The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 7 Ch. 22 Table of contents

After leaving Amako with Kiriha and the others, I and my seniors walked around the city while attracting the eyes of the surrounding students in order to return to the inn where Kazuki was waiting.

The sun was still out and it was bright, and I was thinking that I could take a walk around the city with Kazuki next time, but when I was about to enter the hotel, I found a carriage with a familiar coat of arms engraved on the main street where the inn was located.


「…… Hmm?"

"What's the matter, Usato-kun?"


Perhaps wondering at me for stopping in my tracks, my seniors also looked at the carriage at the end of their line of sight.


"What's wrong with that carriage?"

"That's engraved with the coat of arms of Samaria."

"Samariar, do you mean the kingdom that Usato-kun went to?"



The coat of arms that I saw several times when I visited Samaria.

Seeing the carriage engraved with it approaching us, the senior tilted his head.


"But no, there are a lot of guards, three of us...... No, there are about five times as many people."

"Well, maybe there is a minister or someone of high status inside———


I imagined it was a little impossible, but it wouldn't be.

A senior who noticed my condition put a hand on my shoulder with concern.


"It's not right, are you okay?"

"No, it's okay, I was just a little scared."

"Oh, really?"


For the time being, I was deceived, but I didn't like the Samarian carriage that was already approaching in front of me.


"But the fact that you have such an escort means that there are quite a few great people coming, and maybe there is a princess and a king on board that Usato rescued."

"Hahaha, that's not possible."

"Hehe, that's right...... By the way, Usato-kun, why are you so upset like never before?"


I ...... could do it! I ...... that an anthropomorphic parent and child could do it!

As I watched the carriage crossing in front of me, I was struck by the knights guarding the carriage.


"Sky blue, knight?"


Knights dressed in beautiful sky-blue armor.

Moreover, all the guards around the carriage were female knights, and there were about twenty of them.

As I was interested in a group that I had never seen in Samariar, I saw the shadow of someone peering at me through the window of the carriage door.

Suddenly, the carriage stopped.

At this point, my chills accelerate.




When the dignified voice of the knight who seemed to be the leader sounded, the sky-blue knights lined up the carriage around the place.

The man who was pulling the reins of the horse carefully and slowly opened the carriage door, and at the end of it was a familiar figure.


"Hi, Usato, how are you? It's me!"


The person who gave me a thumbs-up with a slight onomatopoeia was the king of the kingdom of Samaria, Lucas Ould Samariar himself.

- Although I was about to faint at the unexpected appearance, I did my best to make a voice.


"Hey, why are you here? Dear Lucas! You're the king of Samaria, aren't you?!"

"What, King!? What do you mean, Usato-kun!?"


My cheeks twitch so much that I can tell by myself.

The senior next to him is also stunned by the appearance of a person who is too unexpected.

Lucas has a look on his face.


"Heh, I hear something strange, I just came here myself because I couldn't replace Fegnis in time. And that's it. I thought it would be easier for me to go out and talk about this matter myself."


What's that? This seems to make sense, but I don't know how to say it in a way that makes me feel like I'm thinking otherwise.

Moreover, I'm also responsible for Fegnis's Mr./Ms., so I can't interfere with ......!


"Oh, that beautiful woman seems to be a brave man, and I see her for the first time. I'm Lucas, Lucas Urd Samariar. He is the king of the kingdom of Samaria."

"This is my name, Suzune Inukami, the brave."

"Haha, you don't have to be nervous, with Usato's friend, he's like my friend."


- Her personality is very different from Lloyd's, and as expected, her seniors are also confused.

She nodded vaguely at Lucas' words, and then immediately turned around and spoke to me in a hushed voice.


"Usato-kun, you're such a friendly and dandy person!? I'm pretty much scared!?"

"You were aware of it, ...... don't worry. This is the default for him."


Yes, as we were talking quietly, Lucas' gaze, which had been watching us, shifted from us to the inside of the carriage.

Lucas alone was too big a carriage, but he was convinced that it was because he was the king, but who else was there?


"Hmm? Oh, I'm sorry. I can't wait, or so, then don't hesitate to come and see me."

"Yes! Father!"


…… Father!?

The next moment I heard a clear voice passing by, and a girl jumped out of the carriage.

