a similar technique earlier, but you applied it."

"yes, if I was attacking normally, it would be easy for me to deal with it, so I tried to force a change in my movements."

"I wonder if it's an acceleration that can be applied to movement, attack, and dodge, and it looks pretty easy to use."


I know it after fighting, but this person is really insightful.

I immediately realized what me and Nea were doing, and I didn't expect that she would understand how the healing accelerated fist works so quickly.


"Hah, you have no idea what you're going to do, are you really a healing wizard?"

"I'm the one who wants to say that, what kind of physical abilities do you have?"

"From my point of view, neither of you is a human being, let alone a healing wizard."


While going through Nea's words that are pulling back, I think about the application of the healing acceleration fist based on the attack and defense mentioned earlier.

Seeing that I was thinking, Rose twisted her mouth in amusement and didn't move.


「…… Why don't you attack me?"

"Do you want me to attack?"

"No, not at all."


When I answered, she smiled and crossed her arms to see what was funny, and continued to speak as if she were teaching me.


"I don't have time to think in the face of a superior enemy, especially someone who is really trying to kill me, but now I can do that. Think about it, Usato. What does it take to fight against an opponent of my own rank? What should I do? What do we find? If you can figure it out in this situation right now, you're a full-fledged man."

"...... full-fledged person"


A full-fledged disciple of Rose.

That meant a lot to me.


"Well, if you don't understand that, you can just let your body figure it out."



Let's think hard! If you let me understand it with my body, you will never be in trouble!

…… Instantaneous acceleration with a healing acceleration fist gained. Now it's just a matter of how to deal a blow to Rose.

Even if the defense is exceeded, it can be avoided without hesitation.

What's more, Rose responds quickly, so she can't show her healing acceleration fist over and over again.


"If you're going to do it, you're going to have to hit it with an attack that won't let you dodge."


I have the physical ability of Rose, the reflexes of Rose, the magic power of Rose, and the gauntlet of Farga-sama and the techniques that apply it. And then there's the magic that Nair uses.

…… I almost gave up because of the misery in the first half, but I can't help it because that's where I am.


"I'll make up for my shortcomings with my other strengths, Nea, I'm going to do a lot of crazy things from now on, but will you follow me?"

"What are you talking about?"


Nea on her shoulders raises her wings in dismay.


"I'm your familiar, and I'll accompany you as much as you want."

"Thank you, then let's go."


Determined, he turns his gaze to Rose.


"What? Surrender?"


Rose said teasingly, and she raised her fist with a wry smile.


"Huh? Maybe you still don't know me? Leader, I'm a big loser."


"So, no matter how strong you are, I'll stand up and fight again and again."


Rose's eyes widen.

She showed a slight agitation, but the next moment she smiled.


"Ah, that's what I've been convinced of for a long time...... Well, I'm glad you found me that day."


Rose muttered softly, and when she lowered her hand, the expression underneath was a ferocious smile that seemed to be happy, yet even frightened.


"Show me, Usato, and I'm going to break you through with all your might."

"Then we'll go beyond that."


From the position of holding his right arm as if drawing a bow, he activates the healing acceleration fist, and uses rocket-like acceleration to cut into Rose at once.


"Healing Accelerated Fist!"


He slams his fist straight into Rose with all his acceleration, but he is unceremoniously defended by his arm.

But this time the fist is completely different from the previous one!

Instantly, the magic burst out of my fist, and the momentum pulled my arm back at high speed, and I burst the magic from my elbow just like before, and slammed my fist into Rose again.

Rose's smile grew even stronger as she flicked her right fist with her arm, which was almost continuously pumped.


"If you can't be fast, do you want to win by the number of moves?" It's great. Why don't you take it and stand up?"



Rose stepped back as she dealt with her fists, and I slammed my fists forward as I accelerated, sparing no effort to expend any magic.

Still, her guard is unwavering.


"Well, ......!"


A breathless continuous attack that can only be succeeded by accelerating magic power in two stages: pulling a fist and slamming it.

