The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (Web Novel)
Vol. 7 Ch. 28 Table of contents

The morning training session was more heated than expected.

When it came time to start, such as playing tag with seniors and matching hands with Kazuki, it was a format in which they took turns training to train the parts they basically wanted to improve.



"Not yet!"


A mock battle with Kazuki for the first time today.

He dodges the slash from his wooden sword by stepping and releases the bottom of his palm.

He dodged it with minimal movement, and tried to slam the hilt of the wooden sword with my solar plexus.

He immediately grabs it with a gauntlet and tries to fight back, but before he can do so, Kazuki rams him with his shoulder and forces him to retreat.


"It's finally a blow with a painful ramming, after all, a simple fight is no match for Usato."

"That's not true, I'm on the edge right now."


In fact, it's true.

What can I say, Kazuki's movements are surprisingly solid, and on top of that, he's incredibly focused in combat.

Perhaps because he has Sigurd Mr./Ms. as his mentor, he is very similar to the fighting style of knights like Mr./Ms. Alc, but even simple swings, thrusts, and slashes are powerful, and combined with pressure, he has a unique dodging ability.

If I hadn't experienced the fight with Rose, I might have gotten a decent attack.


"Kazuki, it's almost noon, let's round up for the afternoon."

"It's about time! I'm finally getting used to Usato's movements."

"Hahaha, let's do it again next time."



The same can be said for my seniors, but Kazuki has been adapting to my movements in such a short period of time.

I'm happy that I was able to help both of them through the mock battle, but I have to work harder! I'm starting to feel like that.

Determined to continue training without missing a beat, he heads to his seniors and Eva, who are observing with Kazuki.


"Otsukare, Usato-kun, Kazuki-kun."

"Thank you for your hard work!"


Nodding at Senpai and Eva's words, Kazuki and I sat down in the field next to them.

There's still time before the afternoon exchange game, so you can eat lunch and get dressed before then.

As he sips the water offered by Eva while thinking about his future plans, he notices that more people are looking at the training ground than before.


"Was there so many people?"


There should still be some time before the exchange game in the afternoon, but no, there are more students.


"Usato-kun, I just noticed."

"What? Senior, did you notice it?"

"Just a while ago, I think the students who heard that we were training here got together."

"Oh, was that so?"


If you look closely, you can see Senpai and Kazuki, and they seem to be having a good time.

Well, it goes without saying that Eva and Kazuki are real beautiful men and women. I understand why people talk about it.

Well, I don't want to be noticed...... Hmm? Why are you looking at me and making fun of me?



"Hey, I saw this."

"I'm scared!"


When I notice my gaze, my face turns blue and I am scared.



"Mr./Ms. Usato!"

"What? Oh, what's going on? Eva"


Feeling unexplained, I turned my head to Eva and she spoke happily to me with a twinkle in her eye.


"I've been thinking about it for a long time, but Mr./Ms. Usato is very brave when he's fighting! It's like the ogre I saw in the book the other day!"

"Oh, thank you."


He barely keeps a smile while twitching his cheeks.

This kid says that with 100 percent good intentions......! Not only Lucas, but also this servant Mr./Ms....... forgive me!

I returned the thank you with tears of blood in my heart, and Eva smiled like a flower.

When the seniors saw this, they also turned to us.


"I think you're brave and like a real ogre! Usato-kun!"

"Senior, there are good things to say and bad things to say."



My senior grabbed my collar with a puzzled expression as I spat venom with a smile.

Well, did I look so scared when I was fighting?

- Kazuki, who I couldn't see, calls out to me when I am sober and depressed.


"Usato keeps his eyes on you so you don't miss any movements, so he might look scary."

"Well, whether you're defending or dodging, you have to watch their movements......


The wrinkles between his eyebrows made me wonder how his face had become.

In any case, it is certain that the impression of the students here Mr./Ms. will not change.

No, I felt like I had been avoided since I came here before, so it was too late .......

I was even more depressed when I thought of it myself.



After finishing the morning training, we went back to the inn after saying goodbye to Eva.

As he was about to leave her, he was a little worried that the Sky Blue Knights were talking to Eva about something, but he decided not to think about it too much because he had to focus on the afternoon exchange battle right now.

After putting on our uniforms and having lunch, we headed back to the training ground where the exchange game was to be held.


"Are Mr./Ms. Welsey and Sigurd Mr./Ms. already coming first?"

"Well, we're going to be the first to show you the trick, so they'll call you when ......."


The senior's gaze turns to the training ground.

Earlier, I was doing a mock battle with my seniors and Kazuki, but while I was a little far away, there were about five black targets that I hadn't seen before.


"Is that what we're going to hit?"

"It looks like it's going to be a different color than the white one we used to cast a spell on."


It looks like only the color has changed, but the intensity and everything is different from the target we know.


"Fufufu, don't get your arms."

"It's better not to overdo it."

"That being said, Usato-kun, we need to show some of our abilities in order to gain the trust of the soldiers of other countries."

"That's true, but ......."


Senior, you're so nervous.