Perhaps because of the excess momentum, he caught his foot on the edge of the carriage and lost his balance.




Reflexively, my body was moving.

Before he slammed into the ground, he moved in front of her and took it with as little impact as possible.

I took three steps back, trying to escape the shock, and on either side of me were the sky-blue knights who were already moving to help her, looking at me in amazement.


『…… Precious.'




Why, I heard a disturbing voice from among the guarding knights right now.

No, rather than that, I took it in stride and checked to see if Eva, the blue-haired girl, was injured, and she had a surprised look on her face in front of her


"Are you hurt?"

"Oh, thank you!"


Stand up Eva, who is about to fall.

I'm glad you didn't get hurt.


"What ...... development!? You never triggered such an event when you were with me!?"


Let's go through that senior for a moment.

Unable to swallow the situation, I turned my gaze back to Eva, and she wrapped her right hand around me and smiled like a flower.


"It's been a long time, Mr./Ms. Usato!"

"yes, it's been a while, Eva."

"It's so nice to meet you! …… Ahh


Ava was stunned for a moment, as if she had noticed something, but the next moment she was shyly smiling with her cheeks stained.


"Ehehe, I didn't make a mistake with the name this time."



I don't know what this poignant feeling is.

I feel like I can get back what I lost in the rescue team.

Is this ...... heart?


"Usato-kun, what about her?"

"Hah, I'll introduce you. This kid——"

"Oh, it's okay, I've been practicing introducing myself properly!"


I was pulled back to reality by the voice of my senior, and Eva was full of confidence and enthusiastic.

With a slight sense of foreboding, she walked Eva in front of her seniors, and she began to introduce herself with a slightly nervous expression.


"Nice to meet you! My name is Eva! You are the brave Su, Mr./Ms. Slyume!"



I feel like I've seen it somewhere.

But unlike me, she didn't get her name wrong, she bit it.

The senior, who was called by a name that seemed to be chewy, was so shocked that he froze with a half-laugh.


"Oh, I'm biting! That...... Suzune Mr./Ms....... I'm sorry......"


Eva panicked, and the senior who restarted opened her mouth while her eyes were glazed.


"Kinishtenaiyo! Yoroshikune!"


The senior replied with a katakoto, and the smile returned to Eva, who seemed anxious.

As she presses her forehead next to her senior, she hears the sky-blue knights behind Eva talking about something.

If you listen closely——、


"Princess, there you are! More!'

"First of all, check back! It's a check!'

"This is a love triangle that is famous for ...... rumor!"

"As expected, it is a city where students gather, a place where I have forgotten my youth ...... return."


I immediately shut out the knights' voices, and there was no chance for me.

I can't hear the muffled voices coming from the sky-blue knights. If you can't hear a voice that makes you feel disappointed, you can't hear it.



A group of Samariars who came with their parents and children.

Lucas suggested that we be sent to the Great Library, which was near the inn, and we ended up riding in Samaria's carriage.

Inugami-senpai sat next to me, and Eva and Lucas were facing me.

Feeling like they were being interviewed, the carriage moved slowly.


"No, I didn't think you'd save my daughter twice."

"Hahaha, such an exaggeration."

"yes, I have to bow down to this."

"No, I just accepted it, so I don't ...... thank you."

"Don't hesitate, I want you to take it."

"No, I don't."

"By all means, take it."

"Why do you want to sell me a favor?"

"Why don't you stubbornly accept it?"


Lucas' and my gazes intersect.

There must be some kind of speculation. Specifically, it's related to Eva, who is tilting her head curiously in front of her right now, and there is a big possibility that she will do something.


"Fufufu, you and Mr./Ms. are good friends. Hey, Mr./Ms. Suzune."

"What!? Oh, yes......


Now that seniors who are always strong even when they meet for the first time are being pushed, I have no choice but to talk to Lucas.

For now, I'll put the thank-you thing aside and ask Lucas and Ava how they came to this meeting.


"Lucas, why are you coming to this meeting?" I think one of the reasons is that we couldn't get a substitute, but I don't think that's enough of a reason for the Samaritan king to come."

"Yes, you're right. There are two reasons why I came here."



I wondered, and Lucas held up his index finger to tell me why.