If I had to name it, it would be a healing rapid-fire fist.

It's a nasty technique that, when used in conjunction with Nea's restraint magic, can intermittently put an opponent in restraint, but it comes at a heavy cost, with a large amount of magical power and a heavy load on the overused right arm.


"Not yet!"


Accelerate the gauntlet further and swing your fist.

His right arm screams at the unreasonable movement and fatigue, but he doesn't care and moves forward while slamming his right fist.

...... still can't stop!

You can't stop!

It's just a broken arm or a broken muscle, and that's no reason for me to stop!


"Not yet!"


At this moment, I have to show it!

How much I've grown!

How much stronger I have come back since I was trained by you!

It's okay to say that it's ridiculous to get serious in a mock battle! This battle means more to me than just a mock battle!


"Not yet! I can't finish!"


Every time he wields his fist, he recalls memories of his previous training with Rose.


It was painful to death.

Maybe I would have died once before I knew it.

It was an unbelievable hell.

However, I was confused because I didn't know what to do in a different world, so he gave me a reason to be in this world.

They gave me a place to belong.

He was tough, but he was able to make friends that he could trust.

I was an ordinary high school boy who was only interested in such a thing as losing, but the reason why I was able to grow so far was because of your teacher.

So, that's why I'm ——、


"To repay that favor!"


With all his might, he scoops up his right fist and slams it into Rose's arm, breaking his guard.



"It's here!"


Bursting magic from his fist, he pulls his fist back faster than Rose's movements.

I finally pry open the guard! All that's left to do is to hit the main body that seemed far away!

He raises his roar and releases an accelerated fist with a burst of magical power!




Fist at maximum speed.

However, just before it hits Rose, her hand grabs her wrist as she reacts with unusual speed.


"I'm sorry, but——"

"No, not yet!"


I haven't shown it all yet!

He puts his left arm on the gauntlet and screams with all his might.


"Rapid fire acceleration!"


This is a real blow!

Release all the magic power left in your body from your fist at once!


"Healing punch!"



A dull sound like a cannon came from his fist, and Rose's body retreated backwards with great force.

I looked at Rose, who was retreating with the remnants of healing magic wafting from her abdomen and scraping the ground, and I fell to my knees in exhaustion and lack of magic.


「…… Ha, ha, blow a bubble, I did it......"


Perhaps because I made him behave unreasonably, I felt severe pain in my entire right arm.

He doesn't have the magic to use healing magic, so he endures the pain while holding his shoulder with his left hand.


"I've also lost most of my magic to the spell of restraint...... I mean, it's not a skill that you can only think about beating an opponent like that with a gauntlet...... octopus."

"Hahaha, this is the same as a barrage fist, it's sealed."


Helplessly responding to Nea's words, she looked at Rose fearfully.

She put her hand on the part of the direct hit of the barrage of fists and looked down in silence.


"Hey, Usato, I'm kind of scared."

"It's strange, I'm scared too."


Did I make you angry?

Is it because you have used a physical technique that has nothing to do with healing magic? No, no, but it was invented by accident, and that was not the intention at all——、


"Ku, hahahaha!"



Rose suddenly starts laughing, and me and Nea scream pitifully.

Brushing her hair back, she looked up and looked at her palm as if immersed in emotion.


"I didn't expect to be attacked, since ...... 'him'?"


Guy? Who the hell is that?

Is there a monster that can inflict a wound on this human-sized space monster?


「…… Ugh."

"Eh, uh, Usato!"


Blurred vision.

I was so weak that I couldn't tell if it was because of the intense pain in my right arm or because of my lack of magic, and I almost collapsed on the spot, but just before I fell to the ground, Rose supported me.


"Well, I don't think about it later, but it doesn't seem to have changed after the trip."


Rose muttered in a stunned, somewhat happy tone of voice, and cast a healing spell on me.

In my fading consciousness, I made eye contact with Rose, who was looking down at me.


"Usato, you've become stronger. It's beyond my expectations."



I'm speechless.