Well, maybe I'm a little uplifted because there's something that I can hit with my true power.

I feel the same way.

For the time being, as we were trying to see what was going on in one area of the training ground until the exchange game started, a red-haired woman, Princess Naia, came to us.


"You were there, weren't you?"

"Yes...... What about Prince Kyle?"


The senior asked somewhat warily, and she looked back and tilted her head.


"It seems that my foolish brother has gone somewhere without permission again......"

"It's hard, isn't it......?"


Prince Kyle, you're kind of free.

Princess Naia looks tired.


"I'm looking forward to today's exchange game."

"What, Princess Naia will be joining us?"

"No, it's not that I don't have the skills to fight, I'm in charge of the national team here, so I'm just going to watch the game."


Somehow, from the way he speaks, it sounds like he can handle a certain amount of combat.

It's amazing, even though he's a busy royalty, he can't do both literary and martial arts.

I'm just trying to get my body around.


"Usato-sama, I'm sorry that my stupid brother behaved rudely the other day."

"What? …… No! I don't care because his doubts are plausible!"


I was flustered by Princess Naia, who suddenly bowed deeply to me.

Prince Kyle's remarks the other day were thorny, but they should have been legitimate criticism. For my part, I would rather be grateful for that criticism, because it made me realize how naïve my perception was.

Still, Princess Naia doesn't lift her head.


"Even so, I am sure that I have made a statement to disparage you with a personal grudge at such a critical occasion as a meeting, so please take a punch, punch an octopus, or use it as a test bed for a healing barrage."

"Well, I'm beating them all."

"If that's allowed, my brother will be punished in any way ......!"

"Huh? Do you hear me? My voice."


Aren't you trying to properly blame only your brother?

If you listen closely, you can see that it is gradually upgraded from one punch.

As if she had finished saying everything she wanted to say, she put on a smug face, which was different from the heartbreaking one she had just said.


"To be honest, Kyle may have made a bad impression of Calmherio, so I thought it would be better if he could at least not speak during this meeting."

"Frankly, isn't it too much!?"

"You seem to know what I'm talking about, so I thought I'd try not to hide it.


What are they really talking about?

If you casually look next to you...... Senpai and Kazuki are pulling the strings.

Why is it that the women I meet are all unfortunate people with a high probability?


"So it's ...... on the test bench of the Rapid Fist."

"I won't!"

"Well, I'm sorry. I thought I could take this opportunity to correct that sexual root."


- She feels guilty for Princess Naia, who seems to be really sorry, but as expected, she can't point her fists at people.

Rather, the creatures that can be pointed at it will be limited to beings like Koga and Rose, and even humanoid monsters.


"How much do you hate Prince Kyle......

"No, I don't hate it, do I? He's my younger brother, and I'm just being strict with him because he's been spoiled by his father and mother."


As expected, the senior also felt sorry for Prince Kyle's treatment and asked such a question, but what he received was a surprising answer.

…… If you think about it, if you really hate it, you won't preach to it, and you won't talk to it.


"Suzune-sama! Kazuki-sama! Usato-sama! I'm ready, so here we go!"


At the sound of Mr./Ms.'s voice calling our names, we turned our gaze to the center of the training ground.

There was the black target I saw earlier and the figure of Mr./Ms. Welsey.


"Looks like you're ready, I'm sorry to have taken up your precious time."

"No, I'm glad we got to know your personality well."

"Me too...... For the first time in a long time, I feel like I was able to relax my shoulders and talk to people. Good luck to all of you."


Finally, after showing a smile that is not a fake smile, Princess Naia bows and walks away.

After seeing her off, we walked to Mr./Ms..


"Princess Naia was also an interesting person."

"Pound your fist on Prince Kyle...... I was impatient when I was told about it."

"After all, is it a technique that should not be applied to people? The magic itself is healing magic, isn't it?"


He nods at Kazuki's words.


"It's a healing spell, but it's too powerful."

「…… Somehow, the more I hear about it, the more I wonder what kind of technique it is. Oh I got it! What's the order?"


"It's our turn to perform our moves! We're not going to put it out together, so let's make a decision right now!"


That's right.

It's embarrassing to get into a mess about who will do it first when it comes to the actual performance.

Just as he was about to think about what number he wanted, Kazuki spoke.


"Then why don't you just keep it the same as before?"

"The last time?"

"The last time I came to Luqvis, I had the opportunity to hit the target, the first one was Senpai, the second was me, and the third was Usato, although it was a different form."

"Oh, that's good! How's Usato-kun?"

"I'm okay with that."


You don't have to play rock-paper-scissors.

Finally, we arrive at Mr./Ms.'s place.


"Now that we've got everything together, I'd like all the representatives to take a look at the techniques of Suzune-sama, Kazuki-sama, and Usato-sama, who had to be demonstrated in a hurry the other day, at the beginning of the exchange match."


"For the time being, I have prepared tools such as wooden swords, but is there anyone who uses them?"

"No, I don't need it because I use a gauntlet."

"I'm going to do it with magic alone, so ......."