"The first reason is that we are going to meet with them."

"Do you mean the representatives of the Four Kingdoms?"

"Ah, Ringle, Kamherio, Nirvarna, and Samaria. What are the problems with these four countries...... It's not impossible, but don't worry. But if they are discussed in the same place at the meeting, there will always be a difference in awareness."

"Is it a difference in consciousness?"

"The Kingdom of Ringle is seriously preparing for the battle against the Demon King's army, and the Kingdom of Kamherio is trying to fight to help the heroes. And the kingdom of Nirvarna is trying to fight against the Demon King's army with only a pure fighting spirit. They all have the same intention to face the Demon King's army, but they will always be different at some point."


The Kingdom of Ringle is to protect itself and the surrounding area.

The kingdom of Kamherio is for the brave who believe.

The kingdom of Nirvarna is purely to fight against the Demon King's army.

What can I say, it is true that the purpose is the same, but there is a discrepancy somewhere.


"In order to guide them well, you need to be able to encourage them to move forward."

"That's Lucas, isn't it?"

"That's right, Lloyd is probably busy working on the battle against the Demon Lord's army. In such a situation, it is impossible to manage a meeting where so many innocent things gather that can be seen. You have to have a certain position, a voice, and trust."


I ...... that he was thinking carefully about the meeting.

But isn't it actually quite difficult to make Lucas decide to come here? No, the siblings of the Kingdom of Kamherio were indeed strong people.


"Thank you, Lucas."

"I owe you a debt of gratitude to me, and I have to do this."

「…… Yes. And what's the other reason?"


If this is the first one, is the rest also a serious reason?

As he braced himself with this thought, Lucas, who had relaxed his shoulders, smiled cheerfully.


"The rest of the reason is Eva's social studies!"


Gakuri, and the strength of the body is released.

No, I didn't think it was for that reason, but I know it's a unique opportunity for Eva, who has never known the outside world until now.


"I understand your concerns, but don't worry. The guards are made up of a select group of knights. With them, Eva will be safe."

"Do you mean the sky-blue knights outside?"

"Ah, in the squad that I formed as Fegnis's successor. Not only are they capable of each other, but they are also unrivaled in group battles."


The muttering outside earlier may have been my empty ears. Only in sky blue.

Certainly, when I received Eva, she reacted instantly and moved. With that speed, even if I hadn't gone to help, Ava would have been saved by the knights.


"Mr./Ms. are all very interesting people, and they teach me things I didn't know, Mr./Ms.."

"Hey, what are you going to tell me?"


When the senior asked if she was interested, Eva looked up at the ceiling of the carriage and raised her index finger.


"That's right, it's about how to keep big fish from escaping, the basics of hunting, and how to cook food."

"It really teaches you a lot of things."

"Yes, everyone is very kind, Mr./Ms.."


But big fish and hunting?

It's kind of too noisy for a princess to learn, but I'm sure Ava is happy because everything is new.


"Unconscious bride training...... What's that?"

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing, I'm just a little frightened by Samaria's gifted education......


Confused by the seniors who are somewhat frightened, I look at the scenery outside.

That? This road is near the inn where we are staying.


"Master Lucas, since our lodging is not here, do you mind if I drop you off here?"

"Oh, I don't care."


At Lucas' direction, the carriage stops and the door is opened.

He gets out of the carriage with his seniors and turns to Lucas and Eva.


"Thank you for sending me this far, and I'll talk to Eva again when I have time."

"I'll see you soon, Eva."



I waved goodbye to Eva, who nodded happily, and started walking down the road leading to the inn with my seniors.

In the midst of this, the senior clenched his fist without warning and turned his face towards me.



"What's the matter, ...... in such a loud voice?"

"Usato-kun, it looks like I've found the biggest enemy in this world......!"

"Huh...... Well, good luck with that?"

"Oh, I'll do my best! I am!"


For some reason, I wonder about my seniors, who are full of motivation, and turn to look forward.

As far as I could ascertain, I was able to meet representatives from Samaria and Kamherio.

After that, the Nirvarna Kingdom that Kazuki was talking about.

…… As far as I've heard, they seem to be martial artists, so I can't get involved (?). You might want to be careful.

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