I can still speak, but I don't know how to put this feeling into words.

Unable to say anything, Rose continues to speak.


"You've done a good job, you're a full-fledged healing wizard that I recognize."


Listening to that point, my consciousness fades.

Rose was also talking to me about something, but I couldn't hear it all.

But one thing I do know is that I've been recognized as a healing wizard in the true sense of the word.



"——— ha!"

"Oh, I finally woke up."


When I woke up from my fainting, the sky was already the color of sunset.

The first thing that caught my eye was the familiar ceiling of my room and the orange light coming in from outside. For the time being, I look around and notice that Amako is looking into my face with concern.


"Usato has a normal face when he's sleeping, isn't he?"

"Wait a minute, stop talking like you're weird except when you're sleeping."


What does this kid say to people who wake up?

I felt about half the shock of being beaten by Rose.

For the time being, get up and check your physical condition. Thanks to Rose's healing magic, all the pain and fatigue in her body are gone.

I haven't fully recovered my magic yet, but I can walk well enough.


"What happened after that?"

"Nea is resting in her room, and Furana is back at the castle with a somewhat enlightened expression...... After that, Mr./Ms. Rose will talk to Usato later, so go to the leader's office."


Mr./Ms....... Furana No, I won't tell you.

Even so, is it the leader's office? Maybe the aftermath of that mock battle is an important story.

…… Oh I got it. Speaking of important stories, .......


"Amako, I might have an errand to go to Luxvis soon......"


Discussions in Shikoku, including the Kingdom of Lingle.

Luxvis was chosen as the venue for the meeting, and maybe I would go there too.

Hearing this, Amako put her hand to her chin and thought about it as if she was a little worried.


"I'd like to keep up...... We're going to have an important discussion, so maybe I shouldn't go."

"I'll ask you if you can go with me when I hear about it, and I'm sure Kiriha and the others would like to meet you too."


Well, I don't know if I'm going to get that story yet.

But the chances of it coming may be quite high. After all, I gave the letter to Samaria as a messenger, so it would not be surprising if I was ordered to accompany him as a bridge during the meeting.


"Hey, Usato."


"How was your fight with Mr./Ms. Rose?"


…… Fighting Rose?

He crosses his arms as if he is thinking for a moment, and then says what he thinks.


"After all, I was made to realize that I am still not as good as the leader of the group, and although I feel frustrated, my master is still more amazing than I imagined...... It made me a little happy."


I can assure you with certainty that Rose was perfectly responsive to my attacks from beginning to end.

The last blow he landed was nothing short of a surprise strike, but he won't be able to do the same again.


"I need to train harder......


I was happy to be recognized by Rose as a full-fledged person.

However, now that I have reaffirmed the enormity of the strength that I am aiming for, I feel that I have to work harder.


"You can often say that after a match like that, well, that's what makes it so typical of Usato."

"Hahaha, what is it to be me?"


Was I too stoic?

Amako's words made her smile wryly, but she shifted her gaze to the scenery outside, which was gradually beginning to darken.

Today has been a short but very long day for me.

In my first head-to-head battle with Rose, I was able to find out what I was missing and how to fight in a new way.

To be honest, I fought with a lot of fear, but I can assure you that this fight meant a lot to me.



This time, I would like to explain a little about the techniques of Usato, who ...... active.


Healing Accelerated Fist

A technology that performs temporary acceleration by means of a gauntlet.

It can also be applied to attack, dodge, and move, but it consumes a lot of magical energy.


Healing Rapid Fist

Forbidden technique No. 2 after the healing barrage fist, which forcibly increases the speed of the fist by accelerating with magic power twice when releasing the fist and when pulling it.

From the opponent's point of view, the moment you realize that you have been hit, it is as if you are being beaten again.


Rapid Attack Acceleration and Healing Punch

It was just a healing fist, and I just screamed on the spot



* I wrote an activity report on the wrong use of healing magic and the second volume of Comicalization.

The release date of Volume 2 is scheduled for February 26, which coincides with the release date of Volume 7.

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