When Kazuki and I replied, the senpai, who seemed to think for a while, clapped his hands as if he had come up with something, and pointed to a dozen or so wooden swords.


"Alright, here are the wooden swords, I'll use them all."

"What!? All of them!?"

"Is it bad?"

"Well, I don't mind that...... Suzune-sama, please don't be too reckless......"

"Of course!"


As soon as he answered, the senior, who was holding ten wooden swords full, stabbed them one by one into the ground about ten meters away from the black target.


"Senior, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, but I think they're trying to do something we didn't expect."


He nods at Kazuki's words and watches the situation for a while.

If you take a look around, you will see a lot of people gathering.

Lucas, Eva, and the Sky Blue Knights.

Princess Naia, Prince Kyle, and the knights of the guards who are in agony holding their heads as if they were being scolded.

Hyde Mr./Ms. and Helena Mr./Ms. and their muscular-looking warriors.

And Mr./Ms. Sigurd and the knights of the Kingdom of Lingle.

While other Luqvis teachers and students watched, the senior, who had finished inserting the wooden sword except for one on the ground, turned to Mr./Ms. and us.


"Welsey, can I start now?"

"Yes, just to be sure, please don't do anything rash."


The senior nodded at Mr./Ms.'s words, and then turned his gaze to us.


"Usato-kun, Kazuki-kun, it's a moment, so don't miss it."



After saying this, the senior turned his body toward the black target, took the wooden sword he had left in his hand in advance, took a stabbing stance, and let the magic power of lightning flow through his body.

As soon as the atmosphere in the training ground changed, the figure of the senior disappeared with a violent lightning.




The next time I heard the voice of someone I fell in love with, a change had occurred.

The first change was that the wooden sword pierced with a powerful sound that was supposed to be enhanced.

However, there was no sign of the senior, and when the strong sound of electric shock sounded again, all the wooden swords that had been pierced in front of the black target disappeared, and the next moment, several wooden swords pierced the target, scorching the sole while leaving a remnant of lightning.


"——— good! Success!"


As we slid on the ground, the senior who appeared in front of us saw the target that was still burned, and he looked at us and snapped his fingers.

In the next moment, a powerful lightning bolt was emitted from the ten wooden swords, and in almost an instant, the black target turned into extinguished charcoal.




That's it.

It's so ugly that I don't have words.

What? Moving at lightning speed and piercing a wooden sword, the internal discharge?

What's that? How do you think of such a technique?


"This is the Ten Consecutive Thunder Thrusts......!"


What's more, they even come up with really cool technique names.

I can forgive my seniors just by the name of that technique.

As expected, I really respect you.

However, the people around him are not impressed by the insane ultra-continuous attacks that his seniors have done, and they still do not seem to be able to speak.

Perhaps he didn't mind such a gaze, but the senior who came back to him patted Kazuki's shoulder.


"Kazuki-kun, I'll ask you next time."

「…… Yes, I was entrusted with it."


The senpai, who replaced Kazuki and moved next to me, talks to me in a good mood.


"What do you think? It would have been a moment."

"Yes, as expected of a senior, it was cool."

"Heh, you can praise me more, because the more I praise, the more I grow."




He passes through his senpai and shifts his gaze to Kazuki.

Just then, he was standing in front of the target next to him, which his senior had erased, increasing the magic power of his light system.


"My seniors have done something so flashy, so I have to do something as good as I can...... Hey!"


More than a dozen magic bullets burst out of Kazuki's palms and float into the air.

All of them move like living things, flying around in the air.

Kazuki, who is performing an extraordinary amount of magic manipulation, takes the breath away not only of the representatives but also of the school officials who deal with magic.


"My power is dangerous, but it can be anything, depending on how you handle it!"


The moment Kazuki raises his hand, the magic bullet is fixed in mid-air.


"Wear the target!"


The magic bullet that was ejected with high-speed rotation along with Kazuki's command pierced the target as if it were hitting tofu.

But it doesn't end there.

Even after penetrating the target, the magic bullet does not disappear and floats into the air again.


"It's unfinished, but strengthen the system!"


The magic bullets that float in the air merge and change into a spear-like shape.

Seeing the spear standing still in mid-air with a divinely radiant glow, Kazuki raised his palm and lowered his hand as if he were weak.

The spear that fell in sync with the movement of Kazuki's hand pierced the target, and burst with a strong light.

Nothing was left behind, just a gaping crater.




Just like when I was a senior, everyone here is screaming.

Naturally, he has broken the target twice in a row, which would have been more reliably stronger than the last time.

Or rather, in the case of Kazuki, it has disappeared instead of being extinguished.

Senpai and Kazuki are too ugly, but I think that's what they're all about.

However, if you think about it, after this, you can usually unleash a healing barrage of fists.

…… It's a place like this, and I'm going to add a little twist.



[Sad news] Usato, I make arrangements that I don't have to do


Kazuki and Suzune are pure enhancements to the moves they showed off in Luxvis before.

In terms of ugliness, both ended up being quite .......


* N-Star will serialize the second part of "The Correct Use of Weather Magic".

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